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Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:15 am
by Formendacil
Grid: M-8
Location: Drullen Bell Keep
Formendacil wrote:"In that case I'll have to look afield to find one, and one that suits me," said Sir Dractor. "Since we're going there anyway, would Orion be a good place to look?"

"If you can't find the information in the Archives there, then you won't find it anywhere," said Bjarn. "Which reminds me: I want to get the finished installment of my memoirs copied by the time we leave so that I can take it to the Archives. Remind me to talk to the scribes; if they start now they can be done a decent, if unillustrated, manuscript by then."
Sir Dractor had finished his shield, and was itching to do something. He had started sparring with Thomas in the training grounds. He had a touch of nostalgia there. Odd, he thought, that he was already getting nostalgic about the year he had spent in Dametreos, but already he was looking back on the weeks spent training the Forestmen soldiers and practicing his fighting with Shainya and others with great fondness.

Thomas was turning out to be a decent swordsman. He had plenty of energy and enthusiasm, and he was slowly, but surely, acquiring the necessary knowledge of parrying and thrusting and other talents. Sir Dractor had high hopes for his young squire. He would quite likely be an excellent knight in the service of whichever king he chose.

And speaking of kings, Bjarn was starting to itch to be off.

"It's a couple week-long walk to Orion," he said, "we had may as well start now, don't you think?"

"It won't take that long to get there," said Sir Dractor, "unless we travel with an army or something similarly slow. Do you want to get there a fair bit early?"

"A bit," admitted Bjarn. He sighed. "I'm a wanderer by nature, Aethelred. I've settled down, and I'm glad to have a home, but the urge to travel is still there. It's high summer now, and my feet are urging me to hit the road."

"I can sympathise," said Sir Dractor, "I've been on the road a lot of my life, although usually serving my prince in some capacity. On a single mission, as a soldier, as a captain, even as a commodore."

"We've both had colourful lives, my friend," said Bjarn. "But mostly I'm content to settle down nowadays. Still, it will be good to be there. I'm expecting to see most of the Misfits, and I'm looking forward to it. Except for Reno and Aros, I haven't talked to any of them since the BloodVaine war, pretty much- and I wasn't really in any condition at the end of that."

"No, you weren't," agreed Sir Dractor. "I'll admit that I'm willing to get to Orion early. It will hasten my sword-searching process."

"I'm amazed that you're so picky about what sword you carry," said Bjarn, shaking his head. "Surely, a warrior like you doesn't NEED a weapon to be any good at all."

"Need it, no," agreed Sir Dractor, "but I've always preferred to have the best weapons and armour possible, so as to be able to strain myself to the very limits. And, I'll admit it, I like having a well-made weapon."

"Well, good luck," said Bjarn, "I'll say no more than that."

"And I won't say anything about a king who deserts his people at the first available opportunity," said Sir Dractor with a rogueish smile.

"Gonderin can rule them as well as me or better," said Bjarn. "And it's not as if I won't be helping them in Orion by promoting their interests, anyway. But I'll admit that it isn't too dissimilar to the behaviour in Radjar Kath that I so often criticized."

Bjarn sighed.

"I wasn't born to rule," he said. "I was born royal, yes. I was the cousin of kings and leaders, but it was never expected that I would be the Leader of the League. That was Isaac's title, and was to be his descendents after him. It was never supposed to fall to Cousin Bjarn. That's why they excommunicated me. It was never thought that they would need me to take the throne.

"But Isaac never had another child, and the throne did come to me. Not only Isaac, but none of our cousins had any children. Ours is a sad family. I'm probably the last.

"I don't usually think about my family, or succession, but sometimes I have to wonder: when I go, who will succeed me? Who will lead the League of Forestmen? Who will follow me in the footsteps of Jethro Argus Tahmyll?"

"I'm sure that someone suitable will be found," said Sir Dractor. "Maybe Gonderin will finally become king in name as well as in practice." Bjarn laughed.

"Maybe!" laughed Bjarn. "I regret, now, that I never married. Never had children. I wanted a family, or thought I did, when I was young, and I loved J'anrya. Sometimes I think my friendship with Shainya, Reno, and his brothers has to do with having missed out on having a family."

"I missed out too," said Sir Dractor. "I used to think that my brother's family was enough, and it was- until I lost them.

"I don't think that either of us was ever intended to marry, but I understand about Reno and the others. I'm starting to feel the same way about Thomas."

Weighed down by their heavy thoughts, both were silent for a moment.

"So, we're agreed to leave for Orion tomorrow then?" said Bjarn.

"Tomorrow," agreed Sir Dractor. "If we get there early, maybe we'll get the best accomodations."

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:55 am
by Dragoman
Location: a small Royal knight’s village
Grid: Most south, west end of I-7

In honor of your good serves to those in need, you have been selected to represent the Royals Knights in the upcoming Imperial Ball hosted by his Emperor Constantius VII.

