LCC Character Introduction Challenge

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Highwayman »

I haven't been active here in a long time, but LCC has drawn me out of my mini-dark age! And now I introduce Arlis Wolfstar. C:

Arlis Wolfstar is a notorious smuggler operating out of the untamed lands of Southern Roawia. A man with a penchant for women and a stout drink, Arlis is wanted throughout Roawia for his exploits. Though most smugglers and criminals are born into poverty, Arlis's life started differently. He was born to a minor noble of Garheim, Cornelius Wolfstar. Like the harsh climes of Garheim, Cornelius was a hard, cold man of discipline. When he was but a lad, Cornelius sent Arlis to the city of Stonewald to study philosophy and the art of war to better prepare him for the responsibilities he would eventually assume. Arlis managed well with the martial arts, but he exceeded in philosophy. He especially became enamored with the idea of freedom. Soon thereafter he decided that freedom and a life full of peril and excitement were far more important than a life of loyalty to a distant king or lord that knew and cared nothing for him. He left Garheim that very evening without so much as a look back.


Arlis is seen here (he is wearing the purple cape) at an outlaw encampment close to Karin's Crown with a few members of his smuggling crew. This particular shipment of questionable origins netted him a handsome profit. He'll spend the night celebrating this mutually beneficial business opportunity with the outlaws who employed him. As always he does not know what tomorrow will bring (other than a vicious headache) but he awaits it with a grin.

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Azaghal »

In the crypt beneath the crumbling Castle Wyrmcliff, Baron Mac visits the tomb of his recently deceased father.
Overcome by emotion, Baron Mac swears that he will return the Clan MacGreaves to their former glory.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Muskey15 »

Faction: Lenfald
Character Name: Seamus O'Callaghan

Seamus O'Callaghan was born in northern Lenfald, near the borders of Garheim. While traveling once with his parents as a child, they were attacked by a group of Garhim bandits. The bandits killed his parents and sold Seamus and his sister into slavery. After seven years of drowning his sorrows while working, Seamus joined a group of slaves in uprising. A passing Lenfel border patrol prevented the slave traders from continuing to chase after them. The slaves then went their own ways. Having saved a Loreesi man, Marcus Aurelius, from death, Marcus owed Seamus a "life debt" and now works in his service. While his sister went off and married a wealthy Lenfel baron, Seamus temporarily made a base of operations under one of the busier bridges in northern Lenfald:

Seamus has bigger plans than hiding under a bridge, however. He intends on making a name for himself and earning a high position in Lenfald society. With the aid of his physically imposing servant, anything seems possible for Seamus O'Callaghan.
~His Lowness Seamus O'Callaghan of Lenfald~

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Northern_Ice »

The Story of Olaf Thorkinson

Olaf Thorkinson was born on a small sheep farm in Garheim. He had to work hard to support his family, as his father Thorkin Treefoot was a cripple, and could not do much work.
Thorkin had been a Jarl of one of the major parts of Garheim, but after losing his leg in battle, and being framed for treason against the king, he had been forced to flee to the mountains. Because of his pride, he had never told his son of this.
One day, when Olaf was coming home after tending to the sheep, Olaf heard screams and shouting from the house. But he was too late, and by the time he was back the house was burnt to the ground, and his family was slaughtered.
Olaf travelled to the nearest town, and discovered that it was the work of Svengal Redbeard and his band of outlaws. The guards of the town refused to help him avenge his family, so Olaf rode southward alone, after swearing to kill Svengal and every man that followed him.
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Last edited by Northern_Ice on Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »


Northern_Ice, your intro MOC has to feature your character and faction banner.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by AK_Brickster »

wobnam wrote:Updated.

Northern_Ice, your intro MOC has to feature your character and faction banner.
His sign-up MOC showed his character with faction colors. Since most people use that same one as their CIC, can we approve him on that basis?
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

Yep, especially since he's updated his post with it :)
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by jedirimlighter »

“ Lend an ear, and hear my tale of high adventure. For in the frozen and unforgiving north, upon the frigid wastes of Garheim, Njordson Grimslayer, son of Njord Grimslayer and of Flanna the Red was brought forth upon Roawia. The only son of a union forged in blood. A warrior, a slayer, a conqueror, born with sword in hand, Njordson would wander the lands of Roawia to seek out his fortune and glory. Beneath his booted feet he’d trod the burning sands of Loreos, the icy peaks of Garheim, and the lush foliage of Lenfald. With ruddy hair, gilded helm, and sharpened steel, Njordson and his loyal warband would taste of the sweetest victories and suffer the most crushing defeats. Yet, even when eye to eye with death itself, he and his companions never hesitated to unleash the full fury of the Garhim upon their foes. ”

Mimir, skald of Njordson Grimslayer ~ “The Chronicles of Njord”

Njordson Grimslayer - LCC Character Introduction by jgg3210, on Flickr

Njordson Grimslayer - LCC Character Introduction by jgg3210, on Flickr

Njordson Grimslayer - LCC Character Introduction by jgg3210, on Flickr

(Njordson returns home to his beloved rocky Garheim after raids along the Lenfald border. He is ready for a short respite before heading out once more to seek plunder and adventure in the unknown lands of the south!)

