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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:05 am
by Ronin Dragonslayer
Faction : Garheim
Name : Sir Cedric Archer

I'm new with computers so I don't know how to post a photo to this site. Here's a link to my character

Hopefully the banner on Sir Layton's spear counts for the required banner colors. If not, I can upload another pic of Sir Cedric with the standard two flag banner behind him. I'm really interested in joining the Lands of Castle Classic and I hope I get approved :wave:

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:48 am
by Ronin Dragonslayer
Ronin Dragonslayer wrote:Faction : Garheim
Name : Sir Cedric Archer

I'm new with computers so I don't know how to post a photo to this site. Here's a link to my character

Hopefully the banner on Sir Layton's spear counts for the required banner colors. If not, I can upload another pic of Sir Cedric with the standard two flag banner behind him. I'm really interested in joining the Lands of Castle Classic and I hope I get approved :wave:
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." - Gandalf the Grey

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:55 am
by Jacks100
Rulandeus was born the first son of a high ranking Loreos nobleman, and therefor the heir to a large amount of land on the Loreos border next to Lenfeld. However, he was reckless, and abusive of his power in his youth, causing the people to mistrust him. His younger brother John though, they loved, calling him John the Great.
When their father died, the people denied Rulandeus's claim, and called on John to rule them, he had no choice but to do so.
Rulandeus now hides as an outlaw in forests of Lenfeld, attempting to raise an army to retake the land that, by ancient tradition, is rightfully his.


Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:44 pm
by Grant W.
Sir Wydenard is a nature loving human who lives in a small cottage deep in the forests of Lenfald. Sir Wydenard enjoys leaving a simple life and though his cottage is small, finds it suitable to his needs. Though Sir Wydenard prefers to live a simple life he is a well known swordsman and is often called upon by the king.

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 1:26 am
by Rifiröfi
Faction: Outlaws
Name: Wolfgang von Wolfpack


My name is Wolfgang von Wolfpack. In my case the old saying "raised by
werewolves" must be taken literally. I tried to get educated so I moved
to a town, but my serious condition, namely the pre-lunar tension (PLT)
made things rather difficult. After every full moon the neighbors started
to ask questions like "Did you hear that howling last night?" or "My
sheep/cow/horse/hamster/etc. went missing last night, could you help me to
find it?". I had to pretend to go and look for them but it was me...

After my graduation with distinction at the thieves and assassins'
guild, me and some fellow graduates left town to develop our very own
tax system: "robbing from the rich... and everyone else".

Wolfgang is the leader of the outlaws' SEAL unit:

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:50 am
by Luke the Swift~
Name>Luke The Swift~
Skills>Extremely fast and intelligent able to adapt in any situation He also can track very well and can wield a longbow with such skill that wins him renown all across the kingdoms and is very skilled with a short sword

Born to a poor farming family. He grew up working hard,his mother and father died when he was young leaving him with a little brother to raise he worked the farm for a few years longer but then was offered a position as a Barons ranger and took the chance,shipping his little brother to his aunts.

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 9:33 pm
by digger1221
Here's my character:
Sir Glennian of Lenfald
Born the son of a poor Lenfel woodcutter, Glennian grew up very impoverished on the Loreos-Lenfald border. When he out helping his father in the woods, at the age of 12, he was attacked and captured by renegade Outlaw Loreesi bandits, and sold into slavery. His Loreesi master was a kind, rich noble, and he was quickly favored and eventually freed. For several years he made his living in Loreos, and learned much about their culture and customs. Once he earned enough money, he was aable to secure aplace with a group of Loreesi merchants who were travelling to Lenfald. After a very happy reunion with his parents, Glennian began serving as a soldier under a wealthy Baron. His loyal service earned him a great amount of money, which he used to help his aging parents.
After outstanding service in the war against the outlaws, Glennian of Lenfald was knighted, and given a large piece of land on the southern border of Lenfald.
Mapping out the Outposts
The Baron pointed his stick at the map. “Outposts should be set up here, here, and here. The southern bandits are notorious for attacking cottages and villages that are just over the border. We must always be on guard.”
Sir Glennian nodded. The Baron continued. “Your task will be to protect the border from Outlaw attacks. Be careful though, the Loreesi have many castles and fortresses nearby too. Maintaining peace with them is of utmost importance.”

Soli Deo Gloria :)

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:32 pm
by wobnam

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:48 am
by E,B.
New character! Gee I need to stop doing this!


