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Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:59 am
by lemon_squeezer2
Johnson was in his cabin finishing up the day’s entry for the log when he heard a knock. Setting down his pen, he rose from his chair and opened the door. It was Logan, one of the six lieutenants on the ship.
“I was assigned to watch duty sir, and I was told by O’Brian that Mr. Bloom was to call out when he saw fit to pull in the sails – with the storm coming and such.”
Johnson shrugged “And?”
Suddenly the deck lurched, returning to its original angle with a sickening thud.
“He was drunk – the storm seems to be upon us now.”
Horatio slammed his fist on the side of the door frame. “Megablocks. Call all hands on deck. Furl the sails and make a course Sow’ West by west. I will be on deck shortly.”
“Yes sir.”

The rain had not fallen yet, but already the wind was blowing hard, making the linen sails strain at their spars. The sky above was a dark grey color, and to the north Johnson could see lightning arcing in the clouds. Men were scurrying around reporting to their stations – a few of them pulling on
shirts as they did so. Johnson made his way to the wheel where Logan was standing with the helmsman, pointing somewhere to the south.
“What has become of our prey?”
Logan handed the captain1 his glass. “She’s taken her sails in already – due south of our position.”
“I see. Carry on then. Hold the ship in her current position and consult me it conditions worsen.
“Aye Aye captian.”


In Falconis City Randolph took a closing glance at the first assembly of the new Falcon diet from the balcony. It was a rather important event – Lord Drakko was finishing a particularly long speech. While Greygon's mother was not present, the continuing civil unrest and the pressing need for a true government was needed. Exiting the chambers,
Randolph walked down a winding staircase to a richly furnished lobby just as the noble was finishing his speech. Even on the other side of the wall Randolph could here a thundering applause. The room was almost deserted except for two Falcon guards who stood by the main entrance, their spears perfectly straight. Randolph saluted as he walked by – for the first time in months he was wearing his uniform complete with the regulation knee length boots and saber. Just as he was about to leave entirely, the Lone Falcon rushed up to him.
“Please – just let me ask you one last time.”
Randolph did not even turn to look back. His voice was flat and distinct.
“Look at me.” Randolph turned. “We need you here. You know the workings of the army – the organization needed, the methods used. You can’t leave now – not when so much needs to be done.”
Randolph shook his head. “Look at me. I can’t sit down now – you know that. When I joined the army, I did so for adventure. I still long for that, though I have had enough of fighting and wars. There are so many opportunities to be had. Even this last winter during those long days when we were snowed in – the adventures Barbod would constantly relate to me. That is my calling. I’m sure you can find someone better than myself to reorganize the army. I simply cannot do it and be happy. Do you see where I’m trying to go here?”
“I understand. I felt the same way you did when I was younger. Go then, but you are always welcomed here.”
“Good bye, Lone Falcon, and good luck.”
“The same to you.”
Randolph turned once again before stopping. Facing the Lone Falcon he spoke. “Just one question before I go. Where did you get your name?”
The Lone Falcon smiled. “That – is a long story so fantastic you would never believe me.”
Laughing, Randolph turned away for the last time. “I suppose you’re right.”

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:34 am
by The Green Knight
The Green Knight wrote:“Thow him in with the others.” Said Burtrand, standing over the fallen body. He reached into his pocket, feeling the little stone. Yes, things were indeed going his way.
Targon’s head hit the floor of the brig and he came to his senses. Or rather, he halfway did. Things were still a little blurry. “Mercury dust?” he thought to himself. “Since when did pirates carry mercury dust?” the Dragon Master could remember seeing a cloth with it used by Majisto on an unruly dragon once, but he’d thought that it was a wizard thing. “Well, who knows what holds these pirates have plundered. They might have things even rarer.”

The Dragon Master heard the iron door slam behind him and suddenly he remembered his situation. They had his rock. These bloody Pirates had his rock! Or did they? Yes, they must have it or they wouldn’t have thrown him in the brig. “I murder them!” Targon seethed in his mind. “I’ll slaughter every last one of those Megablox pirates!” Coughing, he tried to pull himself up. He was enraged now and no iron bars would hold him back.

But Targon didn’t get very far. Before he had one knee underneath him he felt a cold metal bar in front of his neck, grinding into his windpipes. And with it an all too familiar voice.

“So tell me, Did they want to get you killed, or was there some other reason they threw you in with me?”

