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Classic-Castle Roleplay Planning: June

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:59 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Greetings, Roleplayers!

Any questions regarding the C-C Roleplay should be posted here. Actual additions to the Roleplay should be posted in this thread.

Thanks and Happy Roleplaying!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:54 pm
by The Green Knight
Character's Name Wally Tompson
Character's Age 19
Character's Background The year is 1965. President Lyndon B Johnson sends the first U.S. troops to Vietnam as anti-war demonstrations brake out in the streets. Yet, amid this world of turmoil, unbeknownst to the general public, a top-secret experimental project is taking place in a military base in Switzerland. Wally Tompson, a hippie whom the government has deemed expendable and gullible has signed on to the mission. He was told that he would be sent back in time to protest the Second World War. So he was told. Though in reality he was going further back in time, much further. Thus began the adventures of Wally Tompson in 200 C.C.
Character's Faction no faction
Character's Place in Hierarchy hippie
Equipment knapsack, guitar, green tambourine, mood rings, etc.
Other Information They say he’s a pacifist but I wouldn’t touch his guitar if I were you. He’s very attached to it.
Character's Looks
Class Hero, main character

Now you may be asking what’s the point? And my answer would be…

There is no point, but can’t you imagine some peace-loving hippie running around C-C Role-play playing guitar and getting on every ones nerves. For example…

The Kingdom was divided. King What’s-his-name had died and his twin sons were fighting for the throne. The battle was to take place in an open field, one army on one side, one on another. The men assumed their formations and then, at the sound of the horn they charged. Prince Whoever spotted his brother, running towards him from across the field. Then in the one moment before the two swords crossed they stopped. As a matter of fact the whole army had stopped. They were all looking towards a man who was standing on a hill at the side of the field. Strange music was coming from an instrument in his hands. Then, as they watched he stopped.

“Brothers! Stop the hating. Don’t you know that true happiness cannot be found in battles for kingdoms or in lopping some ones head off. True happiness can only be achieved through inner oneness with your self and complete harmony with nature. Now if you will all join in. oFoF What the world needs now is love sweet love…oFoF

Prince Whoever: “First one to run him through gets the Kingdom."

Prince Whomever: “Yeah Ok.”

Then with a single cry they pointed their armies at the new target.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:06 pm
by Loneranger
I'm glad my guy is in a ship :lol:


*wonders if nathen will let him stay :roll: *


Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:14 pm
by Daimyo
The Green Knight wrote:Character's Name Wally Tompson
Character's Age 19
Character's Background The year is 1965. President Lyndon B Johnson sends the first U.S. troops to Vietnam as anti-war demonstrations brake out in the streets. Yet, amid this world of turmoil, unbeknownst to the general public, a top-secret experimental project is taking place in a military base in Switzerland. Wally Tompson, a hippie whom the government has deemed expendable and gullible has signed on to the mission. He was told that he would be sent back in time to protest the Second World War. So he was told. Though in reality he was going further back in time, much further. Thus began the adventures of Wally Tompson in 200 C.C.
Character's Faction no faction
Character's Place in Hierarchy hippie
Equipment knapsack, guitar, green tambourine, mood rings, etc.
Other Information They say he’s a pacifist but I wouldn’t touch his guitar if I were you. He’s very attached to it.
Character's Looks
Class Hero, main character

Now you may be asking what’s the point? And my answer would be…

There is no point, but can’t you imagine some peace-loving hippie running around C-C Role-play playing guitar and getting on every ones nerves. For example…

The Kingdom was divided. King What’s-his-name had died and his twin sons were fighting for the throne. The battle was to take place in an open field, one army on one side, one on another. The men assumed their formations and then, at the sound of the horn they charged. Prince Whoever spotted his brother, running towards him from across the field. Then in the one moment before the two swords crossed they stopped. As a matter of fact the whole army had stopped. They were all looking towards a man who was standing on a hill at the side of the field. Strange music was coming from an instrument in his hands. Then, as they watched he stopped.

“Brothers! Stop the hating. Don’t you know that true happiness cannot be found in battles for kingdoms or in lopping some ones head off. True happiness can only be achieved through inner oneness with your self and complete harmony with nature. Now if you will all join in. oFoF What the world needs now is love sweet love…oFoF

Prince Whoever: “First one to run him through gets the Kingdom."

