Official Roleplay Gaming Thread I.

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Post by Maedhros »

Location: Wellestowne

"Curious things, mirrors, aren´t they?"

Lady Cana nodded absentmindedly while contemplating her reflection. She was a rather plain woman who was long past her golden days, although she tried to compensate it with lots of make-up that made her look like some kind of bizarre doll.

“I wonder where they came from…”

Slowly and hesitantly she turned away from the elaborate mirror and faced her brother Lord Caenien. He was a year or two younger but he neither was gifted with any particular kind of beauty; his dark hair hung in greasy curtains around his face and there was a little bit too wide space between his eyes.

“Over the sea the merchant said”, she answered after a long silence.

“Indeed. But why? Why would an empty ship full of huge elaborate mirrors just drift into Wellestowne?”

Lady Cana shrugged her shoulders and smirked. “Does it matter? I think every single noble and wealthy freeman should own a decent mirror now. Maybe we will see some style in the salons from now on.” She snorted and then started to admire the golden rings on her short stubby fingers.

“And I bet that greedy merchant who found the ship made a fortune on it. Renyis was his name, wasn´t it?”

“Possibly”, Lady Cana answered in a dreamy voice, not taking her eyes from her fingers. “I think I will go to bed now. Good night.”

Taken aback by the abrupt response Lord Caenien stood stuttering for a few moments before he turned on his heels, muttered a “good night” and walked out of his sister´s bedroom.
With a deep sigh Lady Cana sat down on her four-poster bed as the door was closed. She wasn´t sure why but she felt unusually tired tonight, and the sun had barely set. Must be because all the ramblings of those uncivilized workers I had to endure, she thought to herself. I mean, how hard can it be to understand where you should put a mirror? And what manners… She shuddered slightly.

Twenty minutes later she had gotten rid of all make-up and jewellery. After shooting a last glance at the brand new mirror she blew out the last candle and lay down on her bed. What a day, what a day…

Soon enough Lady Cana was fast asleep and dreaming about distant lands where countless young men were kneeling and praising her beauty. Unfortunately it disappeared almost as fast as it had come and was replaced by a vision of an endless wasteland where nothing but an eerie hollow laughter accompanied her. At the same time, much closer, a twisted smile appeared on the mirror and the faint echoes of laughter were heard in the murky room…
"Hinc satis elucet maiorem habere uim ad discenda ista liberam curiositatem quam meticulosam necessitatem.”
- Augustinus Hipponensis
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Post by TheOrk »

Location: The T’Ork Mountain Range

It was a quiet day up in the mountains, the only sound for miles was just the eerie howl of the wind. Slowly ascending to the rocky heights came a ponderous column of minifigs. Each was wrapped up in white cloaks, everyone, man, woman and child had their heads shaved, and almost all of them carried a stick of some shape or size. Each and every one of them was ragged from their journey, their white cloaks hiding nothing. Many looked ready to quit, but the fanatical fervor of their leader pushed them on.

Then without warning, a barrage of crude arrows struck them. A dozen minifigs fell dead or dying. One unfortunate man was able to jump out the way and fall to his death. The column fell into chaos, but the voice of their leader boomed loud and clear.

“Stand and fight my brethren!” He roared, brandishing his stick.

With a roar fifty bandits poured out of the rocks all around them, supported by dozens of archers. Leading the filthy wave was King Birak, waving his broadsword wildly over his head.

Within seconds, the peaceful serenity of that morning was shattered. The battle hardened bandits cleaved through their poorly equipped foes with ease. In response, several bandits stumbled back with broken bones. The bandits butchered every minifig they could get their hands on. One burly minifig wielding two clubs, struck down the first two to reach him, then a spear was thrust through his back.

“Stand and fight or all is-“ Their leader never got to finish what he was saying before Birak took his head.

Looking over the scene of the massacre with pride, Birak hopped onto a boulder. “I want some prisoners!”
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Post by smcginnis »

Location: The forest south-east of Mt. Oraynol.