Rosa had been waiting for something when the pirates came down the steps. Waiting for her chance to escape. Well she got something all right but it wasn’t her chance. There were too many pirates to think of an attack and besides, something else had her interest. That oaf, that big ugly man was being thrown in with her and the princess. Rosa could barely keep from revealing her piece of iron bar and jumping on the Dragon Master until the Pirates were out of sight. She knew she was getting the chance for vengeance thrown right in her lap.

Targon on the other hand, knew it was over the moment he felt the bar half way through his neck and heard the dreaded voice of that one-woman-killing-machine. And as such, he immediately started bemoaning his fate. “They come back. They always come back to haunt you. Even if you don’t kill them!” Targon knew that the air in his lungs would run short soon and that would be the end of it. “Oh and everything was going so well too! This is all Bargon’s fault.” Ugh, and what an embarrassing way to go too. “Killed by a bar and a bloody woman!” Targon knew there was no talking his way out of this one. He couldn’t even breathe, much less speak.

But as luck would have it, Targon had a brilliant idea right then and as last ditch effort, tried it.

“Listen Lady, ya can kill me now, but then I won’t be able to help ya escape.” Targon popped the words right into her head, like you can do in a short ranged teleharm.

Rosa dropped him. Partly out of surprise and partly because the Mantis had just hit a large swell right then. Targon slumped to the floor coughing and the bar rolled across the boards to Anastasia’s feet. The princess gingerly picked it up and looked at Rosa. “You can’t kill him right can you?”

Targon lay on the floor gasping. The musty, rank air of the brig filled his lungs. Taking a breath had never felt so good. “Quick to the hop, Targon.” He thought to himself. “Get away ‘fore she finds her bar.” But just then the Dragon Master felt a sharp pain in his head and everything went black.

“You Brute!” the princess screamed. “You evil, horrible villain!” She laid another swing across the head of Targon’s lifeless form. “I didn’t do anything to deserve this! I want to go home!” Another swing, tears streaming down her face. “I want to see my parents! My mom and my dad!” Another swing. “Now I’ll never see them again because of you!” She raised the bar again but this time Rosa stopped it. Targon’s head was a bloody mess. Even parts of his skull were showing. No doubt the girl would have smashed it in had Rosa not intervened.

“No, give it back!” Anastasia cried, trying to wrestle the bar from Rosa. “I’m going to kill him!” At last she collapsed to the floor in a fit of sobs, leaving the bar in Rosa’s hand. She stared at it for a moment. “Did I just stop her from killing him?” Rosa wondered. “What was I doing? That isn’t like you, Rosa.” Then again, looking at the prostrate form of Targon, who could say if she really had stopped the girl from doing what she'd intended.

A loud wail interrupted Rosa’s thoughts. “Oh shut up!” she snapped at the girl. At this, the girl’s face shot up from her hands with a look of contempt.

“Shut up?” she cried. “Shut up?! What if I don’t shut up? What if- What if I decide to tell them about your little weapon? Why don’t you shut up? You’re a bully, you know that? Why, you’re no better then him!”

There are certain buttons you shouldn’t push on certain people and Anastasia had just pushed one. The very idea of being compared to that filthy man hit Rosa like a blow in the gut. “What!!!” she exploded. “I wouldn’t even be in this mess if I hadn’t been trying to help you!”

In a furry she raised her hand to slap the impudent princess— but stopped. Looking down at the defiant, unflinching face… It was like looking in a mirror. Suddenly Rosa felt again the cuffs and slaps she was dealt at the hands of the inn keeper and his wife. She turned away, clawing her fingers through her thick black hair. “Tyco that girl for her timing! Now she grows an intellibricks personality!”

Rosa turned to Targon, looking for something to change her thoughts. “Better make sure he’s dead.” But at that moment they hit another swell. A big one that sent both Rosa and Anastasia to the floor.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:08 am
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
The Green Knight wrote:Rosa turned to Targon, looking for something to change her thoughts. “Better make sure he’s dead.” But at that moment they hit another swell. A big one that sent both Rosa and Anastasia to the floor.

Rosa tasted blood. She pushed herself up and wiped her bleeding lip.

"Tyco!" she swore outloud.

"Tyco!" Anastasia repeated.

Rosa looked at her. The Crusader princess had seemed to completely change personalities. But she had no time to bother with that puzzle.

"Gimme my bar." she snapped.


"I'm going to kill him." Rosa raised a brow, "Or shall you?"

