Classic-Castle Roleplay: February 2005

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Post by Sir Drake »

"Well, except wandering around we don't have anything to do now." said Drakkon who finally said something.
"Yeah, I could really use another quest even is it just to protect you." Swift said somewhat happy.
"It's always better to have more men with us" Reno mentioned "then we will less likely be under attack, face the facts, Bjarn."

"Yeah, Bjarn it's up to you" Voolmark added "I won't be saying anything about it, it's your choice."
"Well, you can remain with us until we arrive in Orion, from then on you do what you want, but don't follow us again then." Bjarn said with a cold voice.
"Aye, we should pack the horses, my friends." Drake said.
The others soon packed their horses and left, together with the Original Fellowship of the Pendants.

Swift had putted Luxus on his horse, still in his blanket altough he was at the better hand. There was something strange about this boy, he felt an emediate band with him.
They've putted Bjarn on Drake's horse and Dractor on Draco's horse, Voolmark was walking next to Drakkon whom had his horse in his hand. They had putted al their packs of food and other stuff on his horse. The rest of this now big travelin' group were on foot.
"Aren't you comin', Otto?" Bjarn said.

I've noticed in previous messages that you always say Drake, Vince, Swift, Strider but it's Vincent Drake(that's his full name but mostly they say Vince or Drake), Draco(you always forget him), Drakkon, Swift, Strider :wink:
Last edited by Sir Drake on Wed Feb 09, 2005 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by lemon_squeezer2 »

Otto waited for a few seconds, mulling his decision. Walking up to Bjarn, he led him aside and spoke. “Tell me, are you familiar with the works of Vincent Burgouis?”
“Heard of, not familiar with though – why?”
“He is a great man, a rational thinker. Yet, in one of his books he speaks of something called synchronicity – anomalies, seemingly bizarre coincidences in time.”

Otto then reached into his pocket, pulling out a jewel, set in gold. The gem was a translucent light blue while the gold set around it was curiously wrought in the shape of a snowflake. “Now, normally, this would not be of any great value to me. I could sell it for a fair amount of money and think nothing of it. However, I have stumbled across your party at this particular time and place, hearing certain conversations.”
Bjarn looked alarmed, staring dumbfoundedly at Otto.”

“I am a light sleeper Lord Bjarn. Now, I can only guess at the significance of what your group is trying to accomplish. I believe I have guessed well. This odd piece I procured from an auction many years ago – the estate of a nobleman who had no relatives or any specific will. For a reason I cannot explain, I kept it, even though I could have made a fine return on this investment. Now I feel compelled to give this to you. As for myself, I have no part in your quest, whatever it may be. I travel by myself and I have no urge to seek out adventure. I have seen your party’s reactions – you all are – surprised – no troubled, to see all these newcomers seemingly join what you had almost deceived yourself into thinking was a private venture. As for me, I wish you the best of luck. I do not know about the others – the Dragon masters, but I will continue my way by a different route.” Getting up, Otto then handed Bjarn the jewel. “I hope you can find a use for what I gave you.” Otto said as he slung on his pack. “I’ve left some bacon and hardtack here with you. It should be enough to get to Orion.”

Bjarn sat there, confused and speechless at Otto’s abrupt departure and what he left with him. He stared at the snowflake for a bit longer. It was just as Otto had described, only on it were groves and ridges that vaguely resembled lettering. Turning it around, there was the same thing. He carefully placed the item in his pocket and made his way back to the waiting group. “Synchronicity indeed…
"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew like heck"

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Post by lemon_squeezer2 »

He was cold – oh so cold. And wet. Why was he wet? Of course, the man realized. He was in the water. Something hurt – badly. The man opened his eyes. He was in the water, and there was a rope tied to his waist. It was taunt. That meant it was connected to something. His eyes followed the line through the clear dark blue water. There it was, just twenty feet away – a ship. The stern of one. It looked oddly familiar. The man squinted his eyes. There was a name, but he could not make it out – he was still too dizzy. Using every ounce of his strength, he drug himself along the rope. Now he could see it. The ship was called the Deleos.

