How to join the Classic-Castle Roleplay

LEGO gaming, including group role playing games
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Knight Templar
Knight Templar
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How to join the Classic-Castle Roleplay

Post by Formendacil »

Despite what is now closing in on two years of existence by the Classic-Castle Roleplay, a Roleplay that has swallowed up the Gaming Forum and includes copious amounts of characters, pages, planning threads, discussions, maps and more, there has always been some confusion as to how precisely one joins. Although this is outlined in some places, it is not yet clearly marked out in one easy-to-reach thread. The purpose of this post and thread is to change that.

To begin, one must know WHAT the CCRP (Classic-Castle Roleplay) is all about.

To begin, the CCRP is pretty much an on-going story. I like to think of it as a sort of a Wikipedia in that anyone can contribute, improving it greatly, but that there are certain rules to follow. In the Wiki, you have to be submitting a factually correct entry. In the CCRP, you have to be submitting a story that takes place in Dametreos, is congruent with the current events taking place there, and doesn't contradict any previous part of the CCRP. Other than that, it's all good!

The rules for contributing to the Roleplay are fairly simple, and can be found on top right hand side of the C-C Roleplay Page, which is found here.

Once you are familiar with HOW the Roleplay works, you need to set about familiarising yourself with the world of Dametreos, as the Roleplay is so know to its inhabitants, in tribute to our founder, Nikos Dametreos.

We are very firm about wanting new members to be familiar with the Roleplay, so we ask that they:

a. Read all the character descriptions of the active and nonplayer characters on the Members Page.

b. Know of, and be able to use the CCRP Map, which is also found in a stickied thread at the head of this forum.

c. Have the past goings on the Roleplay.

This is a major issue for new members joining, and we cannot stress how important it is that new members know what is going on in Dametreos at the current time. However, after less than two years, we have already spawned a few novel's worth of story, and as time goes on this is going to only get worse. So while we would always love to have new members read the entire thing, we can only STIPULATE that they read: the four most recent months of the Roleplay (not counting the month in session), which are currently: September, October, November, and December). Of course, the current month (now January) should be read as well.

We would also ask that, in order to get a feel for the background of the Roleplay, that the two most recent plots that have been completed and archived be read as well. At the current time, that is A Seafaring Saga and The Rise and Fall of Lord Void.

Of course, we would love to whett your appetite with these requirments, and see you read more, but these are what is required.

d. Our fourth stipulation upon joining is that you read the CCRP Dictionary thread and the CCRP Faction Info thread. These two threads are there for young and new RPers alike to try and keep crucial information somewhat easy to find.

Although that may look like a huge pile of red tape to plow throught, it's just a bunch of reading, and ought to be easily accomplishable within a week. And if you're so eager to join that that is too much time, then you need to step back and rethink some things.

Moving on.

You are now in a situation of adequate information to join the Roleplay. To do this, you are clearly going to need a character or twelve (recommendation: start with one or two, and work your way up. It's easier). To submit a character, you could email Nathan (Lord_Of_The_LEGO), our Gaming Admin, but the best way to do so is to post to the current planning thread.

You are to submit your characters using the following format:

Name: Character's name
Age: Character's age
Background: Any information you want known about your character's history
Faction: Your character's faction. Any faction found on the CCRP Map is acceptable, as is Shadow Knights, Pirates, or "None".
Place In Hierarchy: Your character's rank and/or job
Equipment: Whatever weapons, clothes, etc, that your character has that you deem necessary to mention
Other: What else do you want to tell us about your character?
Looks: Here's where you describe what you character looks like, and/or include a link to his picture
Class: Is your character a Major Character, Secondary Character, or Minor Character? See the Rules page for the differences.
Status: Normally, any new character is an "Active" character. Characters can become Frozen, Stagnant, or Retired at a later time, depending on what their owner is doing with them.

Once you have submitted your character(s), you sit back and wait for Nathan to okay them (a formality that makes sure they don't contradict the Rules). Once okayed, you may begin posting.

A typical post should look something like this:
The Pink Knight wrote: Grid: #-!
Location: Place

Blah blah balb, blurp bipple bopd da bompstialls the bpals balastosauros berrybush bumbp beebriger be bats buatall bumblemop buarpsl buy bellows biesterioelloesteros bigg borrromm buurppsib bootttllemding.

"Dialogue," said person

"Reply," said being.

"Retort," answered person brackishly.

"Bungleberry!" snapped being. "Brachs bist your byrobestcory. Bumppl blah bley! Blaggoot!"

"Blaggoot snorkllictenstein..." mumbled person with pear in mouth. "Blaggoot snorkllictenstein..."
As you can see, it ought to start with the Grid number of square on the map where your character (of that post) currently is located, followed by a brief description of the location.

A good post ought to be broken up into paragraphs through the means of spacing and ought not to include excessive use of bolding, coloured fonts, large fonts, or small fonts. You should strive to use correct English and spelling, as well as all the necessary punctuation. Quotation marks for dialogue is especially encouraged. Quoting the end of your last post at the top of your current one is entirely acceptable and is a very common practice.

And there you are! All set to be a full-fledged Roleplayer. I hope that this thread comes in handy for new RPers in the future. The thread will be locked to keep discussion in one place, but if you have any comments to make, then by all means post them to the current planning thread.

~The Classic-Castle Roleplay Gaming Administration -
Nathan Wells, Michael A. Joosten, and Micah Berger.

Note: the Above may be subject to change, and can be modified at any time.