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Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:27 pm
by Loneranger
Grid 10-J

“Sir, we've been walking for almost four weeks now. May we please stop?”

“No! We must move on, I have a friend that lives in the deep woods of the dark forest. But if you must stop. You may leave, I will not hold it against you john...”

“I cannot leave you here like this sir, you saved my life from thoes pirates”

“Indeed I did, but I fear we will meet up with them again, and that strang captain of theres. But dont worry john! We will get there soon”

Logan smacked him on the back friendly and smiled at john as they walked to a place deep in the woods, where strang things happen...


Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:42 pm
by The Green Knight
Bad things can happen on an adventure. Thenais was proof.
Grid J-10
Location... The capitol of Classic LEGOland.
"Do you play any instruments? Oh that's right, you couldn't know I'm sorry. Here try this."

Thenais was not a musician. Or if he was he had forgotten. The magician tried every instrument he could find but Thenais couldn't play a note

"Well, that's a shame, music is one of the few things that the blind can do for a living. Do you do any... Oh, you wouldn't know would you... I know! You can tell stories."

"But I don't any ..."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I'll tell you a few to get you started and you can make up your own from there. Now...let's see. Ah... Once upon a time in a distant forest, there were two Orfs walking down a path. One was a hunter Orf and one was a soldier Orf. Now they were walki..."

"Wait. Wait wait wait. Is this the one where the hunter gets big?"

"Well yes and the solidier says 'If your bigger then my stick then you grew.'"

"'And if you're smaller then my stick then I shrunk.'"

"You remember! But how?"

"I... I don't know."

"Do you remember any thing else?"

"No, but try another."

"Ok how about the tale of Ticrolia?"

"Otherwise known as The Ballad of Prince Gash."

"Exellent! Say if you know those how about a longer one say, The Chronicles of Charo."

Thenais closed his eyes. "Charo the Great must sail to the seven isles and pass their tests before he can marry the beautiful princess of Tain."

That was one of the best nights of Thenais' life. The magician fed him tales and ballads well into the morning and his heart was filled with new determination as he recalled the tales of old.

But things don't last forever and Thenais' thoughts of the past were suddenly interrupted by a noise out side.

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:48 pm
by The Green Knight
"More dragons?" thought Gib. He already had his hands full with one. Or did he? The dragon had ran off as soon as it heard the others.
"Griffin... Griffin..." Gib called. The bird darted back into the clearing. "What's going on my friend?" The hawk was in a panic. It darted back and forth, not even stopping to land on Gib's arm.
"All right Griffin, you follow that dragon... I'll not let that vile wyrm escape... Grizzle go find Jackal, it seems that were under attack."
The bear shook its shaggy head, not wanting to leave. "Go Grizzle I have to stay and figure out what's going on." "Besides," Gib thought to himself, "the bear would be little help against the many dragons Griffin had mentioned."

The bear lumbered off and Gib found himself alone with the noises of some large group heading his way.
Quickly he left the path and headed down to a small bog. There he found what he was looking for... Hellicrisim reeds. They always had that sharp smell to them. If anything could throw off a dragons sense of smell it was Hellicrisim reeds.

Gib hurried back and reached the road at a place a little further up and around a bend from where he left it. Just as he arrived the troop came into view. What he saw made his blood want to freeze and boil at the same time. Dragons...lots of them. It couldn't have been less then a score and it was probably the most dragons Gib had seen in his life. All of them had riders, high knights of the Order of the Dragon.

"Halt lord Targon, I must speak with you.

"Yes, Caimlin?"

"Are you sure this is a wise idea my friend? If lord Void finds out that you took a score of his finest knights of their posts just to capture some runaways..."

"This is a personal matter Caimlin, and as to the numbers, I do not trust these woods. If you remember, it was from these very woods that the deceiver came."

"I know my lord, but who really cares about Bargon..."

"Silence! Have I not told you to never mention my brothers name?"

"Yes Targon, you have, but that's just it. Wouldn't you be better off without him messing up your plans? And as to that other one, that Marus, we all glad that that sniveling whiner left. In addition, the men are uneasy, we must turn back."