___Roëd had just completed his third day of training with Reyg and Hiwte. He had learned to recognize much more life and spirits in the Glade of Loé than on his first day, but he still had far to come. This afternoon, however, he was taking a break from that. Dre and Ergen were taking him to one of the smaller Grey Mountains. He wasn't sure what they were going to teach him yet, but they seemed to think he'd like it. "Which mountain are we headed towards?" he asked.
___"You'll see, you'll see," was Dre's reply.
___"Yes, you'll see, Roëd," chuckled Ergen.
___"All right, I'll wait. I'm just wondering how much longer it will take to get there, have time to learn something, and get back to the tree house," Roëd said. "Or are we going back? I wouldn't mind staying the night on a mountain, but neither of you seem to have brought supplies." Dre laughed, and Roëd looked at her. "Oh, I should've known. Who needs to bring supplies, when we could just gather them from the forest around us?"
___"Exactly," Ergen said. "And in the morning, you shall practice recognizing the life around you like you normally would, except it will be unfamiliar to you. Then we shall see how well you really are doing." Walking for a few more hours, they reached the southmost mountain of the range, besides Oraynol. They had climbed halfway up its slopes when night began to fall. Turning aside from the path, they entered a hidden cave.
___"Now, Roëd, you shall begin. While Dre and I fetch supplies from the mountain and forest, you must concentrate as hard as you can on lifting yourself completely from the ground, without using your arms or legs. By the time we get back, you should be able to float about an inch above the ground, though it's perfectly alright if you don't. See you soon," Ergen said as he left the cave and headed back down the slope with Dre.
___Sitting with folded legs at the cave mouth as it got dark outside, Roëd focused his energy on hovering above the ground, and felt himself becoming lighter. While most would expect closing their eyes would help, Roëd found that having his eyes open, but relaxed, was much better. He sat there for a long time, almost falling asleep, when Dre and Ergen returned.
___"Ho, Roëd! You've done well."
___Shocked out of his calm by Dre's call, he lost concentration and landed painfully on the rock. "Ouch," he said. "How high up was I?"
___"Much higher than we'd have thought. Two and a half inches, I'd say," said Ergen. "But now for dinner." He set down a large bundle of sticks and plants, and Dre put some vegetables on a large flat rock.
___Moving the sticks into a divet in the rock, she lit them on fire, although Roëd saw no flint or match. She then put the rock with the vegetables on it over the flame. Ergen picked the vegetables up one by one, before they were too hot, and split them into small pieces with his hands. "You may catch a rabbit or bird, if you like. Or, you could just eat what we eat. Your choice," Dre said as she tended the fire.
___"Oh, it's all right," Roëd said. He had noticed that at each meal at the treehouse, there was no meat, although he felt full and content after eating. "Why do you not eat animals? I'd expect it would be because you can talk to them, but you can also talk to plants, so I don't know."
___"Well, we don't eat any part of plant or animal that would harm it, which is why you don't see any lettuce leaves or root vegetables here. We save seeds that we get from each food and plant them in the ground, and in return, the plants let us harvest their fruits. We also keep goats for cheese and butter, but we don't eat eggs," Dre said, humming as she cooked. "There, all finished. Also, we only gather fallen wood and crushed, already dead or dying plants for our fires. Here you go." She handed Roëd a rock with vegetables on it. They were quite hot, but very good.
___"Thank you, Dre. And Ergen, too. So flying is why I came here?"
___"Well, levitating is more like it. We can only fly after years of practice, and only Reyg, Hiwte, and Alcbk, he's one of the wanderers, by the way, have practiced enough," Ergen said. "Now, I think it's time for sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow." Putting aside his rock-plate, Ergen lay down on the floor of the cave. "Goodnight." Yawning, he turned over and was asleep.
___"Goodnight, Roëd. I'll clean the plates," Dre said, and Roëd fell asleep to her humming.
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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: Wellestowne
“Well, it can’t do ‘em hard if I sleep ‘ere tonight.”
Thought David, so he lay down on the soft, cool grass, and fell to sleep, dreaming of what he may do in the morning.
David was awakened quite early in the morning by an elderly minifig,
"Get off from my flowers, young man!"
Yelled the minifig while he chased David away.
"Calm down ol' man, I didn't mean no harm!!"
David yelled as he ran off.
"Yeesh! I thought I was a goner, that ol' fella' could run!"

David, then walked to the town gates, he had no idea where he would go next, he just decided to head south.

After a few miles walk he realized something.. He hadn't any food, nor any gold, he needed to make some quick cash.. or at least just get some food, and of all the luck, he is an awful hunter.
But this matter was not concerning to him at the moment, it was still early, and he had plenty of energy, plus, he should have no trouble finding some berries on his way south, so David kept walking.

