Classic Castle RP: Game Topic!

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Post by doodstormer »

H-4, Arthas
Arthas came to shore, along with his 30 men. Arthas took a glimpse at the village folk, who were gathered around to see who had come. A small, crippled old man hobbled forward.
"Who are you, and what village is this?" asked Arthas.
"I am the town's leader, and this is Port Liontear. we just bargained our independence you know..." replied the old man.
"I don't suppose you'd mind a new leader, would you?"
"Well..." the old man paused.
Arthas shoved him down, drew his sword, and ignited it.
"Why be content with one town? Follow my rule, and we will dominate this land, as the Night Falcons!"
The townsfolk agreed, and Arthas immediately inspected the town. The first thing he noticed was a lack of walls. As his first order, he instructed the villagers to go out and gather large stones, and he had some other peasants set to work chopping and stripping trees. This could go very well. he thought, as he watched the peasants work.
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Post by LEGO-las »

Huagon was getting close. He knew that he would find Stoneworthy soon. Once he did, he would tell The Bat Lord. Then the armies would head for Stoneworthy. It seemed they would have to fight off the Black Falcons, though. But, once all the most troublesome Falcons were dead, the rest would make great slaves.

Huagon was headed for the forest. He thought Stoneworthy would be near the Forestmen border. So that's where he was heading.

Fredulus and his 200 minifigs were headed for Drer. They had brought along several horses to carry gear. Each minifig also had his own backpack with gear. The going was slow, and the backpacks were heavy. Drer was many baseplates away, so the minifigs weren't in the best of spirits. They were supposed to receive some Crusader minifigs, 50 at least. Apparently the Crusaders had made a deal with the Falcons, and they would both occupy Stoneworthy. Things looked as if they'd have to fight off the Forestmen, though.

Fredulus himself was just worried about Ward Abbot. He knew they weren't on good terms with each other, but he didn't think that Abbot would just run off. If perhaps Abbot had betrayed them to the Forestmen, though, Fredulus would have no mercy. This was the Black Falcons' chance to rise, and Abbot could have ruined it. All he could do was wait.

They were coming up on Drer, now. Everyone seemed to walk a little faster at the prospect of a rest. The town looked lively from a baseplate away. The Crusaders were guarding the walls. They were perhaps the most vigilant of the factions. They were easily one of the biggest military powers in the world - they were a good ally.

As they entered the gate, minifigs started to line the streets. Apparently they were expected. Fredulus asked where the Crusader minifigs were. They were supposed to be up at an outpost on the hill. And apparently, there were twice as many as expected. That was good - if the Forestmen wanted war, they'd get it.

Fredulus walked up to the outpost. Outside, 100 Crusader minifigs were waiting in full armor. They stood up. Their captain greeted Fredulus.

"I see ya have arrived just on time."

"Yes, we have. Eager to get to the Castle, too."

"Aye, we are too. So... when shall we leave?"

"Well... my minifigs are tired."

"So I see... but..."

The captain was whispering to Fredulus now. Apparently it wasn't good news. Fredulus paled.

"I'm sorry," he announced to his minifigs. "We've got to go."

"Why?! We've just walked from Falconia, and now you want us to go...?"

"It seems the Forestmen know what we're doing. And they aren't happy."

"Well... ok."

So his 200 Black Falcon minifigs and 100 Crusader minifigs started off to the gate. They fell into columns, and marched off briskly. The Falcons seemed disappointed, but saw the sense in needing to get to Stoneworthy as soon as possible. Everyone had on the armor for the expedition. None of them were in full plate armor. The goal of this mission was to get in as fast as possible and take Stoneworthy.

They were close to the gate now. But something was wrong... someone was screaming. Now Fredulus saw the minifig... he was running from outside the city, and fast. As he neared the gate, he slowed, tripped, and fell in the dirt. An arrow was in his back.


