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Viking Battle

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:10 am
by Lord Felix
In celebration of 300 posts... (finally!)
Viking Battle
Actually... It is less of a battle, because the vikings are just burning things :twisted:

Here is the folder. It will be public soon.


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 2:49 am
by kelderic
Run little plastic people, before the Vikings get you! :D Very nice MOC, Felix. From the small picture, (the folder is not yet public), it looks like the wal is curved. How did you do that?


Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:41 am
by Lord Felix
it looks like the wal is curved. How did you do that?
It is really quite simple. All you do is connect a bunch of 1x2s to create one wall. Then it has slight bending properties, which is how I did it here. To make it stick to the baseplate, I raised up either end with two 1x2 plates.

BTW, thanks for the reply.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:31 am
by DARKspawn
That wall looks very cool, that's an effective looking curve running through it. Well done

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:04 pm
by Buck Mustard
Nice! The curved wall is great because it is subtle and not really exploited as the centerpiece of the whole moc. Good work!

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 10:58 pm
by Spongey
The vikings are pretty cool. I also like what you did with the curved wall.