Three or so hours later David grew hungry, and all of this walking without having food or water was making him rather light-headed. But just when he thought his luck was running thin, he spotted a black berry bush, loaded with fresh, ripe berries.
"Aye there! these are delicious!"

Just in case he might not find such luck before he reaches the next town, David filled his pouch with the berries and carried on south.
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Post by Remyth »

Remyth wrote: "Astor!" called Tapfer. "To pay for your folly, you must lead this man out of our kingdom. You will start as soon as preparations are made."

To be continued...
As Astor made preparation to go, Theyrus was led to a cave. Inside, Tapfer ordered bread, cheese, and wine to be laid out for him. Theyrus ate the meal without talking. He emptied his plate three times over before he was satisfied.

"Tell me, young one," said Tapfer. "Where do you hail from, and what are you doing here?"

"I come from over yonder," replied Theyrus, pointing eastward. "I wondered into your kingdom following the Silver-Hawks, as I have mentioned before. They took one of my companions, and I must try to rescue her."

"I see," was the faun's reply. "I will get Astor to lead towards their kingdom."

Just at this moment Astor came in. He was carrying a large back-pack, that seemed to be packed to it's breaking point. "I have made the necessary preparations, sir," he said to Tapfer. Then he turned to Theyrus and said, "You do not need to bring anything; I have packed enough for both of us."

"I am grateful," Theyrus replied. Turning to Tapfer he bowed. "Thank you very much for your hospitality. I will not forget you. Perhaps I shall come back someday."

"Your welcome," replied the faun. "You and your kin are welcome here anytime."

Theyrus and Astor then set out over the lawn. They had a long day ahead of them, and they were both determined to make the most of it. They waved good-bye at the edge of the trees. Astor seemed a little anxious. Theyrus noted this, and tried to make him feel that he would be back faster than he thought.
Thomas Wunz <><

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Post by ZIGGY! »

The edge of the woods(Duh!)

Sir Nesher and his men rode along the edge of the woods. “Now that we have that taken care of we can begin the hunt” he commented.

“Sire why did you choose not to notify the rest of the council of this prisoner and of those soldiers attack on the Uneben Stamm?”

“Silence soldier, that is for me to know and for you, not to know!”

“Yes sir, sorry sir.”

The party traveled on until high noon, at this point Nesher halted his soldiers. “Here we enter the woods, by midnight, the latest we will reach the Old Village. The next morning we shall continue until we catch up to those fools.”

Meanwhile the Dragon party had traveled quickly and thanks to the Silver-Hawks delay they were now at the village resting, gathering supplies, and getting what directions they could out of the villagers. By the time the Silver-Hawks had arrived the Dragon knights had only left about an hour before heading quickly through the woods.

Nesher did not bother getting information from the townspeople, he simply got an inn room for his soldiers and began planning.

“I want four of you to scout through the area look for a possible path.”

“Sir why don’t we just ask one of the villagers?”

“It is not for you to question my decisions soldier, however my reason is simply that I don’t want us under any spotlights we’re in and out early tomorrow.”

“Yes sir, we shall go right away sir!”

A half hour later Sir Nesher was pacing near the edge of the village when a soldier walked up.

“Sir come quick!” The soldier urged.

“What, what is it soldier?”

“The last of the scouts quick before it’s too late!”

Nesher shrugged but from the soldiers voice he knew to listen. “All right, lead the way.”

The soldier led him behind a bar that was still open and relatively crowded. On the ground before them was a horrible sight. A soldier lay moaning, blood splattered all over him. His clothes were shredded and he didn’t have any equipment. “Soldier, what has happened?”

“Beast, horrible, others dead, horses dead I’m dead….”

The soldiers eyes rolled and he went limp, Nesher was silent.

“Uh Sir, what are we going to do?”

“Silence you fool how many times must I tell the? We shall find out as much as we can from these villagers.”

“But sir, you said-”

“Silence, go to the inn now. Send another soldier to this bar. Now.”

The soldier scampered off as Nesher entered the bar. A few people were here and there, Nesher walked up to the counter “Give me a glass.” The bartender slid him a glass of rum as he tossed a few coins down. He made his way toward a table in the corner, at it an old man sat sipping from his own glass.

