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Official Roleplay Gaming Thread I.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:52 am
by Formendacil
And herein begins the official Classic-Castle Roleplay, being the second to bear that title, taking place in the world of insert name here.

Please keep all discussion, registration, and questions for the "NEW ROLEPLAY DISCUSSION" thread.

Any post not a part of the Roleplay can and will be deleted.

Any post on the Roleplay is subject to moderation and/or editing by the "Gaming Guardians" without notice or approval.

All posts are the intellectual property of their posters, and should be treated as such.

Enough legalities...

Let the CCRP begin!

~Michael A. Joosten - Formendacil
Gaming Moderator~

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:52 am
by Formendacil
Location: Wellestowne

Sir Wilfred D'Antigon was strolling the streets of the city of Wellestowne, his mind on nothing in particular. He was enjoying the bright, late summer's day: the hot sun, the green trees just ready to turn to brilliant autumn colours, and the smell of warm people wafting from the marketplace to wrinkle his nose.

With the nonchalant concern of a well-to-do knight with not a duty in the world, and with the complete lack of fear typical to those of great warrior's abilities, he strolled aimlessly through the streets, past the more respectable parts of the city, and down towards the more disreputable areas around the waterfront, on the south side of the river.

His mind on other things, he barely noticed as he entered a street known for its thuggery and thievery. He did, however, take sharp notice when a strangled cry for help broke through the low murmur of normal "business" on the street.

Turning, Sir Wilfred caught sight of a young woman running from what appeared to be a firetrap hovel. Catching sight of him, a knight, she fled in his direction. An ugly brute; dirty, stinky, tall, fat, unshaven, and carrying a huge cudgel; followed her out of the hut. He squinted at Wilfred, and gave a low whistle. Up and down the street, more thugs poured out of the buildings- one or two to every shack.

"Ere now," said the first thug, "that's mine. 'And 'er over, h'and there won't be no trouble."

And with all the recklessness common to knights his age, Wilfred unsheathed his sword defiantly.

"If you scoundrellish curs think you have the slightest chance of so much as winding me, I dare you if you have the faintest suggestion of bravery in your churlish hearts to even so much as try and stop me from protecting this maiden!" Beside him, the girl, battered though she was, cringed.

"Oh tyco!" Sir Wilfred muttered, as the ruffians all seemed ready to take him up on his offer. "Let's get OUT of here!"

And grabbing the girl by the wrist, he started on a mad dash for the end of the street.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 3:59 am
by smcginnis
Ok, here's my first post. The (invisible) underscores are because I like indented paragraphs, and there are so many paragraphs because two people speaking shouldn't be in the same paragraph.

Location: A farm just outside of Montegarde, on Mount Oraynol.

___Roëd looked up from the field he was tilling. People were coming along the path from the village, he could hear their voices. Straightening his back, he turned and walked toward the house, setting his hoe down outside the door. "Mother," he called,"we have visitors."
___His mother's voice came from the root cellar, "Oh my, visitors? The house is a wreck! Kayra, dear, go get your father. Roëd, stall them." Roëd's younger sister Kayra dashed up from the cellar, grinning at him, and ran out the back door to find their father, who was tending the sheep further up the pasture.
___Roëd exited the house through the front and went to meet the visitors. There were three: Hloan, the blacksmith from the village, and a man and a woman that he didn't recognize. "Ah, Roëd, nice to see you. These here are my friends Berw," Hloan gestured towards the man, "and Nary," the woman smiled and waved. "They've come here to Montegarde all the way from Glintown, looking for a companion. They expected me to go with them, but I'm getting to fat, and besides, Montegarde needs it's blacksmith. I told them that you might be willing to come, as you've been wanting an adventure."
___Roëd was surprised, but happy. "Yes, of course I'll go with you, if my parents don't mind. I'll ask them tonight. Why don't you stay for dinner?"
___"Thank you very much, we'd love to," said the woman, Nary. "But I don't want to impose."
___"Oh, it's no imposition. We have plenty to eat, and there are a few extra chairs. Besides, my mother always relishes a chance to show off her cooking," Roëd replied, smiling. "She's cleaning right now, but I'll show you the farm while you're waiting." He led them to the field where he'd been working, "This is the kitchen garden, it's where we grow all the vegetables that we're able to, the rest we trade for from the village." He pointed up the slope, "there are the sheep meadows, and over there, by the house, are the barn and the sheepfold. In the other direction, there are the fields of Ninae. It only grows at altitudes around ours, so in the T'Ork mountains, it would grow only on the highest peaks. That's how we make most of our money, although the wool brings in a little as well. Ninae can heal most small wounds when bound in a poultice, and it's very good for colds as well when made into a tea. It will also alleviate fear if it's chewed on."
___Roëd's father and sister walked up. "Hello, son. Hello, Hloan. How are you? And who are these with you?" Roëd's father asked.
___"Hello, Aelfred, I'm doing well. These are my friends Berw and Nary Vandd. Your son invited us to dinner... I hope you don't mind."
___"No, I don't mind. So, Berw and Nary, is it? Nice to meet you," Aelfred shook their hands. "This is my daughter Kayra, and my wife, Jenrie, is coming out to meet us." This was true, and Roëd's mother soon joined them.
___"Will you be staying for dinner, I hope? I've cleaned the house and set the table for seven, and I'm making winter salad and rhubarb pie. Please, come in," Jenrie said, out of breath from cleaning the house and then running up to them. They all went inside.