At that moment another swell swept into the Mantis, smashing the both of them to the floor. From somewhere above, a hatch burst open, and sea water flushed downward into the brig. Rosa and Anastasia came up sputtering. As the water swirled about them, Rosa felt something clunk against her leg. She picked it up. It was a ring of keys.

"Where'd you get those?" demanded Anastasia.

"Shut up." Rosa snapped, and barging her way to the jail door, thrust a key into the lock. It fit. The door swung open.

"Yes!" Anastasia cried. They both dashed out of the cell, feet slipping and sliding on the wet planks. They were just nearing the stairs that led through the open hatch and onto the deck when the world blew apart.

An arch of electricity burst threw the air in a bolt, slicing through the storming clouds until it connected with the mainmast of the Mantis. One moment the mast was firmly attached to the ship, and the next it was shattered, collasping like a felled oak. Sailed were torn, rigging was ripped, and the bodies of the men manning the sails were tossed into the raging sea.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:51 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: L-16
Location: At sea
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote: Instantly the Bombardier exploded to life. Men already on deck swarmed up the rigging like monkeys, and they were soon followed by their comrades coming up from below. More sailors crowded around the decks like so many ants, armed with rope and adrenaline. Up at the helm, Broadside turned to Viktor.

“Into me quarters, Viktor. I don’t want to be loosin’ me guide in this’n typhoon.”

Viktor smiled ever-so-guiltily, but gratefully hurried below.
It was a demon of a storm, no denying that. Broadside hadn't seen a storm like it two or three years. The storm had caught them at a bit of an angle, and as they entered the Western Current, they soon found themselves doing a very impressive speed westward.

It was a wild, topsy-turvy ride. The Bombardier pitched and turned with painful jerks. Enormous waves were soaring up over the decks, dumping some of their watery load onto it with painful smashes.

All but two sails had been furled, and the remaining sails were but loosely tied, but Broadside left them up.

"So long as we don't get driven inter the coast, we c'n make a lot o' time," said Broadside to Bill who was extremely antsy about the unfurled sails. "That Stormrider will have had to sail in this direction, since that Victor fella said he didn't go round Kingdom Isle t'other way."

"We don't want the ship ter sink, cap'n," said Bill.

"She won'," said Broadside confidently. "I've sailed through worse storms than this."

"Name one!"

"Shuddup an' let me steer!"

Make good time they did. The crew had no time to measure their speed, but it was a good number of knots to be sure, probably faster than a tailwind under full sail.

But the storm didn't let up. In fact, as they went westward, it only got worse. There was lightning about every few seconds, and not a few passed within a few hundred yards of the Bombardier.

As the night wore off, the storm began to abate. When it finally died, the sun had started rising behind them. The water was still choppy, and there was a strong wind blowing, but the ship had begun to settle down.

"Ship ahoy!" came the cry from the crowsnest. "Cap'n Broadside, there be a ship barely in sight, off the larboard bow!"

"Bill, take the helm!" cried Broadside. Pulling his telescope out of his greatcoat, Broadside dashed down the deck, and up the rigging to the crowsnest. Following the lookout's sighting, he put his telescope to his good eye, and stared out at the distant ship.

"It's the Mantis, all right!" he cried. "Furl the sails! Let's not get any closer for the moment. Stormrider won't be leavin' anywhere fast- he's lost 'is mainmast. Gods! He looks in worse condition than we are by a long shot! Get that Viktor up on deck! He were right!"

"Cap'n," said the lookout, as Bill began shouting orders. "There's another ship behind us. Astern, and a point to the starboard." Broadside whirled around, and gazed at the newcomer.

"It's that Crusader, what followed us from Port Crowne!" he said. "Tarnation! She's not in good condition, a mite worse than we be, but her mails are all standing. If she sights us and pursues, it'll be a close call. We're fast, but she's likely about as fast. Let's hope that 'er cap'n decides ter rest a bit.

"Make full sail!" cried Broadside. "Let's git our o' her sight. If that means takin' on Stormrider right oway, then so be it."

"Stormrider don' like them naval types any more than us, cap'n," said Bill, as Broadside descended to the deck.

"Aye, but I doubt we'd get any aid out o' him. Still, if them Crusaders did see us, they might well go after 'im instead o' us. That'd be a real catch- Burtrand Stormrider. He's wanted by every navy in Dametreos except t'Dragon Masters- and they don' have one.

"'Sides, his ship's wounded, and ours ain't. Still, if it comes to a battle with that Crusader, just us, it'll be close. They're a mite smaller than us, but they've probably got as large a crew, and they're all navy-men. Still, let's trust that fate'll see us through. She ain't failed us yet, not even when that barnacled Sorcer-king were with us."