“Excuse me sire, but can I ask you a few questions about the area?”

“Sure thing, sir knight. I was jus` wondrin why you knights are suddenly so interested in this `ere village.”

“What do you mean, there were others?”

“Aye jus a cuple` o hours back they was. Wearin dragons on em.”

“Indeed where were they headed?”

“Through the woodsen, to yonder Wellestowne or some such. Headed off awfly quick they did.”

“I see. What do you know about beasts in this area?”

“You be referin to yonder Cave Minotaur?”

“Is that what it was?”

“Aye, ave` ye awakened it?”

“Nay, but some of my companions were attacked and slaughtered by a beast. My guess is this minotaur.”

“I’d guess so to, problem is once e’s awakened he’ll stay that way fer a few days!”

“Perfect, and there is no way to get passed?”

“Actually, lucky fer you two fellows came inta town yeserday, one says e can talk animal, he was dwarf, if there is any truth to it then he can probly stop the beast, possibly control it. It’ll cost ya though e was a mercenary or somtin like that.”

“Where can I find this dwarf?”

“On that table yonder speakin` to that young man, they’re companions.”

“Thank you sir” Nesher ended, handing the elder a small coin pouch. “Aye my pleasure, come again!” The man stared at his new money greedily.

Nesher made his way to the next table, feeling a loss of money in the near future...
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Post by LEGO-las »

Location: Somewhere deep in the T'Ork Mountains

Ethuand Seud was enjoying himself. He had a small lean-to built, and was enjoying a warm, crackling flame. He was enjoying a delicious meat from an Ornian, a small animal that looked like a deer the size of a large rabbit, with no antlers.

Dusk was coming on Ethuand's chosen time to travel. Though the mountains were mainly devoid of life, there were bandits about. He was an expert tracker, and had honed his hunting skills to the max. Some called him a Ranger, one of the men that was elusive and deadly, if he was your enemy. If he was your friend, your enemy had a dangerous foe. But Ethuand, being the humble man he was, refused. He said he was a simple huntsman.

But he could still avoid every human that would seek him out, unless he knew who it was and wanted to speak to him. He would sometimes even act like he didn't know you were there, and then lash out and put a dagger to yur throat that seemingly appeared from his hand.

Tonight, he would travel north, then east, to the Robber's Wood. He had heard rumors of a dark fear in that wood, one that could kill in a heartbeat. One that was not human, but the opposite. One that had no allies, not even another creature to hunt with. It was said to have no fear, no love. Only hate. Cold, bleak hate.

"Well, I'd best be going."

"Oh, are you? I was beginning to enjoy your company." A forlorn voice, Ethuand thought. Sad.

And suddenly a blade was pressed to his throat, and blood was trickling down his shirt.

"And who would you be? A mindless outlaw thinking to challenge Ethuand Seud?"

"You mean... the one they call The Elusive?"

"Yes, the same. Though I hate that name with zeal."

And suddenly the minifig, an outlaw presumably, decided to grow a dagger through his heart. Cringing, Ethuand pulled it free.

"I let my guard down. I must remember never to do that again."

Ethuand looked at the minifig. Suddenly, he saw the insignia of a hawk carrying a fish in it's talons on the minifig's sword's hilt.

"The bloody Hawkfin!"
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Post by Mike Viper »

Location: In a stone-built room, with four torches in each of the four corners, one iron door, a large eight seater table.

A man sat at the far end of the table, his great helm and plate armor studded with jade and emerald dragons figures. His great helm swayed back and forth as he eyed his men, who sat with thier helms on the table in front of them, all watching the man.

"How goes the quelling of Gorret Haur? Asked the helmetted man.

"The threat has been quelled in secrecy" Replied one of the knights, " The order was once again succesful"

"Good. How goes the smuthering of the undead disturbance?" he asked to another.

"The battle still rages, the undead are falling easily, and any civilain traveler has been re-routed"

"That is good, the populace does not need to know there are more evil creatures out there than orks and demons."

"Yes, about that, there was a freak misshap, and a young woman was attacked by her husband. She believed him to have gone mad, says his eyes where rolled back and he had gone skin-toned." one spoke up.

"Ah, and this was silenced fast?"


"And how goes the faring of our fieldmen, the hunters?"