___They had a pleasant dinner, and when it was all through, Aelfred asked the visitors why they had come all the way here, and where they were from.
___"Well," said Berw, "we came from Glintown, expecting to find Hloan here bored and in need of an adventure. Turns out he's the senior blacksmith, and that he thinks he's getting too out of shape for a journey. The real reason is probably that he's grown soft, and the wanderlust has left him. But he said he knew someone who might wish to come with us, and so here we are. Your son said that he'd come, if you had no objections."
___"No, I have none, I only wish to know that he'll be in good hands. From observing you, I believe that if he's to go with anyone, you'd be the people."
___"Oh, father, I'm twenty-two. I could leave if I wanted to," Roëd said, although he knew he wouldn't have. "But thank you for letting me go. I'm going to miss you, but I promise to return someday." Jenrie burst into tears, and Kayra led her out of the dining room, her own eyes damp.
___"Well, that's settled then. We'll leave the day after tomorrow. We're staying with Hloan, if you need us," Nary said. "Goodnight." She, her husband, and the blacksmith stood up and headed for the door.
___"Goodnight!" called Roëd and Aelfred. "Well, son, I'm going to miss you too, but I hope you have fun in the wide world out there," Aelfred said, hugging his son's shoulders on the way out of the room, "See you in the morning."
___Roëd stayed up for a little while longer, thinking, then went to bed.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 4:59 am
by Remyth
Well, here goes!

Location: The Wilderness

The Capture

A small party of the Uneben Stamm was walking through the wilderness. There was a total of 23 people in the party, most of them men. Theyrus was leading them back home after they completed a quest. They had needed to beat back some creatures that were straying to much towards the kingdom of (name). They had just fought a lot of very deadly creatures for almost 2 days straight. They were tired and on their way home after burying they 2 fallen comrades. The reward was good enough that they could get one or two of the families out of the Uneben Stamm, and into civilization once more.

They were just about going to set up camp when the rear-guard, set there to watch for anything suspicious, report a sound like that of horse hooves. Theyrus, being the leader, immediately went back to listen for himself. All the sudden, a barrage of arrows flew past them. This was aimed at the group in front. Although only 5 arrows met their targets, it was enough to startle the living daylights out of them all. No creatures thus far had used to much as a stick. Then Theyrus heard it; the Silver-Hawks war horn. He knew that they were out-numbered and out-armed. He quickly leaped into the forest, motioning for the others to do the same.

At this time, a second wave of arrows came. Seven hit their targets this time. They were closer. The Uneben Stamm had only 11 people left. The sound of horse-hooves was heard again. Theyrus looked onto the road to see what was happening. Suddenly, he heard a cry from his left. He spun that way, seeing close to 50 horse-men charging at them. The cry had come from the Rear-guard. Theyrus easily swooped up into the saddle of a horse and knocked the guy down to the ground in one swift motion. His companions were not as talented, or as lucky. Three fell with the first charge. Only 8 left, thought Theyrus, angrily. The Silver Hawks turned around and began to charge again. This time, they seemed a little less organized. Theyrus took out 3 alone. The Silver-Hawks now had a force of 30 men. They Silver-Hawks charged again. They slew the 6 remaining men, and captured Schon, who was the only girl left alive. Theyrus was knocked from his captured horse before this, and fell heavily to the ground. The Silver-Hawks must of thought he was dead, for they went home after this.

