Page 7 of 7

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 8:18 pm

The group packed camp and headed onwards towards Wellestowne.

“Cut it out ye big beast!”


Sir Nesher could hear the voices of dwarf and beast as he and his four soldiers, led by Grit, moved toward the clearing where the minotaur had first been seen.

“Aye that’s it big boy, ye simmer down now, okay you ready for some fresh meat, yep from Faronia. Okay thas good, now sit-good boy.”

Nesher broke through the underbrush into the clearing. “Enough talk dwarf, let’s get going!”

“No problem my friendly knight, we’ll leave right now.” He turned towards the big beast and gave an odd grunt, the beast quickly jumped up.

“Holy bull-men,” a soldier exclaimed, “ that thing is huge!”

Huge it was, it stood well above all their heads and looked even taller next to the dwarf. It had a head of a large bull, a thick nose ring and strong looking horns. Its body was that of a huge man with an odd beige colored skin. It’s legs were thick and bull like, covered in red fur and ending in great, big hooves.

Nesher was awed but full of glee. “At last an unstoppable weapon, ha-ha. First we shall deal with these knights and then we shall bring this wonder back to Hawkshire where we shall conquer the rest of Faronia! Master Sturm are you ready to go?”

“Most certainly, sir knight”

“Good, I presume you have found their trail bandit.”

“Yes ah have but I ain’t gonna lead ye if yer gonna call me a bandit.”

“Very well, Master Grit, lead the way!”

With Grit in the lead the troop and mercenaries with a minotaur in tow headed into the wilderness, hot on the trail of the dragon warriors.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:41 am
by Remyth
Encounter with the Dragons

-After a great feast with the centaurs, the travelers decided to set out again. The centaurs said that they could not spare anybody, but they gave Astor a map. The leader bed Astor and Theyrus to be swift and safe. The two went on to the edge of the clearing. When Theyrus glanced back, he saw that Keman was just now turning to go back to the others.

-The two entered the wood, and struck south. They continued on this course for hours. At dark they stopped to sleep. When they awoke, they ate a quick breakfast and continued on their way.

-The two companions walked at a semi-relaxed pace, and were talking merrily. Suddenly, Astor broke out into a song. It was in the secret language of fauns that few outsiders knew. It was sweet and melodious, and Theyrus soon found that he was humming to the tune.

-Suddenly, Astor dropped with his ear to the ground. This confused Theyrus greatly. “Wha…” he began, but Astor stopped him short. Astor lay completely still. He seemed to be listening intently to something. After a while, he stood up.

-“There is a company of 7 horses about three miles away, and heading this way.” He said, worriedly. “Do you think that it is more Silver-Hawks?”

-“I don’t know,” was Theyrus’ reply. “But all the same, I want to see who it is.” I think that we could take them on, if we really needed to.” Here he paused and listened very closely to the ground. “The foot-falls of these beasts are not as random as the Silver-Hawks’ horses. These horses are indeed very noble. I think that I have heard foot-falls like these before, in the land of Faronia. If this is true, then they may aid us.”

-Theyrus listened again, and was able to calculate a place where they could meet these strangers. The travelers headed for the rendezvous. By the time they got there, they could already hear the foot-falls clearly. They settled in, trying to get a good vantage point.

-After about five minutes, the riders can into view. There were two noble knights, and 5 troops. They were not galloping hard; in fact, they were going at a fairly leisurely pace. As soon as Theyrus saw their crest, he cried out loud in his joy. The startled riders pulled up short, preparing to fight. Theyrus and Astor decided that they should first show signs of friendliness. They clambered out onto the road, and proceeded to disarm. The riders relaxed a little when they saw this.

To be continued…

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:34 am
The Wilderness

It was afternoon, the weather was beautiful as Sir Gelb and the company rode along the old path. Suddenly they heard a cry from a large bush nearby, Sir Gelb and the others went for their weapons and halted their horses, ready for battle. Two people scuttled onto the road, Gelb prepared a spell when he noticed they were disarming.

