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Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 7:57 pm
by Sir Erathor
Sorry for invading your thread, but this is a good plan, Zach! I hope all the voting goes well for you. :)

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 8:09 pm
by SSchmidt

Thanks for your initiative in bringing us a new FO. It is greatly appreciated! I look forward to what our faction holds for us in the upcoming days!

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:27 am
by ZacharyIslazy
Sir Erathor wrote:Sorry for invading your thread, but this is a good plan, Zach! I hope all the voting goes well for you.
Thanks for the advice man! :D
SSchmidt wrote:Zach,

Thanks for your initiative in bringing us a new FO. It is greatly appreciated! I look forward to what our faction holds for us in the upcoming days!
Me too Schmidt! Thanks for he kind words :)

Also, something that has come up during voting I'd like to mention.
If you vote for me, :oops: I'll be flattered, but could you also include an extra name in your list. Because if I were to get elected to the position, we'd need a new FL! :lol: So the first two names would be mine and somebody else's, the third name would be somebody you'd also want to see as FO along with your first suggestion if I wasn't elected. EXAMPLE -

Contestant A
Contestant B

Contestant B is your back-up if neither I, nor Contestant A get elected.

I hope that isn't too confusing. :?

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:25 am
by Gavin of Lockwood
Voted! I'd love to be FO or FL, but school is too tough for me this year, and with Boy Scouts and other extra-curricular work to do the job effectively.

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:28 am
by SSchmidt
Hey guys,

Here is my J3 entry into the Mage's Guild, titled "Forest Ambush."

Story can be found by going to the MOC forum I have linked here:


Just as a point of reference, that brings me to 40 points total. :)

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:16 am
by Luke the Swift~
Hey sorry to invade as well but, I was wondering.... Just were does the cut off for who can vote start? :twisted:

All jokes aside though. Its interesting to see a shift in leadership in the outlaws I wish you all good luck and, happy headhunting! Just remember two head are better than one. :twisted: :twisted:

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:17 am
by Gavin of Lockwood
Two bogies at 4:00, mates! All systems on high alert!

But seriously, thanks for the well-wishes, guys. Hope this turns out well!

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:52 pm
by DrakkVonLego
LC XIII (13) Entry:

Drakk Retakes His Humanity

A few years had passed since Drakk discovered his magic. He became obsessed with regaining the feeling, the rush, of that first time he had incinerated the goblins. So he hunted the goblin tribe relentlessly. He had grown strong over the course of the hunt, his constant skirmishes with the foul creatures had honed his body into a living weapon. His sense of smell and hearing increased each day, making tracking down the foul smelling goblins even easier. After each encounter, he felt a small sense of victory, but the feeling he searched for evaded him. As time passed he became a mindless beast; longing only for the rush of battle, fire, and blood. As a result of his actions, the goblin tribe became harder and harder to find. His sworn enemies, the murderers of his family, were almost depleted.

When he finally caught the scent of goblins he felt relieved. Soon he would be able to give into his dark desires. Drakk approached their campsite as they relaxed around the campfire. Two goblins stood around the fire, a third snored loudly in a makeshift shelter. Their spoils (and dinner) lay scattered around as the two goblins tore into their dinner of bones and fish. They spoke in a guttural language.
“Good food. Make fire bigger!”
“Yah…listen to snore! He so stupid.”
They both laughed at the sleeping golbin as chunks of flesh flew from their mouths. Right before Drakk was about to launch himself on the unsuspecting goblins, a fourth emerged from the shadows. This one was larger than the others, and was adorned in trophies. He carried a wicked sword, and wore barbaric armor covered in spikes.

Image ... otostream/

A memory flashed in Drakk’s head. He was a young boy again, staring through the crack of his favorite hiding place as he watched his parents brutally murdered. A wicked sword came into view, wielded by a tall goblin with spiked armor...

Drakk snapped back to reality and swung into action. Barely thinking he drew his spear and through it towards one of the goblins. Catching him in the throat, he toppled backwards as his lifeblood soaked the ground. While the spear was still in the air Drakk lept from the ledge while drawing a dagger. He plunged it into the seated goblin’s chest, as he roared with rage. With practiced motions, he summoned his magic to ignite the lean-to, his rage adding to the power. It erupted into flames, melting the goblin within almost instantly. Drakk slowly turned to the final goblin as blood boiled on the ground around him.