Now his memories surged back through him. He was Girard. He was alive! Painfully he pulled himself up onto the deck climbing up the cable on his waist. The once-magnificent ship was a ruin – a mere hulk. The masts were gone, the ropes were mostly gone, and all the paint had been stripped off. Looking at himself, Girard found that his body was bruised all over and the rope had left a deep burn around his waist. He had best not move too much – he might have broken a bone or suffered some internal injury. Making his way slowly to the stern, clutching what remained of the railings for support, he made his way to the cabin. Once inside, he found the body of a sailor, his chest punctured by a spar.
Am I the only one left?

Girard found his bed. It was soggy and damp. He lay himself down on it anyway – he was to tired to care. He needed rest – lots of it.
"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew like heck"

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Post by Sir Drake »

"Bjarn" Voolmark called " are we leaving or are we going to wait?"
"No, we shall leave now, waiting would only be a waste of food."
Bjarn got back on Drake's horse and the Fellowship left together with his new "friends".

As they rode on, night came across the snowy lands.
Bjarn, who rode at front of the group, raised his hand to signal the group to stop.
"Let's make camp here, Drakkon, get a fire started."
"Swift, you go with Reno and Strider scouting for enemies and report back to me."
"Good luck, hope you don't walk onto some wolfs or other scum, the rest of you, stay here."

Bjarn specially picked Swift and Strider to go scouting 'cause he trusts them the most of the newcomers, now he could keep an eye on the Dragon Masters.
Last edited by Sir Drake on Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Sir Drake wrote:"Bjarn" Voolmark called " are we leaving or are we going to wait?"
"No, we shall leave now, waiting would only be a waste of food."
Bjarn got back on Drake's horse and the Fellowship left together with his new "friends".

As they rode on, night came across the snowy lands.
Bjarn, who rode at front of the group, raised his hand to signal the group to stop.
"Let's make camp here, Drakkon, get a fire started."
"Swift, you go with Reno and Strider scouting for enemies and report back to me."
"Good luck, hope you don't walk onto some wolfs or other scum, the rest of you, stay

Bjarn was feeling very, very uneasy. Otto's little speech about Synchronicity had unnerved him, and Anardan's comment about the lust of the wolves. On top of that...four other men suddenly appear out of nowhere and join there group. He could tell that his companions were also uncomfortable, especially Shainya, who's whole family had been killed by Dragon Masters.There certainly was nothing Bjarn or the others could do about the newcomers Drake, Draco, Drakkon, and Swift, so they simply kept quiet about their worries. Bjarn certainly would have preferred all four of them suddenly spout out a speech about fate, hand over tokens and depart, but they seemed to be content to simply travel along with the Fellowship.

The days passed, and nothing that even hinted at evil or bad luck afflicted the party of twelve. On the forth day since the timberwolf ambush, they had traversed many miles of snowy terrain and frozen rivers without trouble, and were now less than ten miles from Orion, capital of Classic LEGOland and the seat of the Emperor. As they sat around a campfire for what they all assumed was the last time, not much was said. They hadn't gotten to know one another very well, but there was now an aura of trust that had developed over the last four days.

As Drakkon and Aros fried the last of the bacon, Vince inspected Luxus's papoose. The little boy was sleeping soundly, firmly wrapped in the grisly ribcage of the wolf and a very thick blanket. The flesh had not started to rot, for it was still too cold outside.

"I wouldn't have thought it myself, but that Otto was right." commented Vince, "Sticking that kid in a wolf's belly probably save his lil life."

After they ate, they all went down into Orion, where the guards let them in with only a curious glance. Once inside Orion, Bjarn said, "Gentlemen, I want to thank you all for your assistance and accompaniment. But now, however, our ways must part. Please, if you are ever traveling in Forestmen land, simply show any Forestmen this token and they will let you pass."

