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Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:17 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Commander Redbeard wrote:"Sir, we have found the Falcon raiders. We slew half a score and have five and thirty as prisoners. Do you wish to interrogate the leaders? We are holding them in a seperate cell off the lower courtyard."
Bjarn's Chamber, Drullen Bell Keep

Bjarn, very much surprised, said, "That is...good news Anardan. What casulties for the...Forestmen?"

"None sir."

Bjarn did not say anything for a moment. He was torn between congratulating Anardan on very successfully defeating the raiders and lecturing him and the others for disobeying his direct orders. He compromised by saying, "Did you lead the attack?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then the man with the broken arm allowed you to control his mob?"

"Gragner Gillert? Yes, sir."

"So you attacked these raiders without waiting for my command?"

Bjarn had to admire Anardan for his militarilistic composure. "Yes, sir."

"Then I am both pleased at your skill in organizing a mob into a force that was successful in it's mission and displeased for your lack of respect for orders." Bjarn let the amolishment hang in the air for three seconds before continuing, "But I see the right outweighs the wrong in this case, Captain Anardan. Persons who disobey my orders usually suffer and those who succeed are rewarded, in this case, they cancel each other out. Do as you see fit with the raiders, but do not kill nor torture them. I want to know what is behind their actions. You may go."

"My lord,"

Anardan bowed and left. He will go far... thought Bjarn, laying back on his pillows.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:58 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
lemon_squeezer2 wrote:Fortunately, the innkeeper was a reasonable man and Karl had been able to obtain a steed. Now he could get to Orion within the week
Classic LEGOland road

Gondern marched reslutely down the road that in better times had been paved with cobblestones by the Classics. Now the road was merely a mud track, with ankle-twisting rocks thrown in for good measure. Gonderin's pace was faster on the shoulder of the road than the road itself. However, Gonderin was glad at least the tempratures had risen somewhat, for he, like all elves, could not stand the cold, especially snow and ice. The early storm that had hit upper Dametreos ended near the LEGOland border and only chilly rain poured from the sky once in a while. Now, however, the sky was merely overcast and nothing fell.

At last Gonderin cleared the final hilltop, and his slanted eyes caught sight of the charred field where the last battle from Dametreos had be fought. The earth, while muddy, still bore the gashes of battle; chairiot tracks, holes from catapult shot, and dead grass churned up by thousands of feet. In the background was the Yellow Castle, or rather the Yellowish-Grayish-Brownish Castle, for many of the wall were still stained by blood and dirt alike. As Gonderin approached the gates of Orion four Calvaliers on horseback surrounded him.

"What be your business with Orion?" snapped one, brandishing his lance.

"I am Gonderin, emissary from the Forestmen. I seek council with the Classic Emperor." Gonderin handed scrolls confirming his claim to the head Calvalier. He studied the document and then nodded, returned it and said, "You are welcome, Forestman. The Emperor has many tidings to manage as late, Chodan bless his soul, but you may be lucky in your quest."

Gonderin nodded his thanks and passed through the gates. After ten minutes walk he brandished his documents again and was amitted to the Yellow Castle itself. After showing his documents a third time he was told to wait while someone went off to inform the Emperor of Gonderin's arrival. While Gonderin was waiting, another man dressed in Black Falcon guard and submitted his own documents. He, too, was told to wait. The man nodded and sat next to Gonderin.

"What business do you have with the Emperor?" queried Gonderin.

"My business is my own, elf, mine and Marquis d'Durlass."

"Would it have anything to do with your Black Falcons attacking my Forestmen?" asked Gonderin smoothly.

The man stiffened. "You claim there are more raids?"

"I do not claim it, I know it. A pity the Black Falcons have sunk so low as to unlawfully burn, pillage and rape other factions."

The man's face went red with anger. "By Chodan, those be not Black Falcons, not matter their garb! The Marquis would never order something so foolhearty!"