"I grew up in the forest.
My father; a mortal man, was a power hungry baron. Bent on extending his borders and mustering troops. I wanted nothing to do with it. I had spent my whole life training and wallowing in my misery. So I left.
I simply gathered some essential gear, a short sword I stole from my fathers study and a sufficient amount of money, and left. I didn't know were I would go, what I was to become. But I did it.
I got on the first ship I could find and headed for unknown lands.
After months of sailing I landed in Roawia.
I traveled around Roawia for some months, along my travels my money and fighting skills granted me three companions;
Melethril Amanya; a half-elf, Gorek Broadarm and a man know only as Hathorn.
And from there my true story began...
I am Leif Greensain

BTW he's the guy in with Legolas's torso

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:13 pm
by Luke the Swift~
Luke the Swift~ - Image(s) not working, probably due to host being down. I'll check later.[/quote]
Ya Moc is down but when they get back up the pics will show up again so don't worry =)

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 6:26 pm
by AK_Brickster
Luke, please don't quote a whole page worth of text when replying. It clutters the thread pretty badly. Please edit your previous post to include only the portion of the quote that is relevant to your response. Thanks.

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:55 pm
by EmperorMarkusI
Hello all

Here we have Marykk Torennson, the eldest son of Torenn of Nereberg. Marykk’s father Torenn was a famous hunter and trapper, who was lost on an expedition into the western frozen seas some years ago. Marykk’s mother died giving birth to his younger brother Aelbern, and so, since the loss of his father, Marykk has taken care of his brother and himself by continuing his father’s trade of hunting, specifically for Ice Walrus and Stag. Marykk in turn is watched over by his neighbors in town, and his father’s old friends (or their sons). Among them are Orrin Ashbleid, the grizzled captain of Nereberg’s town watch and Torenn’s childhood friend, who smells perpetually of onions and is known for his love of monosyllabic replies. There’s also Einryk Jaalsinger, Marykk’s longtime companion and skilled reaver, who considers himself something of a womanizer, despite his lack of any success in such matters. And occasionally joining Marykk is the half-vampire Neivanskaal the Silent. Despite his monstrous heritage, Neivanskaal is begrudgingly accepted by the townsfolk for his uncanny abilities of observation and tracking, as well as his innate magical powers. Together with his brother, Marykk lives a relatively peaceful--if harsh--life in Nereberg, situated as it is along the western shores of northern Garheim. Occasionally Marykk will accept the odd job from a member of the town, but most of his days are filled with the dull repetition of laying traps and feathering stag.

LCC Garheim - CIC 1 Marykk Torennson

LLC Garheim -- CIC 2 Neivanskaal, Orrin, and Einryk

Link to Flickr set: ... 957767760/

Hope you guys like it. I look forward to building with the fine warriors of Garheim! The story of Marykk and his companions will continue in future posts :-)

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:14 pm
by wobnam

Note: This thread is no longer in use. From now on, please post your CIC entries along with your signup post in the signup thread.

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:52 am
by ndcompton99
Faction: Garheim

Name: Sir Cedric Forthwind the III of Rothburg

Untitled by Octavian43, on Flickr

Story: Sir Cedric grew up in the fishing village of Rothberg. His father always told him that he would one day take over his fishing fleet, but as much as Cedric enjoyed fishing it did not appeal to him to do it for the rest of his life. The military is more what he had in mind, but he needed a quick way to receive command such as a noble deed. For he had studied every battle tactics book he could get his hands on; and he didn't want to be put under the command of some incompetent general and get killed before he had even got a chance at a promotion. So when he was seventeen he went down to the wharf, hired a few of the men hanging around the tavern, borrowed one of his fathers fishing vessels and set out into the harbor. Now at that time there was a serpent the bay that the people had named Withertooth. This enormous serpent hindered trade and was a threat to al who ventured into the bay. The beast soon found them, but got caught in a ghost net they were pulling giving Cedric and his crew enough time to make it to a large mass of floating ice cakes. No sooner than Cedric had jumped off on to one of the ice cakes than did Withertooth burst through flipping him underwater. The beast not seeing him plunged back into the sea, but the pulling force of the eel-like creature disrupted the ice and gave Cedric an opening in the ice to crawl through. When he had made it back on top of the ice cake he saw the tail end of Withertooth slipping underwater He got to his feet, raised his sword above his head, and was about to bring it down with al his force onto the beast when the slipperiness of the ice combined with its rocking back and forth caused him to loose his balance and come crashing down on the ice. A muffled thud and a the faint sound of medal on ice is all withertooth heard but it was enough for him to resurface. Through the ice, Cedric saw the looming shadow of the beast coming back towards the surface. With his sword in hand he stood poised for the challenge that was about to face him. Then suddenly an explosion of ice and water appeared before him. And in the midst of it all towered his terrible foe. But having misjudged he came up in front of him, leaving his underside exposed. With all of his might Cedric drove his sword into the heart of the beast. The dead carcass of the once mighty creature fell into the sea taking the sword with it because he could not pull it out in time. Without a ship all Cedric could do was wait. It was almost an hour before a merchant ship sail by and saw him. They took his half frozen body to the city of Rothburg to the tavern where his whole adventure started. Just by chance his father happed to be there at the time, and was quite shocked to see his son be carried in by a six foot seven sailor with a bread that comes down to his shoulders. After taking his son home and unthawing him he and his wife listened to his tale. After he was done his father gave him a lecture about being truthful, and how a simple life is just as good as one filled with glories. Obviously they did not believe him. after all he did not have a crew, sword or even a war prize from the dead creature. All he had was a cold, that could have been caught by just falling in the water. A week or so went by before the huge carcass of Withertooth wash up on shore. with Cedric's sword in it! Several months later he turned eighteen, and was old enough to join the army. Having several people confirm his account that he did in fact kill the beast he has started out at a higher rank. Not as high as he dreamed went he was a boy, but eventually he worked his way up in rank. On account of his heroism and valor in battle he was put in charge of a well respected infantry unit who commander had been killed in battle.

Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 2:52 am
by ndcompton99
Faction: Garheim

Name: Sir Cedric Forthwind the III of Rothburg

Untitled by Octavian43, on Flickr

Story: Sir Cedric grew up in the fishing village of Rothberg. His father always told him that he would one day take over his fishing fleet, but as much as Cedric enjoyed fishing it did not appeal to him to do it for the rest of his life. The military is more what he had in mind, but he needed a quick way to receive command such as a noble deed. For he had studied every battle tactics book he could get his hands on; and he didn't want to be put under the command of some incompetent general and get killed before he had even got a chance at a promotion. So when he was seventeen he went down to the wharf, hired a few of the men hanging around the tavern, borrowed one of his fathers fishing vessels and set out into the harbor. Now at that time there was a serpent the bay that the people had named Withertooth. This enormous serpent hindered trade and was a threat to al who ventured into the bay. The beast soon found them, but got caught in a ghost net they were pulling giving Cedric and his crew enough time to make it to a large mass of floating ice cakes. No sooner than Cedric had jumped off on to one of the ice cakes than did Withertooth burst through flipping him underwater. The beast not seeing him plunged back into the sea, but the pulling force of the eel-like creature disrupted the ice and gave Cedric an opening in the ice to crawl through. When he had made it back on top of the ice cake he saw the tail end of Withertooth slipping underwater He got to his feet, raised his sword above his head, and was about to bring it down with al his force onto the beast when the slipperiness of the ice combined with its rocking back and forth caused him to loose his balance and come crashing down on the ice. A muffled thud and a the faint sound of medal on ice is all withertooth heard but it was enough for him to resurface. Through the ice, Cedric saw the looming shadow of the beast coming back towards the surface. With his sword in hand he stood poised for the challenge that was about to face him. Then suddenly an explosion of ice and water appeared before him. And in the midst of it all towered his terrible foe. But having misjudged he came up in front of him, leaving his underside exposed. With all of his might Cedric drove his sword into the heart of the beast. The dead carcass of the once mighty creature fell into the sea taking the sword with it because he could not pull it out in time. Without a ship all Cedric could do was wait. It was almost an hour before a merchant ship sail by and saw him. They took his half frozen body to the city of Rothburg to the tavern where his whole adventure started. Just by chance his father happed to be there at the time, and was quite shocked to see his son be carried in by a six foot seven sailor with a bread that comes down to his shoulders. After taking his son home and unthawing him he and his wife listened to his tale. After he was done his father gave him a lecture about being truthful, and how a simple life is just as good as one filled with glories. Obviously they did not believe him. after all he did not have a crew, sword or even a war prize from the dead creature. All he had was a cold, that could have been caught by just falling in the water. A week or so went by before the huge carcass of Withertooth wash up on shore. with Cedric's sword in it! Several months later he turned eighteen, and was old enough to join the army. Having several people confirm his account that he did in fact kill the beast he has started out at a higher rank. Not as high as he dreamed went he was a boy, but eventually he worked his way up in rank. On account of his heroism and valor in battle he was put in charge of a well respected infantry unit who commander had been killed in battle.