Theodore Colger, High Knight of the Royals Knights

Then taking the other parchment in hands, he read:

To whom it may concern,

The Court of Constantius VII, Emperor of Legoland and Overlord of Dametreos, is pleased to invite you to an Imperial Ball, to be held at the Yellow Castle in Orion on July 11th, 2005, C.C.

With the end of the Wolfpack Civil War, and the end of the Royal-Falcon Conflict (2004-5), Dametreos now enjoys near-total peace, with no nations possessing formal stances of aggression towards any of its neighbours, a state which has not occurred, according to Imperial staticians, since 1723 C.C.

It is therefore in honour of this most momentous occasion that His Imperial Majesty is hosting a Ball, for all the invited dignitaries of the Empire and of Dametreos.

The festivities will open with a parade for the edification of Orion's citizens, in which as many guests as desire may partake in. A formal feast will be held for the guests immediately prior to the Ball. Both will be held in the Yellow Castle.

At midnight between the 12th and the 13th of July, a fireworks display will be provided, ending the official festivities.

In the days leading up the ball, and ending the day after, Orion will be hosting an international trade fair, open to merchants from across Dametreos. All guests of the Emperor are invited to visit this, and promote the trade of their nations.

All guests will receive food and lodging free from the Imperial bounty, and will be lodged in the Yellow Castle or in the great estates of Orion.

Trusting that the guest, or his or her delegated representative will be able to attend, I remain,

Julius Hadrianica,
Imperial Steward of the Yellow Castle,

on behalf of His Imperial Majesty,
Constantius VII,
Emperor of Legoland,
King of Orion,
Lord of the House Legonis,
Overlord of Dametreos

This must be a mistake. thought Charles Augustine

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:09 am
by SavaTheAggie
Grid: E-7
Location: Outskirts of Iadoraz Freeport

He slowly looked over their bodies, lieing in a half circle around him. Six fully armed and armored soldiers cut down like infants in their beds. He slowly raised his sword, watching their blood mingle and drip down it's razor edge. The Wanderer shook his head slowly.

'They'll start looking for you now,' he said to himself. So many days at sea only to be followed by being branded a wanted man. But such was the way of things.

'When will they ever learn to leave crazy old men alone?' he shook his head again.

The Wanderer slowly wiped the blood from his sword and shiethed it, looking about him. There wasn't anyone he could see along the road, but that didn't mean he wasn't being watched. A few yards behind him - a bush rustled.

Certainly they would report his actions to the authorities. While he was certain he could handle any small party of common soldiers, being branded a wanted man would complicate things.

"C'mon out," he said slowly to the bush. He received no answer.

"I know you're there, so you best come out before I come to you," he said louder. The bush rustled once more.

Slowly the figure of a boy crept from the bush and onto the road. Very slight, he couldn't have been more than 10.

"Are you going to do to me what you did to them?" the boy asked timidly.

The Wanderer slowly walked over to the boy, kneeling down to eye level.

"And just what did I do?" he smirked.

"You took care of those bully soldiers real good!" the boy smiled, "They's always given me trouble. I'm glad they're gone."

"Go home to your mother, boy," the Wanderer said, ruffling the boy's hair, "You're going to get into a world of trouble if you stay around here much longer."

"Already am!" the boy smiled, "Why do you think the soldiers were out here anyway? I mean, I coulda took em on, but you walked into the thick of it and did it anyway."

The Wanderer chuckled softly and began to walk away, heading east. To his dismay, however, the urchin began to follow.

"I thought I told you to go home," he said, facing the road ahead.

"I don't got one," the boy said, walking in the man's footprints, "besides, I figure the safest place to be is with you!"

"You don't think I'll kill you like I did those soldiers?"

"Awe, you woulda already killed me if you were gonna," the boy said calmly.

The Wanderer chuckled again. 'Clever boy,' he thought, 'just like...'

"What's your name, boy?" the Wanderer glanced back.

"Me name's Boeda" the boy smiled, "what's yours?"

"My name?" the man looked back at the road before him, "I'm afraid it's been too long since I've even used it. I don't remember."

"Well that's just crazy, to forget your own name!"

"Its true," he glanced back again, smiling broadly.

"Well I'll just call you Old Man, then, if you're too old to remember!"

"So be it," he chuckled.

The two walked silently for a few minutes, following the dirt path eastward. The Wanderer never took his eyes off the horizon, but Boeda seemed to divide his attention to anything that looked edible along the roadside.

"So, uhh..." Boeda trailed off, cracking a nutshell with his teeth," where are we going, anyway?"

"I'm headed to the Dark Forest," the Wanderer said slowly.

"Ya got friends there?"

"Something like that."

"Why do you want to go see em, then?"

"That's a long story..." the Wanderer sighed.

"It's a long trip!" Boeda smiled, catching up and walking next to the man.

"Indeed it is," he chuckled, shaking his head.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:37 pm
by Sir Dillon
location: an inn

Kor sat down and took a large bite of his supper, the day was finally coming to an end, and he had had enough of “do this” and “do that” he couldn’t wait to get out of this place.

