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Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 4:07 pm
by Brickninja
I'm a little confused. They're all wearing Queen's uniforms, but only some are Queen's men?

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:05 pm
by josdu
Brickninja wrote:I'm a little confused. They're all wearing Queen's uniforms, but only some are Queen's men?
I answered you on Flickr. But for others, Navarre (the one on the horse) is in disguise for easier travelling (and cheap armor :wink: ) .

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:35 pm
by josdu
Sorry to double post but here is the next installment everyone:

ImageWatch out for that... tent! by W. Navarre, on Flickr

ImageWatch out for that... tent! by W. Navarre, on Flickr

ImageWatch out for that... tent! by W. Navarre, on Flickr

Meanwhile, Navarre's friends had stumbled across a small camp made of the meeting up of some of Maldrake's scattered forces, and though because they did not wish to embroil themselves with a force somewhat larger then their own they did not get close, they did do a little spying. "Looks like someone is important enough to get a tent…" muttered Jackson. "Maybe we could bring it down around their very ears!" suggested Areneas, and since no one disputed the point they stole around the careless guards and Keeler looked around the corner of the tent. After looking for a bit he returned to the rest grinning. "He did our work himself!" he told them, "But we better get moving soon." While he was speaking there was a muffled cry and Jackson said "There's one less tent in the world now!" as the tent slowly collapsed "but what happened, Keeler?" . By now they were walking quickly away from the now noisy camp and Keeler answered, "Just as I looked around the corner a crazy knight was walking into the tent. I was about to turn around when I heard a rending noise, and looking up, I saw the man had walked his battle ax right into the top of the tent! Well, I bet he's getting it pretty hot!" he continued chuckling. Suddenly Navarre rode around a bend in the trail and but an abrupt end to the laughter. Now they were almost to Guarmals castle so they hurried forward.

Also an entry to the CCC (XII).

C&C are welcome :) !

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:35 pm
by josdu
Sorry to double post, not to mention that this threads been a little inactive, but here is the next stage:

ImageAssassin? by W. Navarre, on Flickr

Navarre slowly walked down the narrow winding path back towards the castle. The longships were nearly done and he was looking forward to leaving Garheim, but though he new it not, a dark shadowy figure dogged his steps.

C&C are welcome and appreciated and really great :tasty: !

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:57 pm
by josdu
Next stage:


As Navarre and his men traveled to the coast in their longships they learned of a tournament to be held in the Shade by none other than Prince Rogell, who acted in his mother, the queen's, place. "This is not a chance to miss!" exclaimed Areneas, "what a shame we are right now embarking on an expedition to attack the very creator and sponsor of the fighting pits," he sighed. "That doesn't mean we can't participate my friend," replied Navarre, "however," he continued wryly, "let us hope the son is better then his mother, and does not capture all who attend." Soon after one of William Navarre's rising men, Jackson Fernandez, was chosen to appear at the tournament. "I hope you do well, and in addition to the glory and prizes winning will get you at the fighting pits I will promote you vastly should you survive!" Navarre told Jackson before he left.
My entry into our current LC over on LoR. C&C are welcome!

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 2:12 pm
by josdu
The next installment is up :):

"Finally the coast is out of sight and we are on the open sea!" exclaimed Navarre as the shoreline sunk below the horizon, "Ralincler, tell the man at the helm to start heading north, I'm going below." After Keeler and Jackson had started their journey south, first to go to the fighting pits and then to proceed to Aldermore castle and take command of Navarre's men, the three longships headed toward Grahnhaven to raid both the coast and the queen's isle, a dangerous expedition but one which promised much booty. Besides, the three ships were filled with men some of which were Garhims, others mercenaries of the Shade, and Navarre's own men, all heavily armed. However dark plots were being formed, plots which foretold a drastic end to the attacking expedition!