"The men are uneasy? Why don't you just say it... you are all afraid! Do you not think I am afraid as well?"

"No sir."

"Well I am! Every breath of air in this horrid place fills me with dread. Yet, do I say turn back? Know this my friend. That it is not of courage nor of will to impress that I carry on. Rather it is the thought that I may find my brother and put an end to that thorn in my side."

"Do not chastise me for a coward my lord. You know as well as I do the fables of this neverwood. You said yourself that it was from here that the deceiver came. And what about the guardian? Some accounts say that he was in league with the deceiver. A man would be mad to enter this wood without fear."

"Your points are all good my friend but I will not be deterred." and with that he spurred his dragon around the bend.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:57 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:They said their farewells in a quiet, subdued way. Gonderin led Aros, Luxus, Alex, Willem, Graygon, Marcus and Rodurik off toward the north.
Grid: O-10
Location: Dark Forest ship, Fell Sea

Rodurik stared out at the subdued passengers onboard the ship Morning Glade as he fingered his long, black hammer in his hands.

Aros, Luxus and Alex were huddled in a corner, pouring over a tattered map plotting thier intended path to Reno. Marcus was at the stern staring out to the sea blissfully, and Willem and Graygon stood at the bow, saying nothing, just standing and thinking their own thoughts.

What is in store for them? wondered Rodurik. Aros, Luxus and Alex hoped to find that Reno, but Rodurik had a feeling they had seem the last of that murderer. Oh yes, Rodurik knew Reno murdered Dale, no question of it. Rodurik had seen it before, two men and a woman.

The blacksmith shook his head. That combunation was sure to be explosive, and it had been. Dale was dead, Shainya was left to greive and Reno was now a murderer. Typical.

Rodurik knew what Marcus was going to do, return to sailing. If all had gone well, Marcus's ship would still be in port waiting for him when he arrived.

The two Wolfpack members would have a lot to deal with when they got into their home territory, Rodurik was certain. The Wolfpack had been torn to pieces by the Fell War, and it would take all the skill of Willem Blackcloak and Graygon to pull things back together.

Rodurik's mind wandered to Rosa. He felt happy for the young girl. Her life had been one horrific event after the other, but now she might have some peace. She could take care of herself, he knew, for she was strong and agile and had the knife and plate armor he had made her. He knew she loved him, but he could only return that love in a fatherly way, for he was already happily married and had three kids. Yes, it was best that she was on her own at last.

"LAND HO!" shouted someone on the mainmast. Rodurik looked up and Aros, Luxus and Alex scrambled to the side of the ship to look. In the distance, the port city of Denderham could be barely seen.

Rodurik smiled. He was going home.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:34 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: E-1
Location: Leaving a small Crusader fishing port
Formendacil wrote:Slashing the rope, and lowering his oars, he began to row, clearing the harbour, even as the Crusaders piled into a ship behind him.
Sir Dractor rowed with all the strength that his rippling muscles would permit, both steering and propelling his boat forward, the wind tugging at the sail.

Behind him, the Crusaders had filled a ship, and were leaving the port, but as they were in disarray, and as none were sailors, it would be some time before they made way.
It looked as if Sir Dractor would escape.

Eventually, the Crusaders put themselves into order, and got their ship sailing from the port. Archers in the front bows tried sending a few arrows in Sir Dractor's direction, but they fell far short.

Night fell, and the Crusaders and Sir Dractor lost sight of each other. Then lightning cracked, and for a second they caught sight of each other. Neither cared, for the skies opened, and rain started to pour.

Edit: I changed the grid location. It used to say that he was leaving port from an all-land grid location.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:08 pm
by The Green Knight
But things don't last forever and Thenais' thoughts of the past were suddenly interrupted by a noise out side.
Grid J-10
Location... The capitol of Classic LEGOland.

"Can I help you?" Thenais asked stepping from his tent.

"Oh! Well yes, actually. I'm looking for Buildur's Bakery. You wouldn't know where it is would you?"