Glory be to Garheim! Glory to the Grimslayer!

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by jedirimlighter »

I just want to say, I really like what I've seen so far with this project. There are so many talented builders out there. It's nice to be part of something that is brimming with so much creativity. Thanks CC crew! :D
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

Updated :)
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Alexander DeCoboray
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Alexander DeCoboray »

Introducing the newest nobleman to Lenfald, Alexander DeCoboray...

Lord Alexander DeCoboray, of the Lenfald Province.

Introductory MOC -- ... otostream/

Lord Alexander DeCoboray with his retinue, and the good Lady Roweena DeCoboray -- ... otostream/

And the backstory:

Herein lies the true accounting of the personal history of Lord Alexander DeCoboray, known only to my lord, his faithful wife Roweena DeCoboray, and myself, Monk Galus – humble and loyal servant, scribe and monk, and to the Almighty Builder who knows every heart and brick in all of Brickdom.
Lord Alexander DeCoboray was born Alexander Woolman, son of Alan Woolman who was a meager Shepherd and Wool merchant – he understood wool and sheep husbandry, but failed through his life to understand business and so was never able to achieve any noteworthy financial gain. The Woolman family were residents of the Province of Lenfald, thus when the wool trade failed from time to time to put food on the table, young Alexander could hunt deer, rabbits, and other game in the bountiful woods of that region.
At the age of 12, young Alexander was hunting in the woods when he stumbled upon a cave set into a rather large hill. Being young and inquisitive, he boldly explored the cave, which he soon discovered to be, in truth, a tomb. The tomb was rather ancient and had been ill-treated by time and neglect. To whatever lord or king this tomb belonged, his life story and whatever people he ruled disappeared into time with him. But, as with so many pagan rulers of ancient times, this ancient king believed that he could take his vast wealth with him into the afterlife if it were buried with his earthly form.
All further speculation aside on this discovery, young Alexander had discovered a king’s treasure horde, untouched and waiting for him to claim. Excited beyond belief, he returned home to tell his loving parents of his great discovery.
Sadly, Fate has a way of sometimes taking as it gives, or perhaps there was a curse on that tomb; either way, soon after and before the Woolman family could change its circumstances, young Alexander’s parents caught an illness and passed away. Young Alexander still had his discovered wealth, still lying in the tomb where he found it, but he was now alone in the world.
Not knowing what to do, young Alexander took a tiny portion of the wealth and went to the capital city of the Lenfald Province, and proceeded to attend schooling and to gain himself an apprenticeship in matters of business. The years went by and young Alexander grew into a handsome young man with great learning in business, trade, and in classical education. During this time, he met the young and beautiful Roweena, daughter of a lumber merchant who did moderately well with his trade and business. The two youths fell in love.
By age 18, Alexander departed the capital city, and returned to the land he once called home along the northern reaches of the Lenfald Province, not too many miles south of the northern shore. Remaining grown over and hidden, and still untouched, he once again found his treasure trove. But now he had purpose to apply this wealth toward – setting himself up as a lord.
Alexander had already given himself a new name, a lordly name, when he had gone away to the capital for school – DeCoboray. Now, with his immense wealth, he marched north and eastward to the northern end of the eastern mountains of Lenfald. Here, between the north sea and the foothills of the majestic peaks, he set to work creating something new.
There were already a few scattered villages – fishing villages along the coast, villages of sheepherders in the hills, and villages of woodsmen in the forests and toward the mountains. In the center of this small region, on a gentle but strong hill, he established his castle – Castle Corburg. It was not a grand affair, but certainly a home worthy of a lord. While construction was underway, Alexander, now well known as Lord Alexander DeCoboray, used his wealth to recruit a small and loyal following of fighting men, then equipped and trained them. He also returned to the capital city to ask for Roweena’s hand in marriage, which her father agreed to, considering that his daughter was marrying into wealth and nobility. Alexander and Roweena went home together to Castle Corburg.
Alexander then began developing trade in the region that he now commanded. There were already some wealthy merchants and leaders of local communities who resisted Alexander’s taking power over this region and declaring himself the lord of these localized lands, but the combined strength of Alexander’s great wealth and having a small army to support him overcame their resistance. In time, he would display such benevolent and wise leadership over these people who had never really known an lord that both public opinion and those opinions of community leaders turned to Alexander’s favor.
Using his education, Alexander improved the economy, ordered the improvement of local roads, widened and deepened a small river that ran from the mountains to the sea so that it could be navigable by small boats (this small river connected two villages with the coast) and that was sufficient enough to greatly improve transportation of goods to merchant ships who could take the goods to distant ports. And, Alexander had built several trade vessels of his own to further encourage trade and commerce as well as to help create an income for himself.
After several years, Castle Corburg was complete, and the local area was fast becoming prosperous with wise land management, healthy commerce and trade, new transportation infrastructure – all instituted by Alexander -- and strong protection from DeCoboray’s loyal army.
Visitors to Castle Corburg might notice the number of antiquities and artifacts. No one knows this, but Alexander’s collecting auspicious artifacts began with the treasure trove he discovered, which had many great and wonderful items in addition to great wealth. When away at school during his youth, he had access to many, many volumes of history, legend, and learning where he came to know the identity of some of the antiquities in the tomb. And, he learned the value and worth of many others through the lands. Since establishing himself as a lord ruling over a sizeable fiefdom, he has pursued collecting other historical items – some of which are rumored to have once been magical items, though this fact is kept secret.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by nanuck95 »

