Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

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Post by Aliencat »

Tedward wrote:Given the speed at which Harold is travelling is there any chance the order can be re-arranged slightly so Harold can be @ BrickCon the first weekend in October? He was supposed to be much further along by now and with only what, five or six weeks to the Con he isn't gonna make it.
And if that can be arranged, perhaps we can rearrange the order a little bit more so he can be sent to me directly after BrickCon so I can take him to Legoworld 2008 16-21st of october.
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Post by Robin Hood »

Tedward wrote:Given the speed at which Harold is travelling is there any chance the order can be re-arranged slightly so Harold can be @ BrickCon the first weekend in October? He was supposed to be much further along by now and with only what, five or six weeks to the Con he isn't gonna make it.
Well, I am the one waiting to get him....and at the speed that the lame sloth is moving.....who knows? I might not get him until then. And since I am going..... But we'll see, who knows, that lame sloth might finally decided to hitch a ride.

Dan :wink:
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Post by Robin Hood »

Well, Harold arrived last Thursday and he has enjoyed his week here in Olds (and Red Deer, my new abode, but only like two days before Harold arrived so Olds still counts). He is soon to be off again on his way, but in the meantime, he wrote a bit in his journal. Here is what he said of his visit here.

Harold C. Castle, Aug 28- Sept 2.

Well, after a very long time I finally arrived at my destination. I am not sure I ever want to return to this country, if all trips will be so long in such a cramped traveling package. Oh well, the road calls me, and I must follow.

Upon arriving my host found my package and proceeded to free me. After a bit of a struggle, he let me again breath fresh air, and I was quite grateful. He and I became immediate friends. He then took me around and introduced me to some of the local celebrities, starting with the original members of this nation. I met all sorts, a ninja, a Jedi, a couple of ship captains, a princess, whom I gave proper respect, a wizard, and several knights. All in all, I think they enjoyed me coming.

After these introductions, my friend took me to several armies, all of whom hoped I would side with them. I admit I privately chose the Princess' people, but well, you have to admit they look pretty sharp. Though there was one faction I didn't get along to well with, but they were easily frightened away once we met another wizard.

My friend introduced me to many creatures, some stranger that others. To facilitate our tour, we were offered many different machines to transport us. I chose the biggest one, but that proved to be a rather poor choice on my part. Fortunately, one of the other rides came to our rescue. They dropped us off at a tower, where my friend told me I might talk with a sorcerer, who had great wisdom. I think though we arrived a bit late.

A fellow was kind enough to row us out, but I didn't care too much for his choice of landing place. There we saw some familiar fellows, but they were rather busy with some people, who did not seem interested in helping us. But before anything got out of control, we were rescued by a ship of the Imperial Armada, or so my friend tells me. They were quite kind to offer us a lift.

But not much later we came upon a slave ship, a most disagreeable sight. We planned to come upon her and rescue the captives. But it was a bad idea, for the slave galley was but the bait for a trap set by some pirates. We would have defiantly been in hot soup then, if not for the timely arrival of an Imperial vessel. Deciding it safer with them, we left the Armadians, with good will, and boarded the H.M.S. Sea Hawk.

After an uneventful voyage, we sighted land and bid the captain farewell. From there, it was but a quick drive to the house my friend and a couple others had prepared for me. So exhausted was I that I fell asleep at once. After a couple quiet days there, my friend arranged for a larger tour, and to make sure nothing unpleasant happened, pulled a few strings and got us an escort. The Jedi was quite willing to help us, but unfortunately for us all, we ran into some people who with significant philosophical beliefs from those of our escort. Whilst they made a frank discussion of those beliefs, I noticed a empty ride, and deciding that we could make better time alone, headed off.

The next stop was a strange town, seeming of a significant age, or so the sign said. It had a educational facility, though a bit high for my taste. They also engaged in the selling of cattle, but unfortunately, it was a holiday. Still, I got to see some modern architecture. Personally, I still prefer the old stone ones, though they are not too bad looking inside. Our ride, by the way, was very sweet.

One last stop was a bit sombering, though I admit that I wondered how that pile of metal could kill anything. But, feeling a bit of the somber mood, my friend took me to play a game he had learned. It was most peculiar, involving the throwing of horse bones. It might have been fun, but to me felt too dangerous.

At last, my tour of this little bit of the world done, I said goodbye to my friend. But before I left, he presented me with a gift from himself and his nation. A most excellent sword, and matched my outfit quite nice. Well that’s all I have to say for the moment. Now, I must get back to the road.

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I'm not sure who will get him next, with BrickCon four weeks away, but rest assured, he will be off shortly.

Dan :wink:
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Post by castlebuilder100 »

Looks like Harold had lots of fun with you RH. Awesome summary of the trip. I couldn't help but notice DOOMz DooMisH artworkz :wink: .
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Post by Elephant Knight »

One evening, while chatting on chat, Dan (RH) comes up to me and hands me Harold. this was a few days ago, but I was only able to get around to take pictures of him today.