The “class” that was supposed to arrive hadn’t come yet, but he didn’t mind, he’d probably just get sent back to work.

As if by magic, I small man dressed in a red tunic with the Fight Knight symbol walked in to the inn and cried-
“Make way for Lord Koravan!”

As soon as he said this, everyone in the room stood up, Kor wasn’t sure what to do, so he stood also. No sooner had that happened then an important looking man walked in. He was tall with straight black hair that came down to his shoulders. He was dressed in the usual dress of the Bat lords, and carried a winged helmet at his side.
Followed by two guards, he walked up to the counter and said to the innkeeper:

“I’ll only need a room for tonight, and then tomorrow I head out for the capital.”

“W… why yes m…my Lord” fumbled the innkeeper as he lead Lord Koravan up the stairs to where the rooms were located.

Kor sat down again and started eating again, the inn was bustling with talk again, most of which was so garbled by the noise he couldn’t understand it. But one voice he heard above the noise it said-

“Bah! That Koravan is the worst Lord I ever seen; he’d probably make a better gong farmer then a Lord!”

Kor glanced over at the guards –who were still standing at the counter- to see if they’d noticed, but if they did, they showed no sign of it.

Just then Koravan and the innkeeper came back down the stairs, and every body quieted.

“Lord Koravan” said one of the guards, as he walked over to him and saluted.

“What is it?” asked Koravan as he returned the salute.

The guard then leaned over and whispered something into Koravan’s ear, while pointing at a man in the corner; whose face had just lost all its color.

“Well then” said Koravan, while glaring at the poor man who had said that insult. “Deal with him”

The guards seized the squealing man and dragged him out of the inn. A short time later, there was a shriek, and the guards walked back into the inn.

“Well,” said Koravan, “I want an ale brought up to me in an hour, no more or less” than he walked back up the stairs as if nothing had happened.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:52 pm
by Sir Drake
Grid: M-8
Loc.: Delvarden Gard

Lhorn and Aaylah sat on their horses, moving towards Drullen Bell, in fact they were actually really close to it, the massive castle was already forming in the far horizon.

"So, how's your father like?" Lhorn asked.
"Well, it's been a long time since I last saw him. But he's a good man. He's very wise, too and his he's very forgiving"
"Seems like a father that anyone wants"
"Oh well, you can put it like that"

In the bushes to right of Lhorn, some birds raised their wings and flew of, making so much noise, Lhorn's horse reered and Lhorn fell, smacking with his face to the ground.
Lhorn's horse rode of alone, towards Drullen Bell. Aaylah was laughing atop of her horse, after three minutes or so, she stopped and dismounted her horse, because Lhorn hadn't moved a muscle. She turned him over and with a large grin on his face and a whole load of mud on his armor, he lay there, laughing.

"Well, you shifty..., you scared the crap outta me" Aaylah said, with a very angry look on her face, but soon her look melted away and formed a smile.
"I hate horses, give me an pair of sturdy boots and I'll do eveything, but for Chodan's sake, not a horse" Lhorn cried out when he stood up, cleaning the mud of his armor.
"Now, where's my horse?" he said while he looked around.
"It ran of" Aaylah said.
"Great, even better, can this get any worse?"
"Well, it was some time ago since I last laughed" Aaylah said.
"Yeah, you're right, it was some time ago, too for me. Perhaps we should get moving, Lady Jerlock, if you want to reach home before dark" Lhorn said with a teasing tone.
"Sure, Lord Bloodseeker, that would be a great idea" Aaylah teased back.

They both laughed, altough there wasn't anything really funny.

"Hold it, who's saying you're riding?" Aaylah said at the sight of Lhorn mounting the remaining horse.
"Noone, but I'm the fastest rider, so if you want to get home"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it" Aaylah said and hopped on, behind Lhorn.

Hesitating, she held her hands out to hold Lhorn's waist. Lhorn holded her hands and laid them in his waist. Aaylah laid her head on Lhorn's shoulder and slowly they rode to Drullen Bell.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:55 pm
by TheOrk
K-12 Fright Knight Hills

Belzzar awoke abruptively that morning. He sat up in the basket and stretched his stiff limbs. He was wondering why he slept in a basket in the middle of the hills, then it all came back to him.

“Bloody orcs…”

The small camp was quiet.
The two dragons slept curled up into balls. The five Elites were preparing the rigging and the dragons.

“Radu! How much longer?” He barked.

Radu turned to him “My lord, it will be less then an hour before we are ready to depart. That bodyguard of yours…Kale wasn’t it? He left earlier in the morning to hunt orcs, he said he would return once the area was safe.”

Belzzar nodded, he didn’t like anybody doing anything without his explicit permission. Still he approved when somebody showed an interest in his safety.


Kale climbed to the of a jagged spire. Even a full suit of euro armour it was easy. His bley eye scanned the landscape in every direction, further then the normal eye could see. He probed every nook and cranny. Nothing around besides a few ravens.

