CCRPG April Discussion Thread

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Post by FirebenderDude2 »

Can I have my sword back? Chris can't use the CT, and Mark... well, it's Mark. His WIFE is more of a peoples person, and she stays away from as many parties as possible.

EDIT: I just had the craziest idea! How about Engine gets it and releases the CT to do his bidding? :P :lol:
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Matt BeDar
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Post by Matt BeDar »

I'll give you the sword in about a week, okay?
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Post by FirebenderDude2 »

Woe is me, woe is me, I used to have a hamster tree. Then it got eaten by a newt and now I have no cuddly fruit.
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Matt BeDar
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Post by Matt BeDar »

However, there's a slight hitch. The CT isn't in it. It being the sword. Don't blow a fuse Fire, I've got it so as it won't be catastrophic. Really, don't start complaining or I'll keep the sword for another 2 months.

Edit: Utter chaos has occuered. This is what happens when Fire and I go unsupervised.
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Black Ranger
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Post by Black Ranger »

*Yawn, comes out of inactivity* Wow... You guys start another war while I was gone? Yes I do have a Nercromancer, but he's later, he sees you guys that are 'evil' as pathetic attempts. :wink:
Now as to the war and Kings: Remove Black monarch, less army, stop this war. I want quests. We've fought 4 wars!!!
Matt and Fire, stop with the name-calling.
Gil has been buried in homework and his coming now. I myself am running 4 RPGs on various sites, this one being less important since all I can see is violence, I may have to considering leaving as this is getting out of hand.
Now to the war: Kill army sizes, I have done some studies that result in this: Large armies were only slightly bigger than 1,000, small to medium range from 200 to 900.
Guys one last thing: Stop wars, okay? I'm sick of this, if you guys want to fight, I'll agree but I want to see more than: he fired and hacked and this and that. I want lengthy, that's what I see others do. Please pull this together. Thanks,
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Post by Unknown Knight »

I had no idea this war would flare up. I was just trying to get Henri to a certain point and then BLAM! all this happened....

I actually have a quest in mind for my characters when this war is over. It's sorta inspired by an adventure from the orignal CC Roleplay. Let's just say the adventure involves a huge abandoned castle, vampires, and undead.... :twisted:
the Unknown Knight
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Post by Black Ranger »

Unknown Knight wrote:I had no idea this war would flare up. I was just trying to get Henri to a certain point and then BLAM! all this happened....

I actually have a quest in mind for my characters when this war is over. It's sorta inspired by an adventure from the orignal CC Roleplay. Let's just say the adventure involves a huge abandoned castle, vampires, and undead.... :twisted:
Hmm... Have Henri avoid BMs and other factions that have soldiers. The Athras war is okay to finish, but a Viking-Shadow Knight war is too much.
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Post by Unknown Knight »

The orignal plan I had for Henri called for getting him exiled, stopping in to say "hi!" to Gerodal, and then seeking sanctuary with the Royal Knights, but ..... I guess RP is supposed to be unpredictable.....

I still not sure where to start with my Crown Knight dude; I certainly don't him to get envolved in a war right now :roll: ....

Anyhow, I won't be on tommorow night starting at 6:30 p.m. EST so any posts involving my characters will be unanswered 'til Thursday.

Game on! :D
the Unknown Knight
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Post by Unknown Knight »

What do you guys think for a suitable number of men for each* the armies in the Black Knights' conflict?

*The war is between the Black Monarch and Prince Henri, and the nobility is split pretty evenly between them.

I'm not sure about the numbers, because the Black Knight's army took a lot of casualities in the Continent war.
the Unknown Knight
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Post by Black Ranger »

Thank you! Someone asks before creating unusally large armies!!
Judging by the loss of the Old Continent War, the Black Monarch's troops have been almost eradicated, as he was teleported back to the castle, leaving his men to be slaughtered, or captured. As a result, many have disbanded or left the country. Total army size of Black Monarch: 200-500 under-armed/equiped/prepared army. (Sorry Fire, but I'm just looking at the War posts) As to what a Noble, or Lord could gather to ghis banner: 100-400 medium trained/armed minifigs. But that's per Lord/Noble. The Black Monarch himself (if he can rally at least 3 Lords to his banner and get some better training going (7 months to reach medium), he could have a (max size):
500+400+400+400= 1,700 minifigs (MAX), minium:
200+100+100+100= 500 minifigs (which is if he levaes a large defense at his capitol)

According to rules (to keep things realistic/fun) armies usually stay at 10% of population, and only 5% were knights. But this is LEGO, so our armies can be full Man-At-Arms and part Knights
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Post by FullNelson »

Fire do you still have that map of Skorlor I cant find it

EDIT: Found it in youre flickr folder.
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Matt BeDar
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Post by Matt BeDar »

Ugggh. I find myself becoming tired of war. Yes I know, it's ironic that a person that instigates war is tired of it. Fire, is there anyway that you can just pull all your troops out of Crown Kingdom? We really need to cool our jets with all these wars.

I concur with BR, we've had way to many wars for the RP's own good. What we need is peace and quests, just like BR keeps urging us to do.
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Post by FullNelson »

The Crown Kingdom War is basicly done after that I'm not going to war for a long time. I have a few quests planned out already.

EDIT: Guys lets give one week to finish any wars then NO MORE WARS. I say untill sunday then we are done k.
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Black Ranger
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Post by Black Ranger »

FullNelson wrote:The Crown Kingdom War is basicly done after that I'm not going to war for a long time. I have a few quests planned out already.

EDIT: Guys lets give one week to finish any wars then NO MORE WARS. I say untill sunday then we are done k.
To the Crown War: Finish it, the crown knights and orcs are a warring race, as TLC shows them. (You know, good vs. evil)
To the Black Monarch war (The one between the BM and his son): Make peace, no war. If a war starts it will spark another. One must subdue the flames whilst they are young, least they become to great for one to stamp out.
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Post by Unknown Knight »

I was thinking about having the Black Knight's war end with the victor determined by single combat between Duke Audric and Gerodal. 'Cause Duke Audric is not a nice guy, he needs to die, and Gerodal is restored to the king's right hand. And everyone will be happy....

I tired of the war too.
the Unknown Knight
Courage, Honor, Loyalty! For Garheim!
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