When Theyrus awoke, he found that his friends had all been slain. Then he noticed that Schon was missing. Anger rolled through him like thunder in the mountains. He gave out a cry that startled beasts ten miles away. For about four or five hours, Theyrus sat around and cried to himself. That’s right, he cried, cried like nobody thought anyone could ever cry. When Theyrus finally got some of his former wit back, he preformed a quick service for his fallen friends. When this was completed, he started out to follow the now long-cold and well-hidden trail of the Silver-Hawks. He knew nothing else that he could do.

To Be Continued...

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:03 am
by nazgul
Here goes,

-Jake was tired. That was the last time he slept under the bridge at Wallestown. But he figured on this being the last time he slept at wallestown at all.
-Later at the pier he was going along looking for a proper ship he could stow away on. Well, more for a ship headed for civilised lands.
-It was then that he noticed his favorite place to be - the pub. It had a sign that said "The Golden Anchor" and a badly painted under it. He walked in and sat at the bar putting his pack down.
- It was then that an odd stranger walked in the door. His hand was gnarled mass, if you could call it that. To most it looked like some sort of obscure disease or fungus that you usually avoid, and most followed that instinct to the letter.
- But to others’ eyes(or in this case Jakes') it resembled three short roots in the place of his right hand. It was covered in moss, grass, and a few small flowers among other odd growths. And it seemed to be that if he moved his sleeve back the odd growths would continue up the arm, but he never did.
- All this Jake took in as this odd stranger walked in the door of the pub. But he did not know that this man could kill any person in this room with a simple flick of the wrist. And all this the stranger knew as well; but his name is not the stranger or the man, it is Kal, or at least that’s what he calls himself.
- Kal went up and sat by Jake, if you call the other side of the room and Jake moving over towards by him, “sitting beside him.”
- Kal ordered mead and a bowl of water, then, in a simple but demanding tone he said, “What do you want?”, “Why just to know what’s up with your hand there” said Jake casually.
- It was then that the bartender, eyeing Kal cautiously, set down the bowl of water and the mead.
- Kal swallowed the pitifully small amount of mead in one gulp and then placed his “odd” hand in the bowl, in a matter of about 7 seconds, the water was drained up, then the bowl was covered in moss and grass which then disintegrated the bowl and all of which promptly died.
- Jake simply sat there, staring, for a while Kal repeated the process about 2 more times. Then, gathering his wits again, spoke quite simply, “Interesting trick you have there.”
- Kal then said something about killing him if he didn't leave but Jake didn't listen. "I'll leave you alone if you can do me a favor" said Jake in as best a buisness voice he could muster.
- "no" Kal explained.
- "Please?" cajoled Jake.
- "You can't get any simpler than no", "and my answer, is no" said kal.
- "Listen, you're a powerful guy, if you can get me to someplace else than this I'll leave you alone and I'll even do something else for you" continued Jake.
- "Listen, if you don't, you're going to end up like those bowls (Kal said motioning at the 3 clumps of wilted plants)."
- "Right, you'll be shot down for killing me, not to mention a lot of people would find your ability rather financially intruiging" claimed Jake.
- "Fine, just to get you to leave me alone, I'll let you know that take you east on a ship to my homelands; and if you agree, I want you to tell me all you know about where to find the herb ninae."
- "Sir, I know all about ships heading east and I've heard and told all the stories of the dangers there, and I'll only do it if I can be assured of my safety somehow. Not to mention that herb is very valuable to the farmers who grow it, so I can't just lead the tiger right to them." exclaimed Jake
- "Than what do you want?" asked Kal.
- "I want you to be my companion (but he meant bodygaurd), it's easy to tell that you can grow just about anything, so You'll be great for food, and I can help you steer clear of officials" claimed Jake.
- "What do you mean?" Kal asked in a matter-of-fact tone.
- "There are quite a few renegade wizards going around nowadays what with the new lands being discovered and all, and the law wishes to see that they are 'contained' (Jake was simply making it up as he went). There are special wizards going around entraping wizards such as you, my friend" Said Jake.
- "How do you know I'm not one of the law-wizards?" Said Kal in a horrible bluff.
- "Now you see my friend, it's easy to tell, since you started off by threatening me when a law-wizard is meant to enforce the protection of the people" said Jake, getting on a roll.
- "Alright fine, but I want you to leave me once I find the herb I require" said Kal.
- "Alright, but by the way, why do you want the herb, anyway? I'm a renegade myself so there's no point in any secrets." Questioned Jake.
- "I wish to gain the ability to grow it on this (motioning at his hand). But if you breath one word I'll grow moss down your throat until you croak." Threatened Kal.
- "Then if it's that which you want, I know of many obscure herbs that could prove usefull to you. Not only ninae, ones so obscure as to be found in either deserts or The frozen wastes to the south." Jake started going.
- "Then stay with me, but if you've lied to me... you already know (again motioning at the bowls)." said Kal in a form of consent.
- "Than we go west!" exclaimed Jake.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:56 pm
by TheOrk
Location: Wellestowne