Jumping down he made his way back to the campsite. The two windships were assembled and one remaining dragon was being attached. Belzzar glared at him as he strood in.

“Did you find anything?”He snapped.

“One orc, only one. They usually travel in groups but this one was clad in rags and unarmed, scouts are normally are well equiped. Besides that nothing, there won’t be anymore on the journey. We’re going to close to populated areas…”

“Good.” Muttered Belzzar. Soon the two windships were off with nothing left to hinder them.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:20 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Formendacil wrote:"So, we're agreed to leave for Orion tomorrow then?" said Bjarn.

"Tomorrow," agreed Sir Dractor. "If we get there early, maybe we'll get the best accommodations."
Grid: M-8
Location: Several miles from Drullen Bell Keep

The next day, the Forestmen entourage set out for Orion. It was not a big group, but it was larger than Bjarn had first wished for. He was, after all, the king of the Forestmen, and so he couldn’t just show up at the capitol city of the Classics on foot with a backpack and a staff. And so, with Gonderin’s persuasion, in addition to the guests who were going to attend the Ball, a company of a dozen elite Forestmen soldiers were assigned to the group. They were mostly for show and not for protection, and Bjarn had to admit they did add a nice ‘wow’ factor.

The elite guardsmen -- the equivalent of the Classic Emperor’s Elite Cavaliers -- all wore plated armor, tinted green and emblazoned with a complex Druidic design that went back to the roots of the Forestmen when the League consists mostly of elves. In addition to the armor, the guardsmen had at their side long cutlasses. Light but laden quivers hung from their belts and thumped against their legs whenever they walked. Each also had a longbow slung across their back. In their right hands they carried each a spear, and in their left was the Forestmen’s traditional triangular shield emblazoned with the Elk Crest. These twelve guardsmen -- some elfin, some human -- rode six in the front of the convoy and six behind. Sandwiched between them were the honored guests and royalty.

Lord Bjarn, clad in hues of green, rode a gray-white mare. The horse wore no finery, save for a lance strapped to her saddle, which bore the Elk Crest proudly. Beside Bjarn rode Sir Dractor, all decked out in his gleaming armor. The big knight’s bear-emblazoned shield was grasped firmly in his left hand, while his right held the reigns. An empty scabbard hung on his belt thumped by his side. Slightly behind Sir Dractor rode Thomas Valt, looking very awkward and uncomfortable. Behind him was Reno and Shainya Regga, both feeling slightly out of place but honored and pleased that Bjarn had invited them along. Behind the newlyweds was Captains Jerlock and Anardan, and behind them was the wizard Voolmark and several other Forestmen and women guests. Lastly, several horses loaded with supplies followed. In all, the entourage was made up of about thirty persons.

Forestmen generally don’t use horses, and traversing therefore the paths on and through the Varden Swamplands took some time. However, by the second day, they were free of the swamps, and into dryer woods, where paths were still narrow but there was no danger of falling into a sucking ooze.

The entourage took it’s time, moving slowly, almost lazily, though the Forestmen woods. On horses, they had plenty of time to reach Orion several days ahead. There was no need to rush.

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:41 pm
by Formendacil
Grid: N-24
Location: Talistrand

Bernard Quorandis had never been more nervous in his life- including his first day as a Cadet, including his first assignment as an officer, and a few other occasions.

The reason? It was his wedding day.

The Talistran Cathedral was packed with guests and well-wishers. It was bedecked with ribbons and flowers, and filled with brilliantly dressed attendants and guests.

To the sound of trumpets, the ceremony began.

As the Cavalier trumpets sounded, Bernard entered in full ceremonial uniform as a Commander-General, flanked by his four Groomsmen. They were composed of Captain-Major Isidores, two cousins, and one of his classmates from the mainland. Entering by one of the side-doors, they came to the front of chamber, and stood before dais, below King Valentius.

The trumpets ended on a triumphant note, and the organ and choir began their piece. The great doors of the chamber were slowly opened, and Elwen's four bridesmaids entered, dressed in blue and white dresses. They were friends Elwen had cultivated in the past few monts, and a couple of Bernard's lady cousins.

Following the bridesmaids was the Ringbearer (another of Bernard's cousins) and then the Flowergirl (King Valentius' granddaughter), who walked immediately in front of the bride, tossing out handfulls of blue flower petals into the guests.

Elwen was bedecked in a fine, lace-covered white wedding gown, personally fitted and selected by Margaret Quorandis. When she reached the front of the chamber, she stood to the left with her bridesmaids, facing Bernard and the groomsmen on the right. The Ringbearer stood with the Flowergirl beside King Valentius.

"Family and friends and honoured guests," came the voice of the King, once the music had ended. "We are gathered here today to witness the wedding vows of Bernard Quorandis and Elwen dan Raleigh. We are here to celebrate with them one of the most joyful of life's milestones.

"These two good people, known and loved by all of us here, will soon become husband and wife, one family. We are here to wish them happiness and prosperity in their wedded life together."

