LCC Character Introduction Challenge

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by shmails »


This is Groo Stoneskipper, General of the Bear Claw Clan, and top advisor to Gortaine, King of the BCC. He has the King's ear not just for his military understanding, but also for his knowledge of all things. When not planning the next raid, he can be found studying astronomy, nature, stonework, design, and art.

Groo was not born into the clan, he was rescued by Gorang and his men from a pack of wild dogs. He was brought up in a world of priveledge within the clan, and has always thought a little differently than those around him. As a child he was interested in how things worked. While others were playing "raid the village", he was off in the woods, learning about the world around him.

As he grew, it became clear that Groo was going to be a man of influence within the clan. He excelled at everything he attempted, and soon proved he was not just a man of intelligence, but he could lead men into battle. His new ideas saved many lives and showed the King a new way to attack his enemy. As General, he has made the clan very wealthy. Groo now wants to take the clan to a new place within the kingdom.

Although not the man who makes the decisions, Groo believes he can influence the clan to become more of a true power, able to sustain themselves while keeping the traditions of the clan intact. Here he is using some of his down time to create a monument to the new King. All great civilizations create great art as well as dominate their foes, Groo hopes the Bear Claw Clan can be included among them.

Groo is part of the Outlaw faction, his colors are Black and Gold.

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »


There are currently three unapproved entries: richardanthonyc, Berengar and SergeantChipmunk44.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Thalliwell »

LCC-Loreos Tsubodai by The Deathly Halliwell, on Flickr

Tsubodai and his ragtag but elite horsemen hail from the plains region of Loreos. They ride quick and fast and can overwhelm most enemies in an instant. Tsubodai leads them to victory every time and so they follow him without hesitation. He is young but ruthless in battle and has built up a reputation for himself and his men. They generally work for hire but will proudly come to the defense of Loreos. Made up of Skuda tribesmen as well as horsemen from around Loreos, Tsubodai leads his men in snakelike strikes against their enemies.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Thomas Arrowford »

Thomas Arrowford (front) with his family.

His Father Hamus Arrowford (left) is originally from the Northlands. He had some reknown as a warrior, but settled in Loreos after meeting Maria - Thomas's Mother (rear). He retired from soldiering and became a farmer establishing the small farm they live on at Arrowford.

His oldest son Joseph (right) loves the farming life and is destined to continue the farm after his father.

Thomas doesn't mind the farm, but yearns for a small taste of adventure.


I plan to use the challenges presented by LCC to build Thomas's life story, which will gradually develop in this flickr set ... 177495340/
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Blaze Ryder »


After Grey Hammershot's mountainside forge burnt down in a tragic fire, he decided it was time to explore the province. Donning the remains of his fathers old armour and grabbing his trusty hammer, Grey has set out to his first destination along an old trail - the capitol of Garheim - where he hopes to make some coin. Grey reckons he's a few weeks off from the capitol and with winter coming soon, he's praying he won't get caught in a deadly blizzard.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by pup »

Bleddyn Dur, the son of a woodcutter, from western Lenfald, begins his long journey to Stonewald to deliver a load of precious Lenfels silverdorn wood.

Another angle

Here begins the tale...
Bleddyn and his father, Blaidd, have a load of rare silberdorn wood to deliver to Stonewald; but they need to get it to the city quickly. The beautiful and distinctive swirling pattern of the woodgrain fades a week after the tree is cut down, unless it is kept moistened with moon oil. If the wood dries out, it’s not even good for firewood. But if it stays oiled, the color and pattern of silberdorn wood make it the most exquisite and sought-after exotic wood in the known world. This load of silberdorn will bring enough gold to feed the family for the rest of the year.

The night before the two were to set out on their journey, Bleddyn and his father went to the tavern for a celebratory drink. Too much ale made Blaidd’s tongue loose, and he spoke too loudly, attracting the attention of some unsavory characters hanging about the darker recesses of the tavern. As Bleddyn and Blaidd stumbled toward home, they were ambushed. Fortunately, the town blacksmith heard the commotion, and came running to help his friends, swinging his hammer and roaring at the top of his lungs. Two outlaws fell, unmoving, but one managed to flee, disappearing into the night.

The blacksmith helped Bleddyn carry his father back to the cottage. Blaidd would heal, but he was in no condition to make the dangerous journey to deliver the wood. Bleddyn would have to go alone – and quickly, before the outlaw brought more friends.

Just how much did the outlaw overhear? Blaidd reassured his son that he and his mother would be all right – and the blacksmith nodded reassuringly.

Bleddyn harnessed the horse to the loaded cart, carefully setting the small jar of moon oil in a safe place. He hugged his mother, shook hands with this father and the blacksmith, and set off into the night as quietly as he could, and as quickly as he dared.
Last edited by pup on Sun May 13, 2012 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by SergeantChipmunk44 »


Here is my revised CIC entry, which now has just the dark green flag.