"They remain strong in keeping out the minor threats before they become large."

"Good, this meeting is over"

The men got up and left the room, one after another, putting thier helms on and walking out as men of steel and mail.
I ow it to wunztwice for directing me here.
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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: Pathway headed towards Faireslayde.

Decus was riding his horse on his was to Faireslayde, it was a nice, sunny day, and he could see Lake Longshad gleaming in the distance.
He was about three miles from the town when he saw a little boy, he lay flat down off to the side of the pathway.
"Is everything alright, boy?"
Yelled Decus.
He got no reply, the boy just lay there, now Decus knew something was wrong.
As he got close enough, Decus climbed off of his horse and went to the boy, he was flat on his stomach, Decus turned him over and revealed a large, gaping wound on his chest. Decus bowed down his head, he could have sworn that the boy was dead, but then he heard the boy moan, so he took him in his arms, got back on his hoarse and quickly rode into town.

Decus rode his horse right into the town, leapt off from his horse and walked into the home of Faireslayde's only Doctor.
"Sir, you must look at this boy, quickly now!"
Yelled Decus,
"What seems to be the problem, sick?"
Replied the Doctor,
"No, he has a sword wound, please, this is urgent."

"Oh my! but he is just a bo-"
"I tell you, this is urgent!"
Interrupted Decus,
"Y..yes Sir, right away!"

The Doctor looked over the wound, he was quite surprised the boy could be alive.
He then cleaned up the wound and applied many bandages.

"Is this boy your son?"

"No, I found him on my way to this town."

"It would be no surprise if the killed his parents."
Decus looked a bit shocked,

"..Who? what would make you think his parents are dead?"

"Well, this is most certainly the work of some bandits, located in the T'Ork mountains. It is amazing that this boy is alive.."

"When he is well, I will find and return him to his parents."

"But sir, his parents are surely-"

"Listen, I will be staying at the inn, if the boy gets well, you know where to find me."
Said Decus as he walked out of the Doctor's house.
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Post by smcginnis »

Location: Wellestowne

___Majhad strolled along the pier. He had just gotten off of a ship from Harn Island, and he was looking for a place to stay. He noticed that people were staring at him, and he was beginning to get nervous. Some of the people had been talking to soldiers while pointing at him, and he noticed that uniformed minifigs were following him. He walked faster, and the soldiers started jogging. Majhad was soon flat out running, and because of his longer stride, quickly outdistanced his pursuers. However, he was now in a part of town that didn't look very good. Unslinging his huge axe from his back, Majhad continued warily until he reached a main street again. Unfortunately for him, he walked out right next to a patrol of soldiers. A giant goat-man carrying a huge axe must've seemed threatening to them, because he was immediately disarmed and arrested. At the gaol, he was questioned by the captain of the guard.
___"Why were you prowling around Wellestowne, carrying a weapon in attack position?" When Majhad didn't answer, the captain yelled, "SPEAK! If you ever want to be released."
___"I wasn't 'prowling'. I'd been walking along the pier when soldiers started chasing me, I don't know why. I soon outran them and found myself in a part of town I didn't like the look of. So I drew my axe and made my way out of there, accidentally running into your patrol."
___"Why did you run from the soldiers if you had nothing to hide, hmm?" asked the captain.
___"Because I've had bad experiences with soldiers. They killed my father the day before I was born," Majhad said, getting angry now.
___"A likely story. You'll be kept here until someone vouches for you—someone we can trust," the captain said. He signalled to the guards to take Majhad to a cell.

___Sir Doric was heading towards Forlego's war room in Castle Alexandria when he saw Majhad being led to the gaol cell. "Majhad? Majhad! What are you doing here in Wellestowne? I thought you were still on Harn!" the knight called.
___Majhad looked up, and recognized the knight. "Sir Doric!" he cried. "Can you get these crazy minifigs to release me?"
___"What? Oh, yes, of course. Captain, I vouch for this Ibixian. Please let him free," Sir Doric said.
___"Fine," grumbled the captain. "But if he causes any trouble, I'm going straight to Forlego."
___"Thank you, captain. You may go. Oh, and by the way, that's King Forlego," Sir Doric said. "Majhad, old friend, I've got to go. But I'll talk to you later... where are you staying?"
___"I don't know yet," the Ibixian replied.
___"Well, ask for Lem at the stables. He knows of a good inn that isn't opposed to, urm, non-humans. Bye!" Sir Doric called as he continued on to his meeting with the king.
Last edited by smcginnis on Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Remyth »