"Buildur's ? Of course. You go down this street, take a left at the arch, go down to blocks, take a right and you're there. Buildur's is the one with the pink sign."

"Thank you very much sir. Here's for your trouble."

Thenais heard the clink of coins dropping into his collection jar and the footsteps of the man walking away from his tent.

Thenais' tent was located in an out of the way corner in a back street that connected to the main one further up. Thenais had often sat at his tent and listened to the people going this way and that on the street. Sometimes he would stare down to the intersection of that street and his and imagine that he could see the people passing. It was a good way to pass time and soon, without even thinking about it he found himself sitting staring down at that same crossways.

Then he saw it. A man, or a light, something crossing the archway. At first Thenais didn't know what to do. It had been so long since he had seen anything that he almost didn't recognize it. That didn't last long however and before he knew it he was running down the street, though the blackness. Then he crashed into someone and tripped. He was in the road.

"Hey, watch it beggar!"

Quickly Thenais stood up. "Where was the light?" Franticly, he tuned around, looking everywhere. There was no light, not even a speck. All Thenais could see was darkness, total, complete, darkness.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 6:12 pm
by The Green Knight
"Your points are all good my friend but I will not be deterred." and with that he spurred his dragon around the bend.
Grid H-10
Location… Near the edge of the Neverwood the forest.

Immediately he gave a cry of triumph and the company flew to his aid. Gib footed off after them. He knew what it was that had startled the leader and when he got there he found that he had guessed rightly. There was the leader, standing over the unconscious form of his brother.

"It looks like there was some kind of fight." he said.

"Bear tracks, dragon tracks. Lots of boot prints."

"Well," Targon said, silencing the other voices "I know not where the dragon has got to, nor what has become of Marus, but if no one has objection I propose that we take our prize and fly with all speed out of this cursed forest."

To this there was a loud cry of consent followed by orders.

"Pack up that gold, men."

"Grab those choke collars."

"I've got Bargon."

"Shut up!"

Gib was bewildered. He watched them as they loaded the one eyed knight onto the dragon's back. Where was the other one? The scarred knight that they called Marus. The Dragon Masters thundered back to the forest border and still no Marus.

"Great." thought Gib "more things to worry about." He ran quietly across the road were he found the knights tracks. They were heading east, away from dragon land and straight into the neverwood.

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:42 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Formendacil wrote:"Then I bid you farewell," said Lord Void, and he turned to return to his rooms, and his problems. "It was a.... pleasure, doing business with you."

The Sorceror-king nodded, and they both left.
Grid: G-10
Location; the damaged Fire Breathing Fortress

Lord Void was pleased with his deal with the Sorcerer-King. He pushed aside the thoughts of Reno's escape and turned to his military commander, Sir Erin Del Grakken. Del Grakken was a large, beefy man sporting a bushy red beard and matching eyebrows. He was a shrewd, gruff, and swore constantly. However, his mind was 'like a saber, sharp and swift', as one of his braver sub-commanders put it.

"Del Grakken, contact Sergent Caimlin via Telaharm and inform him his loyalties and two hundred of his men are now to the Sorcerer-King. Also contact Pelmeir at the Dragon Stables and tell him to prepare a medium troop-standard dragon for the Soceror-King. After you have finished those tasks, send four hundred men into Royal Knight land to fetch my new slaves. Also have your men dismantle the ship and have the component parts brought back here," ordered Lord Void

Del Grakken saluted crisply and stomped off, barking orders. Lord Void returned to his room and threw the twin Pendants into a cubboard.

Those can wait for now...

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:59 pm
by Darth Duck
Grid Location: F-7
East Side of Gok City

"When I decided to take up this career, hanging out with you guys wasn't an my list of pros," Joran told Harald as they walked through the winding streets of Gok City.

"Trust me, when I joined the Guard hunting you wasn't my ideal situation either," Harald replied.

Harald and Joran, together with George, Luggage, Alyssa, Grant and Frank had been following the presumed route of Iadoraz and his remaining men. But they'd lost the trail a day earlier at the West Gate of Gok. George had some contacts here and had made his way into a local drinking establishment, "The Grand Design" and hadn't been seen from in five hours.

