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Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:47 pm
by AK_Brickster
I have an idea sort of like that, Konze. I think you guys will be pleasantly surprised ;)

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 5:02 pm
by Tastymuffins
Here's my GC2 entry :D

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 11:25 pm
by Eklund
Free build here:


The story is in the flickr description for those interested.

Moc thread here

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 5:14 pm
by Brother Steven

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 6:20 pm
by AK_Brickster
Great job on the GC2 entries, guys! Keep up the good work!

Scores have been updated, and LC6 is now posted in the main thread. I'll post it here also for easy reference in case you have questions. This one is a bit more technical, for me at least, so if you see any glaring problems, please let me know ASAP so that they can be corrected/modified.

**LC6 - Fishing Tournament**

The Challenge: Summer is upon us and has finally provided some meager relief from the harsh northern conditions. The winds have abated slightly, and in southern Garheim, the weather is almost pleasant. In celebration of surviving another cold winter, Jhirian Eindrik has declared a regional fishing tournament! What better way to celebrate the region's rich fishing history than to see who among us is the best at capturing these tasty denizens of the sea?

Requirements: Create up to 2 characters who will participate in the fishing contest. They can include your main LCC character, but that is not required, as some of our characters may be too busy searching for lost swords or saving towns from mysterious wyrms to participate. Make a short back-story for each character and post a picture of him/her/them with their fishing gear.

Each fisherman has certain skills that you must decide: Lure-making Skill, Fishing Technique, and Luck (something all fishermen need from time-to-time!)

Assign up to 6 points between the 3 skills, from 1-4 (each skill must be at least a value of 1). The higher the skill, the more rolls you'll be allowed for that part of the fish-catching process.

The second part of the challenge is to decide where you would like to fish. The regions vary in fish quantity, weather conditions, and the size of the fish in the area. A higher number in the first 2 categories indicates a higher level of difficulty. A higher number in the size category means that is the largest fish you can get in that area, from 1 being a small minnow to 6 being a literal sea-monster!

Your locations to choose from are (Quantity, Weather, and Size rankings follow):
Lake Mikithdar - Q 2, W 1, S 3 - A peaceful lake in summer, the conditions on the lake are fine and the fish plentiful. Many people from the capital and neighboring towns fish this area often though, so fish rarely have time to grow to immense sizes before being caught.
Gulf of Fishes - Q 3, W 2, S 4 - As it's name suggests, this is a great place to catch fish. It is a large body of water though, so there is some slightly choppy seas, and the fish move around in schools, making it sometimes tough to track them down in such an expansive habitat. Large fish from the ocean sometimes make their way into the bay, so good-sized catches are not uncommon.
Ice Fishing in the NW Coast - Q 1, W 1, S 2 - The weather in winter can be ferocious, but in summer, a small ice-fishing hut provides plenty of protection. The waters this far north are rarely fished, so this is the best place to catch something in all of Garheim, but since you have to pull it through your ice-fishing hole, the size of your catch is severely limited.
Jharton Bay - Q 4, W 3, S 5 - Off the Southwest coast of Garheim, there is some competition for the best fishing spots from large Lenfel ships, so finding the fish can be a bit tricky. Open water means that there are a few large waves present, so be careful. It also means that there are big fish to be found out there!
The Howling Seas - Q 2, W 6, S 6 - Due to the severe weather, this region is barely an option, even in the summer months. However, the Howling Seas supports one of the richest fish populations in all of Roawia, and some have said that the fish there are so large, they could swallow a man whole! Rich rewards may be found, IF you can live to tell the tale...

Fisherman Name: Grunch
Skills: Lure 2, Skill 3, Luck 1 (This character would get 2 rolls to lure in a fish, 3 rolls to successfully fight the fish, and 1 roll to determine the size of the fish.)
Location: Jharton Bay (Q 4, W 3, S 5)

This fisherman has decent lure-making ability, so he gets 2 chances to hook a fish. Since the quantity of fish is ranked a 4 (moderately difficult), he must roll a 4 or higher to hook a fish.
Rolls: 3, 4 - Grunch hooks a fish!