"But is not Falconis XXIIX on the throne?" queried Gonderin with arched brows, "But alas, he is young and the Marquis is merely coaching the young King, correct?"

The man nodded tersely.

"The Classic Emperor will see the Forestmen Emissary now."

Gonderin said good day to the man and exited the small room and into the throne room.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:15 pm
by Commander Redbeard
Anardan ordered the main body of Falcon prisoners taken into one of Drullen Bell's larger dungeons, where they were set under heavy guard. Anardan and Gragner Gillert went with two others to interrogate the leaders. Lizcrack and Bert had been turned in by their own comrades when Gillert had called for the leaders, after hearing what he had threatened to do if none stepped forward. They sat glaring in the small stone cell where they had been imprisoned, only looking up when Anardan, Gillert, and two guards carrying torches entered the chamber. They were lead out of the dungeons into the very same council chamber where the meeting had taken place.
Gillert looked at them with pure hatred in his eyes.

"Tell us everything. What the bloody megablox are you doing in Forestman territory, murduring our men like the cowards you are? SPEAK!"

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:53 pm
by Robin Hood
Grid: G-9
Location: A march away from Orlon

As Lego XIII slowy regained consciences he noticed that he was being bumped. As his mind slowly unfogged he realized that he was in a wagon that was moving. Every now and then the wagon would hit a large pack of snow and give a painfull jolt.

"Your finally awake sire."

Lego turned and saw Duke Mark and Sir Theodore, two generals leading other armys.

"What happened?" asked the still dazed prince.

"Well, you managed to get the doors open on that village and your army took it. Our armys, as well as the other small armys have taken all land south of Castleton except Orlon, the headquarters of the Falcon army here. All our armys have joined and we have 8,000. That should be enough."

"That's it?"

"Well we did have to leave a lot of soldiers in the other towns and citys," said Duke Mark.

"True," answered Lego, "what of my father?"

"Well the last message we recieved said he was just about in sight of the capital. By now they should have it."

"Thats good," Lego commented, "how far is Orlon?"

Sir Theodore answered, "a short march away, we are heading there right now. Do you feel up to fighting?"

"I sure do, get someone to fetch my armour." said Lego.

"At once sire."

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:12 pm
by Robin Hood
Grid: G-8
Location: In sight of Castleton

Kjeld, was riding his horse when a knight beside him called, "there it is sire."

Kjeld looked up and saw Castleton, the captial of the Royal Knights loom up in the darkness. He was surprised at how close they were.

"Hurry men! The Falcons will have seen us. The men will have a hard time keeping the gate open!" That said, he spured his horse and snow flew as he and the 1000 horsemen thundered toward the gates. The 9000 foot soldiers followed as fast as they could.

As Kjeld got close to wall, he saw that the men who had infiltrated the city were fighting desperatly to hold the gates open. Kjeld's plan depeneded on the gates being open. If they were shut, even the few hundred men guarding it would be able to hold out until help arrived.

The king urged his horse as fast as it would go. Up ahead the last soldier defending fell, and the Falcons started to close the gates. With a burst of speed the king and about twenty men managed to get in before the gates closed.

"Quickly men! Open the gates!" cried the king as he speared a Falcon with his lance and started to lift the one bar that the Falcons had lowered. Three soldiers rushed to help him. He left them to it while he cried, "FORM RANKS, TWO DEEP. KEEP THE FALCONS FROM THE GATES!" As his soldiers hastened to obey, the bar was lifted and the heavy gates slowly swung open.

The Falcons charged the Royal Knights. Several fell. But then the doors were open and in streemed the Royal Knight army.

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:23 pm
by lemon_squeezer2
"Tell us everything. What the bloody megablox are you doing in Forestman territory, murduring our men like the cowards you are? SPEAK!"
Litzcrack was no idiot. He always had a tendency to look at every situation analytically. Here he saw a golden opportunity. When he was captured, he had been shaving and his distinctive beard was now gone. When he had been thrown into the cell, only two or three of his men had recognized him. Additionally he was a very clean and methodical person and for the past two months he had kept his uniform clean, unlike those who followed him. He addressed the forestman clearly and distinctly.