"Can he hold it?" Joran asked.

"Hold what?" Harald asked sharply.

"You know..." Joran pantomimed drinking a bottle.

"Oh, that, I think, I'm not really sure."

"I don't think he can."

"And you're an expert I suppose?"

"You learn these things when you work with people."

Harald laughed. "Work with people, you mean, rip people off, right?"

Joran shrugged. "It's a living."

"So you think we should looke for 'im?"


And so they set off to hunt down George at "The Grand Design"

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2004 1:12 am
by Loneranger
Grid 8-J

“sir! May we rest now?”

“sure John”

While they satt there cooking dinner on the road, Logan saw something in the distance...

“John, Get your dagger out, I'll be right back”

“Okey, but don't go to far, dinners almost done sir”

John said with a smile on his face, and Logan went off into the dark woods.

“Megablocks! I cant see a thing! I guess I'll just haft to make the best of it and head back”

“Hey John! Hows dinn...”

Logan stopped, he was shocked. John's neck was sliced open. Logan stood ther, crying...

“it looks like they did it when he went to put another fag into the fire.Megablocks YOU!”

his scream woke up the forest, birds start screaming and you could hear the deer running.
Logan put the fire out and waited, trying to find out where the men that did it. Logan dropped his axe and took his sword out and started to walk into the dark woods. And waited with the moon shining on his eyes.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:04 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:Del Grakken saluted crisply and stomped off, barking orders. Lord Void returned to his room and threw the twin Pendants into a cupboard.

Those can wait for now...
Grid: G-10
Location; the damaged Fire Breathing Fortress

Lord Void was just turing away from the cupboard when he heard a shout. He returned to the entrance hall to find it crowed with Dragon Master Knights, who were crowded around a lone figure wrapped in chains.

"My lord," a figure stepped out from the crowed and bent a knee, "Please accept my most humble apologies, for I am afraid I might have inconvenienced you."

Lord Void descended the staircase to the uneven floor of the hall, still shifting and crumbling from Reno's explosion.

"As you can see," murmured Lord Void slowly, his eyes burning into Targon, "If you had not been off chasing common thieves, my most prized prisoner most likely would not have managed to single-handedly destroy my fortress, kill Majisto, and escape in the process."

Targon rose. "My lord, if this prisoner was able to do all that you say he did right under your most-powerful nose, what could a band of lowly Knights do against him?"

The knights around him shifted and Caimlin murmured in shock. Lord Void did not react. He simply diverted is gaze to the person on the floor.

"Who is this?" asked Lord Void lazily.

"He is my filthy bro-" began Targon.

"I was not talking to you," snapped Lord Void, "Sergeant Caimlin, who is this man?"

"He is called Bargon, sir."

"And he is related to Targon?"

"Yes sir, he is his brother."

"I see..." mused Lord Void, "Yes...I see..."

He turned sharply to Targon. "So you 'borrowed' a-" Lord Void scanned the Knights milling about "-score of my finest men to catch a brother of yours?"

Targon shifted slightly. "My brother and another man, yes sir."

"I see that even with twenty knights mounted on dragons were only able to capture one." smirked Lord Void.

Targon said nothing.

Lord Void turned to where Del Grakken was approaching. "Del Grakken, there has been a change in plans. Sergeant Targon has been disloyal, so it will be him, and not Sergeant Caimlin who will go serve the Sorcerer-King. Also, make sure Caimlin supervises the expedition into Royals land to retrieve my ship and slaves."

"Very well, my Lord." replied Del Grakken, bowing.

Lord Void turned back to the scowling Targon. "I hope you serve the Sorcerer-King better than you have me. It is said the Sorcercer-King punishes disloyalty with death. Consider yourself lucky I do not have that same policy."

