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Posting a short story?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 1:59 am
by Shurtugal
I was wondering what the best way to post a short story, like the ones for the Storytelling Contest. I'd like to post mine, but don't know how. I typed it up in word, so how can I transfer it to the net?

Thanks for the help!

If this has been discussed already, it was a very long time ago...

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:23 am
by smcginnis
I'm guessing it isn't LEGO castle related, or you could just post it here, replacing word formatting with BBCode.

If it isn't LEGO related, you could post it in .txt or .rtf files in your maj gallery, or you could set up a website on freewebs or something.


Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:12 am
by Lonan
I knew almost nothing about web publishing before I put up my contest entry, but I made my site through Freewebs and they have a super easy site building tool. You can just cut and paste your text from Word, as well as picture files. It's a cinch.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:34 am
by Lamanda2
Yeah, thanks to you Lonan, I am currently working on a site of mine. I never thought of FreeWebs until seeing your entree, and it is great!
(Especially good because mine is a comic, and Brickshelf is far too clumsy for that.)

So thanks! :D

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 3:40 am
by Lonan
Lamanda2 wrote:I am currently working on a site of mine.
Awesome. Yeah, not to turn this into a Freewebs ad, but I was very pleased with how easy it is to build a site there. The downside is that it has a small allotment of space compared to other free hosts, I guess.

Anyway, I hope this helps some folks out that are making decisions about this kind of thing. And I'm glad you liked my story!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 10:00 pm
by Shurtugal
Cool! I do like the idea, after seeing your and Amanda's stories. I don't need much space, just for my story, or maybe two...

I think I'll go set it up right now! Thanks for the advice, you three!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:17 pm
by J1A3L5

Why not tack the writing directly onto the images? You can do it comic-style, which looks really cool, or just add a blank area below/above your image, and paste the text there.

That way you can upload it to Brickshelf, wait for it to go public, and then link to the first imagine and have people use the "next" button.

-John L.