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New Pirates?

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:04 pm
by Sir Smittens
Admins, please lock this if it shouldn't be up, but in the Cruelties of TLC thread I asked about the mentioned new pirates. I'm assuming it isn't being seen, as there aren't any replies. So anyone, if you have pics or info of the new pirates, please post them here (unless it gets locked. Then PM me or something).


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:22 pm
by wlister
This should be in General Lego, not Lego Castle.

As to your question, look at this years sets on Brickset, they have the new Jack Stone Pirates line pictured.


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:27 pm
by Athos
Here you go... though I suggest you not get your hopes too high...


Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2004 9:17 pm
by Sir Smittens
How could you TLC!? HOW COULD YOU!?!?

Thanks for this pics, Will, I have no idea what I was thinking putting this in Lego Castle.


Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 11:17 pm
by Sir Smittens
Well, I just looked at it again, and I think I've changed my opinion.

While the sets still make me sick at the lack of baseplates and the oversized figs, I'll probably still get a couple of these for the parts, which look pretty good.


<<edit: Does anyone know when these will be availible?>>

Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:19 am
by Athos
I'm disappointed with the sets for sure. Though it is probably for the best because if they were really cool, I'd just be spending more of my student loans on Lego, which I probably should not do. I may pick up a few for the parts, will have to wait and see how they look in person at a store. Not sure when they are available.


Posted: Sun May 09, 2004 5:56 am
say what you want about jack stone pirates.. but look

black scimitar and a monkey! awesome for when it ends up in the .99 cents bin (and come on - you know it will)!


Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 1:41 am
by Brickboy
It would be great to have new pirates! In the minifig scale!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well. I guess some dreams will never come true. :(

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:26 am
by doctorsparkles
LEGOFREAK wrote:say what you want about jack stone pirates.. but look

black scimitar and a monkey! awesome for when it ends up in the .99 cents bin (and come on - you know it will)!

The scimitars (and rifles), the monkey (and other animals), the rowboats, the flags, the sails, and the spring loaded cannon thing will all come in handy, and it looks as if the large ship could very easily be converted into a minifig scale ship. Also, I know I've mentioned this before, but the Jack Stone figures are the perfect size for giants if you're into the fantasy aspect of the castle world. But now they're actually wearing something remotely period. I'm looking forward to picking up a couple of these... after all, it's not like we've got a whole lot to look forward to any time soon anyway.

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 2:29 am
by Formendacil
...but the Jack Stone figures are the perfect size for giants if you're into the fantasy aspect of the castle world. But now they're actually wearing something remotely period...
Yeah, and giants are usually supposed to be stupid, and Jack Stoners look quite dumb beside a real minifig. :P

Posted: Tue May 11, 2004 3:49 am
by lemon_squeezer2
I'm not very impressed with the sets at all. Even for parts, they fall short of almost anythig eles TLC has come up with in recent years - even KK2

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 12:56 am
by medib
The 4+ (4 plus, aka Jack Stone) pirate sets are available
in the European Shop@Home. If I remember correct,
these sets probably won't be available in North America
until August or later...

not that I'm entirely anxious to acquire them. I think the
only one that interests me is Captain Redbeard's Ship,
and even that's iffy.

Ben M.

Posted: Wed May 19, 2004 3:44 pm
by JPinoy
I'd like to get those chrome silver scimitars. They'll be part of my Chinese Kwan-Dao weapons. :twisted: