Black Falcon Archer

Discussion of custom parts made for the Castle Theme
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Black Falcon Archer

Post by porschecm2 »

I present the result of my customizing efforts for the past 2 days.


The shield is a piece of thin plastic with about 1/4 inch of sculpey on it. I then carved in the BF design, baked, and painted it. The visor is a regular town/space helmet visor which I again placed about 1/4 inch of sculpey, and then carefully carved, baked, and painted. I painted it gloss black, then dry-brushed silver on it to give it some texture. I would have done the helmet that way too, but I still hate painting good Lego...The crossbow is sprue and other bits of plastic I put together some months ago, but never did anything with. All three pieces were my first attempt at making that sort of item. Anyway, please let me know what you think! Comments and criticisms welcome and wanted!

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noy dna rehtih
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dude thats pretty Awesome! could be a bit smoother, but i know how hard that stuff is to work with. PRetty cool like i said though . :D
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Post by Lord_Of_The_LEGO »

Hey, that looks cool! :) The crossbow is just plain awesome, are you going to be making some seperate bolts for it? The shield looks pretty good, but I don't like the just looks..lumpy...still, much better than anything I would be able to make. :wink:
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Post by Devari »

Great looking shield. You certainly seem to have put a lot of effort into it. The crossbow looks quite similar ot the original Lego design, and actually looks passable for an ABS (or similar) piece. And I usually hate sculpy customs (too non-lego looking :) )... :mrgreen:
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Post by forester3291 »

Very good for the first time around I would say. The shield looks great but may be a bit too rough. But hey, this guy is battle worn, right? I also like the helmet. Could be used for a Uruk-Hai from LOTR. Their helms wern't smooth. :wink:

Looks liek a great piece of custimizing for sure.

Are you entering this in the CCC2?
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Post by lil Jon »

Is that your first time to use the sculpy, if so you did a pretty good job.

I mean, when i tried I couldn't control it as well as have have. I couldn't imagen how you got the depression of the bird on the shield. The visor looks pretty good, but if you wanted to make it better, try filing it smoother.

But by all means, that is awesome. I like the way the visor is going, you really should try and clean it up because it would almost be perfect.
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Post by porschecm2 »

Thanks for all the comments, guys! I know the stuff is pretty rough, but I'm not realy familiar with working with sculpey yet, so hopefully as I get more experienced I can start smoothing things off a bit more.

Nathan: yes, I did have bolt for it somewhere...can't seem to find it now, though...

forester: Yes, it's entered in the CCC2.

Lil Jon: yes, this was my first time working with sculpey(I've made a beard before, but I never got around to cooking it). What exactly did you have in mind for improving the visor(besides generally smoothing it)? I'm open to suggestions. :)

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