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Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 3:34 pm
by mitah
Since there's not much going on I'll use this sunday to introduce a new power in Lenfald (this can also be found in the CIC thread with some more images):

Mitah Val Karem

Mitah Val Karem, Lord of the small City of Karemdhâron and the surrounding lands

Lord Mitah Val Karem and Lady Caorin Val in Karemdhâron's Throne Room in Hunters Hall

Geography of Karemdhâron:

Karemdhâron lies on the north-eastern edge of the Wandering Woods at the foot of the small mountain and just off a small road that circles the eastern forest. It is only a short trip north to the sea where a small settlement with a small harbour for fishermen is located.

Background History:

The clan of the Karem founded the city just a few generations ago on the edge of the forest. Initially only a small settlement for lumbering operations, the Karem became skilled fighters and hunters after repeated attacks of creatures and animals from the Wandering Woods. Soon after settling they made contact with the elven Clan of Val, living primarily within the bounds of the forest separated and undisturbed from the rule of the King's Council and the rulers of Lenfald.

During a harsh winter with gruesome animal attacks on both the Karem and the Val, the Val left the forest and together with the Karem fortified the city of Karemdhâron. From this time on the city was under shared rule and the Clan of Val Karem formed.

Current Rule:

Mitah Val Karem rules the the lands with Wife Caorin Val, with the Hunter's Hall being the seat of power. Living on the edge of the dangerous forest, he set up the City Watch to protect the city by day and as a standing army with some cavalry, and the Night Watch consisting primarily of elven descendants to protect the city and surrounding lands, with a small Hunter detachment to venture into the forest and patrol it's borders.

Local Customs:

Fighting mainly in the mountains and the forest, the Val Karem developed specialized weapons suiting their needs. In addition to their trusted bows the Hunters primarily use curved swords and axes to move quickly through the forest, whereas the City Watch uses a form of halberd/battle-axe combination for fighting in the confines of the city and the forest.

Every now and then creatures from the Wandering Woods and invaders from the seas attack the lands, and the severed heads of those who failed with their attacks are shown on spikes along the outer wall of the city near the western Forest Gate.

Flickr Gallery of Lord and Lady


LCC - Lenfald - Karemdhâron Armed Forces

LCC - Lenfald - Karemdhâron Armed Forces - City Watch

More army images on Flickr


If I've taken too much liberties or some of this clashes with written lore I will happily change it.

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:25 am
by Teherean
mitah wrote:...If I've taken too much liberties or some of this clashes with written lore I will happily change it.
Nope, it looks pretty good! I like the pikes with the ninja-blades! (or whaterver they are ;))

Anyway, claiming a general zone of influence for your people and giving them minor towns and backgrounds seems okay, but don't try to claim and "own" land for now. We had this problem before, and we don't want things like this to turn into land-grabs. Provinces within the factions might be implemented later. (small chance though).

Also, for the rest of you guys: Local Contest coming up soon! Get 'yer bricks out! :D

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:59 pm
by Teherean
Lenfald: Fortify the Forests!

Hear ye, hear ye, proud builders of Lenfald!

Our great High Lord Wenseclaus II has decided, in all his wisdom, that to protect the people and interests of Lenfald, new fortifications must be build along our borders and in our untamed heartlands! He calls upon all masons, workers and master builders to build mighty towers and outposts for our great army to guard... So grab your tools and gather stones and wood! We shall build to protect this land from the outlaws, and the strangers that threaten our borders! For great Lenfald!


Build a (small) fortified position for a garrison of troops, like an outpost or a watchtower.


Make a thread for your creation in the MOC-forum. Add the "tag" [LLC] (Lenfald Local Challenge) in front of it: "[LLC] Watchtower" (example).
(To be extra extra super sure, PM me the link as well.)


- Your build must have a clear defensive purpose.
- the base of your buiding may be no smaller than 8x8.
- your entire baseplate may be no bigger than 50x50. Any shape, size and height is allowed.
- Only 1 entry per character.
- (more of a guideline) Keep Lenfald's geography and cultural background in mind, but be creative!