Now on to Harold's story:

It was quite stuffy inside of my plastic container, and no one was rescuing me, so I decided to break out of it. after getting out I took a look at my surroundings. That was when I noticed a strange, circular device. Almost immediatly after I saw it, it started making some noise. the next thing I know, there is a watery looking substance in the ring. As I step closer, I see two people step out of that watery substance. As I greet the two people, I see another two step out of the ring.

After greeting all of them, (Note to self, the one on the far left is Castle Sigfig, the center left is SW Sigfig, the center right is Town Sigfig, and the one on the far right is Pirate Sigfig) I meet with Castle Sigfig and talked to him about 'The good old days'.

It was then we decided to go to a place where I could meet more people who know of 'The good old days'. Though to get there, we have to go through the Ring-thing, though Castle Sigfig tells me it is called a Stargate.

After we went through, (it was quite the experiance) We were on an island in the middle of an ocean. I ask Town sigfig why we don't just turn the thing on again and go bcck to where we came from. I didn't understand his exlpanation, except that it had something to do with a 'DHD', whatever that is. While the other three argue about how we are going to get back, I look towards the towards the horizon and I see something in the distance. The others notice it too, and we start yelling and shouting to get the ships attention.

We do get their attention, and they send someone to go and bring us to the ship. It was around now that I noticed that one of our number, Star Wars Sigfig was never on the island. After we boarded the ship, I learned from the captain, who was in conversation with Castle Sigfig about where we needed to go, that the ship is called the HMS Relentless.

During my journey on the ship, I learned the Pirate Sigfig is actually a pirate. Thankfully, I was able to make a comprimise before any violence broke out. The rest of the journey had only one small thing noteworthy, and it was a Pirate ship, but they did not seem interesting in taking on our ship.

It was a few days later when we were dropped off on a small port in the middle of nowhere. At least it seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere, for there was a building nearby. Town Sigfig said it was a gas station, but that did not mean anything to me. Since we were here, Town Sigfig got us something to drink. after he paid using the oddest form of currency (Paper!) we stepped outside to get our bearings. I noticed that Town Sigfig had dissapeared for a moment, and when he came back, he was wearing different clothing. He said he had to go to his job, so me, Castle Sigfig, and Pirate Sigfig watched him go in the direction of a town. After that, we left in the opposite direction, which Castle Sigfig had decided was the way we wanted to go.

For the first couple of hours, our journey was uneventful. atleast untill we saw something that floated off the ground and made a weird noise. Castle sigfig went to investigate, while Pirate Sigfig and I stayed back.

Suddenly, (I don't even know where they came from!), we were surounded! All three of us dropped our weapons and put our hands in the air whan one of the people told us to do that or we "Would get shot". I didn't see any Bows, or crossbows, but I complied anyways. They took us and bound us with some form of handcuffs, and they loaded us onto their floating vehicle. I only new it was a vehicle of sorts because it moved to a different location so we could get on it, whatever IT was, easier. After we were on they took off and we headed to a destination unknown to me and my two comrades.

To be continued!
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Post by Elephant Knight »

Tehe suspense is over! You finally get to figure out if Harold escapes (Of course you knew he would, it was more a question of how and when)

Actually, the reason it took so long, was because I finally got my Camera to download the Pics of Harolds second day. Though now I suppose I should call it: "Harolds 7th day".

Anyways, back to Harolds story:

It seems as if I was unconscious because when I woke up, I was in a prison of some kind. A few minutes after we woke up, we heard a noise outside the door. Me and Castle Sigfig went towards the wall next to the door so we could ambush whoever it was, while Pirate Sigfig was going to be a distraction. We jumped the two people and threw them into the cell. Castle Sigfig took the white guys weapon, even though we had no idea what it did.

We left in the only direction available to us, but I noticed there was someone down below, so I decided to be quiet, though I do not think that they could here us for some reason.
We saw a strange door at the end of the hallway, so we went to the other possible exit. What we say there did not make any sense on what it was. Even the person looked weird. As soon as we (and the strange person) got over the suprise of each other, the strange person took off towards a device on the far wall. Castle Sigfig, thinking the white person's weapon had to shoot something, seeing as it had a trigger, like a crossbow, he pointed it at the strange person and pulled the trigger. A blast of light came out and hit the person dead on. He seemed to be dead, so we went in closer to check to see for sure. He, or rather it, for it was not a person, was dead. While Castle Sigfig was examining the body of our dead enemy, I heard a noise come from a doorway. Looking in the direction I saw that Pirate Sigfig was about to step onto thin air! Thinking fast, I grabbed him before he fell off.

After this little incedent, Castle Sigfig decided we should go to the other door we saw. When we get there, the door opens, and it leads to a little room. we go iside the room and it seems unstable. Pirate Sigfig decides that it must be a room that goes up and down, for the room isn't very level. After a few attempts at pressing some buttons beside the door, The room moves, though I have no idea in which direction.

