Classic-Castle Roleplay: February 2005

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Post by lemon_squeezer2 »

Grid: K-9
Location: Crusader countryside, right on the Legoland border.

Otto woke up. It was still dark out and the campfire he had built was down to embers. Shivering, he got up from his position and began to button his coat back on. He could not remember it being this cold in his lifetime in this area. Downright unnatural it was. Bending over to reach his pack, he knocked over one of the two poles that formed the temporary lean-to he had built that night. The fragile structure fell on his back, the fir branches scratching his face. Otto swore under his breath as he got up again.

A minute later he continued his course, keeping his back to the slowly rising sun. He was headed to Orion. Sales were bad back home and it only seemed logical that his array of silverware, watches, pots, pans, and other trinkets would sell better in the still hard-off city of Orion. Otto was certainly glad he had brought his snowshoes. Trudging through a seemingly endless white landscape, his appearance seemed to be that of an explorer discovering the antipodes instead of a trader traveling through civilized country. To the south, there was what seemed to be a small black bump with wisps of smoke rising from it – undoubtedly a town or large village.

That evening Otto estimated that he had covered eight miles. Not bad for the conditions that he was in. As with last night, he cut down a few nearby branches with his small axe and made a lean-to covered with the sharp prickly braches of pines that seemed to grow in abundance in the area. Building a fire, he opened a smaller pack pulling out two biscuits, some dried beef, and a flask of the near-legendary Crusader ale. Placing the meat between the two thin loaves he started to eat. It was dark now and the fire cast eerie shadows on the trees that surrounded him. From his peripheral vision he thought he saw something move. Otto jerked his head but saw nothing. Then he saw it again – a black shape moving through the woods, then two more. Squinting his eyes, Otto thought they looked like large – dogs? A howling interrupted his thoughts – they were undoubtedly wolves. Oddly enough though, they seemed to ignore him, continuing their way without even a break in step.

Curious, the trader shoveled the rest of his food into his mouth and picked up a lantern, lighting it from the fire. Loosening his long dagger, he soon found the trail and followed it. A mile on, he began to hear noises of howling and yapping mingled with shouts and calls. Someone was obviously in trouble. Otto had encountered wolves once before, when he was in his twenties. It would be too dangerous to try to help whoever was in distress in any direct way – he would have to try something else.
"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew like heck"

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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

lemon_squeezer2 wrote:Someone was obviously in trouble. Otto had encountered wolves once before, when he was in his twenties. It would be too dangerous to try to help whoever was in distress in any direct way – he would have to try something else.
Commander Redbeard wrote:"We can't let them be taken. Reno, you stay here with Shainya and Luxos, Anardan and I will go help Bjarn and Dractor!"

The torches flamed in the darkness, shedding thin pools of light as the two men ran with weapons at the ready, prepared for anything.

Or almost anything.

What they weren't ready for was carnage. Sure, both of them had been many battles before, but not one as one-sided. Two dozen wolves lay in vary forms of dismemberment and disembowlment in a circle around two weary and blood-splattered persons. There were still endless wolves charging from the trees and ganging up on Bjarn and Dractor individually, forced the two men away fro their back-to-back position.

Without hesitation, Anardan charged into the fray, but not before Voolmark sent a blast into the clearing, stunning both wolves and Bjarn and Sir Dractor. Anardan leaped forward and sliced off the head of a charging wolf and gutting another, swinging his gleaming sword with both hadnds for maximun damage. Voolmark passed the wolves by and dropped to his knees beside the two fallen fighters, his ropes soaking in the blood of both human and wolf.

The wizard uncorked a bottle and poured it over a nasty gash in Bjarn's right arm. Bjarn moaned and blinked his eyes.


"Hush now, Bjarn, and let this soak in..."

Bjarn looked to where the liquid was already healing the skin and cleansing it of clotted blood.

"That's like Reno's old healing balm..." Bjarn muttered, not really talking to anyone.

As Voolmark rubbing the healing potion over the rest of Bjarn and then Dractor, Captain Anardan frought bravely on, protecting his comrades with every sweep of his blade. however, there were simply too many and Anardan was, like the two before him, slowly being worn out.

Then the fire started. It went slowly at first, for the tree was soaked through with snow, but a oranage light followed by a increasing heat filtered through the trees and touched both the wolves and their victims. The wolves began to whimper and snuffle about, their snouts taking in the smokey breeze. Suddenly the wolves were gone, dissapeared deep into the woods where the fire wouldn't reach them. They had a right to be scared, for it appeared the fire had been light from five seperate locations and was now burning inward, closing in on the abandoned men.

Anardan grinned in relief, then swore in shock as he realised what danger they all were in.

"Voolmark, let's go!" he cried, and gestured at the advancing flames.

Voolmark stood and, with another surge of Earth Magic, raised Bjarn and Sir Dractor into the air. Then he turned and began to exit the woods, guiding the two wounded men behind him.

Anardan hesitated a moment, and then grabbed to wolve carcasses and dragged them along as well. At least they would get some meat.

Otto looked at his handywork. Yes, burning the woods had been a good idea, though a risky one. Doucing the his remaining flaming stick in the snow, he hefted his pack and trudged toward the camp where four figures lay huddled. It was time to introduce himself.
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Post by The Green Knight »

The horse kept heading north, but Alex knew that soon they would have to abandon the cart and carry on on foot.
Grid J-10
Location: A trading post on the outskirts of Orion.

“I'll take another one of those and a sack of those too, please. Oh, and do you have someone who could deliver a message? This letter needs to go to a man named Jos at the Gold Wallow Inn. Here's a few extra trigs for your trouble.” Logen payed for the provisions while Alex and Walf sat talking on a bench,

“So how's your head?” Alex asked.

“Not too bad now. If that ugly spook hadn't whacked me over the head and stolen my dagger.”

Alex looked at the boy's head. It was bandaged well and, unlike his own wrist, wasn't in a splint. Yes, his hand would be useless for quite some time before it healed.

“But it's ok.” Walf went on. “It's my ear that I'm worried about.”

“Oh I wouldn't worry about that. You know, Bjarn the forestman only had one ear too.”

Walf brightened a bit at this and his mouth rounded up into a smile.

“Why,” Alex continued. “You had to be on the good side if you wanted him to understand you correctly.”

Walf's smile dropped.

“But then I guess I didn't need to tell you that.”

Just then Logen came back with the packs of provisions he had purchased.

“Is that enough?” Alex inquired.

“It better be.” said Logen “That was the last of my money.”

“So what happened? You know, with the sword. Who was that other ghost?”

“Oh yes, well you remember I said there were two dead Dragon Masters right where I found the sword? I saw there faces and that ghost you saw was one off them. Now come on, let's get going.”
Let us stop for a moment and ponder the signiture...

Ok, enough of that!
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Post by lemon_squeezer2 »

Making his way to the group, Otto stood for a moment, not quite sure what to do. Rubbing his brow, he was about to speak but was quickly interrupted by Anardan.
“Who is it over there? Come out so I can see you.”
The Forestman was obviously a bit jumpy now, he was standing up and had his sword withdrawn.
“My name is Otto Neurath. Come now, don’ stand there in the cold there, I have a camp just a mile aways on.”
Anardan advanced. “My name is Anardan. We truly appreciate your hospitality, but two of our party are wounded.”
Walking over, Otto stood over Dractor. “Well, com’on now, take the other one – it’s only a short walk.” Otto then heaved the wounded man over his back and to Anardan’s amazement, took two of the packs, holding one in each hand.
Anardan walked over to Bjarn, but Voolmark stopped him.
“Just wait a moment, he should be alright in a moment. This poultice sets a bit slower in cold like this.”
Nodding, he left as Bjarn got up. Walking to Otto who had already started out, he spoke.
“Were you the one who set those fires? We truly are indebted to your help.”
“Oh, It’s – it’s nothing really, I had to do something. When I was younger, I was in the same situation. Lost an uncle that way.”