But it was too late. Forestmen were poring in the gate, some shooting arrows as the came. Several Falcons and Crusaders fell before they could realize what was happening. Fredulus got his minifigs together, though, and they met the Forestmen charge with vigor.
C-6, Drer
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Post by Sir_Brick »

C-6 Abberdale

Virlym had just entered the tavern and he saw that there were two Black Falcon soldiers talking at a table. He ordered an apple cider and sat at the table behind them secretly listening in to their conversation.
"... King Falce has apparently been sending for soldiers from every village in the Black Falcon territory. I hear he's sending them North towards Forestman territory to..." The first soldier was then interrupted by the second who replied, "Yeah, well I hear that there being sent South and across the sea to help the Crown Kingdom in their war against the Sorceror."
Virlym was listening intently when a gruff voice asked,
"May I sit here?" The speaker was an elderly man who had graying hair, but looked strong. He wore the yellow armor of a high ranking Black Falcon soldier.
" I suppose so.", Virlym replied.
"What's your name, son?", asked the man.
"Hmm. Well you might as well no mine. I'm Captain Derrevous. I'm the Captain of the Guard here in Abberdale. Are you new? I don't remember seeing you before.", Derrevous asked.
"I just came not more than five days ago.", was Virlym's reply.
"Well where did you come from?"
" I came from a different place than here. I took a boat to get here.", Virlym was getting a bit nervous not wanting to give a way that he didn't really 'take' a boat over to this land.
"Just a word of advice. You might want to go to bed soon. Tomorrow most of the soldiers including you and I are heading North to the village of Drer. Apparently there's been a Forestman attack on our soldiers and their Crusader allies and they need reinforcements, quick."
"What are the Black Falcons doing up North?", Virlym asked and tried to hold his excitement at the possibility of finding out more about Castle Stoneworthy.
"I'm not sure, but it probably has to do with King Falce's plan.", replied stoic Derrevous.
"What is the king's plan?"
"That I don't know. Listen you better get on to sleep. There's a very long march ahead of you."
Virlym listened to the advice of Derrevous and left the tavern and headed towards the local inn. Nervous of the fact that soon he might have to fight his first real battle.
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Post by doodstormer »

As the day drew to a close, the peasants had stockpiled a large amount of stone and wood. He would set them to work on a stone and wood wall the next day. He walked down to the dock, and looking upon the five boats that were there, sighed. They needed a real navy. It was on the list, a very long one, which included crafting weapons and armor, expanding the dock, building a keep... it just went on. It reminded him of what it was like to be a lord.
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Post by Escape The Fate »


Commander Fate had been waiting days for news on his reasignment. The war against the evil sorcer and his numerous allies was dead even, Fate just wanted to get to the fighting. Fighting was something he was good at, but being stuck on an almost forgoten outpost was testing his thin patience. The Crown Knights were facing the world's greatest threat, and if the Crown Knights failed to stop them the world would be facing an onslaught of creatures from the infernal pit, ranging from undead, orcs and trolls.
Then it came, a messenger had arrived at the outpost and was handing out letters to some of his men, and then the messenger handed Fate his own letter. Fate quickly tore it open, and swore, "Megablocks".

The letter read: Dear Commander Fate, I am sorry to inform you that you are not going to fight the Sorceror, but you are heading Northward in Forestmen territory to investigate and if possible capture a legendary castle called: Stoneworthy, We have heard that this castle is filled with an uncalculatable amount of riches. If you can indeed secure the castle for our intrests, we should have enough gold to finace our war for years to come.
Your mission started when you opened this letter. Good Luck.

Fate, tossed the letter into a nearby fire, and told his men, "pack your bags were leaving in a couple hours, to go to Stoneworthy Castle in Forestman territory.

Within 2 hours, Fate and his men had boarded a ship Northward.
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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: Dreyek Falls
Grid: C-5

Adrian had first stopped to rest at the falls for a moment before following the river. He got a quick drink, and gave his face a splash with the cool water.