Bjarn handed over four little tokens roughly carved with the Sign of the Elk on one side and a obscure little symbol on the other.

"Thanks..." said Swift awkwardly. They pocketed the tokens and then shook hands with all. As they began to depart, Bjarn pulled Voolmark aside and said, "Voolmark, I want you to watch them magically and make sure they don't follow us. Friendly they may be, but I don't want to take any chances.

Voolmark nodded. Drakkon, Vince, Draco and Swift were already heading for a pub. They waved a final goodbye and the Fellow disappeared behind a corner.

"Ok," Bjarn said, "First things first, we need to gain admittance to the Classic Library. We needn't consult the Emperor on our mission, no doubt he has enough on his plate as it is. Once I reveal my leadership to any guardsmen we can go almost anywhere."

"Is that why you didn't want those four following?" asked Sir Dractor.

"Yes. We simply can't trust them yet, we haven't know any of them long enough. Now, let's get cleaned up as soon as possible."

The Fellowship of the Pendants continued through the slums of Orion, stopping only once to clean up at an inn, dumping Luxus's grisly warmer in a back alley. Now fresh and looking a bit better than before, they made their way to the gigantic library.

The Classic Library was located in a far east wing of the Yellow Castle. It, like most of the other important buildings in Orion, was constructed of fine and rare 'Golden' stone, found only in small outcrops on the Black Falcon isle of Meusmyus. The high ramparts and parapits of stone were now crusted with dagger-like icicles and layers of frozen snow, as was the great ribbed copper dome that was set upon the roof of the library like an upturned sand green bowl. It reminded all of them of the Drullen Bell Council dome at Drullen Bell Keep, except this dome had no hole in the center. The whole expanse of the library was majestic and impressive, all the way down until the while fairytale snow became dirty and slushy.

Climbing up the layered steps, Bjarn marched forward and nodded curtly at the four guards clad in red furs with gray flared helms and spears.

"Greetings." said one of the guards leisurely and politely, "Who are you and what business do ye have at the Classic Library?"

"I am Lord Bjarn, Leader of the League of Forestmen, and these are my compatriots. My business is my own."

Bjarn promptly handed over a battered scroll confirming his statement. The guard read it and then snapped to attention.

"Very good, Lord Bjarn, sir." replied the guard formally, and stepped aside to allow them to enter.

Bjarn nodded his thanks and pushed open the giant, fifteen-foot-high doors with great effort.
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Post by Sir Drake »

Location: Guarded Inn, Orion

"Steward, do you have a room we can rent?"
"Well, sure, we have the best rooms at our disposal, here's the key to room twelve, it's the room at your left side when you go upstairs."
"Thank you." Swift said, grabbing the key.
"Here you go." Draco said handing over some ales he allready ordered.
"No thanks" Swift and Strider said "we'll be on guard tonight."
"Well then I will take yours, I'll drink it with pleasure."

After they were down a couple of houres they went upstairs to their room.

"To bad we didn't learnt to know those guys better." Drake said.
"There wasn't enough time to learn to know each other and they didn't really trusted us" said Strider.
"They knew each other better then we know each other, they traveled a lot together and had many adventures" Swift said.
"How do you know?"
"Those were some of the Misfits, didn't you recognize them, I recognized them right away, Bjarn with only one ear, Reno with only one eye, their tales are told a lot in our tribe."

"But now it's time to sleep, even for you, Strider."
Strider was sharpening his knives again.
"No, I'm fine, I'll watch for strangers, in these capitol cities you can't be cautious enough."
Swift smiled "I'll watch to, you go to sleep"
"Aye" Vince said.
After a while sleeping, Swift heard something.
He woke up Strider who allready fell asleep.
"Some guard are you" he said with a grim on his face.
"What? What time is it? Is it time to get up? Did mommy made breakfast allready?" Strider said still half asleep.
"No, idiot*, I've heard something on the hallway."

