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New blog, BrickContests

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:45 pm
by Bruce N H
Hey guys,

I know, I'm crazy, but this one will really be simple to maintain. As I'm going through CC, Flickr, other blogs and forums, I run across a ton of LEGO contests. It's often hard to know what's going on out there. So I started a new blog, ContestBricks. This will be very straightforward. I plan on pretty much posting three things - announcements of new contests, reminders to vote in those contests that allow for a public vote, and announcements of winners. Any LEGO based contest will be included.

BTW, if you are starting a contest, or if you know of a contest I haven't listed, please let me know. If anyone wants to help me maintain this, please let me know.


-Edit- I changed the name and address to ContestBricks. I edited the link above.

Re: New blog, BrickContests

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 12:56 am
by Elephant Knight
You are crazy. But since I currently have a contest running, and wouldn't mind some extra attention, I won't tell anyone.

My contest is the Colour it Blacktron contest 3. Details can be found here.
