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Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:45 pm
by footsteps
Went west this holiday season to visit family. Something wonderful happened.

My sister's family is planning on moving in the next couple of months, so they are 'de-cluttering'. My nephews (aged 18 & 21) are on to the next stages of their lives, and have lost all interest in Lego. As in: less than zero interest. The mind boggles. So my sister and brother-in-law asked if I'd like their Lego, otherwise they'd "get rid of it" prior to the move.

Need I say more?

We had to buy an extra suitcase -- a big one with built-in wheels and pull handle -- for $20 from the local Sally Ann, then pay $22 for extra luggage on the flight. And now it's home.

Fifty. Freakin'. Pounds.

Known sets in the batch: 8780, 8781, 6281, 6540, 6342, 4806, 8500. Parts that look like the original Y-Wing. Pirate/Imperial boat hulls (bow/stern) and masts. Lots, lots more that I will likely never be able to catalogue.

It's been a very Merry Christmas.


Re: Score!

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:58 am
by Athos
Those kind of finds are always the best. I've snagged a bunch of space stuff in similar manners.


Re: Score!

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 3:29 am
by Life_Unscripted
I was on craigslist one day and saw a GIANT collection for $200. He said I was the first to call and he had JUST put it up. I went and got it. It was a FIFTY FIVE GALLON container full and breaking because there was so much in it. I didn't look to weigh it but it took me two weeks to clean and sort it all lol