The King gestured to the crowd to sit down, and took the seat on the dais. Ferdinand Quorandis came forward to read the Marriage Text:

"Marriage is the joining of a man and a woman together as husband and wife. In this great celebration, two people are united, two families are joined, and the continuation of their blood encouraged.

"The recipients of this great undertaking are to be reminded of the great importance of what they are asking. Henceforth they are to be bound to their spouse, to provide for their spouse's needs, to be their partner in all things.

"The bride and the groom are admitting themselves able and willing to bear and family, and to raise them according to responsible and moral values. From this time henceforth, they belong not to themselves, but to others."

As Ferdinand ended the passage, Valentius rose.

"The engaged have now heard their responsibilities. Do they accept them?"

Bernard came forward.

"I, Bernard Quorandis, son of Ferdinand and Margaret, have heard and understood my responsibilies. I swear to honour, love, and protect my wife to the utmost of my abilities from now until death separate us. I promise to raise all children we should have as a loving and responsible father."

Bernard stepped back, and Elwen came forward.

"I, Elwen dan Raleigh, daughter of Primolius and Anna Colin, have heard and understood my responsibilities. I swear to love, honour, and obey my husband to the utmost of my ability from now until death separate us. I promise to raise all children we should have as a loving and nurturing mother."

Elwen stood back, and Valentius spoke again.

"They are willing and have sworn. Are their families amenable?"

Margaret Quorandis stepped forward.

"My son is a full grown man, honourable and loving. His choice pleases us. Let Elwen dan Raleigh be the lady of his life now."

Margaret and Ferdinand stood behind their son. Elbadar stood forward.

"As the designated standing for Sir Primolius Colin, I promise that Elwen dan Raleigh is a grown woman, virtuous and loving. Her choice is pleasing. Let Bernard Quorandis now be the lord in her life."

Elbadar and Queen Antonia (Valentius' wife) stood behind Elwen in place of her parents. Valentius spoke again.

"The families are willing. The engaged are willing. Is there anyone here present who knows of a reason these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Naturally, none of the guests objected. Valentius waited the prerequisite moment of silence before continuing.

"As there is no reason impeding this marriage, let the bride and groom exchange their rings."

The Ringbearer went forward to hold the pillow holding the ring up to Bernard. Bernard took the sapphire-containing gold band off the cushion. As he slipped it onto Elwen's hand, he said:

"Receive now this token of my undying love and devotion."

Elwen blushed slightly, and took the other ring from the cushion. As the Ringbearer slipped back, she put in on Bernard's hand with the following words:

"Receive this ring, the symbol of my affection and eternal love."

Then Valentius stepped forward for his last pronouncement.

"I pronounce you husband and wife: Bernard and Elwen Quorandis. You may now kiss the bride!"

As Bernard did just that, in a rather chaste and tasteful manner, the crowd erupted in applause. Valentius then quietly invited Captain-Major Isidores to come back and sign the wedding register as witness. Then he appended his own signature and royal seal to the document.

Then the wedded couple were escorted with their wedding party out to the open air with a full-dress Cavalier escort. Rice and flowers flew down from above them as the pipe organ marched them out.

"You know," whispered Bernard to Elwen, "I think I'm done being nervous."

"About time," she whispered as they kissed.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 1:22 am
by Dragoman
Grid: S-1
Location: Hellecell (Shaidar’s throne room)
Dragoman wrote:The shackled skeletons were then suddenly set ablaze. They then lifted their heads and looked at the Shadow Knight in a soulless manner. The shackles magically released and the animated flaming dead then dropped to the ground. They poled whatever weapons they had and awkwardly moved towards the Shadow Knight.
“This could be a setback” remarked Jedrek as he looked portentously at the rapidly approaching masses.

“I would call it sport” gruffly replied Arthus while clutching his lofty Shadow Blade tightly and looking ready for a fight.

But it was Theron who made the first strike, and he did so by hurling his black spear, and piercing it through the skulls of several undead, causing each to crash to peaces; After which he took his other spear and launched it through yet another cluster of these walking infernos.

And when it was done Theron reached back and unsheathed his sword and withdrew his shield where he then went into his battle stance.

"Don’t let them touch you!!" he roared as the engagement began.

The fighting was fierce and the battle long but the Shadow Knights fought well and stood their ground. Bones flew and fire rained while the living Shadows fought against the blazing dead; and for every one that was consumed by the flames, yet forty more of the walking skeletons were cleaved, decapitated and crushed to pieces. But for all the masses that were bested, even more would come by Shaidar’s call and soon it became operant that the Shadow Knights would not win this conflict trough their superior skills in combat.

When coming to this conclusion Theron grabbed a hand full of the Shadow Dust within his leather pouch and through it upon the undead coming form Shaidar’s direction. The effect of this was most strange for it caused the skeletons to become translucent and wraithlike.