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:56 pm
by lemon_squeezer2
Grid: L-17
Location: At sea

The storm had certainly dealt quite a blow to the Aterops. The top of the mainmast had been snapped off, and with it had gone the topgallant mast along with its sail. In addition, four of the eleven bastilla had been blown off and two more were in sorry condition. There were several other minor damages, but as Johnson heard the damage report, he reasoned that considering the intensity of the storm, they had gotten off quite well. Walking the deck, he made his way to the portside and pulled out his glass. For awhile he stared through it, scanning the horizon to the North and West. Putting it down, he called to one of the officers behind him.
“Lieutenant O’Brian – come here.”
One of the men stepped forward. Johnson handed over the telescope. “Look over there – our quarry is still in sight, but if I’m not mistaken, there’s another ship a little to the right.
O’Brian brought the glass to his eye. For awhile he was silent, but a few moments later he replied. “Yes – I think I see it. What do you say?”
“I don’t know – I really don’t know. We are quite a bit out of the way – my orders were to intercept any vassals in the Fell sea and Crusader Bay only. My last reading showed that we rounded the cape, but yet…”
“Sir, it’s likely they are renegade vessels – otherwise they wouldn’t of tried to outrun us.
“It’s possible.” Horatio was still uncertain. If he pursued the ships, he would be going against orders, yet on the other hand… “Tell the helmsman on deck to head northwest. I want to intercept that other ship.”

Posted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:58 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Formendacil wrote:"Aye, but I doubt we'd get any aid out o' him. Still, if them Crusaders did see us, they might well go after 'im instead o' us. That'd be a real catch- Burtrand Stormrider. He's wanted by every navy in Dametreos except t'Dragon Masters- and they don' have one.

"'Sides, his ship's wounded, and ours ain't. Still, if it comes to a battle with that Crusader, just us, it'll be close. They're a mite smaller than us, but they've probably got as large a crew, and they're all navy-men. Still, let's trust that fate'll see us through. She ain't failed us yet, not even when that barnacled Sorcer-king were with us."
Grid: L-16
Location: At sea

Viktor appeared on deck, pale as a Fright Knight and reeking of a Dragon Master who had five glasses to many of Dragon's Milk to drink. Broadside wrinkled his nose.

"Bleedin' barnicles, Viktor, ye smell--"

"Ugh..." Viktor heaved over the side. As he wiped vomit from his stringy beard, the Eastern Knight's Kingdomer groaned, "You'll be wantin' to change yer bedsheets in yer' the carpet...yer Crusader brew didn' work disstime..."

Captain Broadside wrinkled he nose further.

"Get yerself cleaned up, an' hurry. The Mantis has been sighted!"


Viktor stumbled back below, reeking of vomit.

"They don't get more lubber than that." commented Bill.

Broadside grumbled something about his cabin.

"What's that, Cap'n?"

"Nothing...nothing...that Viktor may have ruined my cabin, but he brought me my biggest catch yet. Burtrand Storm-Rider."

"We have yet to catch him."

"Aye, but he's not going anywhere with that mast..."

"Aye, I's agree with ye Cap'n, but that Burtrand always has summat up his sleeve...always has summat..."

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 3:56 am
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:"Yes!" Anastasia cried. They both dashed out of the cell, feet slipping and sliding on the wet planks. They were just nearing the stairs that led through the open hatch and onto the deck when the world blew apart.

Above deck, Burtrand Storm-Rider was bellowing at the storm as he gripped the helm while white hands.


"Cap'n..." Smythe muttered, "Don't tempt the gods..."


An arch of electricity burst threw the air in a bolt, slicing through the storming clouds until it connected with the mainmast of the Mantis. One moment the mast was firmly attached to the ship, and the next it was shattered, collasping like a felled oak. Sailed were torn, rigging was ripped, and the bodies of the men manning the sails were tossed into the raging sea.

Burtrand roared with fury and a stream of oaths flew from his mouth. Smythe, on the other hand, cowered, his hands over his ears, murmuring, "The gods are angry..."

With a final thundering boom, the mainmast collasped upon the Mantis, it's bulk smashing rails, men, a ballista, and the hatch Rosa and Anastasia were trying to escape through. The force of the blow shattered wood and turned splinters into deadly arrows. Shards of wood shot the air and buried themselves in both of the women's flesh. Anastasia cried out in pain, but Rosa merely gritted her teeth and pushed forward.