Suddenly, he heard a loud -Snap!- in the woods just behind him. It frightened him so much that he fell forward into the water, giving himself a good soak.
All it took was the first, "Grrrrruuuuaaaarr!!" to send him sprinting.

He had actually lost the sluggish fiend quite quickly, but he didn't know, he was too scared to look back. All he did know was that there was a real, live Orc after him and if he didn't book it out of there, he was dead meat.
And so he ran, and kept running until he was out of the forest completely.

After catching his breath, he continued onward, eventually coming to a fairly large hill, which he climbed to get a slightly better view of what was around him.
To the Southeast he could see a fork in the river, at which it split off to the North and South. Just beyond the he could see a village, and so it was decided that he would travel there in seek of an Inn, for it was now begining to turn over to nightfall...

Location: Black Falcons Territory
Grid: D-6
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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: Black Falcons Territory
Grid: D-6

Just as it was getting too dark to see, Adrian reached the fork in the river. He then looked all around him, realizing that he had run into a problem. There was not a bridge in sight, or any other means of getting across for that matter.
The town was so close he could see a family at the table for supper in the window of the home across the river, and yet there wasn't a way to get to it.

Finally he decided amongst himself that he would just swim the distance. There wasn't too strong a current, and at this point he couldn't care if he got soaked, after all, it wouldn't be the first time today.

Adrian the took hold of his cap and bow, making sure that he wouldn't lose them down stream and jumped into the cool water. He crossed over in no time at all, not even losing his cap. Sure he was drenched, but the important thing was that he made it. And there he was, a young Forestmen scout, dripping wet it the middle of a Black Falcon village.
Just a ways down he came to a good sized building, looking above the doorway he read the sign:

Riverside Inn

Location: Riverside
Grid: D-6
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Post by Gallus »

The past week had seemed an endless chain of grueling chores for Оксана: puree the orc brains, collect ajwain, mugwort and goat’s rue; harass a lizard into crying and, worst of all, wait on tenterhooks until the midnight of a new moon. But tonight was the night! It had finally arrived, and Оксана had all of the ingredients laid out and the pages of her various grimoires dog-eared for ease of use. “Vladek will be pleasantly surprised when he wakes up.”, she thought to herself. After triple-checking all of her materials, she began the ritual.
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Post by Sir_Brick »

"All ready? We march North towards Drer! We will meet up with about fifty more units slightly South of the town!." Captain Derrevous shouted to his troops which included Virlym. They were apparently on a mission to help troops currently stationed with Crusader allies. Apparently a Forestman attack on the town had commenced the night before.
Virlym was very nervous he had never really fought before and only ever carried a weapon as means of intimidation. Derrevous had also mentioned that their were very high odds that they would run into Forestmen along the way. However Virlym had learned that the mysterious Castle Stoneworthy was located in Forestman territory so being closer to it Virlym might learn more about it, and it's treasure.
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Post by Matt BeDar »


It had been three days since Gerodal's meeting with King Falce. He was still a little worried that he was being hired by a man that was completely focused on capturing an old myth. Still, he was now back in his familiar position of commander of an army and had been given his marching orders.

Gerodal walked towards the barracks outside of the middle wall. He was meeting his troops today for the first time and would be introducing himself. As he approached the parade field outside the barracks, he saw his army of three-hundred soldiers standing in ranks and facing a single man.

Gerodal was behind the speaker. The man was in the middle of a speach, so Gerodal decided to wait until the speaker was done.

The speaker was addressing the troops in a grave tone. "Troops, I will be your new commander from now on. My name is Gerodal but you will call me Commander-" The speaker's sentence was cut off as Gerodal's blade sliced through his neck, splattering blood on the ground.

Three-hundred blades were pulled from their sheath's. Gerodal pulled out his commission signed by the king, holding it soo the soldiers could see the kings signature, and said in a calm voice that no one could disobey, "I am Commander Gerodal, hired by King Falce three days ago and assigned as the commander of the Third Royal Guard. Where are my captains?"