With that Theron charged, passing right through the fire consumed bodies and slashing at any who had not been affected. And so Theron ran until he came to Shaidar’s throne and Shaidar himself. Upon which the demon of a man lifted his staff as if to cast some devilish spell but as he brought it back down to be pointed at the forthcoming warrior, Theron through a small amount of Shadow Dust upon Shaidar’s smoldering black hands, thus causing the glowing red staff to literally to pass right though his soot covered fingers.

Theron then caught the staff with little effort while looking confidently at Shaidar.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 4:27 pm
by TheOrk
J-10 Orion

The sun slowly rose over the hills, bathing the Yellow Castle in a hellish golden glow. Sir Valric squinted as he crested the ridge. “No matter how many times I see it, I still think they should have picked a better colour scheme..."”Growled Valric.

Sir Theodore who appeared behind him chuckled. “Aye, Castleton was much better. But still it could have been worse, they could have premolded the parts when they built it.”

The Classic Knight and the Royal Knight-General had finally reached Orion after a half month long journey. They had been riding from a nearby village since just before dawn.

Even still all of Orion was in chaos. July 11th was drawing closer and closer. Theodore could hardly believe this was the same city after what had happened during the BloodVaine war.

The populance were laughing merrily and the guardsmen were nodding off without anyone bothering to wake them. Maybe peace really had come to Dametreos.

The two knights galloped down to the main gate and went on through.

“General Colger, Lord Valric” the Captain in charge at the Yellow Castle’s gates nodded, “let ‘em through!” He shouted. In the final days before the great celebration began, the Yellow Castle was crammed to capacity with all sorts of people.

As Valric and Theodore walked into the courtyard, they came to the spot where they first met. A few men were there, most at the practice yard had a various level of skill, but none were exactly Cavalier material. “No! No! You’re doing that all backwards, put that down before you cut off someone’s head stud!”

Valric chuckled as he saw Captain-Major Rillian inspecting some new cadets who had joining up very recently. Rillian turned to greet the two. “Ah, Sir Valric! Good to see you accepted that invitation.”

Rillian turned to Theodore. “General Colger…” He began in a solemn tone. He was interupted by sqeak behind him “Derrek!? I thought I showed you how to use a tyco shifty brickin’ sword! Go find a healer!”

Several other minifigs Valric and Theodore knew as Cavaliers walked to over to greet them. They talked with Valric first, Theodore had learned about Valric’s paticular hobbies the hard way back in Castleton. The big knight had gotten drunk in every tavern in town and had met just about every soldier in the army(both Royal and Classic) at one point another on the bar room floor.

“General Colger…” They began awkwardly, Theodore noticed they seemed to be avoiding talking to him. Rillian as well…

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 6:36 pm
by Sir Dillon
Location: an inn

As Kor sat at a table, finishing up his supper, he looked around the inn. Most of the people had left already, except Koravan’s guards, and three men who were sitting at a table in a corner and talking in hushed tones. Kor didn’t know what they were up to, but he figured it was trouble.

After a while they parted up; one leaving the inn, the other two going up the stairs to the rooms. Kor was about to follow the two upstairs when the innkeeper called:

“Kor, Go up an’ give the Lord Koravan ‘is ale!”

Kor quickly took the ale that the inn keeper handed him, and went up stairs, but before he reached the top of the steps, he heard the sound of scuffling, than a loud “thunk” and a moan.

He leaped up the remaining stairs and turned the corner, only to confront two men; who paused for a second. Kor wasted no time and threw the mug of ale at one of the men, hitting him square in the face, the man fell back and hit his head against the wall, knocking him unconscious. Kor then reached for his sword, only to find it was not there, he had left it in his room with the rest of his armor! He turned back to the remaining man, and got a punch in the stomach, winding him. The man then ran to the side of the hallway and jumped out an open window. As Kor staggered over to the window, he saw two men, riding away on horses.

Koravan’s guard had heard the commotion and ran up the stairs; they took one look at Kor, and the unconscious man, and then asked:

“What happened here?”

“Well you see… um, sir.” Kor said “these men, well, I think these men attacked Lord Koravan.”


“Yes, one of them escaped.”

“Oh bloody megabloks!” exclaimed the other guard; who had walked into Koravan’s room.

Kor and the other guard rushed into Koravan’s room, and, just as Kor had expected, Koravan lay on the floor in a pool of blood. A dirk had been stuck through his stomach, and into the floor boards, pinning him to the ground.

“Looks like they’ll be a hangin’ t’night.” Said one guard as he walked over to the unconscious man and picked him up, then started down the stairs. The other guard followed the first example and went stairs also, leaving Kor upstairs by himself.

Kor walked over to the desk were Koravan was obviously doing something; a candle still whickered, and there were papers spread all over the desk. Kor curiously picked up a paper and read it. It said:

To whom it may concern,

The Court of Constantius VII, Emperor of Legoland and Overlord of Dametreos, is pleased to invite you to an Imperial Ball, to be held at the Yellow Castle in Orion on July 11th, 2005, C.C.

