
LEGO gaming, including group role playing games
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Earl of Wells
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Joined: Thu Oct 23, 2003 6:20 pm
Location: Eureka, CA

Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:Here's all my characters, registered and otherwise. Man, there's so many... :shock:

Shainya: SHAIN-ya
Rosa: ROW-zah
Lord Void: lord VOY-ED
Lone Falcon: lone FAL-con
Dale: DAY-el
Bourne: BORE-NNN
Rodurik: ROD-DUR-ick
Darinana: dar-RIN-anna
Trad: TRAD
Fina: FEE-nah
Viktor Okzskcarouldghf: VICK-tor OCKS-ka-rolled-dolff
Gerrik: ger-RICK ("ger" rhymes with chair)
Majisto: mage-GHIST-toe
Katheryn: KATH-THUR-in
Vanderdious: VAN-der-DEE-uss
Mayriz: may-rizz
Rulph Belricks: ROOLFF bell-ricks
Bersun: BUR-son
Forden: FORD-in
Gaffner: GAFF-nur
Freena: free-NAH
Kellenwyn: Kel-LIN-win
Hadadar: HAD-DAH-dar
Noeg: NO-egg
Margarsh: mar-GAR-SHH
Del Grakken: DELL Grack-KIN
Gonderin: gone-DER-RIN
J'anrya: jhuh-AN-RIA
Tim E. tim EEE
Jerral: GHERE-el
Parna Phfleguer: PARN-na FLEE-gur
Tay Pullwark: TAY PULL-wark
Mellaina Phylla: mel-LANE-NA fill-lah

I'll edit this list if I think of more...Chodan forbid :wink:
Just adding to the freakishly large list:

Ajaxx Dragonsbane: a-GHACKS druh-AH-GONZ-bane ("a" rhymes with "hey", "bane" rhymes with train)
Japheth: JA-feff
Opal: oh-PAL
Morgue: more-guhg
Fredric de Kere: FRED-drick DE care
Hans Lentawl: HAHNZ lin-tall
Lee Lentawl: LEE lin-tall
Thedrikfjorge Bjeorsson: THED-dricks-FORGE be-JHORN-son
Alice Clooney: al-liss CLOO-nee
Erik Korvalt: air-ICK CORE-valt
Paul Korvalt: puh-all CORE-valt
Matthew Korvalt: math-THEW CORE-valt
Kevin: KEV-vin
Billy Rochtinger: BILL-ee rotch-TING-ger
Fredfry MacDouglas: FRED-free mac-dug-less
Orla MacDouglas: ORE-lah mac-dug-lass
Maeve MacDouglas: mayve mac-dug-lass
Brigit MacDouglas: BRIDGE-IT mac-dug-lass
Felix Ffluffingar: FEE-licks fluffing-gar ("gar rhymes with car)
McGregor: MICK greg-gor
Herman: HERM-man
Lansen: LAN-sin
Old Tom: old tom

Those last 15 were from Hemmerington alone! :shock:
In the process of converting to [url=]Flickr[/url].
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