Image ... otostream/

He bellowed in rage as he leapt toward the killer of his parents. The leader of goblins, while surprised from the ambush and the intensity of this warrior, was a leader for a reason. He defended Drakk’s wild barrage and counterattacked. Drakk responded to the swords swipe by grabbing the blade in his claw and thrust his dagger for the orcs neck. The strength behind his blow decapitated the goblin, and its head thumped to the ground. Drakk roared in triumph and vengeance. Eyes glowing with unbridled rage, he looked down to the body of the goblin and amongst the numerous trophies he saw a necklace. His mother’s necklace. It was a gift to her from his real father, someone he had never known. As memories of his mother flooded back to him, he fell to his knees. He looked at his hands covered in blood and scars. What was he? A mindless killer no better than those he hunted? Ever since the day he left his family farm, he had no purpose. First he only struggled to live. Now he only lived to kill. What will he do now? Drakk removed his mask and reached down to grab the necklace. Silver and intricately carved in the likeness of a dragon, he stared at it. “I will find a reason to live, even if it kills me,” he said solemnly to himself.

Image ... otostream/

That fateful day Drakk changed. No longer a mindless monster, he had taken back his humanity….but for how long?


Please consider the second photo for voting purposes.
I really like doing action scenes but they make it hard to pick just one for these contests! I hope you enjoy and for better quality please check it out on flickr! (links below pictures) 8)


Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:41 pm
by SSchmidt
A quick freebuild showing the knighting of Silas.


As a point of reference, that brings me to 42 total personal points. :)

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:14 pm
by DrakkVonLego
Nice one SSchmidt! This makes me curious, are there any other outlaws who aren't against the queen (besides Silas and myself)?


Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:23 pm
by ZacharyIslazy
DrakkVonLego wrote:Nice one SSchmidt! This makes me curious, are there any other outlaws who aren't against the queen (besides Silas and myself)?

Right now I wouldn't consider my character against nor completely for the Queen. Although my next build will most likely clear the air about that.

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 11:45 pm
by SSchmidt
I think a lot of Outlaws are rather "neutral" toward her. They like her if she helps their agenda, or dislike if she thwarts them.

I don't want to speak on behalf of other Outlaws, but I am fairly positive Gavin of Lockwood is anti-queen, and Wolfgang is probably getting there (if not already) as the Queen's men robbed his group of some of their treasure in the last GC. I am not sure about Josdu. I think he disliked her at first, but now she might be growing on him? Anyways, it might certainly be useful to compile a list of pro/anti/neutral Outlaws in their relationship with the Queen.

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:32 am
by animmortal
Eldak is neither for or against, he just wants the dead bodies from the conflict to increase his power :D

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 12:39 am
by Gavin of Lockwood
SSchmidt wrote:I think a lot of Outlaws are rather "neutral" toward her. They like her if she helps their agenda, or dislike if she thwarts them.

I don't want to speak on behalf of other Outlaws, but I am fairly positive Gavin of Lockwood is anti-queen, and Wolfgang is probably getting there (if not already) as the Queen's men robbed his group of some of their treasure in the last GC. I am not sure about Josdu. I think he disliked her at first, but now she might be growing on him? Anyways, it might certainly be useful to compile a list of pro/anti/neutral Outlaws in their relationship with the Queen.
Yep, Gavin's strongly against the Queen. He is, in fact, a Loreos sympathizer.

Re: LCC-Outlaws Official Faction Thread.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:27 am
by josdu
SSchmidt wrote:I think a lot of Outlaws are rather "neutral" toward her. They like her if she helps their agenda, or dislike if she thwarts them.

I don't want to speak on behalf of other Outlaws, but I am fairly positive Gavin of Lockwood is anti-queen, and Wolfgang is probably getting there (if not already) as the Queen's men robbed his group of some of their treasure in the last GC. I am not sure about Josdu. I think he disliked her at first, but now she might be growing on him? Anyways, it might certainly be useful to compile a list of pro/anti/neutral Outlaws in their relationship with the Queen.
Yep! I'm uncertain :twisted: . Like you said, I'll be waiting till she does something :sly: .