With the end of the Wolfpack Civil War, and the end of the Royal-Falcon Conflict (2004-5), Dametreos now enjoys near-total peace, with no nations possessing formal stances of aggression towards any of its neighbours, a state which has not occurred, according to Imperial staticians, since 1723 C.C.

It is therefore in honour of this most momentous occasion that His Imperial Majesty is hosting a Ball, for all the invited dignitaries of the Empire and of Dametreos.

The festivities will open with a parade for the edification of Orion's citizens, in which as many guests as desire may partake in. A formal feast will be held for the guests immediately prior to the Ball. Both will be held in the Yellow Castle.

At midnight between the 12th and the 13th of July, a fireworks display will be provided, ending the official festivities.

In the days leading up the ball, and ending the day after, Orion will be hosting an international trade fair, open to merchants from across Dametreos. All guests of the Emperor are invited to visit this, and promote the trade of their nations.

All guests will receive food and lodging free from the Imperial bounty, and will be lodged in the Yellow Castle or in the great estates of Orion.

Trusting that the guest, or his or her delegated representative will be able to attend, I remain,

Julius Hadrianica,
Imperial Steward of the Yellow Castle,

on behalf of His Imperial Majesty,
Constantius VII,
Emperor of Legoland,
King of Orion,
Lord of the House Legonis,
Overlord of Dametreos

“Hmmm, I wonder…” Kor said to himself. After a moments pause, he tucked the paper in his pocket, then went downstairs to if he could get anyone to help him clean up the mess.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:01 pm
by Sir Drake
Sir Drake wrote:Hesitating, she held her hands out to hold Lhorn's waist. Lhorn holded her hands and laid them in his waist. Aaylah laid her head on Lhorn's shoulder and slowly they rode to Drullen Bell.
Grid: M-8
Loc.: Drullen Bell

Lhorn rode, with Aaylah behind him, through the streets of Drullen Bell. Suddenly an older woman recognised Aaylah.

"Excuse, milady. Are you Aaylah Jerlock, the wizard's daughter?"
"Yes, I am"
"Are you here for your father and your brother?"
"Yes, actually I am"
"Then, I suppose it is my duty to tell you that they've left towards Orion this morning"
"Orion, why?"
"Haven't you heard? The Emperor is organising a grand Dinner and Ball in honour of the peace of Dametreos"
"No, I hadn't heard of it. Anyways, thank for telling me this"
"Oh, it's no big deal, really" the old woman replied, laughing with her teethless mouth wide-open.

"What to do now?" Lhorn asked Aaylah.
"We go to Orion, but too bad for us, we don't have an invitation for the Ball"
"I was afraid you was going to say that" Lhorn replied.
"I'm not the biggest fan of balls, honestly"
"Don't tell me you never went to a ball yet"
"No, I didn't went to a ball yet. I'm a warrior, not a freaking dancer"
"You can't dance, can you?"
"No, I can't, you got me there. But if you really want to go, I'll learn how to dance and I might even get an invitation"
"Thanks Lhorn, you're the best" Aaylah said, giving Lhorn a big hug "But one more question though, how will you get an invitation?"
"I have some highplacest friends" Lhorn blinked.
"Yep, he'll probably go, too, so I'll accompagny him, together with you. We'll have to ride fast, though, we need to reach Hemlock first, then we need to go to Orion and I need to be teached how to dance..."
"You're right, you'd better move"

With that, Lhorn spiked his horse and Aaylah and him rode of under the light of the moon, towards Hemlock.

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:23 pm
by Robin Hood
Grid: J-10
Location: Orion

Puzzled, Theodore butted into the conversation, "pardon me good fellows, but you needn't stand on ceremony. I am a knight, just the same as you."

"YOUR pardon general." Replied Rillian. "We just assumed that everything considered, you might want to be left alone."

"Left alone? Everything considered? What do you mean?" asked the now very confused Theodore.

"You know, the king's death," mumbled a knight.

"King's death!?!!? You mean Kjeld? He's not dead,” Theodore looked from one face to another, “is he?"

"You haven't heard?" asked another knight. "Everyone’s been talking about it. Seems a shapeshifting guy stole into the king's room, right when he was talking with the prince, and threw a spear at him. The king died soon after and the killer escaped through the window. Heard that a big reward is posted for the killer, dead or alive."

Theodore stumbled; he nearly fell over except Valric grabbed him in time. The king was dead? Murdered? While he was gone? It didn't seem at all possible. He dimly heard Valric shouting something about revenge, but he didn't comprehend it. He did notice though, one of the knights’ offhanded comments that the prince was already crowned.

All that trip he had been completely ignorant. No idea that his own king, the person he was going to Orion for, had died.

Theodore shook his head. He must pull himself together, must move on. The king was dead true, but the new king would need the Emperor's approval just as Kjeld had. Theodore would still do his duty. When this ball was over, and him back home, then he could morn.

The knight/general tuned back into the conversation. Valric was now giving a full account of how he would track down, torture, kill, maim, and brutalize the killer.