“Please sir, allow me to explain my position.”

Glowering Anardan let Litzcrack to go ahead.

“My name is Andrew Hortzlogen. Two months ago a company of recruits had deserted our company under the lead of a rouge named Litzcrack – a cowardly and incompetent soldier might I add. We were being mobilized at that point and there was no time to hunt them down. Upon our return to base a month ago, I was given orders to find where the men were. It seems that you have found my objective first.”

Anardan eyed Litzcrack uneasily. Turning to the two guards that stood by the doorway he spoke. “Bring out one of those rouges we captured.”
Nodding, the two men exited the room and Anardan proceeded to interrogate Litzcrack.
“Why were you alone then? If you were to track down a group of forty desperate bloodthirsty men, wouldn’t you have some support?”
“As I said, my job was to find their location. Not to fight them single handedly.”
“Why were you in the same area that the men said Litzcrack would be? That is certainly a strange coincidence”
“I was simply scouting out the area. I did not know that the deserters were hiding there and when I came upon it, I decided to investigate it further. It is a fine hiding spot.”
“You do realize that the Falcons have gathered a bad name for themselves during this war. Why should I believe you?” At that moment the doors opened up and a sullen and dirty prisoner was presented, held by the arms by the two guards. “If you are this Litzcrack as I suspect you to be, this man will surely recognize you.” The moment of truth had come for Litzcrack. He assumed an upright military posture, different from that which he usually took. He hoped that his subordinate would not recognize him. Anardan spoke once more. “Scumbag. Do you recognize this man? Is he your leader?”
The deserter looked at Litzcrack. He was still hungover from the night before. “No. That’s not our boss. He’s nastier looking and has a beard. That’s not him at all.”

Anardan looked at the deserter and then Litzcrack, somewhat disappointed. He had hoped to catch the leader of the group of rouges and now he saw that the man standing there was trying to help. Still, he could not help but feel somewhat uneasy about him.

“Your story seems to check out Andrew. I will have to talk with my commander on this issue though. Turning to the two soldiers, he spoke. “Men – lead this rouge back to the dungeons. But take Robert to one of our rooms. Keep him under guard though.”

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:32 pm
by lemon_squeezer2
Grid: G-8
Location: Between Orlan and Castleton

Thomas gritted his teeth. Even from a distance he saw that Castleton had been taken and the largest garrison of Falcons in the territory must have either been killed or surrendered.

He turned his horse around and tucked his trenchcoat closer to his body. The next most logical step for the Royal Knights to take would be to take Orlan. He would not let that happen now though. The enemy had gooton this far but they would not make any more ground while he was still alive. By now, every single town was on alert and preparing for defence. Three days ago a messenger had been sent to Falconis City for help. If the Royal Knights wanted to continue further, they would have to do so by an all-out siege.

It was frustrating though. Had not the order to cut the garrisons in half not been given, the Royal Knights would not have made half the progress they did now.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:20 am
by Robin Hood
Grid: G-9
Location: Orlan

The battle to take Orlan was much different than all the other ones the Royal Knight armys had faced. Apart from the fact that there were over a thousand Falcons here, the Falcons were prepared for the attack. The gates were fast shut and the walls were filled with soldiers. Though the Royal Knights out numbered the Falcons by over half, they could make little headway against the city. And since there was very little in the way of seige equipment the battle promised to be long and hard.

Lego XIII looked at the lifeless body of Duke Mark, he had fallen in the attempt to scale the walls. Lego turned to a soldier, "cut that big Oak we passed by and use it as a battering ram."

The soldier saluted and walked off. The prince turned his gaze to the city. "There must be some weakness," he said. "we built the tyco city."

