[prequel] Story of the Brave Knight - Battle Of fort Keeky

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Sorian Gwener
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:58 pm

[prequel] Story of the Brave Knight - Battle Of fort Keeky

Post by Sorian Gwener »

This Story is the prequel of a series of stories that i'm gonna post in order to the creation of my Lego Castle themed World, following the Life History of Sorian Gwener, me as minfig, a Crownies Brave Knight at the service of The Crownies King.

Fort Keeky is a little and not so strategically important guardpost, created in order to watch the realm from orcs invasion, has only a little group of guard in it.
The last week the bad Baron Lord Thigly, has decided to attack and conquest the keep, helped by his followers. The army general ha sent a little army, composed by eleven soldiers, one catapult, and a knight, Sorian Gwener, to reconquest the keep and possibly to catch the Baron.

Here you can see the Crownies army.

And here the Keep and the bad Guys preparing to defendig their new conquest


Rapidly the fight begins, the soldiers, following the orders of their Chief Sorian spilts in two group, the spears go to fight the alabard guys , while two other soldier climb the wall and the infantry attacks the frontale gate. The knight remain in the backward to watch better but ready to fight.


Helped by the distance weapons the defenders kills an infantry man at the gate, and the alabard makes their first killing, but the two climbing-soldiers are reaching the top. In the mean time, seeing that the defenders are stronger than the expected the knight start to charge their line.

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The tactics used by the Crown's soldiers and the army training begins to work, one of the two alabard guys has been killed and the other one as been reached by the side attack, while the spear man takes care of him, the sword warrior runs to kill the archer. At the gate, the knight as charged the enemies; the Baron has been pulled back and one of his men too, but the fight continues.


The catapult has been charged and is now ready to fire against the keep while in front of them the fighting is raging.


And the fired rocks is accurate, strinking the tallest part of the keep and striking down the crossbow.


On the keep's walls, the battle is concluded, the second alabarder has been defeated and the arch man has been reached by the sword guy,who is finishing him, the spearman is running to help the others soldiers at the gatewhere the fight is still going on,one of the defenders, striked down by the charge has stand on his feet again and is trying to hold the crown soldiers, and another soldier has been killed. But Sorian, the knight has started to fight against the baron.

ImageDetail of the captains.

But the time is come, weaked by the less number two defenders goes down under the iron of the soldiers, only one remain in evident inferiority.


While his men are falling on the dust, the baron face his rival, using whit master his shield he succed in his personal defending, but two soldiers approach to his back.


But the fight has finished, the gate defender are falled, and he's sorrounded by enemy, the weapons are dropped, and the hands, together whit the helm, are raised.


The Crownies have Winned, and Sorian has completed his first task as chieftain, reconquesting Fort Keeky

I hope you'll like my first little story, this moc is a combination of two others.
The army is garanteed by one 7091 sets, and some spare soldier bought by my own, the captain is a personale creation too.
The defenders are the best minfig i could find in my spare body and head box, i know that are not the best, and the smiling face should be changed, not so appropriate for a fight, but is my first attempt to give somenthing to this forum after stealing so many ideas.
Again i hope i will like it, any comments are accepted, just...don't be so brutal :P :wink:
Sorian Gwener Knight of the Crownies Realm
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