“Weapons down men. Hail strangers, we are knights of Faronia who are thee, what is thy business, and whither do thee go?”

As he said this he quickly observed the strangers. The first was a young man, tall with dark hair, he was laying down a bow and quiver, a long dagger, and a medium length sword. The other was a bit strange however, his body was that of a man but his legs were of a goat, he laid down a single blade. Sir Zeileg gave a small gasp at the sight of this creature, he had heard of Fauns but only in campfire stories, he didn’t know they really existed.

“Hail knight of Faronia, my name is Theyrus, my companion, Astor. We are heading for Hawkshire, I plan to avenge my friends and recover a captive, Astor here offered to help… well sort of.”

“Then you are an ally.” replied Gelb as he slid off his mount, the others followed.

“We are heading for Wellestowne, our country is being attacked by the Silver-Hawks, and we hope for reinforcements.”

“Yes the war has been mentioned by Uneben Stamm members-”

“Uneben Stamm! Master, he must be the missing member!”

“I believe you are right, Sir Zeileg. Master Theyrus these friends, along with you, were attacked by a troop of Silver-Hawks, were you not?”

“We were, so I set out towards Hawkshire in search of my captive friend, but I don’t know these woods well and went far off course until my dear friend Astor showed up.”

Astor, the Faun, gave a smile witch an ear peak later turned to confused frown.

“What is it Faun?” Inquired Zeileg.


Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:54 am
The Wilderness

Sir Nesher and his soldiers rode swiftly through the woods. Up front was Grit on a thin, but quick, brown horse, leading the way. Tagging behind was Sturm, the dwarf. He rode upon an odd grey pony that went very quick for its size, alongside him ran the minotaur, half the time on hoof and knuckles, the rest only on its hind legs.

They had been traveling for a while and it was near afternoon when Nesher heard grunts between the beast and its new companion.

“What’s going on back there.”

“Hold on a moment,” Sturm replied as he rode up to Grit. “My pal smells somethin, Grit. What do you make of it?”

“Aye these here tracks look pretty new, I think we should ready for battle.”

“All right, knight you heard that?”

“Of course. Men, ready your bows, will you two join us in the first volley?”

“Love to,” said Grit. “But I ain’t got no bow.”

“ Aye, neither do I.”

“We have extra.”

“All right I’ll take one.”

“Me too.”

Nesher handed each man a bow and some arrows. As the group rode on they readied their first arrows, Sturm drew back, next to the minotaur again.
Another few minutes past.

“We’re almost there, wait for my signal,” Grit commanded.

They went a little bit more when suddenly Grit held up his hand and pointed towards a nearby row of foliage. Seven arrows flew from the group from well pulled bows, they ripped right through the bushes, whistling at a high pitch.

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:19 am
ZIGGY! wrote: Seven arrows flew from the group from well pulled bows, they ripped right through the bushes, whistling at a high pitch.

Sir Gelb, Sir Zeileg, Theyrus and four of the soldiers hit the ground. The fifth was working on tethering a nervous horse and didn’t drop in time.

“Soldier, down!” Gelb roared but it was to late, with a sickening thud an arrow slammed into his chest. Two more struck a horse near the eyes, one hit the nervous horse and with a great braw it ran off. A remaining three landed near the group, and would have surely cut someone down.

“Just four soldiers now,” thought Zeileg.

Less than ten seconds past before another volley of arrows ripped into the clearing. Another horse went down as the group rolled to the side, dodging the arrows falling near them.

Now they could hear hoof-beats and grunting from a little way off. Theyrus listened for a second.

“They’re drawing weapons, get up and prepare for battle!”

The men scrambled onto their feet, readying their own weapons.

“Rowr, ragh rash!” The voice of a man seemed to make odd grunting noises.

