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Future castle sets

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 12:17 am
by Red Bean
Here I am catching up with my forum threads again and I notice one thing, that there is a sincere and eager anticipation from the majority of us for Lego to produce new castle-theme sets. Given the fact that we're all castle enthusiasts here, this is hardly surprising!

My interesting thought, however, is that: Do we really 'need' any new official sets? Let me try to explain a bit. From various threads here, I gather that one of the ideas on the very top of our 'to-get' list is that of a village or peasant theme, so let's use that as an example. Let's say Lego does eventually come out with a village/peasant theme set, what exactly can Lego do to WOW us with it? I mean, look at all those awsome creations by Leonard and Jon Furman and Sava and Bruce and so, so many others, none of them are produced by Lego yet I dare say official Lego products won't be able to do any better. So basically, all the elements are already there for us to create such a theme, that all the tools have already been given us by Lego to create such sets ourselves. And if we believe that Lego is all about creativity and possibility, then what more can Lego offer us in the future in this regard? Customized bricks or special parts? Then we'd argue Lego is juniorizing its product again and that the 'creative' aspect has been taken away. Minifigs? In Dave's poll it seems only a quarter of us prefer the minifigs Lego are producing nowadays, and that the rest would like to see a return to the 'simple' designs. So what can Lego do, or rather, what would we like to see Lego do?

Please note I'm not trying to be cynical or anything, but I just wonder if this maybe why Lego hasn't produced many castle sets for many years, because Lego has ran out of ideas. Now maybe we can all help by contributing our thoughts here, suggesting not just what theme Lego should make in the future, but specific elements that we believe will make any new castle sets successful. Let's revive the castle theme together!

Visit Red Bean Studio

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 3:28 am
by architect
I think LEGO will follow its formula. Many castle sets have been remade multiple times: big and small castles, jousts, catapults, boats, siege carts, miscellaneous carts, bridges, shops, etc. Sets like Guarded Inn are the exception.

I do think these sets will be more realistic or historically based in color selection and possibly scale. Many could be modular and not use burps. I hope they focus on basic bricks, not larger pieces.

I agree that existing pieces are used in creative new ways all of the time. New accessories, although not necessary, are helpful. Imagine if we had farm animals, new medieval hats for villagers, weapons, and maybe armor. Complicated minifigures are ok, many in star wars turned out very well, but recently castle figs have failed by being too extreme. Certain figs, like soldiers should have simple faces. Other figs should not be in too many sets. We do not need 50 King Leo's, especially if he has an ugly torso.

Complicated sets, like the ones produced by many afols are not always practical to produce. I think we would like to see some variation from the current common selection of castle sets, listed above, in the new theme.

Ben E

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 6:45 am
by stuifzand
I was thinking the same thing Red Bean!
Actually, I don't need a new castle-line. Not for the buildings that is. I'm not a set-fan at all, and there are but a few sets in the entire lego-line I really like for the set.
What we need sets for are the figs (peasants and plain non-knight castlepeople more than welcome!) and I wouldn't mind seeing some animals in sets. Like cows and sheep and the like. I know they can be made out of parts, but I think they would be a nice addition (if made well).
So, maybe some good castle bulkpacks, like 25 cows/sheep or something :) Steep (corner) slopes in different colors in bulk would be nice to.

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2003 11:34 pm
by Bruce N H
In many ways I agree. We certainly don't "need" any sets. Not just in Castle, but in every theme the top AFOL builders make much cooler stuff than TLC ever could release in an economical set (okay, maybe some of the Star Wars UCS stuff, but the cost there is very high). So with the elements we currently have available we could create anything we want. That, of course, is the best thing about LEGO.

OTOH, a new castle line can offer many things:

1. Figs. If there are no commercially available sets, minifigs will only be available on the secondary market (bricklink, e-bay), and the cost will keep going up. This makes it difficult to build up armies.

2. Weapons and other minifig utensils. Of course there is that Castle accessory pack for sale right now, which can tide us over until we get more sets. New sets could also lead to new weapons (like those new scimitars and pikes in the Orient Expedition line)

3. Inspiration. Yes, we take inspiration from many places--books, movies, real historical castles, etc.--but MOCs tend to reflect the available sets. For instance, if TLC started an Ancient Greece/Rome theme, you can bet that there would immediately be a lot more Ancient Greece/Rome MOCs on Brickshelf. The Blacksmith Shop release certainly inspired a lot of people's MOCs (of course the BS was previously available from Dan, but with the TLC release it got much wider exposure).

4. New builders. Those of us who already love Castle don't need sets except as fodder for figs and pieces, but if there is never another Castle release, there will be relatively few new Castle builders (especially kids). People generally start MOCing in a theme after they've already enjoyed official sets in that theme.