The weather off the coast of Jharton is a little rough, but our man has good skill. He has 3 tries to roll higher than a 3 to overcome the conditions.
Rolls: 6, 2, 3 (catches fish)

The fish off of the coast of Jharton can be quite large, but Grunch is short on luck. He'll only get 1 roll to determine the size, which maxes out at 5 for this fishing spot.
Rolls: 5

Final Results of Example: Grunch catches a fish, and it's a big one! It looks like he used what little luck he had to max out his potential catch's size.

If you have any questions regarding how this works, please feel free to ask them in this thread, or PM me if you want to keep your strategy safe.
The winner will be whoever catches the biggest fish. If there is a tie, then the scores of the finalists' 2nd biggest fish will determine the winner.

Lastly, I've tried to make a good variety of places to fish, but it may come out that there is one region that is far superior to the others. If more than 4 people choose the same region, the quantity of fish in that region will be reduced by 1, due to heavy competition, so keep that in mind!
Also, your characters must fish in different location, and they must have different stats.

Reward: 2 points for entering, 2 for winning (largest catch), along with the esteemed title of "Champion of Fishes"! There will also be a runner-up award of 1 point for the person whos fishing duo has the best combined score, and 1 point for best entry.

Deadline: August 5th, 11:59 PST

EDIT: Added a new location to choose from to the main post (As seen below)

Kregand's Crater - Q 6, W 6, S 7 (sum of two rolls, up to 7) In the mountains north of Mikithdar, there is a deep pool, created by hotsprings. It is rumored to be the home of an enormous fish-monster, the size of a small ship. However, the surface waters are boiling hot, and even the best fishing gear won't last long. If you DO succeed in landing a fish, you'll get to roll twice and add the scores for a total of up to 7 for each luck point you have.

Basically, you'll have to roll 6's twice to have a chance at landing the biggest fish in Roawia! :o

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 9:15 pm
by Brother Steven

This is going to be AWESOME!!! what a great idea!! :D
I will definitely be joining this!

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:04 pm
by Eklund
LC6 Entries Here:


Eylssa: Jharton Bay
Lure:2 Skill:2 Luck:2

Leif: The Howling Seas
Lure:1 Skill:3 Luck:2

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:27 pm
by AK_Brickster
Scores are updated. Please check your totals and let me know if you spot any issues. Thanks.

Also, gurusql pointed out to me for the fishing contest that I hadn't considered.

For areas with a size ranking of less than 6, any roll above the size limit for that area will be re-rolled until it falls within the range of available sizes for that fishing spot.

For example, if a fishing spot maxes out at size 3, any rolls greater than 3 will be discarded and re-rolled until it comes up either a 1, 2 or 3. In this way, you'll have an equal chance at getting a 1, 2 or 3, instead of a 1/6 chance at a "1", a 1/6 chance at a "2" and a 4/6 chance of a "3" or higher.

I think this will better represent what I was trying to accomplish when I set up the parameters for each zone. If anyone (Eklund) needs to change their character stats or fishing locations due to this adjustment, feel free to do so.


Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 9:50 pm
by gurusql
LC6 - Fishing Tournament


Snorre Harang
Ability: Lure 2, Skill 1, Luck 3
Location: Lake Mikithdar
Snorre Harang is the fourth son to a minor noble from Mikithdar. His family is rich enough that Snorre has no real responsibilities. He likes to use his spare time to fish in Lake Mikithdar. He has a little skill with a lure and knows his way about a fishing pole even if most of the time the hard work is done by his servants. This true gift is his luck at catching bigger fish than everyone else. (He is wearing red in the picture.)