The forest is all I have ever known. From the moment I was born in the forest of Lenfald, my life has been intertwined with the roots and the branches of the trees that make up my home. As I grew, I watched the forest around me flourish each year, and under my father's guidance I grew as well. I learned how to hunt, fish, make camp, and after a while I was competent enough to survive on my own among the ancient trees. When I was 15, both of my parents were killed by a band of outlaws who raided the small village that we lived in. Now, after taking up the duties of a full-fledged Lenfel, I seek to maintain order and peace within the great Lenfel territory, so that no one else will have to through what I went through as a child. The forest will always be my true home, and I spend every second that I can among the strong branches of the oaks that make up my home.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Queta Knight »

Name: Queta Knight
Faction: Outlaws

For Queta as a boy it was hard. He lived in poverty and ran daily chores for his master only making one coin a day. When he was older a group of men came by and offered him a job, seeing he had grown strong. This was his only chance of escape, and he took it. Little did he know he just joined the Assassin Brotherhood. He trained for years, and did missions to take out the people who tortured their slaves. Then he heard of a group of Outlaws who would pay even higher. His friends in the Brotherhood understood this. He then went with the bandits. They were people who took out the armies of other nations. Queta liked this. He grew stronger and one day took control of his own group of Outlaws. Then the day came. When they decided to fight the Loreesi. Queta gave a speech to his men saying, "While the Loreesi sit in their mansions, growing fat, and caring of no one but themselves, we have grown strong in number, strength and moral. This is the day we strike!" So they did.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Balamorgineas »

Hrunting was raised in the Bull war party. His grandfather aspired to defeat the ruler of Garheim. In Hrunting's early teens, his grandfather's elite warriors were outnumbered and quashed by a Garheim Lord before they were able to conquer the province. Now the last remnants of the Bull Elites are scattered throughout the kingdom. Bulls are regarded as mighty warriors, but with little capacity for organization or structure. Hrunting is no exception. Hrunting has set up in southern Garheim where he is compared to the mighty "Mammoth."


I have a story to showcase a little bit about Hrunting and his personality on Mocpages.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by DarkTemplar »

Amaranthine of the Void - Outlaws

The origins of Amaranthine of the Void are very much unknown today in the land of Roawina; including his birth name. However, the amethyst purple color of his attire when living was consistent with that of the ancient city of Heliotrope; a now semi submerged ruin off the Southeast boarder of current day Loreos. Not much more is know of the Heliotropian society but the city is still a popular spot for Roawian Scholars. Amaranthine himself, came from a time where magic was well accepted in the world and Kings and Nobels would send their sharpest vassals for training at the College of Magic with the Elementalist, a great wizard who had knowledge in all schools of magic.

What is known, is that Amaranthine was found to be dabbling in Blood-Magic and Necromancy. When confronted, he was able to slay the Elementalist with the help of his minions. After hearing the news, his fellow students combined their fledgling skills in a joint assault which overwhelmed and destroyed Amaranthine. Amaranthine's actions are just one of many events which lead up to the Kingdom wide ban of magic.

In present day Roawia, children still tell fairy stories of Amaranthine rising from the dead to take his revenge against the descendants of those who slew him and to raise his unholy army... but those are just children's stories...right?



EDIT: Changed Character to meet guidelines
Last edited by DarkTemplar on Tue May 29, 2012 11:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Athon »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Queta Knight »

Hey, I am actually for Outlaws so I don't know what happened there. Please look back over my entry where I said I was in the Outlaw faction. Thanks!
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Knight Man »

Jabathque Knightingham was born into an old family of Loreos who owned a large estate and were renowned horse trainers. As a young boy he always wanted to become a knight like his Father was. As he grew up his father noticed how much he desired to follow in his footsteps. His father had the best knight trainer instruct him in the way of chivalry and knighthood. He has distinguished himself in many battles and now holds the title of Sir.
When Sir Jabathque was 20 years old his father suddenly passed away. He then inherited his father’s castle which is situated in the Southeastern tip of Loreos not far from where the mountains meet the coastal waters.

This MOC is a small part of the castle; the straight wall piece is inside the castle. His father’s main sig is attached to the wall. The two rubies on the wall were found by his ancestors in the same spot where the castle is situated today. They have been passed down to each generation. ... hotostream

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by LewisCarroll »

The great wizard hunter, Letholdus Wallington, has traveled to many distant lands. Along with a few soldiers of Lenfald and Moorish servants, he quests to rid the land of sorcery. He carries a battle axe dented from the many magician-skulls it has collided with. His blood lust will only be sated when the last magical flame is extinguished, and the last pointy hat has been turned into a hanging tomato garden.
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