It was late in the day. It was business as usual in the port of Wellestowne. So far as Sir Doric could tell. The merchant ship he bought passage on, was just rolling into port. Doric couldn’t wait to be off the damned thing. It had been a slow and painful journey to get here. The knight stared off at the approaching docks for a moment before setting off to his cabin. Entering the claustrophobic room, he quickly strapped on his euro armor. Before anyone could talk to him, he bounded onto the docks and into the streets beyond.

Being on land after so long made him wobbly, but he would survive. A new pouch of coins at his belt, he soon lost himself in the sprawling streets of Wellestowne. He noticed that the leaves were starting to turn, he had been on that Wooden Duck accursed boat for far too long.

Then he spotted a guard in the colors of Wellestowne. Needing information, he approached him. “Good day to you!”

The guard looked at him lazily “’afternoon to you sir. What ye be wanting?”

“What’s the word around here?” He asked.

“Nothing much. Nothing much at all, there’s more bandit activity everywhere. It’s getting bad enough for the King to have to dispatch a force of guardsmen to deal with it soon. Besides that, there’s nothing real good happening around here.”

Doric nodded and bid the guard good bye. Lost in thought, Sir Doric wandered down into a deserted part of the city, fingering the haft of his axe. He had come to Wellestowne for a purpose and was not going anywhere until he accomplished his goal. But how to accomplish it was the problem…

As he rounded a narrow corner out into a larger street, a strange sight met his eyes. Looking to one side, he saw a number of thugs, each filthier then the last; running straight at him. Cocking an eyebrow, he took hold of his axe.

“Now what have I gotten myself into!?”

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 6:08 pm
by TheOrk
Location: A camp in the T’Ork Mountain Range

It was a chilly late summer’s day up in the T’Ork mountains. The glaciers of the highest peaks remained as solid as ever, slowly but surely a thick layer of snow and ice started to form on the lower peaks. Up here, a minifig could do whatever he wanted and no one could stop him. For centuries, no army of any nation had dared to cross into the mountains themselves. Nearly all of the mountain’s respectable inhabitants lived within the passes.

King Birak the Damned was having the most wonderful day. He sat upon a mountain of solid gold, old grey and the heads of his many foes. The fierce mountain winds blew through his long hair. Thousands of his followers bowed before him, each and every one of them shouting praises. Birak raised his golden sword to silence them. As he opened his mouth, a shadow fell over him. Birak swung his sword at it, it shattered into a thousand pieces, each flying back and tearing into his flesh. With a cry he lost his balance and fell off the mountaintop. He fell and fell and fell into a deep crevice. The impenetrable darkness within washed over him…

Birak screamed and stumbled to his feet. “Nooo!”

“Problem boss?”

Birak looked around dumbfoundly, he stood high up on the summit of one of the smaller mountains. There was no gold, there was only bley, and he only had a dozen maggoty followers and his sword dull iron and notched. Grunting, the King of the mountain bandits pulled out a flask of brandy and gulped it down greedily, letting it run into his unkempt beard. Throwing it down, he rang out his beard.

“That’s it! I’m sick of liven’ like this.” He growled.

“So? What are ya gonna do boss?” Asked one of his men.