Following Otto, the weary party trudged on until they reached the trader’s lean-to. Anardan quickly collapsed on the ground weary from exhaustion as Otto carefully eased the now unconscious body of Dractor to the ground, in front of Voolmark. Bjarn sat next to the fire and Otto sat down next to him, throwing some more kindling on as he did so.
“I don’t think I’ve properly introduced myself. My name is Otto and I am a trader from Crusader territory.”
“I am Bjarn, and I am leading this group. We are headed for Orion.”
“Orion eh? Headed that way myself.” Reaching into his pack, Otto handed the Forestman leader a biscuit and threw another in Voolmark’s direction.
“Otto – isn’t that a Falcon name?” Bjarn looked at the man quizzically.
The trader paused for a second. “Well, I suppose it is. My father was from that area before he settled down where I live now. He was a trader like I am now. I was hoping to find better business in Orion. What are you hoping to find there?”
“You could say a solution to a problem. We hope to find some sort of answer there.”
Seeing that Bjarn was being purposefully elusive, Otto decided not to press the issue...

Meanwhile in Orion, the Emperor spoke first. “Delegates, fellow rulers, we have assembled today to bring to a conclusion the catastrophe of this last summer. Every nation has been touched in one way or another. As you very well know, it was Bloodvaine who perpetrated all this, aided by those who sought to – take advantage of the situation.” On the last sentence, the Emperor looked directly at Karl. “As things stand, we have no room for grudges or trying to push unreasonable demands upon one another. However, I believe there are several terms that should be complied with. First of all, all borders should be put back in their former positions. Secondly, certain duties should be paid by any aggressor. Further details on that can be worked out later. Thirdly, on behalf of my friend here,” the Legolander king gestured to the Bull, “an area of land be designated for the Bull faction. That being said, I feel that it is most appropriate for you Karl, to begin your response.

Standing up, the Falcon began. “As the ambassador of the Falcon nation, I want to start off by expressing our nation’s deepest sympathies over the events of the past few months. As you all know, Falconis XXVIII is dead, and his son, now Falconis XXIX, is reigning. This transfer of power also marks a new course my nation intends to take. With me I have brought up a series of points.

First of all, this most recent conflict was not one-sided. The Falcon nation did not simply see an opportunity for war an rush headlong into it. The seeds for this conflict go back to nearly nine years ago. Then, in a war that I still disapprove of, the late Falconis XXVIII invaded Bull territory, taking it all in an alarmingly short period of time. Now, during the close of this war, the Black Knights turned, defeated our 2nd fleet in a surprise attack, and took one of our islands to the south. You all cannot deny this. It is all true.” The rest of the council remained silent. “In this most recent war, we invaded Royal Knight territory because they were at war with us.” Theodore interrupted, his face somewhat flushed. “And because my land lay between you and the Black Knights. We were convenient for you purposes. Your ruler allied himself with a…” Suddenly the other members of the council started to talk, arguing amongst one another.
“SILENCE!” Immediately the six stopped at the sound of the Legolander’s commanding voice. “Please Karl, continue.”

“As I was saying, my nation went through to the Black Knights, fighting a battle that ended in a statistical tie. Now, in my opinion, was Falconis XXVIII right to ally himself with Bloodvaine? No. It turned out to be a disastrous move. Were we justified in our actions? Yes. Now, here is my response to your demands sir. In your implied statement about the conflict between our nation and the Royal Knights, the border shall remain as it is. You have regained your capitol and most of your land. My nation is prepared to offer any reasonable settlement in the form of gold, food or both. As for payments, we will be glad to offer any assistance to the Black Knights. Too long have we held grudges against one another. As for the third, the former heart of Bull territory is now clearly Falcon land. However, a joint settlement could be agreed between us and the Black Knights to give some of our possessions in the isles for the Bulls. Thank you.”
“Now that we have heard the Falcon representative, who will speak next?”
Last edited by lemon_squeezer2 on Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TheOrk »

Grid J-10 An inn in Orion

The blizzard was slowly making the larger, unshielded streets impassible. The weary traveler made his way to a crowded inn. Pulling down the his hood Sir.Valric looked around. He got a bad feeling about this inn. But it would be to hard to go to another.
Most people appeared to be upstanding citizens, however the recent “problems” in the world had driven many to the bottle. Which was in short supply. Many dark looks met his gaze, but he simply smiled back.
All other men in there went up to his shoulder, and under his thin clothes a bulging mass of mucsle could be seen, that and the huge broadsword at his side.
Valric pushed through the crowd to the bar. The numerous trouble makers stepping aside. Suddenly with out warning a pudgy little old man bumped into him. The old man looked up in irritation “Watch it ya big dumb ox-“ He stopped ubruptly. “By the Brick! Valric is that you?”
Valric looked down, in surprise “Willerd?”
“Valric! Bless the Brick your alive! Come! Lets go talk in the hall, theres not so many “sly” folk abroad.”