Remyth wrote: Theyrus and Astor then set out over the lawn. They had a long day ahead of them, and they were both determined to make the most of it. They waved good-bye at the edge of the trees. Astor seemed a little anxious. Theyrus noted this, and tried to make him feel that he would be back faster than he thought.
As they set out, Astor started talking about the forest and how the fauns live of off it and its inhabitants. "These plants," he said, pointing at a purple and blue flowered plant. "Have poisonous nectar. If take the root, and make a tea out of it, then it will cure the poison very quickly. And these trees have a dangerous thorn. The thorn will actually work its way into your hand by itself. To treat it, all you have to do is take the tree's sap, and spread it over the wound. This will cause the thorn to travel back out of the wound, allowing you to grab and take it out."

"So you are saying that the cures for many wounds can be found on/around the plant that inflicts the wound?" asked Theyrus.

"Exactly," replied Astor. "We gather the cures so that if somebody or animal gets injured, we can cure it almost instantly. You see this animal here?" He said, reaching into the bushes on the side of the path and picking out a small rat-looking animal. "They can be caught easily and cooked in less than fifteen minutes. They also provide enough meat to fill a grown man."

"Wow," exclaimed Theyrus. "It's so small. How could it feed a grown man? I guess there is more to animals and plant than I thought."

"Indeed," was Astor's reply. "A lot of people do not understand how important a lot of life is. There are a lot of animals out in that forest that should not be messed with. There is a legend that there is a Minotaur in the caves by the entrance of the forest's edge that faces towards the Dragon Knights' Kingdom. There are also some wise beasts. There have been rumors of centaurs in the woods on the edges of our little kingdom."

"Gee," said Theyrus. "You’re just a library of information. I have also heard of this Minotaur, although I thought it was just a fairytale. I have never heard of these centaurs creatures though. What are they?"

"Centaurs are the wisest of all beasts. They are star-gazers and wise in the history of the world. It is said that some are over 500 years old," replied the excited faun. "They do not often fight, but they are very fierce and wise warriors when provoked. Centaurs are the noblest and most gentle creatures that ever lived, with the possible exception of elves. Elves are also rumored to be in the wilderness, where they can have peace."

Theyrus had stopped short during this explanation. "Elves?! There are elves. I did not know that there was anything nice or noble in the wilderness at all."

"If you thought that, then you have much to learn my young friend," was all Astor said to this.

For a while they walked on in silence. Suddenly, on the path ahead, there loomed sixteen foot soldiers. Theyrus gasped as he saw the emblem on their tunics. Silver Hawks!
Thomas Wunz <><

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Post by TheOrk »

Location: Castle Alexandria

His first day here was not even over yet and he was already exhausted. Muttering he turned back to Castle Alexandria, he had come here with a mission. He would complete it, no matter the cost. He had made that promise so long ago, it was the least he could do.

Scowling, the knight entered the castle gates and announced who he was. King Forlego was expecting him, before knew it, Sir Doric was being lead into the King’s war room, where he was told to wait. The knight waited there patiently for the King’s arrival. His interest sparked, he began to examine the contents of the chamber. The war room was like any other. A great rectangular table dominated the room, against one wall was a great bookshelf. Against all the others were coats of arms and standards from a hundred battles. By the looks of things, this chamber hadn’t been dusted in over a decade. Sighing, the knight wondered to himself how much longer it could remain that way.

Casually browsing the shelf, he came across an ancient tome, it’s leather binding worn to almost nothing, the color of it's plastic had been discolored over the centuries, to the point at which he could no longer tell what color it once was. Curious, he pulled it out, carefully opening it, he strained his eyes to read the tiny precise writing. He smiled, it was a book of bedtime tales that had been told to little minifigs for centuries.

“Careful with that, it’s said to be one of the three original copies.” Doric turned to see Forlego enter.

“Your majesty!” Doric gave a swift bow and returned the Chronicles of Dametreos to its resting-place.

“It’s been a long time Doric.” He said warmly.

“Aye, it has been a while.” He replied.

“I trust you were successful in the Yasbrik Swamp?” The King’s tone grew serious.