“We’re gonna go on a raid.” He replied.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:00 pm
by smcginnis
Location: Wellestowne

___Starcloak shuffled the papers and put them back in the desk drawer. There, he thought, done for tonight. Turning towards the window to leave, he stopped, startled. What was that noise? Walking swiftly to the door, he threw it open, revealing a small child, about eight or nine years old. He stared at the girl, who ran away, screaming. Gah!, he thought, I've been discovered. Running back toward the window, he quickly tied his rope in a special knot around a chair. Throwing both ends outside, he leapt up onto the sill, and quickly scrambled down. Pulling on the other end of the rope, the knot came undone, and the rope slithered down to him. He had just hidden himself in a dark doorway when he saw a head poking out through the window.
___"Must've been a mouse. Are you sure you saw someone, Bellep, dear?" A man said.
___"Yes, daddy, I did. A big scary man all in black with stars," the girl said.
___"Starcloak," muttered the man under his breath. To his daughter he said, "Bellep, dear, you must have been dreaming. Go back to bed."
___"Yes, daddy." Bellep left, pouting.
___Her mother came in. "What did she see?"
___"Starcloak, I believe. Luckily, we have nothing to hide," the man said, sighing. "Let's get back to sleep, honey." He closed and latched the window, and he and his wife went back to their bedroom.
___Starcloak ran along the streets until he found some crates. Climbing onto them, he made it up to the roofs of Wellestown. It was nearly dawn when he returned to the castle.

___"My lord, I found nothing of offense in Lord Bel Marks' manor. I believe he is loyal to you."
___"Good, good," King Forlego said. "I could use a few allies in these troubled times. Go now, get some rest, I don't need you to check on anyone for a while."
___"Yes, your majesty." Bowing, Starcloak left the room, and went home.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 7:58 pm
by smcginnis
Location: A farm just outside of Montegarde, on Mount Oraynol.

___Roëd packed his clothes, some food, and a pouch of Ninae into a bag. Unstringing his bow, he slid it into his quiver along with the arrows. He slung the quiver and bag onto his shoulders, and buckled his knife onto his belt. Pulling on his boots and gloves, he walked downstairs. His mother and Kayra were sitting at the table. "Well, I'm off!" he said, cheerfully enough.
___"Goodbye, Roëd. Don't forget about us!" Kayra said, giggling.
___"Oh, Kay, how can you say such a thing?" Jenrie asked, her voice hoarse from weeping. "Your brother would never forget us, would you, son?"
___"No mother, I wouldn't. Where's father?"
___"He's getting something for you from the attic. You can meet him on the path, he's going into the village with you." Jenrie said. "Oh, Roëd, I'll miss you! Promise me you'll come back, and write us a message at least once every six months?"
___"I promise. Goodbye, Kay. Goodbye, Mother," Roëd said. He walked out the door and started down the path to Montegarde. After a few minutes, he heard someone coming. Turning around, he saw his father running down the slope towards him, carrying a stick.
___"Hello, son. I've brought you this, as a sort of going-away gift." He handed Roëd the stick, which was beautifully engraved. "Your great-great-grandfather carved this for his son ninety-six years ago. It's very special. I want you to take it."
___"Thank you, Father. I shall try to keep it safe," Roëd said. They walked along the path, talking, until they reached the village.
___"Here I will take leave of you, son, I've got to go to the weaver and pick up those wool blankets your mother wanted. Goodbye," Aelfred said, and he shook his son's hand. "Bring yourself back home safe, son. And, on a lighter note, see if you can get some pipeweed for me. You know how your mother doesn't allow it." He set off in one direction, chuckling, and Roëd went the other, towards Hloan's house.

___When he arrived there, he walked into the forge room. Berw was there, but Nary wasn't. An apprentice pumped the bellows while Hloan shouted over the ring of his hammer. "Ah, good, you're here. I've made you a sword! It's a fine, sturdy blade, and it'll serve you well. There!" He plunged the blade into a trough of water, and drew it out again swiftly. "Thrice-tempered steel, it won't break very easily."
___"Thank you very much, Hloan. How do I pay you for this?" Roëd asked, very much surprised.
___"Pay? It's a gift, boy! No need to pay!" Hloan said, grinning. He slipped the sword, new-forged, into a scabbard. "Buckle this onto your belt, on your left side. That's right. Now, you've a proper weapon! Not that I don't like bows, but there's nothing like having cold hard steel in your hand in the midst of battle."
___"Hello, Roëd," Berw said. "Ready to start? Good. We'll be leaving as soon as we can. Hloan's wife has made up packs of traveling food for us, so we won't starve."
___Just then, Nary and Hloan's wife came through the door. "Here's your pack, dear," Nary said, handing Berw an overstuffed satchel. "And here's one for you." She handed another to Roëd. "Ready? All right, let's go." The three of them bid goodbye to the blacksmith and his wife, and started out of the village, Roëd looking over his shoulder occasionally.
___"Is this the first time you've left home?" Berw asked. "You seem a little anxious."
___"Well, I guess I am somewhat nervous. I've always wanted an adventure, but I never knew what leaving would be like."
___"Oh, don't worry. You'll soon get used to it," Nary said kindly.
___They joked around for a while, and then began their long descent down Mount Oraynol.


Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 8:59 pm
by Mike Viper
As Michael approached his hidden home, he began to see figures lurking about. Using his sharp eyesite, and the moon, he figured out the shapes of swords, helmets, and kite shields.

He knew instantly. He had been ratted out. Who had done it? Micheal didn't know and didn't care. Where to go now? That michael didn't know and did care.

He could likely make a hasty retreat to the woods, but then he would never get his pay. He was just contimplated which was a better choice, living or getting paid, when a top-heavy figure walked out of one of the houses, shaped like a fat T. Then he realized it was one man with a body.

That solidified his decision. His contact was dead. Michael immediatly did what he did best at his job, forced himself to forget about the night. Forget his contract, the pay, the Duke, everything, but he must remember one thing od tonight: He was now a wanted man. Someone knew him and his job. No longer could he stroll these streets in freedom.

Michael headed down the nearest alley, down to the river. He silently pulled out his grappling gloves, leather gloves that had hershmik hairs sewn into them, hairs so fine, they'll grip anything with enough force.

He reached the river, which ran into Sokon Bay, and fell over the stone canal (I'm assuming it's stone, like Balmora from Morrowind), and slapped the stone. The gloves caught, and he dangled there for a few seconds, regaining a secure state of mind. It's not everyday you fall into a canal, relying on leather gloves to catch you.

Now hopefully nobody heard the slap, which was loud enough to wake sleaping babies in nearby houses. Michael cursed at this and hang, unmoving...

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:13 pm
by Remyth

In his hatred, Theyrus relentlessly pursued the Silver-Hawks' trail. Even though he was on foot, and they were on horse-back, he kept following the ever-cooling trail. He had vowed to himself that he would not stop following them until they had paid. Theyrus hadn't had any sleep, in fact, he had hardly stopped jogging, for almost three days.

Finally, after three and a half days of hard pushing, Theyrus needed to sleep. The Silver-Hawks trail was leading North and a little East, out of the wilderness. However, Theyrus had not reached the edge yet. He figured that it was another day or so until he did.

Theyrus picked a place in a clearing to go to sleep. He set his internal clock to wake up in three hours. Almost as soon as he laid down, he was asleep.

About four-and-a-half hours later, midnight, Theyrus was awakened by a sound of flutes. He sat up quickly. No one was in the clearing. Good, he though. now I can get back to the trail.

He got up, gathered his belongings, and looked around for a sign of the trail. He could not find any. Theyrus, even being the calm, controlled person he was, panicked. He had lost the trail. There was no way he could find it again.

Suddenly, he saw a light in the forest. There is nothing in the wilderness that can make fire. Though Theyrus. He heard the flutes again. This time, there was a sound of hooves along with it. This time, Theyrus was really frightened. He though it was the Silver-Hawks again. He prepared to defend himself to the death.

The light and sounds came closer. Still closer. Then, the 'Silver-Hawks' appeared out of the forest. To his surprise and complete wonder, Theyrus saw that they were not Silver-Hawks, but instead they were in fact Fauns. He had only heard of these in tales, when they roamed free. Now they were thought to be extinct, although this clearly proved that they were not.

The surprise was so great to Theyrus that he gave a cry, which he quickly muffled. The fauns were good of hearing though, and heard it. They were as surprised to see him as he was to see them. They quickly turned out the lights, and hopped back into the forest.

"No!" cried Theyrus after them. "Please don't go! I mean you no harm." Right after he said this, he looked at his weapons, all lined out before him. Oops, he thought. Like there going to trust me now...