“Sure.” Replied Valric. Thinking of the old days. Seven years ago he had been knighted, his relatives were few and they didn’t mind Valric going out to explore the world. They said it would either make or break him. He remembered the short little Willerd as a bartender.

“So old man, what trouble have you been getting into while I was away?” He laughed.

“O come now, must you joke about everything. I am to my waist in problems! All because of that confounded sorcercer!” Willered quickly grabbed a little metal 2x4 brick on a chain, around his neck at the mention of Bloodvaine.

“Up to your waist in problems eh? For a man in his mid fifties, most babes are equal in size.” Valric laughed when he saw the five foot tall Willerd turn as red as a beat. “So I have heard many rumors while I was abroad about what happened here. Strange tales about flying contraptions and pink Dragon Masters and other brix and blox I suppose.”

“That’s all true you big ox!” Snapped Willerd, “and from the what I heard about you, most of it is probley true too!”

“How about we sit down and sort this mess out.” The two went to a vacant table and Willerd explained everything in detail. Valric shook his head sadly, I’d say a fair number of the local lads would still be around if me and my sword were here. From what you say of this Bloodvaine chap, I can say I’ve met a dozen wizards just as crazed.”

A strange sensation hit Valric, he’d experianced it many times before. But in a the heart of a city as large as Orion, the consiqeunces would be lethal…
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Post by Sir Drake »

Lord_The_LEGO wrote:Two dozen wolves lay in vary forms of dismemberment and disembowlment in a circle around two weary and blood-splattered persons. There were still endless wolves charging from the trees and ganging up on Bjarn and Dractor individually, forced the two men away fro their back-to-back position.
Grid: K-9 Snowy hill on the Crusader-Classic Castle border.

"Seems like someone allready killed our food" Draco smirked.
"And cooked to..." Answered Swift with a smile pointing at the burned trees,"Maybe we should seek the ones who did this, 'cause there isn't only wolf blood here".

Swift allready smelled at the blood, he is a Wolfpack member so he can smell the difference between human blood and wolf blood.

"No" said Drake "We aren't, we're allready stuck to long with Swift and Strider that I'm getting used to them." he said with a smirk on his face.

"Very funny" answered Strider "Is that what they call Dragon Master humor?" Now it was Strider who was laughing. While he was sharpening his knives he said "Seriously now, why don't we search for them now? It would be a lot of easier as their tracks are still fresh."

"Yes," Swift replied "why not now, Drake, tell me that!"
"Because he says so!!" Drakkon yelled.
"Calm down Drakkon, we aren't going to search them now, we need rest as so our horses."
"Sure, whatever you say, you're the boss..." Swift said without any defense in his voice anymore. Swift wasn't used to take orders since he was leader of a Wolf Pack tribe.

Strider took his backpack of his horse and putted it under his head and tried to sleep. When he yawned he suddenly saw a trail of blood. He got up and told this to Swift.

"It would be better to go now, they might need some serious help."
"I know, I know, but as long as Vince doesn't wants to, I can't do anything."
Draco overheard this conversation and interrupted,
"I'll talk to Drake, be prepared to leave in 5 minutes, pack the horses." he smirked.

So 5 minutes later all 5 heroes were on their horses following the track of blood. It had leaded them to an small trader's outpost.

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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

lemon_squeezer2 wrote:“You could say a solution to a problem. We hope to find some sort of answer there.”
Seeing that Bjarn was being purposefully elusive, Otto decided not to press the issue.
Soon they had returned to the Fellowship's camp, where Aros and Reno immediately leapt up and prepared to battle, but then hesitated when they caught sight of their wounded friends.

"Reno, Aros, stop!" assured Bjarn, limping forward, "Otto's with us...he helped us escape the wolves."

"Wolves!" cried Shainya, still on the ground hugging the shaking Luxus.

"Timberwolves..." muttered Sir Dractor, who had just came awake, "Megabloks millions of them..."

