Your LEGO budget

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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by BTappel »

Here is my secret way of getting Lego money at the moment- I went back to school (think I should mention it is not the ONLY reason :))! It is easy to get loans and even grants to help you pay for schooling, and they always give you more than you need. Student loans - cost of school - bills = leftover money = Legos! While you do have to pay the loans back eventually, the grants are just free money! Hopefully by the time I need to pay the loans back I will have a decent enough job to make more than I need to fund my Lego addiction. Anyways that is my plan...
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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by Lewa Rocks »

I don't really have Lego budget. I just save some birthday money for sales when I can.
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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by condor »

In the past two years, since coming out of my dark ages, I've spent roughly $1800 on Lego. I've also sold enough Lego to make about $700 in profit so I guess my total is down to $1100. I don't have a budget per say, but my wife tells me we have too many and I have to stop buying sets. :)

There are very rare instances where I've payed full price for a set. Most of the times, I've only bought sets if I can find an awesome deal on them - around 50% off.
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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by Redav »

Originally I didn't have a budget as such. I'd just be sensible with what I could afford after the bills and mortgage were looked after. That said, I have probably spent a coupla grand in the last 12 - 18 months. I was married mid year and although she know's I won't send us to the wall buying Lego, I said that I wouldn't be buying Lego with our money (unless there's the random gift - speaking of which, I recieved a Midi Millenium Falcon as a wedding gift :lol: ).

So, where does the money come from? For the last few years have been selling soft drinks at work because in our area, they charge $2.40 or more for a can. That's daylight robbery. So I stock a fridge and it's a dollar a pop and these days, the fridge probably goes through 50 - 70 cans a week and about 40% of that is surplus so the funds do grow. The original idea was to fund things like 'Sausage Roll Tuesday' and other random things for our group (because I feel we are forgotten about sometimes) however for the last few months, it has been covering these expenses.

I have only been buying the 'old school sets'. They aren't cheap and I'm sure there's a smarter way to acquire this but I'm a little anal so I only want to get sets I can then sell as sets and as I'm a bit of a completist, I try to fix the sets that are missing pieces (not all 100% complete sets are really complete..).
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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by Napoleon »

SPACE MARINE wrote:My budget rides on a lawnmower, it fluctates all year, but I probably have $80 free to spend on any given summer day.
Wow, I'd love to have that much. My big spending comes after September when I'll spend over 200 dollars from October 1st, my birthday, to January 1st. But for the rest of year, it's really random.
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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by Captain Cochise »

Ug. Budget. I've probably spent a little over $1500 the past two years on lego just for me. Some months nothing, some months $200. Bricklink is the devil - so tempting and so easy. But not always the best value.

What I would like to be able to do order certain pieces in the $70 boxes of lego at the Lego Store that they use to fill the brickwall with. I'd like to load up on smaller bricks and most plates that way. You can buy a box of whatever they have in stock, but they never have castle pieces. When they do actually get anything remotely useful for castle (or that's not a pastel color), they only ever get one box and it's already out on the wall. They always have 2x2 orange plates or 2x4 medium blue bricks, though! Our lego store has only been open a year, but I've asked several people about ordering boxes and they look at me like I'm crazy. I've even called the Lego customer service number to ask, and they always point me to the website and pick a brick - but I swear the two times I called and asked about ordering boxes, they were playing dumb... I digress.

I have a good paying job and as with my other seasonal hobbies like golf and hockey, I know my budget. I'd just like to be able to find a consistent "value" in what I spend on bricks. I'm finding when I have an idea for building, It's either destroy a really nice build i have, or wait possibly months until someone is selling 300 1x6 bricks for under .20 cents a piece...

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Re: Your LEGO budget

Post by CastleLord »

well to me i have an income of 20$ which all goes to Lego, but in total i would say i have spent about 2000$ on Lego in the past two years.... (Yeah i know i'm an lego addict....)
But strangelly my collection is at the low amount of 32000 bricks.....
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