"Aye, we built it to be impregnable." said Sir Theodore who walked up. "But I have an idea that might work."

"What?" asked the prince.

"A river flows beside the east wall of the city. A small gratted arch lets a bit of the water flow in for the city's use. The water has frozen now and I believe that we could cut the grate and slip a few men into the city. They could then sneek through the city and open the south gates."

"Who will lead this?" asked Lego.

"If you will let me, I will."

"Very good. Get what men you need and garb yourself accordingly."

"Very good sire." And Sir Theodore left.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 7:03 am
by The Green Knight
"Are you ready to come back now, Walf?"

Turning, Walf saw Logen standing behind him. "Yes," Walf sighed. "Yes, I am."
Grid: J-10

Logen and Walf were on their way back to the inn when they suddenly happened upon Alex, leaving the yellow castle.

"Alex!" said Logen, surprised. "What are you doing h- Are you- Are you alright?"

Alex looked skeptically at Logen, as he staggered to the side. "Do you I know? You know I? Do I know you know you you know know you?"

"Alex, it's me, Logen."

"Logen? Ah, Logen! Well, fancy meeting you here Mr. Logenianianian. Ha ha ha hahaha."

Walf glanced, worriedly at Logen as Alex continued. "Hey, say now. Have you met my poochy? Here poochy."

Ugrun was at Alex's side, but you could tell he was rather miffed by Alex's actions.

"What's gotten into you, Alex?" Walf said, concerned. "Logen?"

"What's gotten into me? Six pints of a crusader brewn grog. That's what."

"Don't worry Walf." Logen said. "He's alright. Just drunk."


"Yep. Alright Alex, snap out of it!" said Logen slapping Alex across the face with his hand. It was a bad decision. Suddenly Logen found himself being tackled by Ugrun. The great grey wolf had him pinned before he could react.

"Oww! What'd you do that for?" Alex recoiled from the blow, massaging his cheek.

"Ugrun, get off!" Walf shouted, trying to pull the "poochy" off Logen. Suddenly Alex noticed the tussle and finally snapped out of his stupor.

"Ugrun stop!"

The wolf withdrew and Logen leapt to his feet. "Tyco Alex, what are trying to do? Your pet just tried to kill me!"

"Ahhhah. Not so loud, Logen. Oh my head." Alex tried to sit down but slipped and landed with a jolt. "Oof! Ugrun isn't my pet, Logen. He is an animal you know. Oh, I'm sorry guys. I thought I could handle the first glass, but he just refilled it... and refilled it... and refilled it again."

"What? Who refilled it?" Logen asked. "And what were you doing getting drunk anyway? I thought you were trying to find out about your friends."

"Dordrot refilled it. Him and Barbod. And I did find out about Aros and Reno. They're alive and... well, right now their probably back at the Drullen Bell. It's great news really."

"Wait a minute. You mean all this time you were drinking yourself senseless with the king of the Bulls?"

"Yep. You know, he wasn't what I would have expected. Being a king and all. Not that that's a bad thing."

"And what about the lone ranger? Did you find out about him?"

"Nope. I uh, I didn't ask. Sorry."

"Ugh, the Lone Ranger could be anywhere. He might have left with your friends or be here with the Bulls. He might even be in Falcon land by now. I've heard he has strong ties to them."

"You actually met Barbod!" Walf said, alarmed. "He was one of the misfits."

"Oh that's right," said Alex "You wanted to meet them didn't you?"

"Well, I used to."

"Well, come on Alex." said Logen. "We'd better get you back to the inn."

"Wait!" said Walf, suddenly. "I forgot about Dale."
But Dale was already long gone. The girl with his sword was moving quickly as she made her way away from the inner city and down into the parts where the damage caused by the war was still, terribly evident.

The people of Orion were working feverishly to repair the damage to their city. Already, much of the central sectors had been restored. But winter was fast approaching and it was evident to most that some parts of city would have to remain unrepared until the spring.
Meanwhile, under the shade of a half collapsed building, Two men sat, peering out through the door less archway.