Bjarn spat and groaned.

"Thank Chodan Voolmark, Anardan and Otto showed up, or we'd be wolf chow..."

"Well...they'll be chow for us, now." said Anardan, who was cutting strips of flesh from one of the wolf carcasses and holding it over the fire.

Voolmark was making his rounds with the jar of healing balm, first rubbing it on Sir Dractor and then Anardan and lastly himself.

"Where'd you get that?" asked Bjarn, indicating the jar with a nod of his head.

Voolmark looked up. "From techno-mage called Taylor Road. I don't think he made it himself, I think he mostly travels about Dametreos buying and selling goods."

"Techno-mage?" queried Aros.

"Someone who has a skill in charming mechanical things -- mills, boilers, catapults...things like that...his personal ship, the Apple-Tart, is a technological wonder, it has a paddle-wheel like you see on water mills and he says it's powered by miniature versions of the crystals that powered the three airships." explained Voolmark.

"Ah!" Reno exclaimed, "I remember him...that's where I got my own healing rub before I joined the Misfits..."

They were all silent for a few minutes, but then Otto stood and approached Shainya.

"How long has your child been like that?" he asked quietly.

"Oh!" Shainya flushed, "Luxus isn't my child...he's the younger brother of Reno and to how long he's been shivering...ever since we were stuck in that avalanche...which was about noon today."

"I see." said Otto. He turned to where Anardan was beginning to gut the second wolf.

"Please, leave that." he said, stepping over. Anardan looked up curiously, then nodded.

"May I borrow your knife?" Otto continued. Anardan handed it over. Otto thanked him and continued to gut the animal, but left the flesh sticking to the bones. He then sliced off the limbs, head and tail and dragged the carcass the where Shainya sat, wide-eyed.

"What are you doing?"

"This is a trick I learned long ago..." explained Otto, "From my uncle who was later killed. The inside of a dead animal is much warmer than the outside."

Otto force open the rib cage of the beast and gently took Luxus up in his arms. Shainya made a face, realizing what was going to happen.

"That's disgusting!"

"Bloody, yes." agreed Otto, "But it works, trust me. I was the one saved by this technique..."

Otto slid Luxus into his gory crib, and let the rib cage fold back around the small child. It was a macabre scene, a little boy incased in the ribs and flesh and fur of a wolf, but after a while...Luxus stopped shivering.[/i]
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Post by Sir Drake »

Grid: K-9 Otto's camp

As they approached the camp, they got of their horses and sneaked towards the camp. Voolmark and the others were too busy with Luxus to notice them. Suddenly they were in the outpost.
"So, what's yer problem?"Drake said.
"Who are you" Voolmark asked.
"Hey Strider, get a blenkin out of your backpack, there's somebody here who might need this more then you!" Swift yelled to Strider.
"Here ya go"
Swift catched the blenkin and rolled Luxus in it.
"That won't help"
"I know, but I might help to up this boy's changes on surviving, he's might allready be warming, his body temperature is still too low."
"I might have something that might help" Draco suddenly said.
"Here you go, a little bit of Dragon's Milk, that will surely hotten him a bit!"
"Are you out of your mind?!"
"Calm down, Voolmark" said Reno "this might work!"
Draco putted his can of Dragon's Milk against Luxus lips and helped him drink of it.
"Uche, uche" Luxus uched.
"Water, water"he yelled with a still weakened voice"I need water, this stuff is pretty spicy!"
"Here you go"Drakkon said with a smile on his face.
"It isn't normal for a Dragon Master to smile when he saved someone's live" Shainya said with a grim look on her face"all they care about is slaughtering innocent people, there's something strange about you guys."
"We once were glorious knights of the Black Templars, an elite Black Knights Order, but we did something wrong and we where banned...; as for Draco, he spended a long time living with the Wolfpack."
Then Vince walked over to Bjarn and Dractor.
"What's wrong with these guys?" he asked Voolmark.
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Post by The Green Knight »

The bear landed down above Gib, his muzzle only inches away from the hermit's face.

“It's alright Grizzle. It's me, Gib.”

Gib held his breath, staring for a moment into the crazed eyes of his friend. The breath of the bear fell hot on his face and then...the madness faded. The bear began to sob in some great animal moan, laying his shaggy head on the chest of his master.