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2004 7:16 pm
by Barbapple
Barbod lead his troops into the forest, side by side with the Lone Falcon.
"Amazing, ain't 'ee?" Barbod heard a bull talking behind them, "Lost 'is crown, 'is king'dm, 'is father, n' still 'ee marches on."
"Aye.."Came another Bulls voice. Barbod smiled, and contenued to walk.
A wound re-opened in his knee, where Faolan had struck. He fell to the ground.
"Lord?" The Lone Falcon asked.
"I'm fine!" Barbod snapped, tring to regain composure. He regained his footing, and walked on.
The sooner they found the Forestmen, the better.

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:20 am
by Formendacil
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:Lord Void turned back to the scowling Targon. "I hope you serve the Sorcerer-King better than you have me. It is said the Sorcercer-King punishes disloyalty with death. Consider yourself lucky I do not have that same policy."
The Sorceror-king sat still and silent on his newly-purchased stallion, looking down at the Dragon Master below him. Behind him, the Dragon Masters assigned to his command were standing about uneasily with the dragon assigned with them, but the Sorceror-king paid them no mind. They could do little to him, and they were loyal enough as it was.

"Sergeant Targon," he said, coldly and quietly, but his voice carried to all the soldiers. "An... interesting... rank. But I won't criticize a system that seems to work admirably well. Most of the time.

"In any case, let me assure you that I know full well why you were assigned to me. Please bear in mind that I can tolerate mistakes, but wilful disobedience will result in as slow and excruciating death as I can contrive at the time. I am certain that your deputies would be more than happy to replace you."

Targon glanced at the Corporals among the men, and thought that they looked suspiciously self-pleased. But he turned back to the Sorceror-king immediately.

"Order your men to move out. I want to make the Bombardier by nightfall tomorrow. Captain Broadside's loyalties shouldn't be tested too tightly."

Targon nodded, saluted crisply, and began shouting orders. The Dragon Masters began to move out. Riding at their head, the Sorceror-king smiled to himself. All was going well.

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2004 3:10 am
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:They said their farewells in a quiet, subdued way. Gonderin led Aros, Luxus, Alex, Willem, Graygon, Marcus and Rodurik off toward the north while Bjarn, Shainya and Rosa stayed behind to bury Dale. Bjarn kept Reno's sword. Shainya kept Dale's broken guitar.
Grid: P-4
Location: Forestman camp

Bjarn finished his supper and left the campfire. He walked through the woods in the dusk until he came upon a small gurgling creek. With a sigh that sounded very much like a groan, he splashed the cool water on his craggy face, washing away sweat and dirt, but not his deep exhaustion. For the last three days, he had been having councils with many Forestmen and women, learning the ways of the Elk Man, the high leader of the League of Forestmen.

Rosa and Shainya stayed in the background, talking among themselves and becoming fast friends. They knew not to bother Bjarn for the time being.

Bjarn kneaded his forehead, trying to rid himself of the pounding that had settled behind his eyes. No matter how confusing it was right now, he was glad that he was finally settling down to a duty that did not require him to wander the world from day to day.

I'm getting old... thought Bjarn, I just can't travel like I used to...

Bjarn got up and returned to camp. Gonderin was waiting for him.

"Bjarn, it is time to return to the mainland, Delvarden Gard is waiting..."

Bjarn nodded. Delvarden Gard was the capital city of the Forestmen, and where his future home was.

"When do we leave?" he asked.

"Tomorrow." replied the elf.

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:13 am
by Barbapple
Barbod's troop was now deep in the wood, lost.
"Where is he?" Barbod asked outloud, not expecting an answer.
"C'mon, mate! 'eeve been goin' at it fer' hours. Why 'aven't we found the blaggard yet?" A falcon asked
"Usually you don't have to find the forestmen in a forest. Usually, they find you." Barbod said, still walking.
There was a long scilance, before Barbod, The lone Falcon, and their men finaly stopped.
"We'll rest here." Said Barbod, pointing to a small grassy plain. "You two!" He pointed at two men, "Go get firewood. And some of you find food. No matter what, stay with a partner." He began to walk away.
"Where are you goin'?" Asked The Lone Falcon.
"I smell like the gut of a steer." Said Barbod, "For the first time in a long while, I'm taking a bath."
Barbod smiled.