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Discussion of personal LEGO Castle creations
Posts: 97
Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:59 pm
Location: Grand Rapids, MI

Post by jb »

Thanks again for the kind words everyone.

Ben E. gave me the idea for the roof in chat. My plain grey hosue just didn't seem scary enough, so I asked how to make things look creepier and he gave me the idea. Thanks Ben!
The only thing I think might be a little better is I would make a *few* of the green plates around the chopping block dark red; not trying to make it gorier or anything, but I think realistically there would be more blood, unless he's only used it once... And is that a double bladed beared axe I see in the one picture?
Yeah, I didn't want to make it too bloody. The place already creeped me out... Not sure which axe you mean. All are standard lego axes. The big one in the dungeon is a fabuland axe found in a Jabba SW set. There is a smaller old school fireman's axe in the dungeon as well. The executioner is seen walking around with a standard castle pike. Hope that answers your question.

Posts: 98
Joined: Sat Jan 31, 2004 9:33 pm
Location: The Netherlands

Post by moom »

One for every letter in the alphabet, you have an ambitious project going on JB. But you've done well so far, the models are carefully detailed and there is enough variation from one building to another.
One comment about the method of execution:
Beheading was considered a very mercyfull form of execution, and therefore a privilage for the rich an famous. This guy probably would have been hung by the gallows or broken upon the wheel. When hung, that wasn't done with a drop that broke your neck, since this was develloped in a more recent era. It would have been a detering slow suffication hanging, and a public event ofcourse. The struggle could go on for half an hour. When it took too long, the executioner would somtimes pull the victim down by clinging on to the victim thus adding his own bodyweight, or allow friends and relatives of the victim to do so. There are (very rare) official reports that a victim even survived this treatment, and was fount still breathing after taken down from the gallows. In this case the verdict could be reconsidered and overturned, as it was seen as an act of God demonstrating it was not the right time for the victim to die.

With friendly greetings, M. Moolhuysen.
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