“Yes,” Gib said. “Yes I'm here Grizzle. It's alright.” And Gib began to weep too. But the tears were those of joy. The joy of two friends that had finally found each other.
Grid: G-9
Location: The mouth of a cave in a wooded hollow, south of Orlon

Grizzle nosed about the cave, smelling to see if anyone else lived there. Good. No other scents. That meant the cave was deserted. Further exploration reviled a snug little niche in side wall, protected from the wind and cold. The perfect place to lay down and hibernate.

Oh and Grizzle felt so, so tired. The past few weeks had been tough, really tough. Ever since those Falcons captured him. First there was the nets and the spears and the chains. And then there was the city and that terrible, high walled pen with those blood crazed hounds. The jeering crowds, the gnashing teeth and when it was finally over, a cold, hard cell and the promise of another show when the rooster crowed again.

Was there ever a more effective way to murder a creature's spirit? But Gib had rescued him and he was free. Oh... and refreshing. Freedom had never smelt so refreshing.

Of course Grizzle still bore the scars of his trials. There were lots of them. And he walked with limp now. But that didn't matter. Now he could rest. He could take a long, long nap.

Grizzle lumbered into the niche and wearily sank to the ground. Looking up, he saw his friends gathered around him. Griffin and Jackal. It was good to see them again. And Gib. Girzzle felt he should say something to Gib. A word of thanks perhaps. But he was so tired. So so tire......
The bear yawned widely and that was it. He was out.

“Good night, Grizzle. See you in the spring.”
Gib and the animals left the cave and got ready to embark.

“What's that Griffin? Where are we going? Well we're done here. We've done what we set out to do and now I think we should go home.”

The hawk shuffled his feet on Gib's shoulder and half chirped, half cried in his usual manner.

“Oh no Griffin. I wasn't talking about the Neverwood. We're going back to my home. A place I haven't been in over thirty years. We're going to Glestol.”
Let us stop for a moment and ponder the signiture...

Ok, enough of that!
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Post by TheOrk »

Grid J-10 Orion Inn

Sir. Valric looked at Willerd. “So this Constantius chap is the new Classic Emperor?”
Willerd looked up from a tankard of ale. “Aye that he be. Whats it matter to ye?”
Valric looked troubled. “There’s something out there.”
“Oh?” Willerd wasn’t paying attention.
“I’ve picked up a lot of things from outside of Dametreos.” Valric continued to stare out the window.
“I picked a magic spell or two. I’ve seen all sorts of hideous monsters, Dragons, orks, hobbitses. I know there is something out there.”
Last edited by TheOrk on Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Sir Drake wrote:Then Vince walked over to Bjarn and Dractor.
"What's wrong with these guys?" he asked Voolmark.

"Nothing." said Bjarn and Sir Dractor together.

Voolmark smiled. All three of them were thinking the same thing. Could they trust all these sudden arrivals? Five men showing up all at once seemed awfully suspicious. However, it wasn't like the Fellowship were successfully sneaking through Classic LEGOland unnoticed. Anyone could have followed the many tracks in the snow, and the avalanche and forestfire had been like beacons in the winter landscape.

"Voolmark's already healed us..." Bjarn explained further. He stood and nodded curtly at Vince.

"I thank you for your additional assistance. I'm afriad we were all in quite a fix. My name is Bjarn, and I am a Forestmen. These are my friends, Sir Dractor, Voolmark, Reno, Aros, Luxus, Shainya, and Anardan. We are heading toward Orion."

Voolmark noted that though Bjarn had not told any lies, he had not mentioned that he was LORD Bjarn, and LEADER of the Forestmen.

"Pleased to meet you, I'm sure." smiled Vince, sticking out his hand, "I'm Vince, and these are my comrades Drake, Strider ans Swift. We are glad to help."

Vince turned from Bjarn and looked at Otto.

"And who are you? Bjarn didn't mention you as one of his companions..."
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Post by Commander Redbeard »

Location: Crusader countryside

Thirteen figures lay in the darkness around the guttering campfire, all but one asleep in their bedrolls. Anardan was confused about the sudden appearance of six complete strangers in their midst, all within the hour, and he couldn't seem to filter through the mix of thoughts whirling in his head. The wolves, demon-like, running even to their doom, consumed in blood lust... The flaming woods, the Crusader merchant, and the five men who turned up out of nowhere...