Meanwhile, Keeler and Jackson had gone to the tournament held by Prince Rogell, in which Jackson Fernandez was to participate. The first fight at the pits went well, the seats were crowded with outlaws and dragon knight each betting on their favorites and it didn't take long till Jackson wandered casually into the arena to the approval of the mad spectators. Opposite him a tough fighter named The Wolf for his fierceness walked in. As the crowd roared in approval the two clashed into each other but the desperate contest was quickly over as Jackson swung his ax into his opponent and ended the fight, not, however, before receiving several wounds which were promptly attended to. The next went equally well as in a fight against an Ursa Thorpe Jackson once again crushed his foe. Keeler had been an interested spectator of both fights. Now he was sitting waiting to watch the determining round, hoping Jackson would strike once more, claiming the title of victor of the Fighting Pit! His friend marched firmly in, confident of victory, but the swiftness of his opponent was magical, avoiding almost all Jackson's well dealt blows he struck again and again! However, despite the tense fight Keeler inevitably cast his eye about. As his gaze fell on Rogell he studied him closely, "As he a possible future leader it is as well to find out his mettle," muttered Keeler, "He seems quite as ambitious as his mother and much less scrupulous if possible, indeed, perhaps it would have been better for us had the queen not been murdered so strangely, Rogell looks quite capable of having done it though." Suddenly he felt as though someone were staring at him, glancing quickly at the other side of the arena he saw a man whose eyes seemed to be looking through him, and with a shock of recognition he realized it was Cain. As their eyes met Cain shot him a fleeting look of anger tinged with evil, or was it triumph? He forced himself to turn his eyes back to the fight, where Jackson was losing slowly to Rowan's fierce speed. But his thoughts were on that look and he hardly took in what was going on around him, not when the crowd went wild as Jackson fell, nor when Rowan was declared the victor of the Fighting Pit. In a daze he made his way out of the arena, wondering how to interpret Cain's look, surely it meant something? The dark omen made him hurry out of the city, and without delay set his face toward Aldermore, traveling forward with ominous feelings, something felt very wrong...
More views on my Flickr!

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 3:00 pm
by josdu
The next update:

The Tower of Aldermore once again...


Now Keeler approached the last hill, from whence he knew he could see the Tower of Aldermore. Though he had been traveling swiftly the whole way, he slowed as he approached his destination; he had a vague premonition that something had gone wrong… As he reached the top of the hill he paused. A small wreath of smoke floated into the sky, "To late!" he exclaimed, and then, the words coming out of his clenched teeth with a growl, "Cain…"
An intro to my GC builds which can be expected soon, hope you like it! I really like comments and criticism guys :D !

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:51 am
by josdu
The next stage:

The Letter.


"Yes, they're ready." Keeler slowly marched up to examine his troops. It hadn't been hard to gather a small army. The queens men were roaming loose, without a head, willing to fight for anyone or any cause. Other outlawed hotheads were in the same case, without money or lord, wishing only to fight. Still, more men were needed to storm such a fortress as that of Cain. Keeler looked around. The martial display of armed men was rousing and the underground cave lit by torches gave everything an eerie glow. "Men, we fight for vengeance, riches, and glory. We fight as one, we fight for the Outlaws!" Cheers went up, echoing strangely in the huge cavern. Suddenly a man slipped around the pillar beside which Keeler stood and handed him a paper. It read as follows:

From Sir Kellen Stout, Lord of East Stowburn, Hand of the Prince, and Warden of the Easter Lands:

Sir, we hear you desire men to take part in an enterprise of revenge. My men would be at your service, myself as well, if you agree to lend service to me, with your men, in the upcoming events of possible war with Lenfel, civil war, or other clashes of powers. If you desire to meet me and discuss the terms of this alliance, send back my messenger with an appointed time and place where we may discuss things alone.

Sir Kellen Stout.

Keeler turned to his men after having perused the letter, "Men, I am very pleased with your uncharacteristic discipline, you may go to your assigned posts. Two days hence I will give you further orders." He turned to the messenger as his men dispersed, "In two days at Tiger's Hold tavern in Dreadmoor. Go! Tell your master."
More photos. Hope you like it, I don't see why no one ever comments though :( .

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:33 pm
by LittleJohn
Excellent work, josdu! The rocks look very nice as does the tree :woo:

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 4:22 pm
by soccerkid6
I like the look the rock pillars give, and the plate tree is pretty effective here :)

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:34 pm
by josdu
Thanks guys, it really means a lot :D ! Here is the next part :wink: :
The Meeting