"Well, what do you think? Winter's coming on quick and we're still in danger of being discovered."

"I think we'd better get out of here. When the cavaliers find out that they've still got two Dragon Masters hiding in their city and robbing their citizens, it's gonna get pretty hot for us here."

"So we'd better leave, eh?"

"Yup. But I think we'd better do another raid first. You need a new sword an- Wait, I think I hear som'ne coming."
The little orphan girl had made good progress. She wasn't far now from where she was headed. There, she knew she could get a couple trigs for her find. However, just at that moment she found her way blocked by two large Dragon Masters.

"Well hello there little lady. Fine day fer a robbery aint it. And look, you've brought me a sword. Just what my buddy here was needin."

The girl turned to run but was stopped suddenly by the long arm the Dragon Master. "Now now missy," Said the one who's name was Brugs. "We can't have you running off and telling the sheriff about our little hideout, now can we?" The second man grabbed her hand and wrenched the sword away.

"Please sir," said the little girl. "I wouldn't tell nobody. Honest! I was only taking the sword to the beggars market, to get some food. What with the nights getting colder sir, and longer too. Please let me go. I wont tell nobody."

"Oh I believe you deary, but I'm afraid my friend here doesn't. Finnish her off, Grubs."

"With pleasure." And Grubs raised Reno's sword to deliver the blow.
From inside the sword Dale gasped. He had been watching the events unfold, not sure what to do. He didn't want to reveal himself, but he wasn't about to let the little girl get run through. Not while he could help it.

Grub's thrust stopped short. For a moment a desperate struggle took place for the life of the orphan. "Not again!" Dale thought, straining to keep control of the blade.

"Well, what are you waiting for, Grubs? Finnish her!"

"I-I can't!"

"You nilly! Alright fine, I'll do it."

Dale watched in horror as Brugs drew his sword.

Dale had been a pacifist all his life. He would never kill someone. But this was different. It was a matter of life and death. And Dale had less then a second to make up his mind. A moment of truth and then...

Dale swung into action. Reno's sword was buried in Brug's chest before he even knew what hit him.

"Grubs, you- you've killed me." The Dragon Master was in shock.

"I didn't mean t-" But Grubs never finished. His buddy Brugs, lopped his head off out of revenge. The two men fell over... dead.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:56 pm
by Commander Redbeard
Anardan led Litzcrack into a small chamber where he was told to wait, but Bert was sent back to the dungeons. Anardan left the two guards outside the chamber door and went with Gillert to find Bjarn. He was in the same chamber they had left him, examining a pile of scrolls.

"Sir, the one we identified as leader claims to be of a Falcon search party sent to capture the raiders. We brought in a soldier and he seems not to recognize him. I believe you should question him yourself."

"Alright;" said Bjarn; "Bring him in."

Litzcrack was brought in by the two guards.
Bjarn thought for several moments, then spoke.

"If you are what you claim to be, you will have no objection to answering a few questions?"

"Of course not, my Lord." Replied Litzcrack.

"First, why was your so-called "search party" captured in the midst of looting a Forestman camp, and why did some of your soldiers attempt to kill Anardan's command of Forestmen when they came to check it? When you've answered that, kindly explain why your soldier did not recognize you as his leader if he is a member of this so-called search party!"

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:31 am
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
The Green Knight wrote:"Oh I believe you deary, but I'm afraid my friend here doesn't. Finnish her off, Grubs."

"With pleasure." And Grubs raised Reno's sword to deliver the blow.

Dale swung into action. Reno's sword was buried in Brug's chest before he even knew what hit him.

"Grubs, you- you've killed me." The Dragon Master was in shock.

"I didn't mean t-" But Grubs never finished. His buddy Brugs, lopped his head off out of revenge. The two men fell over... dead.
Somewhere in Orion

The little orphan girl screamed and ran, her bare feet tearing at the twisted cobblestones in her hast to get as far away as she could from the grisly scene.