Anardan pushed aside his blanket and stood up. The cold air made him gasp, and he pulled his woolen cloak tighter around his body as he shivered. Bjarn was on guard duty, his sword at his side, staring into the shadows of the midnight woods. His bow had been lost in the fight with the Timberwolves.

"Bjarn, you awake?"

Bjarn started slightly, then turned around.

"Oh, it's you, Anardan. I must have dozed off. What's the matter?"

"Something's bothering me,"

Anardan said. Bjarn raised his eyebrows and turned around, waiting for him to continue.

"All in an hour or so, we're attacked by Timberwolves, and six strange men join our party minutes afterward. It doesn't seem right!"

"What's so unusual about it?"

Asked Bjarn.

"Timberwolves might not be expected in this region, but some travellers isn't so strange."

Anardan pondered his words carefully before replying.

"Our quest determines the fate of Dametros. If the Endless Winter goes on forever, what would we do? The Timberwolves will multiply and spread, for they thrive on conditions like this. All the peoples of the land will be forced to abandon their farmlands and homes to move into cities or towns, where they will be safer. The crops will die in the cold. Even our Forestmen, who live with the land as best as any, cannot survive in this forever. The spirit of Bloodvaine has more planned for us then ice and snow. Those timberwolves did not come all the way here into Crusader territory for nothing, did they? Our task is of vital importance. Who are these men who have so lightly turned up in our midst? I may be a fool, Bjarn, but what if they do not mean to help us? Even if they do, we cannot take them along. We need to get to Yellow Castle soon, you know this. It will be hard enough from there."

The two sat in silence for some time, then Bjarn spoke, his voice heavy.

"I know. We go not only for our people, but for every mother's son in Dametros. I will think long on this. I'll see you in the morning."

Anardan could see how tired he was, for his head was drooping as he spoke.

"You're exhausted, Bjarn. Killing those wolves must have got to you, you slew scores before we came. I'm still awake, and I doubt I'll sleep for awhile yet. Go to bed."

Bjarn gratefully accepted. For the rest of the night, he dreamed unsettling dreams of wolves and ice, caves and snow. Anardan fared little better, visions of eyes red with bloodlust darting across his field of vision.

It was a long time until dawn.
Sitting in a midnight glade
Firelight dancing off burnished blade
A Forestman sits
Wondering about the next day
But after three mugs of ale
Let it bring what it may.
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Lord_Of_The_LEGO wrote:She looked at him with eyes that seemed to permanently wrinkled in sadness and said, "A sad day, indeed, Blackcloak."

"Who are you?" snapped Willem, craning his neck upward.

"I am the sole living person of both the Gladwheel and Turnleaf families." she replied cryptically, "My name is Katherine."
"How do you know my name?" snapped Willem, glancing about him. He had just realized they were terribly exposed. He could be shot at from a dozen different places, and this Katherine could be simply luring him out to be killed by the Fair Lady's henchmen.

"Have you not ever heard of the name of Turnleaf?" snapped Katherine disdainfully.

"What does it matter?"

"It matters, for if you had heard of my mother's family name, you would know that all females of the Turnleaf clan since the great Forestwoman Yaimta Turnleaf have been druids! And druids, among their many other powers, can detect and identify anyone ten leagues away!"

Katherine tossed back her hair with a violent twist and glared at Willem Blackcloak.

"Oh." he replied, "Then you are not of Ciroal's followers?"

Katherine snorted. "If I was, I wouldn't have wasted my breath talking to you; you would have been dead ten minutes ago!"

Willem's heart began to stop racing.

"Then can you help me?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"Regain my thrown and my kingdom."

"That is your problem, not mine. If you was the Throne of the Three Daggers back, then you have to prove yourself worthy of it."

Willem bristled and instinctively his hand went to where his daggers used to be.

"Don't be foolish." chided Katherine. "I'm not for you, but I'm not against you either. It was pure chance we met, so if you don't mind, I'll be on my way..."

