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BrickQuest and BrickBattles at Gencon 2006

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:41 am
by Kharavex

Peter Guenther, James Brown, and Larry and Nik Pieniazek are to be congratulated on another successful Gencon adventure in Indianapolis. Peter ran BrickMech and BrickQuest, James and Nik ran BrickBattles, and Larry ran Evil Stevie's Pirate Game.

Pictures from their adventures are located on Brickshelf

Peter has added to his monster collection this year as evidenced by the balrog type figure in the last dungeon room.

We may be running at more conventions next year.
I am hoping we will be seeing some of you next year in Indy!


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:38 am
by g2
Those pictures look like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

I would love to have had a go at each and every game - what a combination. Mechs, Knights and Pirates - Awesome!!!