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C-C Roleplay Discussion: Should undead skeletons be allowed?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 3:15 am
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Fellow Roleplayers,

There has been resent discussion between Nik, myself and a few members on whether undead skeletons should be allowed in the C-C Roleplay. Rule #10 clearly states:
People CAN NOT be raised from the dead. This includes zombies, fighting skeletons and resurected heros. Ghosts and spririts are allowed.
However, one member has asked that the undead skeletons be allowed because "[undead] skeletons are a fantasy-game staple."

How do you, as C-C Roleplay members, feel about this? Please vote and post your opinions.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 3:35 am
by Formendacil
Well, I'm just an opinionated reader who doesn't actually roleplay, but here's my opinion:

Undead skeletons should be allowed. After all, this is in keeping with the original Lego with which they came out, and that is, to a certain degree, a major source for this roleplay. Furthermore, I understand (and having read relatively little, I may be mistaken), that in this world there is magic used on occasion? If so, undead skeletons are in keeping with this.

I do NOT think that these skeletons should be people returned to a form of life. In my opinion, they ought to be physical forms reanimated by the magic running through them, magic controlled by some sorceror or mage. If he stops controlling them, they stop moving. They have no personalities.

That's just my thoughts. :D

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 10:37 am
by Chancellor Erik
There need to be some serious limits on the powers of the undead if the Roleplay is to start using them. First of all, they can't be invincible, which is stated in the rules. Second, they should not be as individual and free as other characters, prehaps bound to the powers of a sorcerer or mage (as fromendacil said). Last, they can't have many powers of their own (appart from being able o work well in large armies), as a skeleton can't jump, climb, or do anything as well as a living object can.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2004 2:20 pm
by Daimyo
I was the one who brough this up and I did so angrily and very furiously.
I now apologize.

Me and Nathan had a chat discussion about this, and I believe Skeletons should be allowed but limited, because things really could get out of hand. Perhaps, they can be allowed yet they cannot just keep getting up and spawning all the time, or build a huge army and attack the world. Just minor stuff, like fighting through a graveyard or crypt.

In response to Erik's post, I think they should be able to fight, and other types of skeletons such as wights or mummies or such could have more open powers, but none too destructive. After all, this is a world that is free and open.