Katherine began to walk off, but Willem called out, "Wait! Why are you here, south of the Three Lands Crossroads, in the middle of winter?"

Katherine turned. "Because I am not welcome home. Sound familiar Blackcloak? Well, it isn't. I wasn't oust from any cold throne, it wasn't even my fault..."

Katherine paused, then looked at ground. " was my fault..."

"How?" asked Willem quietly.

"I was born."

Willem sighed. Another cryptic message.

Suddenly Katherine tensed.

"Someone approaches."

"Who?" hissed Willem, fumbling for his stolen weapon.

"You needn't draw blade, Blackcloak, it's your compatriot, Graygon."
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Post by Robin Hood »

lemon_squeezer2 wrote:“Now that we have heard the Falcon representative, who will speak next?”
Grid: J-10
Location: Emporer's Throne Room

Sir Theodore stood up. "With your consent Emporer, I wish to make known the opinions of the Royal Knights."

The Knight/General took a deep breath, he was angry, very angry. The fact that the Falcon declared the attack on their country legitimate was bad enough, but the fact that the Falcons had no intention of giving it back made him angrier yet. Only the fact that he had had political training allowed himself to remain calm.

Despite the fact that he had always been an noble as well as a knight, he found a sword to be the best solution for many problems. Not so here, here tact and patience were required.

"Fellow representatives and rulers, you have heard the story from the Falcons side of view, now hear the Royal Knights'. I will tell you all that has happened since the begining of the war and after, what we intend to do about the currant situation."

Theodore then launched into a true, if somewhat biased, report of all that had taken place since the Falcons had invaded. He told them about the sacking of Castleton, and the killing (if accidental) of King Kjeld's father, of the retreat to the isle and southern most part of the country, and later of the raising of the army, of the retake of Orlon and Castleton to the begining of the snowstorm.

"...and hostilities have stopped for the moment due to the storm." He paused. "That lords, is the tale of what has happened. Now I shall tell you of what we intend to do. If the falcons refuse to return the land that is rightfully ours, and if the Emporer and this council will not change their minds, we intend to take back what is ours by force if necessary. Our army is now in a position and is in large enough strength to do just that. Though it may very well be a long and costly affair."

"We will not surrender our own lands! The people in them are our people, who deserve to be under our rule. If they wish to be under Falcon rule, they may leave the country. But I say this on behave of both King Kjeld and Prince Lego, we WILL have our land way or another. I would advise that our lands be given back freely for both our sakes."

"As to the Bulls, I can say little, say that they deserve the land they once had. That is all I have to say right now."

Theodore sat down.

"Thank you Sir Theodore," said the Emporer, "who will speak next?"
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Commander Redbeard wrote:"You're exhausted, Bjarn. Killing those wolves must have got to you, you slew scores before we came. I'm still awake, and I doubt I'll sleep for awhile yet. Go to bed."

Bjarn gratefully accepted. For the rest of the night, he dreamed unsettling dreams of wolves and ice, caves and snow. Anardan fared little better, visions of eyes red with bloodlust darting across his field of vision.

It was a long time until dawn.
When dawn at last broken over the horizon, two men were already awake, Bjarn and Anardan.

As soon as Anardan saw Bjarn stir, he nodded at his leader and and gestured toward a streach of snow a distance away from the camp. Anardan walked over, and Bjarn soon followed.

"Another dawn." Anardan commented.

"Indeed." sighed Bjarn.

"Have you thought about our predicament?" asked Anardan quietly.

"Yes...and I don't think there is anything we can do about it right now." said Bjarn, "We simply can' shoo away Otto, Vince, Strider, Swift and Drake, and killing or maiming them is out of the question."

"What is to be done then?"

"If they follow and accompany us to Orion, so be it. We'll loose them when I present my quest to the Emperor. There is no way any of them could follow use further. If they simply move on now, so much the better."

"I don't trust Dragon Masters." stated Anardan matter-of-factly.

"Who does?" quipped Bjarn, smiling, "I've only met one in all my years, and that was Lord Void. He not the type to leave a favorable impression."

They turned back to the camp, where the others were begining to rise. After a hasty breakfast, Bjarn turned to the five newcomers.

"Well now, it is time to continue onward. My company is headed to Orion. Do our paths split here?"
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