“Would I have returned otherwise? I didn’t half to, sometimes I made up my mind not to.”

Forlego nodded and glanced at the shields that hung along the wall. “By the Gods, I pray it never comes to that again.”

“We can all dream sire, but they don’t last forever.”

Forlego turned away, “I will not allow it to happen again. For as long as I live, I will never allow such a menace to threaten Ardaesia ever again!” The normally gentle King’s eyes burned with fire.

“And that is why you are my King.”

Blinking, Forlego took a seat, “now onto business. How faired your mission?”
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Post by LEGO-las »

Location: Wellestowne

Ethuand was on edge. Since he haad been attacked by the assassin from Hawkfin Isle, he had traveled hard and fast, until he came within several miles of Wellestown. He hated big cities, all the people cramped into dirty inns and houses.

He was going to take a boat to Hawkfin Isle as soon as possible, he had something to settle. It turned out all his hiding had been in vain. His main reason for living in the T'Ork mountains was to hide from High Lord Tadiston. Tadiston had once tried to kill Ethuand, it was a long story. Ethuand had escaped, barely. Tadiston still carried a grudge, it seemed.

Ethuand had opposed building Hawkfin City in the first place, and had harried it's creation in every way possible.

Now, he was returning.
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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: South of Wellestowne

David continued walking, but it was getting late.
"At least it's a warm night."
He said to himself as he walked a little further, until he was under a large willow.
He then ate half of the berries he was saving in his pouch and got to sleep.

Early the next morning..

It was now very early in the morning, David awoke, covered in dew, it was rather cold, but nothing like the nights he has spent in the harsh winters.

Though he had eaten some of his berries just before he had gone to bed, David was very hungry, so he got out his pouch.
"Empty! 'ow in the world..?"

David was very frustrated, he was quite hungry, and could really have used the extra energy from the berries before he started south once again.
Never the less, David got up and started walking south, by now he was only about 14 miles from the town of Faireslayde, but rather than keeping right to the path, David spotted another berry bush off the path a ways, so he went over and picked another pouch of berries.

As David was foraging, he heard the footsteps of a running horse, when he looked over towards the path he saw a knight, clad in armor on a beautiful white horse ride by.
"Ah, if only I 'ad a horse to ride.. travelling would go so smoothly for me.."

He now had a full pouch of berries once again, so he was off towards Faireslayde. Just as he was but a mile or two from the town, David saw a few gleaming gold coins just off the path, as he picked it up he saw a spot of blood on the ground and saw where a horso must of stopped and let off it's owner for a moment.
"I wonder what 'as happend 'ere?"
David thought as he continued towards the town, which he could finally see.

A couple minutes later, David was finally there, he was very tired, so he headed into the inn, which he could now afford thanks to the coins.
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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: Faireslayde.

Decus entered the inn, they had just two beds open, he was quite surprised at this, for it was just early afternoon.

He walked into his room, there were two beds, but both were empty, so he chose which one he thought looked best.
"Well, this is nice, it should be peaceful by myself."

He lay on his bed for quite a while, staring up at the ceilling. He wondered about the boy that he saved, and if he was alright.
As he lay there, the door to his room opened up and a young man entered the room. He looked over at Decus very curiously, as if he had seen the knight before.

" 'Afternoon Sir."
Said the young man.
"Hello there."
Replied Decus.

The young man then sat down on his bed, he couldn't help but to keep looking over at Decus, he just knew he had seen him before.

"...say, you wouldn't have happened to be riding a lovely white horse earlier, aye?"
Said the young man to the strange knight.
"Why yes, actually, I was.. But how did you know?"

"Well, I was off of the path picking berries and I saw you ride by."

"Ah, I see now."

David then looked over at Decus again, he was thinking hard about something as he stared at the knight.
"What is it, young man?"
"..Well, I had noticed a spot where it looked like you had stopped your horse for a while, but there was quite a bit of blood there as well.."
"Ah, yes. You see, I found a boy injured there, so I brought him to a Doctor here in this town."
"Oh, I see, no need to 'splain yerself anymore then."

David then looked around the room a bit more, he seemed a bit shy, as if he was not used to talking to other minifigs.

"..Say, we have not met.. My name is David. David Blockheart."
Decus turned to the young man and gave a smile.
"Decus Rodwil, pleased to meet you."
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