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LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce"

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:07 am
by Andared of Lenfald
A free build for Lenfald, and the continuation of Andared's journey.

Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce



After spending quite a bit of time wandering and exploring the extensive layout of the Black Dragon's camp, Andared renewed his search for Maladar the Fierce, leader of the Dragon Warriors. He questioned anyone he saw while wandering through the corridors, but everyone he spoke with seemed busy and disinterested. None of them knew where Maladar was. However, through much persistence, Andared finally happened across someone who was more than willing to answer his questions...

"Excuse me, sir!" Andared called across the hall. "May I have a moment of your time?"
"What do you need, traveler?" the man replied gruffly. "I don't recognize your face, and I never forget a face, so speak quickly before I set the guards on you."
"Yes, of course," Andared responded, beginning to have second thoughts about asking this man anything. "I am a new recruit for the Black Dragons, and I've been instructed by Barrin Strongarm to speak with Maladar the Fierce. The trouble is, I don't know where to find him. Do you happen to know where he is?"
The man did not reply, and appeared to be studying him. Whether out of habit, or subconscious provocation, Andared did the same.
The man was tall, though not unusually so. He had black hair and intense blue eyes, giving him a striking appearance. He had a coarser and plainer Lenfel accent (far less affected than Barrin's). He did not shave - very often, at least - and while he did not appear abnormally strong or intimidating, his candid attitude made him appear formidable.
"I know where Maladar is," the man's sudden reply jolted Andared from his thoughts. "But before I tell you, answer a few of my own questions."
Andared had no desire to carry on a conversation with this man, but he was tired of searching for Maladar, so he ceded to the request.

"Let's start off with something simple. Why are you here?" The man asked.
"Lenfald is my home, and I will do anything to protect it and it's inhabitants. I believe the Black Dragons provide the best way for me to do that."
"Perhaps so. Is that the only reason?"
"...Yes." The way he'd asked that question set off internal warning bells in Andared's mind. He was hiding something.
"Are you skilled with a blade?"
"Somewhat," Andared replied. "I"m better with a spear and javelins, if you must know, but I can fight with most anything."
"Very good. I suppose you've been in a fight or two then? Perhaps a little scuffle with outlaws?" The question was asked in a blatantly patronizing tone.
"Ever killed a man?"
"More than I care to count.
"Care to guess?"
Andared frowned. Why all these questions? What could his purpose be? He fought to keep his composure and reply with an unaffected tone.
"I can't say that I do."
The man paused, and looked at him shrewdly.
"What about your family?"
"What about them?"
"You tell me."
Andared's eyes narrowed, and when he spoke, his voice was unwavering. "I have none."
"Dead, then? You'll find that's not so uncommon a story around here. But enough of that, I am satisfied with your answers."
Andared stared at him, dumbfounded. "Who are you?"
"I am Maladar the Fierce."
Suddenly it all made sense to him. Andared chided himself for not realizing sooner.
"So you--"
"I have no more time to speak with you," Maladar interrupted him. "There is one more who wishes to see you. Go to our library, and find Akardelor, leader of the Shadow Dragons."
Maladar turned his back and started down another chamber, but stopped momentarily and called out behind him.
"One more thing, Andared. I know you're keeping secrets. Don't try it with him..."


A pretty simple MOC I made just for the sake of continuing the story and breaking my builders block. Larger pictures can be found on Flickr (link embedded in photo). Thanks for viewing!

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:27 am
by mpoh98
This is great! I love the story, it is fantastic! :D

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 5:37 am
by Sir Valiant
Great Work Andared! :) I love the simple build and the excellent story! I must say, even though your builds are small, the stories that accompany them bring them to life. Excited to see where this is going, and keep up the awesome work!

Happy Building,
Sir Valiant~

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 6:03 am
by Sir Erathor
The vignette complements the excellent story perfectly! :D

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 3:44 pm
by josdu
Nice vig and story! I do think the ground could use a few light tan plates though :wink: !

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:56 pm
by Luke the Swift~
Wow your story telling always amazes me!

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:40 am
by Andared of Lenfald
Thanks for the kind words guys. :)
Sir Erathor wrote:The vignette complements the excellent story perfectly! :D
I'm glad to hear that! I thought it was a little simple (I still do, really), but I suppose that it served its purpose pretty well. Thanks Erathor!

Re: LCC - Lenfald - "Meeting the Council: Maladar the Fierce

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:18 pm
by Justin M
Very cool! My only critique would have to be the ground. A little texture to it would have added a lot. :)