“What on earth?” Zeileg inquired. “What’s that noise fro-”

“Raaoor!” A giant figure crashed through the bushes. It was a strange, massive beast. It stood well above all their heads, and sported the head of a large bull, a thick nose ring and strong looking horns. Its body was that of a stronge, oversized man with a strange, beige colored skin, in its fist it carried a massive battle-ax. It’s legs were thick and bull like, covered in red fur and ending in great, big hooves.

“Minotaur!” Astor screamed. Zeileg was shocked, this was the second beast he had met in under an hour that he believed was only myth!

“Our worries are far from over,” Sir Gelb barked. “There are Silver-Hawks leading that thing!”

The soldiers formed a small group with their spears sticking out. Gelb, Theyrus, and Astor Drew their blades, while Zeileg readied his twin axes.

The minotaur, having seen good meat headed towards the horses while the seven horseman bore down on the seven footmen. Sturm, carrying a sword and short-ax, Grit, a short sword in one hand and several small knives in the other. Nesher wielded his heavy mace while each of his men a long pike.

The Dragon knights and their allies moved to the side, preparing to slash the legs of the enemy steeds.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:37 am
by smcginnis
Location: Unknown

___Roëd walked along the dark corridor, feeling his way along the walls with his hands. Suddenly, a red light blazed, seemingly from all around him, and he shut his eyes, for they were burning. When he opened them again, the light had subsided to a mere glow, and he found himself in a round chamber, the ceiling of which was out of sight, and the floor of which plunged down just as far. Roëd himself appeared to be walking in midair. He looked ahead, and saw a man with a neatly trimmed white beard and hair sitting on a black chair seemingly made out of shadow. The man raised his left hand from the arm of the chair, and Roëd was flung against a wall, his body bruising instantly. The man stood up and walked to Roëd, and seizing his arm flung Roëd with amazing strength, straight up. He stood there with his hands on his hips, looking up at Roëd and laughing evilly, while Roëd flew in the direction of the sky. He soon slowed, though, and began to fall. The man with the white beard had resumed his seat of darkness, and as Roëd fell past him, he laughed harder than ever. Roëd felt himself falling, falling, falling....

___He awoke shivering, with Rowbn shaking his shoulder. "Are you all right, Roëd?" she asked. "You were crying out and shaking. We were worried."
___"I'm fine," he said. "Fine." But he didn't feel fine. He would have to consult Reyg and Hiwte on the meaning of his dream later.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:37 am
by Remyth
ZIGGY! wrote:The Dragon knights and their allies moved to the side, preparing to slash the legs of the enemy steeds.
The Silver-Hawks moved closer, preparing to drive their weapons into the allies. They started towards their emenies, first at a walk, then quickening to a charge. Within seconds they reached the Dragon Knights and their companions.

Astor attacked first. He sprang forward with a cry of "lonbep!", and proceeded to jump and neatly decapitate on the the horsemen. After this, he turned and lept back into the midst of the other defenders.

During this, Theyrus let two arrows loose form his bow. One met its mark, hitting another of the soldiers right in the neck. When he had spent these arrows, he sprung forward, brandishing his dagger in one hand and his sword in the other. He ran forward, and the rest followed him.

Theyrus was met by Sturm. Theyrus immediately realized that Sturm would be a formitable opponent, so he went for his horse, instead of Strum himself. He succeeded in cutting down Sturm's horse, and angering Sturm greatly. Sturm got up quickly, and charged at Theyrus with great speed. Right before he reached Theyrus, Sturm threw his axe with deadly speed. This took Theyrus by surprise, and it hit him square in the chest. Theyrus fell down, and did not get up.

Upon seeing this, Astor cut down the horseman in between the two of them. HE then jumped the remainding five yards to where Theyrus had fallen, and where Sturm still stood. He began to attck unwisely, swinging his sword in random movements. After a minute, Sturm got a knock on Astor's helm, and that seemed to knock some sense into him him. He began to use the skills that had made him a might fighter in those days.They battled like this for about ten minutes. Then, as they were both tiring, Astor saw his chance. Sturm had left his axe on Theyrus, and he wasn't used to battling with only a sword. Astor swung his sword quickly, hitting Sturm right in the arm. It cut into his flesh, creating a grusome wound. AFter this, Sturm surrendered to Astor.