Dale, still inside the sword, was frozen in horror at what he had done. Reno's sword was still deeply lodged in Brug's chest, the blood of the Dragon Master welling up and bubbling around the weapon. The warmth of the life-giving fluid steamed in the chilly air, and soon the blood had dried, or perhaps frozen, coating the blade further. Dale could almost taste the crimson substance.

He had died that way. He had been killed by the very same sword to the chest, the steel neatly skewering the pumping heart, the moment of realisation your life was gone, then the fading blackness...void of all feeling, all pain. Memories bubbled around Dale like Brug's blood. Long after the two Dragon Master bodies had stiffened and cooled, after dark fell, after the sun rose again and an unlucky guard had tried over Grub's head, the posessed sword hadn't moved.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 2:01 am
by forester3291
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:
Dordrot calmed down a bit and relaxed some. So he wasn’t so megabloked after all.

“Who are you?” he queried carefully.

“I goes by Freena round ‘ere.”

Grid: H-7

Location: Small makeshift shelter of Freena's.

"So you're with the Rebel Resistance. You haate Falconis?" Asked Dordrot, he was relaxed but he was still a bit wary of this stranger. She could be a spy.

"Yes, of course I 'ate Falconis. At least I DID. He's deead ya know." Said Freena with a small smirk.

"Yes I know he's ." Said Dordrot. Freena was a smart one, she looked sly too. She obviously was a scout of some sort. "Have you seen a Lord Barbod by chance? And where am I?"

"I'll answer yer first question first." Said the young woman. "Yer about 5 miles east of Falconis City. That's where our Rebel Quarters are. The answer too yer second question is a no. Do you think I would be sitting 'ere if Lord Barbod was about? He was sitting on his behind in Orion last heard."

Well, let me tell YOU something. Barbod sure aint sitting on his behind in Orion. He was heading towards Falconis city last I saw." Said Dordrot haughtily.

"He's heading towards Falconis city?" Stuttered Freena. "Why in the world would ee do that fer?"

"Don't ask me." Said Dordrot. "But can you take me there?"

"Why of course, just let me pack some things and we'll be off. The snow has seemed to have let up some." Said Freena.

The two set out. The wind had died down and there was two feet of snow surrounding them on all sides. The landscape before them was mostly flat except for the random snow dunes that had formed due to the heavy winds.

"Witch way do we go?" Asked Dordrot.

"Why that way of course." Said Freena, pointing East.

"Then lets go!" Bellowed Dordrot, and the two trotted Eastwards.

A few hours later the two stopped to get a breather.

"I estimate that we have covered about 2 1/2 miles so far." Gasped Freena.

"So we're about half way there." Said Dordrot. "We should get there by dusk. Then we can go into the city and find Barbod."

"Uhh uhh. I don't think so my bull friend. We need to go to the Lone Falcon and tell him what's up."

"But Barbod needs me. He may be in trouble." Argued the Stubborn Bull.

"Nope, the best way you can help Barbod is by going to the Lone Falcon. And I can take you there."

"Alright, but I don't know why I'm listening to a little pint-sized Falcon. and A at that!"

"I may be a bit smaller than you Bull, but I am strong, so don't go somewhere you'll regret." Said the Steaming Freena.

After this heated discussion they started out again. The wind picked up again and was biting at their faces. They made slow progress. The snow was deep and their legs were tired from the heavy packed snow weighing down their boots. Then Freena Said in a faint whisper, barely distinguishable over the howling wind.

"I see a fire up ahead. It's one of the Falcon border Guards."

"The let's rush him." Said the Hasty Bull.

"No, he'll just warn another guard. We'll just sneak past him. With this gail he sure won't hear you and he probably can't smell ye neither." Smirked Freena.