Suddenly they heard someone lockpick the door.

*Expletive deleted by moderator. Please do not use profanity, or any words that may be considered offensive. There is a wide vocabulary of words that may be used instead. Eg. Megabloks, shifty-brick, etc.
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Post by TheOrk »

Grid J-10 Orion

After a night’s rest after the long journey Sir Valric said good bye to Willerd and left the old crumbling inn. Valric left for the Yellow Castle, after recent events he still needed to find out what happened to those he had left all those years ago. That and the Emperor could use a man like him.
It was still rough trudging through Orion’s streets. Numorous Legolandian soldiers were making futile attempts to clear out many the streets.
That troubled Valric, he new the storm was magical in nature and something else stalked the streets…
It was best he got to a minifig of authority soon.
The magnificent Yellow Castle loomed ahead, drawing closer and closer…
A distant rumbling came from behind Valric, he turned to see a dozen Legolandian soldiers and several Cavailers on horseback , galloping in his direction. Looking at the narrow street, Valric stepped aside to let them go forward.
They all thundered past him, on some important errand, except for one Cavailer.
“Who are you?” The knight inquired. Valric introduced himself. The knight’s eyes narrowed, “I knew a squire from round here who left seven years ago.”
“Aye, I went out to explore the world I guess you could say. I came back, as I can see the Emperor can use another sword in these times.”
The knight nodded, and leant him a horse. The two set off for the Yellow Castle.
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Post by Sir Drake »

Location: Guarded Inn, Orion

The door went open and a Dark Forester entered. He probably tought that everybody was asleep and wasn't prepared for an attack. Suddenly a knive flew out of the shadows into his ribs, he fell on the ground and didn't move anymore.
"Why did you had to kill him?"
"I, I,...did it for our own safety"
"Now we can't interrogate him anymore, I wanted to know why he wanted to kill us."

As the night went, and dawn came there weren't any difficulties.

"Aaah" Draco yawned "I slept great, how did you?"
"Nice, except for the assassin!"
"Assassin? What assassin?"
"Oh, nothing, just a Dark Forester who tried to kill me" Swift said while putting on his black cloak.
"We shall go and investigate this, but first I need to do something."

He sheated his swords and stringed his bow.
He putted a strange amulet in his pocket, it looked like a Wolf Skull that was cutted out a small bone hanging on a leather wire.

He went outside in the freezing cold. It was snowing, again.
Why does is snow that much in this time of the year? he tought.

Then before him rises the Yellow Castle trough the mist. Here it is.... He walked inside and went to the far Eastern Wing.
"The Great Library" he mummeled. As he wanted to go inside, the guards stopped him.
"Who are you and what are your bussineses here?"
"I am Swift of the Rogue Wolves, my bussineses are my own."
"Then we can't let you trough".
"You can't?" he smirked.
Then in a superfast move he jumped over them and with great speed he searched for Luxus. It didn't take long to find the Fellowship with that speed. He stopped running and then walked towards the Fellowship.

"You again?" Bjarn said.
"Yes, it's me again, but hurry now the guards could be here any minute, Luxus come to me, don't be afraid."
Luxus slowly walked to Swift.
"Here" Swift took the amulet out of his pocket "this will remind you of me and it gives you the right to claim the leadership of my tribe once I'm dead, take good care of it, farewell, my young friend, I hope our paths cross again."
"Th...thanks, I guess, farewell!"
Then Swift turned and ran away back to the Inn.
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Sir Drake wrote:"You again?" Bjarn said.
"Yes, it's me again, but hurry now the guards could be here any minute, Luxus come to me, don't be afraid."
Luxus slowly walked to Swift.
"Here" Swift took the amulet out of his pocket "this will remind you of me and it gives you the right to claim the leadership of my tribe once I'm dead, take good care of it, farewell, my young friend, I hope our paths cross again."
"Th...thanks, I guess, farewell!"
Then Swift turned and ran away back to the Inn.
Reno, Aros, Bjarn, Sir Dractor, Anardan, Shainya and Voolmark looked at one another.