"I'm not gonna let a hunk of wood stop me!"

But it did. The felled mast had completely collapsed and blocked the hatchway. For now, at least, Rosa and Anastasia, and the badly wounded Targon, were imprisoned belowdeck.

As if the gods were satisfied with the crippling of the Mantis, the storm almost at once began to slack off. The waves still churned and chopped, but slowly the wind and rain died, though the sky remained thick with black clouds.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 7:42 pm
by lemon_squeezer2
The Mantis was within four miles to the northwest of Johnson while the Bombardier lay another six to the south, giving the three vessels a somewhat triangular appearance if they could be viewed from above. Johnson was too close from his elusive prey to pause for even a second despite the damages, however minor his ship had sustained. Still the wind was light and Horatio was not pleased by the speed he was making. He called out to O’Brian again. “O’Brian! Set the studding sails and any other strip of canvas we can put on. I also want our men prepared for battle – position all our bastilla on the starboard side and equip every spare man with the weapons in the armory.”

On the Bombardier, Bill saw the Aterops change course.

“Capt’n – you were right. The Crusader ship is heading for Burtrand!”
Broadside came to the side, repositioning his three-cornered hat as he did so. “Looks like you’re right. Tell the men to pull up the sails again and head – North”
“North sir?”
“You heard me. North.”
“Yes sir”

Posted: Thu May 12, 2005 8:04 pm
by Sir Drake
Grid: R-7
Loc.: Daggerfall Spire

The army of natives were going in a massive charge at the walls of Daggerfall, but the supremacy of the defenders kept them back. Meanwhile, at an other part of Daggerfall, Swift an his band of elite soldiers was walked by a river, towards the sewers of Daggerfall, after some time they reached it and sneaked in the city. Immediatly as they entered the Spire, guards were clashing against them. Some of the soldiers kept on fighting them while twenty or so followed Swift. As higher that they clomb the stairs in the Spire, how more soldiers that came to fight them. Eventually, it was Swift alone who continued the way to the throne room.

He stood there, at the door of the throne room when he heard voices, slowly he opened the heavy doors and looked inside the room. All the slaves that worked at the court were assembled and stood in row to be killed, the generals knew that this was their end and they wanted to clear all the evidence. One man stood with a large whip in his hand and a body at his feet. With a foul look in his eyes, the soldier gave the slave another smack of the whip and another kick of his knee. The took his sword and slashed of the slaves head.

"Next" he said with a grin on his face.

The surrounding soldiers pushed another slave at the guy's feet. The general raised his hand high in the air and letted it fall down, a loud SMACK went through the room and slave collapsed. She lifted her head and looked in the general's eyes, seeking mercy, but the man couldn't stand that look and stomped her in the face. Blood dripped out of her mouth and blood pured from her back out of the many scars of the whip. She tried to get up, but received another whipslash. A scream of pain went through the room. The young woman crawled on the floor and finally Swift could see her bloodied face. It was Aaylah. Then, something snapped in him and he stormed at the general.
The general was astonished by this sudden move of the unknown person and was caught by surprise. The cold blade of Swift sliced through the man's body as a knife cuts through butter. The man thought his life was over, but alas, Swift's revenge would be bitter. In a matter of seconds, the man hung high above the ground, grabbing his throat. He was getting choked. Swift concentrated and cracks could be hard, he was breaking the guy's bones. The man screamed for mercy.

"Help, soldiers" he managed to say "mercy, I beg you"
"Sure, like Aaylah searched for mercy in your eyes I'll give you the same mercy as you gave her" Swift replied, tightening his fist. There was a crack and the general fell on the ground.

Swift turned towards the other soldiers and said:

"I give you the chance to be forgiven for your deeds, join my forces and go help my soldiers ou there"

The soldiers nodded and ran away, afraid for Swift's revenge. Swift sheated his sword and quickly kneeled and took Aaylah in his arms.

"Aaylah, say something, please, don't leave me alone, I can't leave without you" he cried.
"You're crying" she said with a weak voice and cleaned the tears out of his eyes with her hand.

Swift took of his cloak and lay it over her. She gave a weak laugh and fell unconcious.

"Varras" Swift said, turning to the throne.
"Swift, surprised to see you here" Varras said with a creeping voice.

