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Re: Vikings gone for good or on hiatus?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 6:23 pm
by Attli35
I liked the Viking line generally as a whole. The one thing I didn't like was the helmets. If TLC had made them without the horn holes they would've much more appealing to me. It saddens me that I was only able to purchase the Longboat at that time. They should've made a Village Raid set :twisted: .

Re: Vikings gone for good or on hiatus?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:48 pm
by gormadoc1
I think that the Vikings are gone for good because Lego Castle is like Medieval fantasy and Vikings wernt around in the medieval time. Well thay had just come to an end by at least 1066.

Re: Vikings gone for good or on hiatus?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:30 pm
by Heir of Black Falcon
I agree that Vikings sadly are likely at an end as an independent theme. I do hope that they do come back perhaps as a subtheme or the likes in castle.

FYI- Since most historians/academics/scholars start the medieval period with Western Roman Empire's fall in 476AD, or 500AD for simplicity, Vikings most certainly are medieval. They linger on after 1066 for much of the 12th century even, but it is true their last big attempt at conquest was with King Harald Hardraada trying for England and his defeat at Stamford Bridge.

I’d not have a problem mixing fantasy medieval knights or the likes with Vikings not sure how others feel about it though.