Trygve Varanger
Ability: Lure 2, Skill 2, Luck 2
Location: Gulf of Fishes
Trygve Varanger is a competent fisherman on spends his days on the Gulf of Fishes. he manages to bring in enough fish to feed his family and make a small profit. He does not focus on any one part of his craft more than another and would be considered and average fisherman on the Gulf. (He wears a hood to protect his balding head from the sun and spray.)

Thank AK_Brickster for setting this up and I am glad I did not have figure out the mental gymnastics on how my main LCC character was going to get here. :lol:

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 12:09 pm
by konze
Here are my LC6 entries:


Svea Øresund
Gulf of Fishes
Lure: 2
Skill: 2

Henk Sjöberg
Lake Mikithdar
Lure: 2
Skill: 1
Luck: 3

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 3:58 am
by Daken the Bladesmith
Made two free builds this month :D and I will have my entries to the LC6 and GC2 soon... I hope.

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:49 pm
by AK_Brickster
Scores updated. Please review for accuracy and PM me if you have any questions.

I also changed the first post so that the "faction roster" and "faction leaderboard" are combined and in the same spot to try to shorten up the length of the post a bit. Additionally, I removed the "notable member MOCs" section, as we have our own Flickr group which serves as an easy way to browse member MOCs, and it is too hard to keep that list current with all of the great stuff you guys have been putting out.

LC6 is very simple. All you have to do is post a pic of your two figs with a short description of them and their stats and fishing location. I REALLY hope that we can come up with better than 2 participating members before the deadline this weekend! (I plan to do mine tonight)

For those of you who have yet to complete your CIC, please do so ASAP. It looks really bad for us that we have 6 people signed up who haven't even figured out their characters yet!

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:16 pm
by Sniezka
Here are my fishermen: Piotrek Lodowicz- Lure-2 Skill-1 Luck-3 Gulf of fishes
Herman Trivitz - Lure-2 Skill-3 luck- 1 Ice Fishing in the NW Coast

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:34 pm
by jedirimlighter
My submission for the "Search for the Sword" is posted on flickr. ... 699666490/

Re: LCC - Garheim Official Faction Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:47 pm
by AK_Brickster
Here is my entry for LC6


Rayth Wulfsbayne was passing through Mikithdar on his way to look into a lead he had on information of the whereabouts of Karlamac's sword when he bumped into a couple of his old friends who were about to set out on their way to the fishing grounds.

On the left, his trapline partner Jovic Knerl (Lure 1, Skill 4, Luck 1) and his childhood friend Smogg Slimms (Lure 3, Skill 2, Luck 1) on the Right.

Rayth: "What on earth are you going to do with that anchor? It looks like you've sharpened the points of it!"

Jovic: "I'm gonna stick a big hunk'a meat on it, drop it over the side, and hopefully catch me a whale of a whale out in the Howling Seas! Not the most sophisticated method, but last I checked, seamonster-sized fish don't worry about how pretty their food is, har har har! It's a long trip North, but I know a guy who's got a boat so we are going to set sail from Rothsburg tomorrow. The prize money from the tournament will help get me through the summer until those varmints we trap start to grow out their winter coats and are worth trapping again."

R: "Ahh, yes. Tough times for a trapper in the summer, I know. And what about you, Smogg? That looks like a fine fishing pole you've made there."

Smogg: "Mrrrph. This ol stick? I had a much nicer one, but a huge seafish broke it in half when I hooked him the other day. I never have been one to be very lucky, I guess. I had to borrow this one from an old man who lives near the lake so that I could try my hand at this tourney. I'm about to head to Jharton to try the water over there. Unlike this dumb brute, I'm of the notion that the best fish prefer the best-looking lures."

R: "Well, you've always been gifted in the art of luremaking, so I'm sure you'll be able to overcome having to use that 'old stick.' " *chuckling* "Best of luck to the both of you. I'm going to see if I can't find that old sword that everyone's talking about. Maybe I'll have a bit of fortune myself!"