Varras stood up and grabbed his black katana. Swift answered by unsheating his sword. The battle between the two would begin.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 12:12 am
by lemon_squeezer2
Randolph had once heard that the best and most unusual adventures often started at taverns - preferably ones with exceptionally unusual or utterly senseless names. For a week he had made his way south, visiting several, but there were no exciting fistfights, no suspicous or adventurous looking characters to meet.

Now he was at the southernmost border of the Falcon kingdom, in the small but thriving city of Hogan. At least the name of the town was odd enough.

For most of the day he wandered around, feeling exceptionally bored and restless. Passing by an ally, something finally happened. It was a narrow and dirty ally - the sort you would normally pass by, or if you noticed it, would do your best to ignore. In Randolph's case it was the latter, that is until he heard a muffled gasp followed by what he thought might be the sound of someone punching someone.

Slowly the former officer unsheathed his sword - he had put aside his decorative sabre when he left Falconis City. Peering around the corner he saw two men violently fighting. Before he could rush the two and figure what on earth was going on, the taller one had unsheathed a dagger. Randolph cried out, but it was two late. The murderer looked up, suprised before the enraged soldier ran him through. Randolph stood there for a second. he had killed many men, but all with a purpose. This was different. He had just killed a man without knowing what it was about. He started feeling more upset then before. For days he had harbored all sorts of crazy ideas about running into adventures and such, but had gotton nowhere. Just the killing of a murderer.

He was about to walk away when he heard a gasp. It came from the man who he thought had been killed. The voice was pained and the words slurred, but he still made himself clear.

"Co - Come here"
Randolph did so. The dying man fished something out of his pocket with considerable pain. It was a scrap of paper - ripped and torn in may places.
"The tr-treasure. It is above and below"
Randolph stared quizzically. He suspected madness.
"I (know) - know what you think. It is true th..." The man wheezed and blood came out of his nose. "Find it. I came close. Look for the Hopspur."
In the oddest manner the man fell back, dead.

Randolph took the paper from the clutched fingers. It was too odd - to cliche. he had heard stories like this. Yet, this was the closest thing to an adventure.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 5:37 am
by The Green Knight
Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:At that moment another swell swept into the Mantis, smashing the both of them to the floor. From somewhere above, a hatch burst open, and sea water flushed downward into the brig.
"I'm not gonna let a hunk of wood stop me!"

But it did. The felled mast had completely collapsed and blocked the hatchway. For now, at least, Rosa and Anastasia, and the badly wounded Targon, were imprisoned belowdeck.
“Ahh” Anastasia squealed scraping at the shards of wood embedded in her face. “What are we going to do now?”

“Here,” said Rosa, handing her another piece of iron bar. “take one of these. We might have to fight our way out.”

“Fight! I can’t fight!”

“Well you could have fooled me. Tell that to the corpse who kidnapped you.” Rosa shouted pointing at Targon.

Anastasia looked at the crumpled form of the Dragon Master, wincing at what she had done and yet with a look of such bitter contempt that her face turned red. "I was furious at him when I did that,” she shouted back “but I won’t be furious with a score of pirates baring down on me! I’ll only be frightened!”

Rosa rolled her eyes. “You tyco teenaged girls and your mood swings!” Or was it that man’s fault? He did seem to have a talent for bringing out the worst in a girl.
The sudden rush of water hit Targon in the face, bringing him to his senses. As his eyes adjusted he found himself starring at a round, wooden ball with an eye carved into it. He reached out his hand to feel it. It was smooth…like…like…
“My stone!” Targon growled. The Dragon Master heaved himself to his feet and turned to the stairs. Rosa and Anastasia were standing there, looks of astonishment on their faces.

By all reasoning Targon shouldn’t even have been standing. Bulging pieces of flesh and blood matted hair hung down in grisly disarray. He was in a state of shock now, oblivious of his terrible wounds. His mind was captive to one thought and that one thought alone. Never did he see the two women standing beside the steps. He only saw a way to get to Burtrand, and an obstacle that needed to be removed.
Up on the deck, under the dark, brooding clouds, things were in a state of total chaos. Burtrand wildly barked orders to his men “Mr. Sour buckle, bring her about! Men look to your weapons and prepare for battle!”

It hadn’t been two minutes since the ships had been spotted.

“What’er we gonna do Cap’in?” Smyhte shouted. “We’re sitting ducks without the mast.”

“Not if they don’t have ballistas.” Burtrand retorted.

“Ahoy Captin!” said the lookout from the one remaining mast. “It looks like they both have ballistas!”