" its alright." Theodore quietly said, "I guarantee that, King Lego will take care of the killer. Now if you will excuse me, I think I will go find a room."

That said, the knight turned and walked toward the castle. After a more formal goodbye, Valric followed.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:35 am
by Dragoman
Grid: S-1
Location: Hellecell (Shaidar’s throne room)
Dragoman wrote:Theron then caught the staff with little effort while looking confidently at Shaidar.
“NO!!!” Shaidar howled as he felt his power lessen and watched as more then half of his animated subject become nothing more then a smoldering pile of bones.

“Now Shadier,” Theron spoke disdainfully “what was that you said? Something about needing a grand army and a great spell caster to take this staff from you?”

“You may have weakened me by taking my scepter” responded Shaidar now truly infuriated “but I am far from powerless!” and while speaking Shaider dispelled the effects of the Shadow Dust and without an object in hand created a massive scimitar comprised entirely of fire.

Then, just as Theron expected(and hoped for), the skeletons that were still standing all turned their attention to him while giving no regard to the Shadow Knights that they had just been combating.

But before even giving his advisories the chance to strike, Theron with his great strength hurled the magic staff through the air while calling: “Arthus!” Arthus looked then and caught the staff where Theron continued: “use the staff and GO!!”

“What!?” erupted Jedrek in disapproval

For a brief second Arthus stared perplexed at this order but then moved quickly in to action.
“Alright Shadow Knights,” he commanded “, our time here as ended, let’s go!”

Most had no problem with this order and at once began to head toward the hall from where they had entered while bashing through any of the few skeletons that still remained in their way.

“So we’re just going to leave him here?!” exclaim Jedrek while running alongside Arthus, who was leading at the front.

He told us to go, so we go!” Arthus replied

Jedrek looked back just as they were passing the gothic doors of the hall where he then saw Theron fighting valiantly against Shaidar along with many war faring skeletons.

“I hope you know how to use that.” Jedrek said referring to the staff.

“I hope so too.” answered Arthus.

When they had reached the other side of the antechamber/hall Arthus elevated the staff while focusing on trying to get the mystical Archway to reaper. He closed his eyes and concentrated like never before. And after a brief moment of trying there came a gasp from the other Shadow Knights. When Arthus opened his eyes he saw to his relief the passage was indeed opened again.

“Let s go!” Arthus ordered.

And so only seven Shadow Knight left Hellecell that day with Jedrek being the last, who looked one last time upon the great warrior who was still holding back Shaidar’s evil tide.

And when Jedrek enter, the Archway disappeared, thus leaving behind the burning skeletons, Shaidar and Theron.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 4:07 pm
by TheOrk
K-12 Legoland

The two windships drifted closer to their ultimate goal. The Fright Knights and Kale all looked on in wonder at the lands before them. Although each and everyone of them hid their emotions with a mask of stony silence.

The Fright Knights except for Belzzar had never visited foreign lands. Kale had wandered around nearly the width of Dametreos but had never seen it from the eyes of a bird.

Below them, stretched out across the horizon were the southern plains of Legoland. Mile after mile of rolling green hills doted with wild flowers. Cute little villages and large majestic forests came along once in awhile.

The Fright Knights found the strange green land alien to them. It was a stark contrast to the dark shadow infested crags of the Batlands. It had few plants coloured green and they were either minifig eaters or poisonous. There towns were dark and filthy, the lesser classes most beautiful settlement was on par with the slums in Anka Dalour. Behind the two windships across several miles of plains with scattered copses was a dark horizon; the mountians of the Fright Knights, they must have been seen for many miles into Legoland.

The two windships were making execellent progress, even if they lost a night to the hill orcs. They did attract a lot of attention though. Kale stared suspicously at the growing groups of peasants staring at them.

“Let the fools stare!” laughed Belzzar. “Those weaklings are virtually trembling in terror at the site of dragons!”


Soon Orion came into view. That did draw some visible reactions of shock out of them. The Golden Castle was very different compared to the sullen haunted castles of the Batlands.

“Now if that incompetent messenger got there without any problems they should know we’re arriving by windship.” Said Belzzar.

“Master, the Golden Castle is no place for dragons…” Began the pilot.

“Aye” Growled Belzzar “find a nice secluded place to set her down, but make sure it’s close to the gates! If I must walk one more step then needed…”

The pilot shivered, even if he was an elite. Kale had to congradulate how well Belzzar kept his troops in line.

The pilot soon spotted a good clearing. It was a small field perfect for two windships. It was in the midst of a somewhat large grove of trees. It was located very close to the main gates, it was a wonder they survived the great seige that took place only monthes before.

As the windship touched down, Belzzar leapt out, eager to be on solid plastic again. “Now they saw those windships land here, when we get there I expect a reception worthy of king!” Sneered Belzzar. Kale looked in hidden wonder at the seemingly golden walls. Once this whole foppish affair was underway, he intended to find the sleeviest bar in town.