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CCC XX - Hirska

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:22 am
by the Inventor
Bestiary entry for Hirska or "Demon deer".

The Whispering Woods harbors many dangerous creatures, one such creature is the Hirska.

When seen from afar it looks just like a normal deer, only when up-close one sees how big it is, between 1.5 and 2 times the size of a normal horse.

It's most defining feature is the single big eye where it's face is supposed to be.

Many wonder how such a creature can survive when no visible mouth is observed. Studies into the creatures are sparse, because no-one is crazy enough to get up-close to the beast. A theory of some scholars of Rindael suggest it absorbs it's nutrients from the forest soil through its hooves.

It doesn't like visitors, so when encountering it, make sure you leave the area as soon as possible, when it notices you, be prepared to run. It will attack anyone with it's legs or antlers.

Hiding behind bushes won't work, because it's eye will see through it, climbing in a tree sometimes helps, but please, find a strong tree, because the power of the beast is enough to fell small and middle sized trees with slamming against it with his head.


My entry for the Fantasy Creature category of CCC XX.

Hirska by Ids de Jong, on Flickr

Re: CCC XX - Hirska

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 4:47 pm
by FalconWolf
This deer is clearly an apex predator. Not one of these chipmunk-eating mule deer. Very cool!

Re: CCC XX - Hirska

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 11:35 am
by the Inventor
Thank you.