You will receive 4 points for participating. 12 Points will be awarded to the winner. Judging will be done by Teherean (FO) and Medieval Guy (FL). They cannot enter, their decision will be final.


1 month from the start point: May 2nd. Please hand in your entry before 23:59 CET (Central European Time or Amsterdam/Bruxelles Time).
EDIT: Deadline has passed, judging will be done ASAP!

For Great Lenfald! Good luck and have fun!



- Teherean

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:52 am
by Albatross_Viking
Teherean wrote:Our great King Wenseclaus II has decided,
Is this just a random burst of nationalism? I thought he was called High Lord :wink:

On another note, I perfectly understand if bending the rules in this way is not a possibility, but i'd like you to consider expanding the upward limit to 50x50, simply seeing as I have a baseplate that size (and plan to build big), but not much that would fit up to be 48x48. Again, it's of course fine if it stays this way, however.

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:13 pm
by soccerkid6
Cool challenge :) I think I should be able to enter. Looking forward to building Lenfel Style :eyebrows:

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:28 pm
by Teherean
Albatross_Viking wrote:
Teherean wrote:Our great King Wenseclaus II has decided,
Is this just a random burst of nationalism? I thought he was called High Lord :wink:

On another note, I perfectly understand if bending the rules in this way is not a possibility, but i'd like you to consider expanding the upward limit to 50x50, simply seeing as I have a baseplate that size (and plan to build big), but not much that would fit up to be 48x48. Again, it's of course fine if it stays this way, however.
1st question: Nope, just an oversight. ;)

2nd question: I don't see adding 2 studs to the size would become a problem to anyone, so I'll allow 50x50. I will also change that in the orignal challenge post.

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:40 pm
by Albatross_Viking
I'm happy to hear that, thank you Teherean!
Regarding the title, let's just stick with King while not talking to those rockdwellers and sandcrawlers "out there". We all know Wenseclaus deserves to be King of Roawia :wink:

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:57 pm
by Teherean
Exactly! We actually put some fear into those Garhim too! Thanks to Elderon's and Mitah's armies, they are now scrambling to show off their own military might! :lol:

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:40 pm
by Griffon
@Mitah: I see Roewyn (my character) standing between your forces! :)

@Teherean: nice challenge, now I can combine my CIC wit this LLC :D

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:25 pm
by Elderon
Teherean wrote:I like the pikes with the ninja-blades! (or whaterver they are ;))
I don't see those in the army of Mitah... Maybe you mean my army? In that case they are the little swords you get with the Heroica sets and with the Kingdoms Blacksmith Attack :) and thanks! Edit: Oh wait I see them now! I was looking for them in the wrong place...

I probably won't be building until somewhere next week, because of a busy week and still having to break down the Highlander Village. But I've got a few ideas ready! Oh and I think I'll just post a topic for our map, with the backgroundstory for the names and places :)

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:10 pm
by Teherean
[quote=Elderon]Oh and I think I'll just post a topic for our map, with the backgroundstory for the names and places :)[/quote] that's fine, post a link to it here as well, could be useful.

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 8:35 pm
by Medieval Guy
I'm gonna build something for this, even though I can't win. I just looked for some inspiration on google images, and I'm ready to start building!

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 11:25 pm
by mitah
It seems with Lenfald AND Garheim raising armies, diplomatic and other tensions are rising.

LCC - Lenfald - Border Skirmish III

Flickr Set

I guess it's time we fortify our borders...

Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 3:13 am
by theboywarrior
My Fortify the Forrest entry is in this thread-



Re: LCC-Lenfald Official Faction Thread. *NEW ANNOUNCEMENT!*

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 10:44 am
by Teherean
Mitah, 2 points for a free build! However, this can happen only once in a while so let me know if you want to grant the points to something else.