"That..." said Bjarn slowly, "Was weird."

"Indeed." agreed Sir Dractor.

Aros took the strange amulet from Luxus and examined it.

"This certainly looks like an ill omen." he commented.

"I detect no evil from it." said Voolmark, "It's probably a clan symbol carried by leaders."

"It appears to be a subdivision of Wolfpack." continued Aros, "I think I saw something like this while traveling on Fell Isle years ago..."

"It is of no importance now." said Bjarn sternly, "We are here to find the location of the Temple Of Lost Stars."


They continued onward, searching for someone, a bookkeeper or librarian. At last they came across a large circular desk that appeared to be in the very center of the room. At the desk sat a hunched figure, draped in browns and tans. A quill scratched quietly.

"Excuse me?" queried Bjarn politely.

The person looked up and smiled. All of them were taken aback at how young the person was. He appeared no older than sixteen years of age. Pockets of pimples lined his face, and a stubby and short goatee barely covered his chin. His brown eyes were friendly, and looked through a thick pair of glasses.

"'Sup?" he asked, setting his quill aside.

Bjarn cocked his head at the dialect.

"I am Bjarn, Leader of the Forestmen, and these are my companions Reno, Aros, and Luxus Regga, Voolmark Vaslegen, Shainya, Sir Aethelred Dractor, and Captain Anardan."

"Cool. I've heard of some of you guys. I'm honored."

The person stuck out a hand.

"I'm Hans Lentawl."

"Are you the Head Archiver?" asked Shainya, glancing at the embossed plaque on the desk.

"Me? No way!" Hans laughed, "That's my dad, Leah Lentawl. I'm the assistant in training. You'd be amazed what a pain in the megabloks it is to archive all this raw and untranslated paperwork, especially when you have to deal with the 'O' versus 'OU' battle."


Hans explained, "It's nuts. Some factions like the Crusaders and Dragon Masters and Forestmen spell certain words with simply an 'O', like H-A-R-B-O-R. Others, like the Black Falcons and Classics, spell e'm H-A-R-B-O-U-R. It's nuts."

"So which spelling does this library use?"

"Both! To keep everyone happy, I've gotta copy every megabloks text down twice with alternate spelling..."

Hans shrugged and smiled. "I'm getting off-topic. What are you folks lookin' for?"

Bjarn leaned close and said mysteriously, "Any information about the Temple Of Lost Stars."

Hans laughed.

"Funny you should say that...some older guy came in a few days ago and asked for the same thing. In fact, I think he's here now..."

Bjarn gripped the assistant’s arm. "An old man? With a monkey?"

Hans nodded. "Yeah. Dad was pretty put off by letting a monkey rummage about here, but that old guy just showed Dad some documents that must have had the seal of the Emperor or something, for Dad didn't complain anymore..."

"Where's this man?" asked Bjarn sharply.

Hans glanced at a sheet of paper, "He was in 'Folklore' when I saw him last. That would be Section 8, Aisle 3, Row 11, Level 2...oh tyco, lemme just show you guys."

As Hans stood and forged a path through endless bookshelves, Bjarn dropped back to Sir Dractor.

"Funny bloke, isn't he?" asked Bjarn, indicated Hans.

"Aye...interesting chap..."

Meanwhile, Hans was chatting with Reno and Aros, who were upfront.

"Well, my dad's a professor at the State Golden University, and he also works here when he's not teaching. I'm really interesting in books and such, so when I turned thirteen Dad began to train me in the fine and sometimes dead dull art of Archiving."

"Are you Eastern Royal?" asked Aros.