Prince Whomever: “Yeah Ok.”

Then with a single cry they pointed their armies at the new target.

What? This is very creative and interesting... :)

But does it belong here? I'm a bit confused. Laugh out loud funny though :lol: , but I guess you just did it for fun?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:20 pm
by Chancellor Erik
The Green Knight wrote:Character's Name Wally Tompson
Character's Age 19
Character's Background The year is 1965. President Lyndon B Johnson sends the first U.S. troops to Vietnam as anti-war demonstrations brake out in the streets. Yet, amid this world of turmoil, unbeknownst to the general public, a top-secret experimental project is taking place in a military base in Switzerland. Wally Tompson, a hippie whom the government has deemed expendable and gullible has signed on to the mission. He was told that he would be sent back in time to protest the Second World War. So he was told. Though in reality he was going further back in time, much further. Thus began the adventures of Wally Tompson in 200 C.C.
Character's Faction no faction
Character's Place in Hierarchy hippie
Equipment knapsack, guitar, green tambourine, mood rings, etc.
Other Information They say he’s a pacifist but I wouldn’t touch his guitar if I were you. He’s very attached to it.
Character's Looks
Class Hero, main character

Now you may be asking what’s the point? And my answer would be…

There is no point, but can’t you imagine some peace-loving hippie running around C-C Role-play playing guitar and getting on every ones nerves. For example…

The Kingdom was divided. King What’s-his-name had died and his twin sons were fighting for the throne. The battle was to take place in an open field, one army on one side, one on another. The men assumed their formations and then, at the sound of the horn they charged. Prince Whoever spotted his brother, running towards him from across the field. Then in the one moment before the two swords crossed they stopped. As a matter of fact the whole army had stopped. They were all looking towards a man who was standing on a hill at the side of the field. Strange music was coming from an instrument in his hands. Then, as they watched he stopped.

“Brothers! Stop the hating. Don’t you know that true happiness cannot be found in battles for kingdoms or in lopping some ones head off. True happiness can only be achieved through inner oneness with your self and complete harmony with nature. Now if you will all join in. oFoF What the world needs now is love sweet love…oFoF

Prince Whoever: “First one to run him through gets the Kingdom."

Prince Whomever: “Yeah Ok.”

Then with a single cry they pointed their armies at the new target.
Wow, It's about time someone did something about the lack of hippies in the roleplay. Character sounds...ok, it made me almost die laughing at the image I had of hippies guarding a castle. Maybe my inspiration for a new MOC? Anyhow, welcome to CC Roleplay!

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 7:25 pm
by Daimyo
Alright, with the new wave of other races, here I go! This guy will come into the story much later! :D

Name: Searil Cordate
Age: 23
Faction: Knight's Kingdom 2
Bio: Searil is a sea-elf sailor who has traveled the four seas and visited all the islands of the world. Not much is known of his past, but he's been a sailor all his life. It is said that he was drifting in an ancient boat when a band of KK mercenaries found him and brought him ashore. Nowone knows where he sailed from, but he was certainly not of Human lands. They named him Searil, "of the sea," Cordate, "From far away." Ever since he has journeyed the world looking for adventure, but his most famous feat is that of vampire hunting. His main weapon is a specially built crossbow, and he travels haunted lands searching for more evil to hunt. Devout in the doctrine of the Piounes Kausin, he is a virtuous individual, but his methods do come at the price of gold only.
Equipment: Poison Shaft Crossbow; Cloak of Shadow; Sea Elf sais.
Race: Sea Elf
Class: Supporting Character

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:55 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Holy Megabloks...


Wow, the roleplay is really taking off!

Green Knight: I really not sure if your character will be allowed, time travel is a rather non-castle type of thing...

I will have to discuss this with Nik, the creator of the Roleplay, and get back to you later.

