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Azlarmuth - the tower of Kalla

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 8:03 pm
by the Inventor
East of the Whispering Woods lies the kingdom of Kadan, see the map:, one of the peculiarities are the towers. These "Towers of Kadan", are build by the many nobles and mages in the land, each trying to make it even higher and more magnificent than the others.

One such tower was constructed by the mage known as Kalla, his tower 'Azlarmuth' was extra special, because during construction a special seed was planted within, during the years, this tree grew, and the tower had to be renovated at some points because the roots and branches would seek it's way to the outside.

Build for the Summer Joust 2023 Fantasy Heights category, measuring more than 64 studs high.

Azlarmuth - the tower of Kalla by Ids de Jong, on Flickr