Hans snorted, "Heh, you're like the thousandth person to ask that. No, I'm not from the Royal Knights, I was born in Ninjaria, though I've lived in LEGOland since I was one. My dad's a Crusander and Mom's a Western Knight's Kingdomer. My sister is the only Classic native. I sound like a Royal because my teeth were all screwed up, twisted and such. Luckily some cleric fixed my teeth, but people still ask if I'm Royal..."

At last the party of nine came upon a small table laden with books. Sitting at the table was a bearded man, a ragged monkey perched on his shoulder. The man looked up and smiled.

"Ah, Bjarn, all of you, welcome! I'm glad to see you made it here in one piece...long time no see Reno, Aros, Luxus..."

He winked. The three brothers gaped and then laughed.

"Daner Pluto!"
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Post by Commander Redbeard »

Everyone was surprised to meet Daner Pluto in the Archives, of all places. His hands were covered with dust, a tattered volume perched on his knee. After the introductions were made between Anardan, Shainya, and Daner, the man closed his book with a thud and straightened up. Bjarn stepped forward and talked hurridly with Daner for several moments, then stepped back.

"Temple of Stars... In this Library I know of no such volumes, but I may yet be able to assist you. Follow me."

Through the rows of books the Fellowship tramped, eight figures clad in soaking, ragged
clothes that caused many patrons to look twice. Soon, however, Daner lead them out of the area where the Archivests roamed. Through a doorway and down a winding stairwell they followed him, the light from two lanterns held by Daner and Bjarn illuminating their steps. The stairwell ended in a door that opened into a dark room, so dusty it seemed no human had stepped there for centuries. Ancient shelves and tables lined the walls, stacks of brittle, dusty parchment piled on every inch of them, with old leatherbound volumes scattered among the scrolls.

"This room contains some of the most ancient writings in Dametros. Records dating back four thousand years or more lie entombed in this place, too fragile for use in the upper library. In the light they would crack into dust. Few of these manuscripts have been translated, or indeed have been read since they were penned, many lives of men before we were born. If you cannot find your answer here, there is nowhere in Dametros that your goal can be achieved."
Last edited by Commander Redbeard on Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sitting in a midnight glade
Firelight dancing off burnished blade
A Forestman sits
Wondering about the next day
But after three mugs of ale
Let it bring what it may.
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Sir Drake
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Post by Sir Drake »

Grid: K-10

Location:5 mile from Orion

Swift, Strider, Drake, Draco, Drakkon rode on their horses.
It was now allready an hour since the strange happening in the library, but none of the group tried to speak about it.
It was a quiet trip that would bring them back to the Wolf Pack terretory. They would go north to the Forestman province since that was safer then going trough Crusader ground. It took them one day and a half to get there.
"Finnaly, we've made it" Swift said calm.
"This is a real beauty" Draco said watching to the once green plains who were completely white, covered with snow.
"It sure is"
After a quik bed-and-breakfast they rode on to the Boar's Tusk Inn. It was late evening when they arrived there. The group stalled their horses in the stables and went inside.

There was a lots of folks in that bar, not only Forestmen but also Black Falcons and Royal Knights. The Dragon Masters went to a table and ordered the barman to come.
"No" Swift said "come sit here, in the shadows"
"'Cause we can keep an eye on all those strange folks here, you'll never know that some Dark Forester is out here trying to kill us again."
"Well sure, whatever, if I can just get me my ale!"

After a couple of ales and some chatting a drunken Falcon soldier suddenly came.
"Whot ya doin' er?" he said almost walking against the table.
"We don't needs peopl' like yer 'ere!" he continued drawing his sword.
Swift simply smiled at the man. The Falcon didn't want a smile, he wanted some attention so his slashed his sword at Swift, but Swift was allready jumped of his chair so the Falcon only broke the chair.
"Is that all you've got?" Swift smirked, making the Falcon even angrier. Meanwhile all the other people stepped aside to give some room to the little skirmish.
"Come here you little rat!!" the Falcon yelled taking another ale an drank it.
"Sure if that's what you want"
Swift took one of Strider knives while he jumped of his chair and know hand it in his hand after his back.
"Whot ya have in your little hand?" the Falcon said stepping back.
"Gettin' afraid?" Swift said calm.
"A falcon is never afraid!!" the falcon yelled and swung his sword at Swift. In a splitsec. Swift dodged it and threw the knive at the Falcon. He fell to the ground.
"I'll have one ale, please" he said throwing a silver coin at the bartender.
"Eh,.... sure, sir"