Everyone Else: Due to this sudden wave of members joining and new characters begin created it may take me a little longer for me to get everything uploaded. Hey, I've got a life away from the computer too!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:45 am
by The Green Knight
That’s cool. After all my guy is probably as opposite of castle as you can get. And I did kind of rip off the idea from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

I guess I took the “light hearted fun” comment too seriously. I won’t post any stories until I get an Ok.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:30 pm
by Daimyo
Don't get us wrong man, that was really cool, it's just not very castle.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:55 pm
by Daimyo
Hey, betch' yall didn't see that one comin'!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:33 pm
by Chancellor Erik
Alright, these two character will be introduced soon, so I will post their stats for the upcoming adventures of Sheath:

Name: Lilian
Age: 22
Faction: None
Equipment: Quarter Staff, Longbow, Quiver, Custom Elven Torsro and Legs
Place in Hierarchy: Princess
Info: A wild elven princess, she is their heir to her aging mother's throne. She is a briliant fighter, and many elven princes have sought her hand in marrige. But the last thing she wants is to be second to a man, and remains single to inherit full power over her elven race. She kept that promise until one day a human in black came to her lands, and her life was changed forever.
Looks: Pics soon!
Class: Major Character

Name: Yariyikah
Age: 24
Faction: None
Equipment: Golden Broadsword, Crossbow, Grappling Hook, Quiver, Black Cape and Hood, Custom Chainmail Torso and Legs
Place in Hierarchy: Savior of the Shadows (Rogue)
Info: Born to a common family in the Classic Legoland, he always dreamt of being more than a peasant boy. His father joined the army and was killed in a training mishap. His mother commited suicide shortly after. Him and his younger brother abandeon their past and set out on a quest for a new life.
Looks: Just like Sheath, by some strange coincidence that will be explained in my posts later on.
Class: Major Character

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 10:49 pm
by Lord_Of_The_LEGO
Punx842003: your character info has been uploaded: ... 42003.html

Feel free to post anytime!

Chancellor Erik: I'll get your new characters up sometime this week!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:06 am
by Daimyo
Great Events: The Classic War

In the Fifth Century C.C., the Golden Emperor controlled the land's politics with an iron fist. Every year, the leaders of the kingdoms had to amass their best and grandest show of force and journey to the capital of Orion, where they would make court in the Yellow Castle. In the year 591, King Leonhart of the Royal Knights traveled there. He took with him a company of the finest knights, clad in gleaming silver armor, crimson plumes set in gilded helms, and riding verdant war steeds. They were trained extremely well and fought like the devil. When the Emperor saw this, he contemplated the threat Leonhart now posed towards his rule. If he grew popular with the other leaders, they may throw him out and set Leonhart as the new emperor. The Emperor dispatched his Pure Shadow assasins to kill Leonhart, yet they failed, instead murdering an advisor. Leonhart was outraged. His troops sacked the capital and killed many innocent nobles- among them William Crowne, father of Willem Blackcloak. The Royals marched unopposed through the land, raiding any settlement they came upon. The Golden Emperor then decided he would no longer sit in shadow. He mobilized his Cavaliers to intercept and kill any Royal Knight who showed himself in the kingdom. Leonhart's men put up a gallant fight- but the elite Cavaliers vanquished them at the Battle of Touvione. Leonhart escaped the port on a brigantine, and regrouped his forces for another attack. This time he would focus on his island colony of Brienne instead of the heart of Classic Legoland itself. In the two years that followed, intense and bloody warfare consumed the Brienne island. Leonhart gained the advantage, and soon controlled the entire body. Then the Emepror unleashed his champion. Knight Champion Ludwig Barbarossa set sail with a force unlike any seen in it's day. He landed at Mountagne and pushed back the Royals there, then he worked his way up the peninsula till soon he'd reached the gates of Leonhart's fortress of Avalon. In the ensuing three month siege, Leonhart took his own life, and Ludwig was made king of the new Royal Knights- A puppet state of Classic Legoland, merely a kingdom to police the nations of the world.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:14 am
by Daimyo
The Ballad of Wally Tompson

This land is noble's land, this land is knight's land
From gold Orion to the Falcon Islands
From Hemlock Fortress to the Vampyre waters
This land was made for Dukes and Kings.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:50 pm
by Daimyo
Sith, Devari, I know you are impatient to end this war. I am too :roll:. But I want it to be a good ending. Soon, all the player characters in Hemlock and Dark Forest will attack Daggerfall with a large army. Stay tuned.