The two pirates exchanged looks. “Not a word, Smythe.” Said Burtrand, drawing his sword. “We still have the upper hand here. Ride up a flag of truce. And bring me the girl.”

As if on cue, the broken mast rolled away from the brig’s hatchway and out stepped the grizzled form of Targon.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 6:28 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: N-24
Location: Talistrand
Formendacil wrote:"Not to worry, Jayko, I think Quorandis will be glad to help you."

The only thing, Jayko thought, was how much did he WANT Quorandis' help. Then he remembered his oath to Kent. He wanted everybody's help.
"Recommend you to the Novice-Master?" said Quorandis with a raised eyebrow, looking up from his desk at Jayko and Elbadar. "Can you ride?"

"Ride? Oh, uh, yeah," said Jayko. "I've been able to ride for years. No problem."

"Then between that and a normal allocation of fitness and hand-to-eye coordination, you fit all the physical requirements," said Quorandis. "And you have a fully sane mind, and manners befitting a Cavalier. I see no reason not to recommend you. Just give me time to grab some parchment and a quill and bottle, and I'll be happy to give you a letter of recommendation to the Novice-Master."

As Quorandis dug around in his desk, he turned to Elbadar. "You're leaving for Orion too, I hear," he said, rather disapprovingly.

"Aye, Jayko and I have booked passage together," said Elbadar. "I've got time enough to go there, recruit men, and be back in time for your wedding. There's no point in wasting time."

"I suppose not," sighed Quorandis. "Lucky dog, getting out of this confounded mess while my mother and her bevy of flustered old noblewoman make a headache of a ceremony that ought to be about the union of a man and a woman, and not a public triumph. I don't suppose you'd smuggle me out of here for a few weeks."

"I don't dare," said Elbadar. "Your mother would have my head. And your father and Elwen would never forgive me for leaving them behind. I'm afraid I'll have to leave you in their clutches."

"Pity," said Quorandis. He finished the letter, and handed it to Jayko, then turned back to Elbadar. "I'll write you a letter to take to whoever's in command of the Orion garrison, letting them know what you're up to. I imagine that they'll be pleased enough to hear that you're cleaning a few dozen bums off the streets. I imagine that those Dragon Masters are doing pretty much that. Fighting is about all they would know."

"True enough," said Elbadar. "I'll be around to say good-bye and pick up the letter. Meanwhile I need to talk to Del Grakken, and pick out my escort. We're leaving on the morrow."

"I'll see you then," said Quorandis.

"Bernard!" came the shrill call of one of Quorandis' aunts.

"By the Seal, I'll be glad when this is over," groaned Quorandis, as Elbadar slipped out of the room.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 6:37 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: L-16
Location: At sea.

"That Crusader vessel's makin' fer the Mantis," said Broadside. "Let's stand aside, let 'em do what they want. If my guess be right, it's ol' Stormrider who's behind that kidnappin'- the bilgewater! Ain't got no right ter be harmin' young uns like that- and our new princess to boot. If so, then let's wait and let that navyman take the princess- and leave. He won' bother with us once he's got the princess aboard- too risky.

"But stay within sight- I don' want ter lose sight o' Stormrider. Ye did a good job, Vikky."

Viktor winced as Broadside slapped him on the back, more at the name than the slap. But he said nothing- about those matters.

"Good thing, too," he said to Broadside, "beyond this far, I didn't know where Stormrider was headed."

There, he thought, that ought to stop Broadside from expecting any more of me. One miracle I can believe, but two would be too much to hope for.

"That's well enough," said Broadside. "I've found 'im now. I won' let 'im out o' my sights. The blasted searat."

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 9:24 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
The Green Knight wrote:“What’er we gonna do Cap’in?” Smyhte shouted. “We’re sitting ducks without the mast.”

“Not if they don’t have ballistas.” Burtrand retorted.

“Ahoy Captin!” said the lookout from the one remaining mast. “It looks like they both have ballistas!”

The two pirates exchanged looks. “Not a word, Smythe.” Said Burtrand, drawing his sword. “We still have the upper hand here. Ride up a flag of truce. And bring me the girl.”

As if on cue, the broken mast rolled away from the brig’s hatchway and out stepped the grizzled form of Targon.
“Bloody megabloks!” shouted Smythe in shock.

Targon ignored the mate. Or perhaps he didn't here him. Either way, Targon bypassed Smythe and stumbled to Burtrand.

“Gimme my rock.” he slurred. Then his eyes rolled back in his head, and he collapsed.

Burtrand prodded the inert and bloody form with his foot.