During all of this the battle raged on. Grit was cut down by Zeileg after slashing a Dragon knight soldier. Gelb, and later joined by Zeleig, fought Nesher until he finally surrendered, having suffered many small wounds from Gelb's blade and Zeileg's axes. The other Silver-Hawk was killed by one of the Dragon Knight soldier.

After this was done, Zeileg and Gelb hurried over to Astor, where he was bending over the limp form of Theyrus, leaving Nesher and Strum in the guard of the remaining two soldiers. "Is he..." began Gelb.

But, before Astor could answer, he, Gelb, and Zeileg heard a roar, and they realized their mistake. They had left the Minotaur unatended to, feasting on their horses. Now he had finished his feast, and was looking for more meat. They knew in was too late to even turn around...

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:13 am
Remyth wrote: They knew in was too late to even turn around...

But they had to try, Zeileg quickly launched into the air as the Minotaur crushed a soldier with its hooves .Nesher and sturm grabbed their weapons as Grit and another soldier got up, Grit was badly wounded so he ran off to the side but the soldier had just taken a tumble and was ready for battle again .Sir Gelb readied his blade for an attack while Astor prepared for battle. “ Raooor!” The Minotaur charged at Astor. He quickly leaped to the side as Zeileg slashed at its head from above. The Minotaur grew angrier and began swinging at Zeileg as you might, a fly. Sir Nesher and his two companions attacked from the rear, forcing Gelb to unleash his flame on them.

“Aaagh!” The remaining soldier took a tumble, as Sturm, wielding his blade launched himself at the last Dragon soldier. The two fought furiously as Nesher’s mace met Gelb’s sword.

On the other side of the clearing, Astor kept the Minotaur busy on the ground as Zeileg flew around its head, but a minotaur is not an easy creature to defeat, only someone who has been taught much in these arts can properly dispose of it.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:21 pm
by Remyth
ZIGGY! wrote:...only someone who has been taught much in these arts can properly dispose of it.
From behind them, Astor, Zeileg, and Gelb heard a bow sing. Suddenly, the Minotaur jerked. Zeileg was hit by a flailing arm and was knocked to the ground. He got up immediately, but only in time to see the great beast stumble and fall forwards. Astor jumped out of the way only just in time.

During this, Gelb and Nesher were still battling. They danced around and around, first Gelb striking, then Nesher, but neither man could find a weakness in is opponent. Again the bow twanged. This time, Nesher's mace was knocked clean out of his hands. He did not know what happened, but he surrendered quickly.

Meanwhile, Astor and Zeileg were trying to flip the huge beast's body over. With their strength, and some help by Gelb's magic, they finally succeeded in doing so. In the back of its head, lodged neatly behind its ears, were two beautiful arrows. Astor identified them immediately.

He whirled around. There he saw, sitting propped up against a great oak tree, Theyrus. Astor let out a cry of astonished joy. He and the others quickly ran up to him, greatly puzzled.

They reached him, just as he was pulling off his shirt. Under it, there was a coat of powerful mail, wrought by the smiths of an ancient race, long since vanished from this world. It had an indent, where the axe had struck him, but was not broken. He also took this off, and under it there was a very big and nasty bruise.

"How the..." began Zeileg.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:58 pm
Remyth wrote: "How the..." began Zeileg.
“That mail seems fractured.” Gelb said carefully. Theyrus touched it and it immediately split where the ax had hit.

“It’s said that this mail will only save you once, so far every time I’ve been hit badly it has split in that spot.”

“Enough chatter sires, we need to take care of these three villains and move on.”

“So right you are Sir Gelb. I propose we take all they have, and send them back to the village.”

“A sound plan Astor, let us proceed.”