Immediately, ever sword was sheathed and ten soldiers with the mark of a captain on their left shoulder stepped forward. Gerodal looked each of the captains up and down in order. They all seemed to be very capable captains, skilled in the ways of war and knowledgeable of the way the military worked. Gerodal finished his inspection with the captain on the far right. This particular captain was the youngest by far. The lad couldn't have been older then twenty.

Gerodal dismissed the troops. The captains turned to follow their soldiers into the barracks. "Wait a moment please," Gerodal was still standing on the parade field, watching his captains. "You will each report to my quarters in order of seniority. I want to discuss some matters of protocol." With that, Gerodal headed towards his separate quarters, on the opposite side of the parade field.

As he walked he thought to himslef, 'We'll just see how these captains measure up. If they don't,' Gerodal chuckled, 'then they'll be removed and replaced by more competent captains.' Gerodal kept chuckling to himself until he walked into his headquarters.

The chuckle died on his lips as he saw who was standing at the window of the lobby. 'How did she survive?' Gerodal thought as the woman at the window turned towards him.

Third Royal Guard Headquarters.
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Post by Black Ranger »

Lord Edmund II was still pondering over why the King was so obsessed with Castle Stoneworthy. Well, might as well go and see Geordal, him being a commander now. So he mounted up and rode to the barracks. He entered the parade ground and saw several soldiers cleaning up a body.
"You there, soldier!" Lord Edmund called. The soldier stood and saluted.
"Yes, sir?" he replied.
"What's going on?" Edmund questioned.
"Sir, this minifig called 'imself Commander Geordal, then Geordal kill 'im, 'e did."
"Oh...." Lord Edmund said. "Where is Commander Geordal now?"
"In 'is room, sir. He'll be seeing the captains shortly."
"Thank you." Lord Edmund then went to find a captain...
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Post by Matt BeDar »

Wallton, a walled river town at the junction of the river and the troll border(sorry for the predictable name)

BeDar's troops had reached the main body of the army five days ago. They had been delayed by multiple encounters with skeletons and orcs. The wounded Crown soldier had recovered enough yesterday that he could now walk on his own, with a slight limp however.

BeDar watched as Treaver walked with the soldier. The two were around the same age and had become good friends, Treaver helping the soldier heal and the soldier helping Treaver learn how to fight properly.

BeDar turned back towards the old keep that was the armies headquarters now. As he walked into the entrance hall, BeDar saw Bulor, slumped against the wall with a large jug of rum. Bulor was snoring louder than a pig, so BeDar leaned over and picked up the jug. Giving the jug a little shake, BeDar heard the sloshing of rum in the bottom. Smiling, BeDar took the jug with him up to his quarters.

By the time BeDar reached his door, the jug was now almost entirely empty. Feeling a little light headed, BeDar opened the door. Standing in the middle of the room was the same courier that had hired him. "A message from the king," the courier said, holding out a scroll with the royal seal on it.

BeDar took the scroll from the courier. "Thank you. Will you be staying the night at a nearby inn?" BeDar asked questioningly. Tradition dictated that a courier be provided shelter by the one receiving the messege.

The courier shook his head and said, slightly annoyed, "No, I have another message that needs to be delivered to a duke on the coast." With that, the courier bowed and left the room.

BeDar waited until the couriers footsteps had receeded down the stair case before opening the kings message. BeDar paled as he read. 'This isn't good.'

Bulor had been enjoying a nice dream in which he was being served mug after mug of delicious ale by a pretty bar maid. Just as the bar maid passed, Bulor reached out towards her.....and was suddenly wakened by a sharp pain in his ribs. Bulor sat up and rubbed his injured side. Looking above him, he saw BeDar, leaning over him and as white as a sheet. Before Bulor could ask what was wrong, BeDar gave him a sheet of paper and said four words that sent a chill down Bulors spine, "Orcs on the river."