Been away from CC for a while due to lots of changes this year, but I've finally found some time to join in on the LCC fun. Here is my character intro. I included the wolfpack banner as his flag, with his faction colors being black and red. If I need to include wavy banners, let me know and I can add another picture. Here goes...

Ted Thug is a leader of a small pack of bandits in the barren southlands of LCC. Although his hideout is up in the mountains south of Loreos, he will often make excursions up into the trade routes of Loreoes and even to Lenfald if the opportunity arises. Born in Loreos, the son of a poor merchant, Ted often dreamed about living a luxurious lifestyle with untold wealth. Ted was generally very clever, and more often than not put his brain to use coming up with hare-brained ideas and get-rich-quick schemes that rarely ever worked. Discouraged, Ted took up the surname "Thug" because he thought it made him sound intimidating, and began a life of thievery and moved south into the mountains with his second cousin Fred Bare. Together, they formed the "Wolfpack Bandits", although Ted most likely stole the name from other bandit groups in the same area.

Fred Bare, Ted's second cousin got his surname from Ted after an incident high up in the mountains. Fred was bathing in the stream one day when a bear came along and carried off Fred's breeches. It took a while for Fred to find some new pants, so Ted started calling him Fred Bare. However, Fred thought he meant Fred Bear in honor of the critter that walked off with his trousers. To this day, Fred still doesn't get the joke. While not the brightest companion, Fred makes up for it in toughness and carries a big club he uses to intimidate their victims.

Anne was driven south out of Loreos some years later due to a famine, and joined Ted's party. No one really knows who she is or why she hangs out with them. Some have speculated that she is another distant cousin, but she claims no relation to either of them. Ted likes to privately think of her as his girlfriend, but she is repulsed by the idea of a romantic relationship with Ted and has given many a traveler a black eye for insinuating they are together. Anne is the true brains behind their party and more often than not has to reign Ted and his crazy ideas in to keep them from getting killed or captured, and to keep food on the table.

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Scarlet Pumpernickel »

Robert of Felwood was born in Lenfald, the seventh son and thirteenth child of Lord Claude of Felwood and his particularly fertile wife Lady Noel. Having grown up in the lush forests of Lenfald, Robert still feels most comfortable when communing with nature.

Link to Flickr: ... 955809322/

As with most younger sons of nobles, it was very unlikely that Robert would come into any measure of inheritance and was thus sent from his home to become educated in a monastery as a healer. Though disappointed to have to leave his home, Robert soon proved to be an apt student and a healer of uncommon talent. Indeed, there were some cases where his masters described his abilities as borderline miraculous! For several years no one questioned his abilities, especially given that he was helping so many people. Unfortunately, the politics of the monastery and some of the behaviors of high-ranking brothers began to wear on Robert until a decision by the abbot of the monastery caused Robert to lash out. In a single, blinding moment it was immediately clear that Robert's powers extended well beyond the ability to heal. Instantly branded a wizard, Robert was forced to flee to the south into the lands of the Outlaws.

After several years of travel, Robert eventually reached the college of magic on an island not controlled by descendants of Alphundus. Here Robert displayed his talents and was accepted and trained in the ways of magic. After 10 years of training Robert graduated as a fully trained warmage, specializing in combat wizardry. Originally intending to pursue his vendetta against the monks who cast him out, Robert soon came to realize that waging a war against the church and the factions of the more northern territories was unrealistic and so began to think again on healing and justice.

Robert now travels the land collecting herbs and minerals to sell as magical reagents and occasionally acts as a bounty hunter when particularly nasty people need to be captured. His ultimate goal is to someday settle down and open an apothecary shop, but he still dreams of showing the world that magic is not necessarily evil in nature.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Aeridian »

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