The group began stripping Grit, Sturm, and Sir Nesher of all their possessions.

“Wait”, said Astor. “We can’t leave them in the wilderness unarmed!”

“Once again right, my friend.”

“Let’s leave them a sword a piece; we can easily dispose of them if they try to attack.”

So giving each of the villains a short sword, some bread and water they sent them off, making sure they headed towards the village.

“Unfortunately, all the horses are slayed or have long fled. We will have to proceed on foot.”

Astor turned to his companion, “Are you up to it Theyrus?”

“Who me, of course I can!”

With that, he leaped up as nothing had happened and bounded off.

“This way to Wellestowne and victory!”

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 3:15 am
by Lamanda2
It's been a while! :P

Location: Faireslayde Inn

It was now morning, both Decus and David woke at about the same time.

“Well, I must go check on that boy now.”
Said Decus.

“Ok then, I suppose I will continue on my travels.”
“Perhaps we will meet again one day, David.”

Once Decus left the Inn David got up out of his bed,
"Now where shall my travels take me?"
He thought to himself. David recalled Decus talking about the wounded child outside of town, he came to a conclusion that the ones who had done this were no doubt petty thieves or bandits.

David then left Faireslayde and started to go to the west towards the cave bandits' hideout.
He knew the road ahead of him would test him, for the base of the mountains is a dangerous place. The wood is so thick that you cannot tell if it is night or day, and the creatures that lurked there are one of the most foul of all- Orks!

After a few hours walking, David made it to the woods.
He walked carefully around the vines and stones, the last thing he needs is for an Ork to find the smell of fresh blood in it's woods.
He reached a small clearing and lay down to rest. David felt uncomfortable, as if someone had been watching him. He then saw a dark figure of a man a few yards off, it didn't move, it just was watching him, almost as if it were waiting for him to doze off then make it's move.
After studying the figure for a while David assumed it was only his mind getting the better of him, and that it were just a stump or a rock, so he slowly drifted off to sleep...

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 10:06 pm
by Remyth
Trying to revive this thread... :lol:
ZIGGY! wrote:“This way to Wellestowne and victory!”
They travelers had not gone far when they noticed that it was getting dark. They kept on, until it was almost impossible to see your hand in front of your face. At this point, Astor pointed out, "Sirs, we must stop now. For around these parts, it is treacherous to go about after dark. The animals around here hear, rather than see, so keeping on going would be perilous."

"Right, then," came Sir Gelb's reply. "We will stop, for I trust this creature's information. We shall stop at the next good spot, and rest until it is light enough to travel again."

They went on for about 15 yards, when they came across an outlet on the roadside. "Here we are," whispered Sir Zeileg. "This looks to be about as good a spot as any."

They quickly took of their burdens, and sat down upon the lush grass that was enclosed in the clearing. A few of them ate some bread and drank some water before dropping off into an uneasy sleep. Many had unsettling dreams that woke them up constantly. The only one who didn't was Astor, for he was used to these dreams, and he knew what caused them. They set a guard, who was to be relieved every two hours.

In the morning, they all awoke, alive and refreshed. Well, not completely refreshed, but better than the previous night. "Right then," announced Sir Gelb. "I reckon that we should start out just as soon as we have had breakfast." To this, there was tremendous approval.

The men scattered to find firewood, and managed to get a hearty blaze going. They cooked some bacon, and ate it with the bread and water that they usually ate. Astor busied himself with some wafers that he had packed when he had left his home. Theyrus gleefully ate some delicious cakes given to him by the centaurs.

Just as they were beginning to pack up, Astor gave a sudden shriek, and dashed under a nearby tree in terror...