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 9:18 pm
The Joosten Plains, The border of Faronia and Hawkshire.

A heavy boulder crashed into the ranks of the Dragon Spearmen, crushing the captain. More stones flew creating divisions among the ranks. “Retreat, retreat” came the call but many soldiers were cut off from the main body, they tried to regroup but the Hawks fell upon them. With half their men gone the Dragons were forced across the plains and behind the new wall. The Silver Hawks had conquered their first piece of Faronia!

Several Miles Away...

Sir Zeileg turned to his mentor. ”Sir Gelb why must we travel all the way out here, so far from the battle. I want to fight for my country!”
“By coming out here and aiding me in finding help you are doing much more then just slaying men”
“But we’ve been traveling for a full day and I haven’t lifted my axes once!”
“Patience my boy, we shall have trouble enough before this task is over”
The two walked onward in silence, unbeknown to the adventure before them.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 10:56 pm
by Formendacil
Location: The slummier streets of Wellestowne
TheOrk wrote:As he rounded a narrow corner out into a larger street, a strange sight met his eyes. Looking to one side, he saw a number of thugs, each filthier then the last; running straight at him. Cocking an eyebrow, he took hold of his axe.

“Now what have I gotten myself into!?”
Tearing past the strange newcomer knight, Sir Wilfred paused just quickly enough to shout at him.

"I say, really good of you to hold them off, whilst I get the lady to safety! Be back in a jiffy!"

The newcomer looked a bit bewildered, but Wilfred had to speed up to keep pace with the young lady who's hand he was still clutching, as fear propelled her on ahead.

"Tyco armour!" he muttered under his breath. "I could out-marathon any one of these shifty-brickbrained blaggards if it weren't for the ironmongery!"

Wilfred wasn't certain, but he thought he saw, out of the corner of his eye, the stranger knight following behind them, wisely not trying to fight the ruffians alone.

Or he might have been seeing the ruffians gaining on them.

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2006 11:25 pm
by TheOrk
Location: Wellestowne

Grunting, Sir Doric took off after the strange knight and his charge. He didn’t know what was going on; just those ruffians didn’t like the look of him. The knight not used to this kind of exertion after so long, soon fell behind the other two, and the ruffians were gaining on him fast. Grunting again, he urged himself onward, if only he wasn’t clad head to toe in a suit of armor, he would have gone further.

Without warning, one ruffian jumped down from a second story window, right infront of him. Without pausing, Doric cracked him in the forehead with the haft of his axe. Cursing, the man thrust a knife at him, Doric grabbed his wrist and swung his axe. They were too close together, so he simply hit him with the flat of the blade. The ruffian crumpled with a shattered wrist.

The knight never got ten steps before he knew he had to make his stand. Turning, he glanced at the dozen men rushing towards him. Muttering over the effort, he pushed over a giant barrel and tackled it. The barrel bounced away, barreling over three minifigs with bone crunching force, Doric didn’t stick around to see what happened to the rest.

“I say! By the bloody Wooden Duck, wait for me!” He shouted.

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2006 12:32 am
by Mike Viper
ummm, what time is it in wellestowne? Cause I can adjust, is it dark? Or is it coming dark? Anway, whatecer time it be:

Michael began crawling sideways along the canal, heading upstream. It was an easy going when he suddenly heard an uproar of sorts.

Micheal heard the curses, and the sound of a barrel rolling followed by some screams, he two people running. He hoped they weren't guards searching for him. he hoped they weren't headed for the bridge, from which they would be able to see him in the cursed light.

Micheal shuved with hopes aside and focused on moving away from torch light. He also focused on not falling in the water.

He suddenly thought he heard the words
“I say! By the bloody Wooden Duck, wait for me!”
"Knights and their fancy language" he thought to himself with a grin, holding in a chuckle,"quite a different toungue from us in the night buisness, still, none of them better be coming this way"

The footsteps got louder. It was two people. one wore heavy boots, the other soft shoes.

"It seems a galant fool has found himself some trouble" Michael ginned again, " and that trouble seems to have pulled someone else along with it, and all that trouble seems to be heading my way"

"regretfully" He whispered, silently slapping the glove into the stone and moving a few inches more upstream, a few inches more away from the torchlight, and few inches closer to the bridge, a few inches more out of sight from the couple. But could he make it?