Swift drank it and went to sleep together with his comrades.
"That's long ago we've had such a nice warm bed, sir" Strider said at Swift.
"Yeah it's a long time, now sleep well my friends, it will be a long day tommorow, I want to cross Grurrulugurul Creek by evening"
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Post by Sir Drake »

Location: Boar's Tusk Inn

When they got up next morning, they drank some Dragon's Milk to become totally awake. It was still dark outside because it was still early in the morning.
Swift grasped his cloak, sheated his weapons and went outside. The rest of the group followed and Drakkon, the last one, paid their stay. They got on their horses and left.

As they rode on their trip was less quietly then yesterday. 'Till noon they had reached the foot of Warblewood Forest.
"Let's have a quik break here!" Drake said.
The group dismounted and sat in the snow, they ate some, got back on their horses and continued.

Once they were a while in the Forest some men jumped out of the trees on the road. It were Forestmen.
"Halt, what are you doing here?"
"We are trespassing your land, why?"
"You are not allowed into our land, lately we had some trouble with the Wolf Pack."
"What trouble with us?"
"Yes, that's why I can't let you trough"
"Well, I have something that will change your mind" Swift said while he took the token he got from Bjarn out of his pocket.
The guard looked at it and said:
"Jup, it's real, it's from Bjarn, sorry to bother you, sir"
"May I ask you were'd you got this from?"
"From Bjarn"
"So, you're friends of milord?"
"If you want to call it like that, yeah, well if you'll excuse us, we have a long way to go."
"See you"
"See you"

"That was strange" Swift said "why should the Wolf Pack make any trouble with it's allies?"
"I dunno, sir, I really don't now..."
They continued fast 'cause that delay took some of their precious time. At late evening they arrived at Grurrulugurul Creek.
Drakkon tied the horses to a tree and went to sleep. The rest talked a little bit and went to sleep some time later.
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Post by Loneranger »

Grid K-22

The Lone ranger had fallen asleep on a small cot by the fire. The next morning he felt the sun shining brightly on his face. A shadow fallowed as the lone ranger opened one eye. Looking at a man standing in the doorway.

“Get up. We have a lot of work to do” It was the old man talking.

The lone ranger quickly got out of the cot.


“Yes” The old man said throwing a short sword at him. Quickly catching the sword, he followed the man outside. Walking into a small round pit and standing 3 feet away from each other.

“Now, fight me.” The old man said.


“Quickly now, rush me with your sword!”

The lone ranger grasped his sword and making a front stance, rushed the old man. They old man quickly side stepped the sword, grabbing it and jerking it out of the Lone ranger's hands.
“You could be faster, but you hold back.” The old man spoke.

“I don't know what your talking about, you side stepped me and grabbed the sword.”

“What has made you weak. Love?”

The silence grew until the old man tossed the sword at the Lone ranger.

“Rush me.”


“Rush me before I counter you” He said pulling out a dagger.

The lone ranger grasped the sword and rushed the old man again. This time he went under and tossed the old man into the air. Falling on his back and having the wind knocked out of him. He saw that the sword was too his neck.

“Heh. I told you, you could be faster.” The old man said catching his breath.

The Lone ranger held his hand out. The man grabbed it. Getting on his feet again and dusting himself off.

“There is no move or stance I could show you. But I can make you faster and stronger. “

“Is that why I came here?” The lone ranger asked.

“Well, your training can only go so far.”