“Get ‘im below!” Storm-Rider snapped, “And bring that princess t’ me!”


While Rosa and Anastasia had been distracted with the mast, Targon had ‘removed’ them with the most handy weapon available at that moment: a shattered spar. Two cracks across their heads had laid them both out cold. And now as Anastasia awoke, she found herself being manhandled up the shattered hatch into the chilling afternoon. Terrified, she cried out, “Rosa, help me, help me!”. But Rosa was still unconscious.

“Ah, there’s the lass.”

Anastasia turned and found herself facing none other than Burtrand Storm-Rider. He preformed a small mock bow.

“Beggin’ yer pardon, miss, but this be necessary.”

Burtrand turned to the pirates around them.

“Chain us together, the lady an’ I, good an’ tight!”

The pirates, befuddled, glanced at one another.”

“Do it!” Burtrand barked. The pirates rushed to obey.

“Now, missy,” hissed Burtrand, “hold this here stone tight within mine hand iffen ye want to live…we’re goin’ fer a little swim…”


On board the Aterops, Captain Horatio Johnson stood near helm, squinting at the immobile Mantis through his spyglass.

“Now what is that…?” he asked himself just above a whisper.

“Sir?” questioned O’Brian, at the helm.

“She’s run up a flag of truce.”

O’Brian snorted.

“Pirate tricks, Cap’n…just pirate tricks…pirate like to lure ‘em close then blast the megaflops outta them with ballistae.”

“I’m fully aware of pirate deception,” said Captain Johnson coolly, “But all of the Mantis’ ballistae have been disabled by the storm.”

“’Haps they plan t’ board us.”

“That would be fool-hearty.”

“Aye, Cap’n.”

“Continue on current course, then pull right along her starboard side. There seems to be a commotion on deck.”

“Aye-Aye, Cap’n.”

O’Brian did as ordered and soon hunted and hunter and along side one another, just keeping far enough away as not to collide.


Captain Johnson looked at the source of the voice. It was a man, a man who was chained to the Princess. And his saber was at her throat.

“I be Captain Storm-Rider!” the man continued, “And methinks I have something ye want, Crusader!”

“This is Captain Horatio Johnson of the ship Aterops, a ship in his Majesty the King Robert’s fleet. You will immediately halt all violent activity and submit!”

“How much do ye want fer her?” Burtrand shouted, pressing the blade closer, “8000 coins? 9000?”

“Crusader’s don’t make deals with pirates!” returned Captain Johnson, “Cease and submit!”

“10,000? How ‘bout 10,000 gold coins fer t’ pretty princess?”

“Cease and submit or you will be shot!” shouted Captain Johnson.

Burtrand shrugged. “Have it yer own way, then.”

At that moment, Captain Johnson realized with horror that Storm-Rider and Princess Anastasia were not only chained together, but also to the Mantis’ spare anchor, which was balanced precariously on the deck where a section of railing had bee taken out.

“Let ‘er go, Smythe!”

Sydney Smyth, along with a dozen other men heaved, pushed and shoved, and the anchor along with it’s chained prisoners plunged into the deep.

“SHIFTY-BRICK!” Captain Johnson shouted.

There was a clang. All the pirates on the Mantis had thrown down their weapons.

“WE SUBMIT!” cried Smythe.

“T-take those scum into custody.” growled Captain Johnson to no one in particular, “I’ll be in my cabin.”

Captain Johnson stomped below, slammed his cabin door and slumped into his chair, where he poured himself a drink. Curse that wily pirate! Johnson slammed his fist into the table. He had failed. He had lost them all: that Jellybean terrorist, that so-called Storm-Rider, and worse of all, he had lost the princess. He would hand for his failure. He knew it.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2005 10:02 pm
by Sir Dillon

As Kor and his companion rushed to the opining at the end of the passage, they heard the sounds of fighting. They rushed to the opinion and cautiously peered out. Out side they saw one man, bravely fighting off ten men dressed in black. The man was a very skilled fighter, but Kor knew he could not hold off all the soldiers for long.

“We should help him.” Kor said, still watching the fighting.

“How” said his companion “They are ten; all with weapons. We are just two, three counting that other man, and unless you have a sword hidden in that tunic of yours, we are weaponless.”

For the first time, Kor realized how young his companion really was; a young boy probably no older than 14.

“Well” announced Kor, “I’m going to help him. You stay here if you want.”
Saying this he picked up a rock from the tunnel and started towards the opinion.