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Post by Lamanda2 »

Location: Riverside
Grid: D-6

At his desk, the Innkeeper was going over his books as he usually did at this time of night. He obviously was not used to getting any visitors past this hour, for he nearly hopped out of his seat when the silence was broken by a knock on the door.

"Come in, do come in!" The Innkeeper shouted.

Slowly the door opened, and through it walked a young man dressed in light armor. He was dripping wet, and carried a bow in one hand and a hat in the other.
To be there to see that man's face! Never had a customer such as this walked into his Inn, and so late at night.

"Oh my, my, my!" He went on.

"S..Sorry.." Adrian Stuttered. "For the water, I mean."

The man then got up from his desk and grabbed a large old blanket from off a hook and handed it to the boy.

"What in heaven's sake happened to you?"

"Well.. I had to cross the river" Said Adrian with a laugh.

The man then rolled his eyes.
"It's ten gold coins to stay a night."

After emptying out his pouch over at the desk, Adrian noticed that he was a bit short.

"Excuse me sir.. I have only eight coins. I-" He was the cut off by the Innkeeper;

"Eight will do.. Second door on the right"

Adrian then gave the man a friendly nod as he would to his fellow scouts back in Berrington and headed off to his room.
It wasn't the nicest room, but for his eight coins it was nice enough. And so he then settled in for the night, thinking of what tomorrow would bring.

Location: Riverside Inn
Grid: D-6
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Post by FullNelson »


They traveled for a day finally reaching the camp of the kings army. Strider went right to the king to bring him news of the dwarves.
"'Sir they dwarves helped us escape from the goblin lair I am sure this is not a trap."
"I dont know the dwarves were allways greedy and would only do things for money. I dont belive they willl stop now."
"but sir they nevver mentioned money when they rescued us."
"I know but they will soon."
"Sir please you must trust me on this one."
"Fine we now have close to 750 men and dwarves."
"750 but sir only 50 dwarves came."
"Oohh didnt I tell you we hired over 100 mercinaries while you were gone."
"You hire over 100 mercinaries but you dont want 100 dwarves that probably wont even ask for money."
"Whatever I ll get the men ready"

Last edited by FullNelson on Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LEGO-las »

D-6, Drer
The Forestmen attack had come swiftly. Fredulus and his minifigs had fought back valiantly, but many still died. The Forestmen had been driven out of the city, but many were now bringing in siege weapons. A large battering ram was slowly lumbering its way toward the gate.

Fredulus was in command of around 300 minifigs, 200 Black Falcons and 100 Crusaders. He had ordered the Falcon archers on the walls, but Forestmen were easily picking them off. He had to think of something... he didn't want to desert the wall, but he did want his men to survive.


As he finished talking, he heard a resounding boom!. At first he didn't know what it was, but then he realized. The gate had shuddered, and plates, even some bricks, of wood and stone had gone flying. The battering ram was at work on the gate. There wasn't really any chance of stopping it. The only thing to do was wait. Once the Forestmen broke through, then he would strike.

"Minifigs! We can't stop the ram, we'll just have to let them break down the gate. Our only chance is to hold out until then. I want all of our Black Falcon spearmen in front, with the Falcon swordsman behind. All the archers, Crusaders included, stay in the back. All of the Crusader minifigs, go to the east and wait. Once the Forestmen charge in the gate, you charge their flank."



A brick of wood flew and hit a Crusader in the head, knocking him out.


A hole appeared in the gate.


The hole widened.


The gate flew open, arrows coming with it. Several Falcons fell. Forestmen poured in the gate, a sea of green. The archers that Fredulus had positioned fired. Forestmen fell, but more came. It seemed hopeless.

The Crusaders began their charge, taking the Forestmen off guard. They were able to take down many minifigs before the Forestmen knew what was happening. As they did, their charge met the line of Black Falcon spears. This, combined with the Crusader charge, put the Forestmen into disarray. The defenders now had a strategical advantage, but the Forestmen had the advantage of numbers.

D-6, Drer
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