The room stops and Castle Sigfig steps out the door as it opens. We were lucky we were prepared, as there was another two people in there. After searching the room, we find two things. First, our weapons are here and we take them, though Pirate Sigfig keeps one of the weapons we got from the white guard. the second thing we found out, was that the other door here was obviously locked, for we could not open it. We went back to the moving room, so we could see if there was another level on which we could escape.

It took awhile, but we finally got to another floor. as with the last one, we charged out and killed anyone that seemed hostile, which was everyone but us, it seems. After a quick look around, we see a door and we head towards it. it takes a fe minutes to open it, but we do in the end.

We get out, and we run as fast as we can away from the building.

None of us looked behind as we made our way away from that place.

A few hours later, we spot something on the horizon. as soon as we can make it out, me and Casle Sigfig start running towards it. Though it seems Pirate Sigfig did not share in our joy at meeting fellow Classics.

The first person I meet is Sir Kjeld. We shake hands and he leads us inside the biulding, and I must say, it is nice to see modern architecture, for a change. As Sir Kjeld and Castle Sigfig go upstairs, I set down my sword and axe so I will not be burdened by carrying them, for I feel I am in safe hands here. After I ascend the stairs, I meet another of Castle Sigfig's compatriots. after saying hello and such, he heads to a lower level, while me and Castle Sigfig take a drink. Part way through an enlightining conversation, I realize how tired I am. Castle Sigfig directs me to a bed, and I happily plop down on it, and I fell asleep instantly.

After a long, restful sleep, I decide I should head on my way, but while I was asleep, Castle Sigfig brought a few friends over from a couple other lands. After saying good bye to all of them, I head on my way.

The end.

at least, untill Brickcon, but until then, Harold will hang out with Castle Sigfig. I might take a few pics while I wait, though.

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Post by Handar »

That's a great story Elephant Knight, a really great story. It had everything anyone could want in a story: action, adventure, deserted islands, drinking, pirates, travel through some sort of extradimensional portal, yelling and shouting, a gas station, and so much more.

But what happened to SW sigfig. After 'everyone' goes through the portal, he disappears. Was there some sort of extradimensional rift into which he was sucked?
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Post by Elephant Knight »

Handar wrote:That's a great story Elephant Knight, a really great story. It had everything anyone could want in a story: action, adventure, deserted islands, drinking, pirates, travel through some sort of extradimensional portal, yelling and shouting, a gas station, and so much more.

But what happened to SW sigfig. After 'everyone' goes through the portal, he disappears. Was there some sort of extradimensional rift into which he was sucked?
Thanks for the coment. As for SW Sigfig, I think he just didn't get through the portal in time, but I will leave it up to you to figure out what happened to SW sigfig. Though if you want to know the truth, I think I forgot him when I took the pictures

Well, every Story needs a Gas Sation.

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Post by Megan Rothrock »

Well it seem Harold has gone lots of amazing places!!!

Would he perhaps like to come to Denmark/and LEGOWORLD in Holland?

If so please get back to me ASAP, with who I need to contact :)

Perhaps he would like to tour The Haunted Manson!

all the best!

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Post by plums_deify »

With Brickcon now mere days away, is Harold in the hands of an attendee?

If not, can his current host send him to an attendee, and we'll send him right back after the con's conclusion?

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Post by JoshWedin »

Darkie wrote:With Brickcon now mere days away, is Harold in the hands of an attendee?
I think Harold is either on his way to Sweden or Australia right now. Robin Hood had him last I believe. I haven't heard that Jonas has him yet, so my bet is en route to Sweden...

AFOL and his money are easily parted.

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Post by Maedhros »

JoshWedin wrote:
Darkie wrote:With Brickcon now mere days away, is Harold in the hands of an attendee?
I think Harold is either on his way to Sweden or Australia right now. Robin Hood had him last I believe. I haven't heard that Jonas has him yet, so my bet is en route to Sweden...

I haven't seen a trace of Harold yet but if he does arrive within a few days I could make sure he gets to Legoworld at least, since I was going to send my sigfig to Aliencat anyway.
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Post by JoshWedin »

Maedhros wrote:I haven't seen a trace of Harold yet
Maybe Dan (aka Robin Hood) still has him then. Dan is coming to BrickCon, so I guess there is a chance of an appearance, either at the Con or at Legoworld. How exciting for Harold! :)

AFOL and his money are easily parted.

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Post by Sir Dano »

Darkie wrote:With Brickcon now mere days away, is Harold in the hands of an attendee?
JoshWedin wrote:
I think Harold is either on his way to Sweden or Australia right now. Robin Hood had him last I believe. I haven't heard that Jonas has him yet, so my bet is en route to Sweden...
Elephant Knight wrote:at least, untill Brickcon, but until then, Harold will hang out with Castle Sigfig. I might take a few pics while I wait, though.
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Post by JoshWedin »

Dano, you are pretty smart sometimes, for someone with your title. ;)
AFOL and his money are easily parted.

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