"Humph, I'm not too sure I should trust any of those treacherous Loreesi, but we do need more men. What do you say?" Keeler asked one of his captains.
"Not much Sire, but any reason to suspect this fellow?"
"He's a Loreesi, what do you think? Anyhow he wants to meet alone, yet I do not, so you go to the tavern first and stay till we both leave. Go ahead and act if necessary. We leave in an hour! Can't ever be sure about these Loreesi…" Keeler muttered after his retreating captain.
Two days later at Dreadmoor…
A cloaked figure approached a small inn. As he knocked on the door he saw a man walk out of a dark alley.
"Sir Kellen I presume?" Keeler asked the man.
"The same. I'm glad you're here, now on to business: You desire men for this enterprise. I desire help in the coming times, if we can agree to give each other these things, what else would there be to do?"
"Ha! What else? Why gold, man!" returned Keeler, "Gold and weapons; You would lend me your men for a three day enterprise and yet in return get my services until these turbulent times end, which they never shall. A fair deal indeed! I want gold for this treaty."
More haggling continued and went unnoticed in those restless streets. Such shady deals were common, even in sight of the city watch's towers. In fact the men of the watch were often as bad or worse then the rest. Lawlessness pervaded the streets and nothing was done to stop it. Dreadmoor indeed lives up to its name. After some time an agreement was reached;
"Expect the ships to arrive at Fort Quagmire in as short a time as possible," Kellen was finishing.
"Aye, and the men shall be floated up the river and shall join my men in The Bog of the Lost. I give my word as an Outlaw that it shall be so; which is as good as any Loreesi's word at least," he ended as Sir Kellen faded into the dim streetlight.
This is btw my entry to LoR's GCX. More shots (Keeler is in the red cape btw, sir Kellen in black):
Hope you enjoyed it! C&C are very welcome!

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:06 pm
by LittleJohn
Another great build! I really like the run down look of the houses and the narrow alleyways in between them :woo:

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 8:02 pm
by josdu
Thanks a lot littlejohn! Here is the next small update:
Keeler rode slowly down the small path, his captain following behind him. He was feeling rather pleased, the treaty was a fine one and now Cain's fastness could be stormed and destroyed with few problems. Suddenly a boulder bounced down the rocky slope, Keeler halted. Something must have moved it. As he looked half a dozen horse men and bandits swiftly approached them, Keeler wheeled his horse but saw in dismay several quick outlaws bounding down the mountain side to cut off his retreat. Leaping off his mount he cut down one of the bandits, next grappling with a large, tough barbarian. However seeing himself surrounded he thought wisdom the better part of valor and quickly surrendered.
"Here is all the money I have on me good sirs," Keeler held out a small bag heavy with gold however the bandits ignored it.
"Keep your lousy gold and get on your horse man! Don't try escaping, you'll find our archers have dead aim if you do!" the apparent leader grinned.
"You may not need your gold in a few days anyhow," laughed one of them, "We're interested in higher deals ourselves!"
Here is a better veiw of the "large, tough barbarian" who was the main part of the vig:
C&C are appreciated :wink: !

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 9:04 pm
by soccerkid6
You packed a lot of buildings onto that base! The crowded feel really adds to the medieval city (any era city, really) vibe.
The towers in the back, with connecting bridge are my favorite parts :)

Re: William Navarre's Story. LoR MOCS.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 8:14 pm
by josdu
soccerkid6 wrote:You packed a lot of buildings onto that base! The crowded feel really adds to the medieval city (any era city, really) vibe.
The towers in the back, with connecting bridge are my favorite parts :)
Thanks man, it's my favorite part too :wink: . Here's the next stage!

Another Perilous Ascent!

"They must be Loreesi outlaws for such a devilish idea to have come to them!" Keeler scowled as he slowly climbed up the mountainside.
The ground rumbled, spurts of lava shot out of the top of the volcano. Slowly Keeler reached the top. Advancing cautiously he descended into the fiery crater, clambering over the few rocks showing above the magma. Keeler had been sent up to face a monster which the supposed "bandits" had been in fear of for some time or so they told him, Keeler at first refused but they threatened the worst they could imagine and he desperately agreed. Now having penetrated the beast's lair he looked around. Suddenly a red dragon rose through the lava. It sent a roar which echoed through the mountains and gorges, fire poured from his mouth. Keeler staggered backward to avoid the burning tongues of flame.
"Hmph! Lets hope this is the last time I see you!" growled Keeler.
It wasn't the first either, but this time Keeler stood his ground. With a slashing blow of his sword he jumped upon the scaly monster. As the dragon thrashed he sent his sword deep into it's heart. Wildly the beast sought to shake off it's load, but Keeler held on, digging his knife into the beast's chest again and again. With a final roar the dragon fell backwards throwing Keeler in the air and sending it's fire high into the sky. Keeler just had time for a moments triumph before he crashed into the side of the crater.
Check out more shot on my flickr! As always C&C are very welcome!