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 11:42 pm
by smcginnis
To Remyth: Good job, you made me post again. ;)

Location: Marpleton

___Ledindry was walking about Marpleton Market, searching for fresh fruit.

___...Having arrived in the city a week earlier, she took Bonavi to the royal stables as Starcloak (or Aytras, she wasn't sure what to call him now) had told her. One of the grooms had recognized the animal and beckoned the others to him, and they soon dispatched a stable boy to the main palace. When Ledindry had tried to exit the building, some of the men moved to block her way out. Misunderstanding their reason, she'd drawn her knife and had been going to charge them, but just then the stable boy returned, followed by two men-at-arms. They'd led her to the great hall of Marple Castle, where she'd been questioned by the duke himself. Though confused, she must have told him what he liked, because he released her and gave her a reward. One of the maids had then led her to a room in the outer wings of the castle, and she was told that she could roam freely about the town, but not go beyond its walls until the duke ordered...

___She soon found a vendor who carried the food she was looking for, and paying him, decided to walk south for a while. She was getting to know the town pretty well now, having been confined to it for a week, and was interested in how it worked. Though at first glance the economy seemed vastly different from the farming valley she grew up in, she soon realized that both had the same basic structure: While the general happiness and well-being in the valley had depended on the rains, the harvest, and other such things, here in Marpleton they depended on imports, exports, trade, taxes, and the like; but in both, the people were the main essentiality. If they were happy with the way they were governed, they worked more happily, leading to greater productivity, and therefore greater wealth; which in turn led the leaders of the locale, be it nobles in town or the farmers' council in the valley, to listen more to the people, starting the cycle over again.
___Surprised by her thoughts, Ledindry decided then and there that she could make a name for herself writing about these things. She headed to the nearest scrivener's shop to buy herself some rice paper, a quill, and a bottle of ink.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:28 am
by Lord Nev
Location: In a town (Nev is lost so you (know))

"Just my bloody luck!" exclaimed Nev to no one in particular. "Enough grief has befallen me and now I get meself lost!"

He spurred his horse along the dusty path hoping to find habitation. It had been a week since his cousin's betrayal, but the wounds were still fresh. He hated Oraz. He hated his relatives for hiding him. He even hated the world at this point. No one was who they seemed. They all had a hidden agenda and the facade they put up was just that.

A gust of wind blew dust in his face. It seemed even the earth itself despised him. He reached up with a mailed hand to wipe the grit out of his eyes. Luckily, the leather over the chain mail protected him or he might have lost an eye. However, a loose link scratched his face.

Nev was of no rank to speak of. In fact, he had lost his possessions, his house, his lordship, his lands, and even his family. He considered them dead. Nothing did he have now but a suit of armor, a horse, and a couple coppers to his name. He lived for nothing....nothing but revenge.

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:40 pm
by Danju the Clever
Danju's Hut, Morica

The old knight Danju was in exile. He had grown a heavy gray beard, and he lived in a small hut in the woods. His son, Goland, approached. Danju had been teaching Goland the arts of combat, archery and riding. Now, Goland was in his early twenties. It was time he set out on his quest.

"Goland, son.." began Danju, "it is time now you showed these people their insolence in exiling me. We shall travel to Leovale, in revenge for declaring war on us."

"King Leo will regret that. He is a coward. I won't let you down, father." said Goland. Goland finished the stew he was eating and threw his bread to Argus, the wolfhound Danju was living with.

"I shall go with you." stated Danju.

"Father, no, you're too old for this!" Goland shouted. "I don't want you to be hurt." he added meekly. Danju, offended, swung his quarterstaff across the room, knocking down a chair, which smashed to pieces. "Do you find me too old?!" he cried. Goland bowed his head in apology.

Danju got up from his seat. "Son, I will give you my horse, Agro."

"But father, what will you travel on?" inquired Goland.

"You underestimate me, boy! You know you are dealing with a former knight!" Danju yelled. Goland drew back.

The next day, Goland climed onto his father's horse, stroking its gray mane. Danju hobbled out of the hut, affixing a wide brown cap to his head. Looking up at Goland, Danju stated, "My son, I truly am proud of you.." Goland had never seen his father so calm. Smiling, he rode off, Danju at his side.