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Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:32 am
by wlister
Jojo wrote:Hello!
Mr. D wrote:Thanks for wording you post so discreetly, Will. I always appreciate clean language in a day when dirty words are the norm.
OK, I wasn't aware that "crap" is that bad a word. I tried to avoid the word starting with "s" and ending with "hit" and I thought the word I used was harmless. :-) At least there MUST be a possibility to express something like "dirt".
Hi Jojo,

I didn't write that way to upset anyone, I have two kids both of whom can read. I use the _ to fill in the gaps because I really try to keep my kids from using any foul words. I may not think cr_p is a bad word, but their school certainly would. So rather than encourage them to use strong language, I blank things. It is slightly cleaner due to the fact that it makes a distinction between the word cr_p and a word like dirt. By blanking a word we are not truly condoning its use in every day life. Its just the way I skirt the language issue at home and I'm sure no one was offended by your method either.

Back on topic, I agree with TwoTonic, a Legend when the concept was announced was something that carried a sense of corporate pride. We have seen the occasional less than stellar re-release, but the Legends really seem to fall in the category of something TLC was proud of. Hopefully this trend will continue.


Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 3:30 am
by tanzirian
6085! Too bad it's not on the I must exercise my right not to vote. I like 6085 best of the big castles because it has more refined articulation of surfaces than 6080, and is more stable/flexible than 6086. Also this was the set I wanted as a kid. However, I don't think it's the perfect castle...the color scheme is too dark, a flaw which lego corrected with the 6086. Also the keep is too stubby...the other two castles are better in this respect. Next to this one, I vote for 6066, the most essential forestmen set (although 6077 is my favorite).
I am very happy to have the legends line, but do have one complaint: one of the things I loved about the old sets were the boxes...each with a flip top, display tray, and storage tray (and yellow color!)...of course these features are no more. Some of the displays look so nice I don't feel like opening them. I am trying to collect a few select sets, just to keep unopened like that, from ebay etc....hard to do with all the wealthy afols out there. So I for one would love to see not just the classic sets, but their classic packaging too!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 5:31 am
by wlister
Mmm classic packaging,

Now there is an idea. Just something else TLC seems to have forgotten along the way. Their much reviled compeditors seem to be more aware of the wow factor you get with the flip top display tray. At least two of the Dragons line has this type of packaging and it reminded me how great the old Lego sets with display trays were. We might not like Megabloks, but as a marketing force they seem to have surpassed TLC. The product is still sub-standard, but the marketing minds behind it is top notch.

Come on TLC, here is the ball, you dropped it back in '97, please pick it up.