“Shifty-brick! I've been wondering around for nothing. What the Brick am I training for? MEGABLOCKS!” The Lone ranger yelled out.

“I'll tell you your past, if” The old man replied.

“What do you mean my past. I remember nothing as a child.”

“Let me train you and I'll tell you what you want to know.”

“What is my name.”

“Training starts tomorrow, be ready at dawn.” The man said ignoring the question.

“What is my real name!” repeating the question.

The man looked back.

“You have no name...”

The Lone ranger slowly dropped his knees to the ground. He started to weep.

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Sir Drake
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Post by Sir Drake »

Location: Grurrulugurul Creek

When they woke up they made a thrilling discovery: there horses were gone.
"How could this have happened, I tied the horses very good"
"It's not your fault, Drakkon, these ropes were cut" Strider said "someone clearly wants to keep us from reaching the Wolf Pack lands"
"Yes, this is no coincidence, someone clearly wants to stop up, but he had the chance to kill us tonight, why did he or they did that?" Swift said crearly he didn't felt good about it.
"I wouldn't think more about it, as time comes this plot will reveal itself, we should better move on now"
"But first I want to take a bath, it should be ashame not to wash us in this beautiful creek"

Swift took out his clothes and went in the creek, it wasn't frozen since there was a stream on the river.
"This is a icecold, but so refreshing" Swift said "why don't you come join me"
Five minutes later all five of them were in the creek. They washed putted on their clothes and left.
"Ahh, that was a nice bath!" Drake said.
"That certain my friend" Swift answered.
Refreshed and restored they went on.

"We should go to the Broken Lance Inn, we shall find food and shelter there"
"But we can't get there tonight ,sir"
"You are right, we could try to reach the two leap of the Grurrulugurul Creak ( J-8 )"

They walked full with courage but it soon slipped as a snowstorm raged. They got cold and wet and they couldn't almost see eachother anymore trough the fog.
"Let's stop here!!!" Draco yelled.
"OK, fine with me!!!" Swift answered.
Swift and Strider dug a hole in the snow and sat in it.
"Why is that for?!!!" Drake asked.
"It makes a light cover against the snowstorm!!!" Strider yelled.
Drake, Draco and Drakkon quikly made one to and covered it with logs.
"That's a good idea" Swift said against his comrade.
"Let's go get some logs"
they soon found some logs, they crawled back in their hole and covered it with logs.
"Extra protection" Strider said with a smile and fell asleep even it was only late afternoon.
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Commander Redbeard wrote:"This room contains some of the most ancient writings in Dametreos. Records dating back four thousand years or more lie entombed in this place, too fragile for use in the upper library. In the light they would crack into dust. Few of these manuscripts have been translated, or indeed have been read since they were penned, many lives of men before we were born. If you cannot find your answer here, there is nowhere in Dametreos that your goal can be achieved."

All eight persons of the Fellowship groaned. The task before them seemed impossible. Some of them were warriors, others not, but none of them were scholars.

Daner smiled. "Do not despair, my friends. I said I knew of no such volumes, that doesn't mean they don't exist. That also doesn't mean I haven't been researching myself. I have looked at books about the world of Dametreos and I can deduce several things. First, we need not look at any of the books, only the scrolls. Bookbinding was not used until about 560 BCC."

"BCC?" repeated Luxus.

Hans Lentawl, who had accompanied them, answered, "BCC stands for Before Classic Castle, or before the Classic LEGOlanders first colonized Dametreos."

Daner nodded. "We can also eliminate all the scrolls written on animal hide. Papyrus was the main use of paper back then."

"Then we'd better get to work..." sighed Bjarn and stepped into the room.

"If you all fetch me the scrolls I can translate." directed Daner.

"And I'll do some translating as well if you need me." volunteered Hans, "Let me just get some lamps to light up this place..."

The ten persons all began sifting through the piles of magic-protected papyrus scrolls. It would be a long day.
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