"Well now, aren’t we high and mighty." Said the annoyed Dordrot. He knew he was a bit smelly but was it that bad? He needed to get that fragrance that Fraun had been talking about. He had said it made the ladies all fall for you. He smiled as he thought of this. But was interrupted by Freena's harsh voice in his ear.

"Let's go Dordrot. No need to waste time."

"I'm coming."

With that, the two slowly crept by the small tent that held the Falcon guard. After getting 50 yards away the two let out a sigh of relief. They had made it, now all they needed to do was get to the rebel’s headquarters.

"Hurry, we're almost there." Said Freena somewhat excitedly

The two walked up to the gate, Dordrot making sure to cover his Bull insignia. That was the last thing they needed. For someone to know whom he was. The smells of the city's Garderobe come to his nostrils and he nearly gagged. Why did all the cities have the bathrooms near the front?

He cleared the smell out of his head and let Freena do the talking to the Gate's Guard. He let them pass, not knowing that he was letting in a high-ranking Bull officer. They walked along the Freena constantly making sure no one was following them. Then she made a dart for an alleyway, and Dordrot followed close behind. She than ran along this alley and made a few twist and turns and then stopped at a brick wall.

Was she crazy?

She knocked on the wall four times, stopped then knocked two more times. The Wall then began to move revealing the Lone Falcon

"Hi there Freena, and who is this?" Asked the Lone Falcon.

"He is Dordrot. Barbod's friend." Said Freena. "He said he is looking for Barbod and that he is coming here to Falconis City. Have you by any chance seen him?"

"Looking for who?" Asked a voice from behind the Lone Falcon.

Then a head popped out form behind the Lone Falcon and exclaimed:

"Good heavens Dordrot. Why did you follow me here? I told you not to." Said the angry and contorted face of Lord Barbod.

"You're safe!" Said Dordrot. "I was worried sick about you. I didn't want to let you go anywhere without me. You should know that I would never let you go anywhere without me following."

"Why, yes. I should have let you come along. Well, I'm glad that you did. Come on in. Don't want you standing out there where someone can see you."

Freena stepped in and Dordrot followed. The Lone Falcon slid the wall across the doorway and then shut the door.

"Make your self at home." Said the Lone Falcon. Then we can introduce you and Barbod to the rest of the rebels at tonight’s meeting.

"Thank you. Freena and I have been traveling all day." Said Dordrot gratefully. He was happy for the moment. He had Barbod with him, a pretty woman, and a wise man. What else did he need? Oh, yes.............Fraun.

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2004 6:50 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: E-10
Location: Port Jozef
Formendacil wrote:Jayko turned them north onto the road. They were back on track, to Port Jozef, where Jayko had a ship waiting.

Or so he thought....
Jayko and Elwen had finally reached Port Jozef. They were dirty, hungry, and tired beyond belief. The lustre was gone from Jayko's armour and Elwen's crown. Their hair was matted and unkempt. Their clothes were dirty and frayed.

They had not encountered any problems other than increasingly cold weather as they travelled along the southern border of the Royal Knight country, but few people lived that close to the Dragon Masters, and those few who did were suspicious of foreigners (due to their close proximity to the border and the recent Falcon invasion).

The country was alight with talk of the King's return. Rumour had it that he had retaken most of the country, and was even now driving the invaders northwards. Rumour, but with more than a grain of truth to it.

Port Jozef was the southern-most major city in Royal Knight territory. It had never been taken over by the Black Falcons, but it had descended into lawlessness, and King Kjeld had not had the time to re-establish his authority since returning to the mainland. He had merely summoned most of the soldiers to his aid.

As a result, Port Jozef was a dirty, crime-ruled city, almost a shadow of Iadoraz. No one paid Jayko and Elwen more than a passing glance as they entered the city, save for a few pickpockets who concluded that they had pretty much nothing of value, other than the crown (KK2 armour was not highly thought of in Port Jozef, for some reason). For some reason, they decided not to go for the crown. Maybe they concluded that it wasn't worth the effort of trying to steal it off of Elwen's head. Maybe they were afraid that Jayko actually knew how to use his foreign-looking sword. Whatever the reason, they were left alone.