5. Pieces. Of course pieces are available in all kinds of different sets, but new Castle sets would give us a greater availability of Castle-useful pieces. Especially for those who want more castle wall panels etc. Also, presumably new Castle sets would give us new pieces, just like the SW theme has led to new pieces that are generally useful for Space builders.

So I do hope that there is a new Castle theme as soon as the HP theme is done. I'd be especially excited to see "Castle" encompass other cultures and time periods, much like we had the Ninja subtheme--things like Vikings, Greece/Rome, Arabian Nights, etc. The Indian, Chinese, and Egyptian subthemes from the Adventurers line could be expanded into full Castle subthemes.


Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 4:14 pm
by The Dragon Master
I like the idea of having different cultures, like the ninja theme did. I would like to see a new Crusaders line, but this time with both sides :mrgreen: With some of the new Orient expidition lines, the folks at LEGO could create the Muslim dfenders.

But I would love it if there were a Mogol line, that would be awsome.

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 9:47 pm
by jcrasterman
The Dragon Master wrote: I would like to see a new Crusaders line, but this time with both sides :mrgreen: With some of the new Orient expidition lines, the folks at LEGO could create the Muslim dfenders.

This is a great great idea.....
I will love too a Muslim faction. We can't forget them.... In the middle ages the Muslim were in lot of matters very very superior to the Christians.... their horses, their science knowledge, their culture in maths, chemical, medicine..... Their buildings were fantastic: castles, 'Alcazares' (fortress palace), vigilance and comunication towers..... their weapons, clothes,.....
What about a Saladin army and palace....???
What about a Persian marketplace.......????

That will be great...... but alas,........ I don't think that Lego find it..... 'great', at this moment :-(

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:54 am
by The Dragon Master
I would love to see someone come out with a Muslim MOC. Go for it jcrasterman!

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 2:30 am
by wlister
I can see something like this as an extension of the Adventurers line, not perhaps as a castle line. Persians and Saladin and the like would make for interesting Adventurer sets, but as a castle line? I think most castle heads are hoping for more traditional castle fare when Lego does return to the Castle line.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:32 pm
by spidereater
I think we need new castles sets with traditional European themes. I hated the Ninja subplot. It did not fit with the continuity of the other factions. Now the Muslim idea has some merit. I would not call them the Muslim Defenders though. In the Early Middle Ages, they were the aggressors, until Charlemagne defeated them in Spain. The European Christians simply took the fight to them rather then being invaded.

I would call them the Muslim Infidels. Lego would be better suited not to name them though and let fans name factions much like the Crusaders recieved their name from one set - Crusaders Cart - which was actually a Forestmen set.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:26 pm
by Glencaer
"Muslim Infidels"? what, you want LEGO to start a religious war right now?

I do like the idea of letting fans name factions.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:32 pm
by spidereater
Lego would not be starting a religious war. This war has been off and on for roughly 1400 years.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 10:41 pm
by Glencaer
Lego would not be starting a religious war. This war has been off and on for roughly 1400 years.
okay, a comment like this is hinting at racism. "Infidel" is an offensive term and shouldn't belong on a child's toy.

My sister is a devout muslim, and I have to say I take offense at this comment. Despite any conflict between peoples in the past, I'd say there is NO war between Islam and the west.*

I'm not saying there isn't some conflict, but it is primarily between very very small groups of radicals. 99% of muslims are friendly people, just like you and me. They don't want anything more than to be left alone and prosper, just like everyone else.

If you'd like to discuss this further, you can email me (found on the contacts page) - this discussion does not belong in the cc forums.


Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 1:06 am
by lemon_squeezer2 I see the beginning of a flame war? :shock:
I seriosly dobt that Lego will issue a Middle East faction. Look at the situation now. Lego, being an European based company, would try its best to avoid something like that. If there was one, the term "muslim" would be very much avoided and "infidel" would be a VERY big no-no.
I think Lego will go on the same basic formula that architect mentioned vith maybe a little variation here and there.

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2003 2:48 am
by spidereater
I do not mean any offense. I am a student of history. Both sides of the conflict of the crusades referred to each other as infidels. Calling this term racist is wrong due to the fact that it is not a racial term. Arabs, and Persians are recognized as being part of the Causasian branch of the human race. And I agree this is not the proper forum to discuss this. I merely desired to correct the individual for calling them defenders. I am sorry for the fact that I offended you, but religion at its most basic level is offensive in that each religion teaches that their God or gods are the only ones that are correct.

If you would like to discuss further please e-mail me.

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 4:53 am
by Dragon Master
Hehehe...that was me who called them defenders. If both sides did come out I think it would be this

Crusaders VS Saracens

But I doubt TLC would release sets that glorifiy a historical (let alone religious war). I think the new them, if it ever comes will be fictionally based like Knights Kingdom.