Jayko led them to an inn to spend the night, before moving on the docks the next day. At least, that was his plan.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 6:04 pm
by lemon_squeezer2
"First, why was your so-called "search party" captured in the midst of looting a Forestman camp, and why did some of your soldiers attempt to kill Anardan's command of Forestmen when they came to check it? When you've answered that, kindly explain why your soldier did not recognize you as his leader if he is a member of this so-called search party!"
Litzcrack was uneasy. The harshness of Bjarn was disconcerting and he apparently still viewed him as a deserter. He had made one mistake though.

“Forgive me for saying so, but I believe you are mistaken. I had stated before that I was alone. Anardan will certainly confirm that. The man who was to identify me was one of the deserters. I do not know him at all. I was not involved in the unfortunate incident that befell your camp. Indeed, I would have tried to help defend it had your men not come sooner.

Bjarn mulled over these facts. The Falcon’s story seemed to make sense, but something about him was disconcerting.

“We can deal with these deserters here. As for you, I will have you deported off forestman lands. From the border you should be able to make your way back.”

Bjarn paused and rubbed his arm. It was still considerable sore.

“You have gotten yourself mixed up in an unfortunate piece of business. The Falcons have earned themselves a bad name. As they say, one rotten apple spoils the whole bunch. I really do hope that more cordial relationships can be made in the future.”

An hour later, Litzcrack was being led through the forest trail by an armed scout. Bjarn had taken no chances and the rouge’s weapon had been taken from him. Well, that was at least better than his own life.

Falconis City was in sight at last. The messenger drove his horse harder now. Already, the steed was beginning to foam at the mouth and the cold temperatures did not help much. Hopefully he could make the last two miles.

By the time he came up to the gates, the horse was stumbling from exhaustion. The astonished guards let the man in immediately, seeing the white scarf on his arm, distinguishing him as a courier. Once inside, he dismounted and hurried on foot through the narrow city streets.

By the time he reached the palace and the adjoining spire, he too felt as if he would fall over from exhaustion. Three days had passed since he was sent from Castleton, right before its speedy capture which he had witnessed. Three days he had gone at breakneck speed, changing horses only twice.

Posted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 11:29 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: E-10
Location: Port Jozef
Formendacil wrote:Jayko led them to an inn to spend the night, before moving on the docks the next day. At least, that was his plan.
"What do you mean the Pride of the Pigsty never made it into the harbour?" Jayko demanded of the registry official. It was the official's job to keep track of all the ships that entered Port Jozef harbour, and even though things were no longer functioning in a legal, crimeless atmosphere, the information could still be obtained. For a price.

"Exactly what I said," replied the official. "The Pride of the Pigsty did not put into Port Jozef. If it had, I would know. The only Rainbow ships-"

"Eastern Knights' Kingdom ships," interjected Jayko hotly.

"-Rainbow ships. The only Rainbow ships to dock here in the last month have been Purples. No Bluebirds."

Jayko scowled at the derogatory terms for his peoples clans, paid his bribe, and left the waterfront.

No Talonjain vessels had made it to Port Jozef. What had happened to the Pride of the Pigsty? Its captain had joined the volunteers in the Allied army in attacking Orion. He had promised to meet Jayko and Elwen in Port Jozef, about a week ago, and give them passage to a location outside of Quorandis' reach.

But the Pride of the Pigsty had never made it to Port Jozef. Why? Jayko couldn't figure it out. Unknown to him, the unwieldy ship had run into stormy weather while circling the northern coasts of Dametreos, and was even then off the Black Falcon coast.

In Port Jozef, Jayko was worried about what to do. He was almost broke, he was probably being pursued by the Cavaliers, and his escape route had bombed out.

Then he got back to the inn, and things got a lot worse. Elwen had been taken.