LCC Character Introduction Challenge

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by skaforhire »

So, I signed up for LCC a lonnnnnggg time ago, but because of a lot of issues with housing, just got back to this. So here is my long overdue character introduction for Harald the Vigilant, of the Outlaws.

Harald the Vigilant is an odd fellow. He dresses immaculately, enjoys cleanliness, but lives a mostly Spartan life amongst his men. He began life as Lord Harald, inheriting his father's estate at just the age of 6, somewhere in the remote reaches of Lenfald where no tax collector or any representative of army conscription had visited in many generations. Mostly, his hold, named Roundrock, lived an autonomous existence away from politics of the age. At 22 he married his wife Elga. They had trouble conceiving an heir for many years, but on Harald's 30th birthday, Elga surprised him with the news that she was pregnant.

The last three years at Roundrock had been tumultuous. The holding, which numbered over 1000 souls had had a rash of murders. Gruesome murders where a young child would turn up in only bits and pieces. It was soon whispered that some evil spirit lived within the woods and was taking the children of the town. Harald had put together a team of warriors (there was very few men skilled in warfare, as Roundrock had not known war in over 100 years.) and set to hunt the spirit. Still the spirit eluded him.

Upon the birth of his child there were screams from the midwife. Harald bust into Elga's chamber to find a baby of ruby red skin and fiery hello eyes in the arms of his wife. A guard drew his sword, but Elga extended her arms and burnt the man to a crisp with a fireball. In some sort of unearthly hiss she said "my child." Flabbergasted, Harald could only ask in a small voice "Why?" He knew immediately what had been eating the children.

"I did this for you, my love." Elga replied. "I could not bear to leave you without heir. So I went to the forest and found my true essence. Magic is within me, and now it is within our son."

Harald sighed and went to embrace his wife and baby -- only to thrust a dagger deep in her back as he hugged her, eyes full of tears. As for the baby, it was locked deep in the dungeon of Roundrock. He announced to his people that a demon had taken his wife, and from this day forth, all magic of any kind would be seen as an attack on his authority, punishable by death. Then began the questioning.

A year passed, and over thirty men and women lost their life to the flame for having some connection to magic. On the birthday of his spawn, a sudden fire broke up and engulfed the keep and the surrounding town. There was little anyone could do. Most of Roundrock was fast asleep in their beds at the time, and had no warning. After the flames died down, Harald, who barely escaped his caslte, found that only 100 survivors remained. Harald preached the evils of magic that had destroyed their fair town and the men rallied to Harald's new cause - a complete and total war on magic.
Seeing nothing left for him at Roundrock, he took what was left in the treasury and boarded a small ship with his 70 volunteers and their family. Harald knew where he needed to make his new home. Not away from magic, but in the heart of it. Somewhere in Blackhand Bay lies an island, upon that island - now named Clarity Rock, Harald made his fortress. For the last five years the members of his order, the Knights of the Natural Order, have quietly roamed the mainland looking for others who have been touched by magic. Sometimes taking action where needed, but often recruiting new brothers into the order. Many times establishing chapter houses in some of the faction's largest cities and towns. These templars work outside of the local laws, often fleeing the authorities if need be. Harald refused to become associated with any of the factions, because he felt that none of their laws were strict enough against users of magic. For this reason, the great fortress at Clarity Rock is his home, and the Knights of the Natural Order answer to no one.

Below is Harald on a small recruitment trip in Loreos. (Sorry, very small MOC... but wanted to leave the story MOCs for freebuilds). The order does not really have an official crest, when in battle they pick up whatever weapons they need. When out recruiting, they often dress in local fashion to pass off as locals. It is not uncommon to see a knight of the Natural Order picking up heraldry that is not his just to pass by a checkpoint. On the field, as an organized force, they often wear black and white. Harald, and a few of the Roundrock survivors still use the old boar crest of the hold.

DSC_1891 by skaforhire, on Flickr
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by LettuceBrick »

Here is my CIC for my character: Marcus Sureshot.
Marcus Sureshot is a well respected woodsman of Lenfald. Like his father before him, he lives in a small village near the coast of southern Lenfald. Marcus is, as his name implies, an excellent shot. He enjoys hunting to provide for his village and working on other such projects. Despite this, he has been feeling a yearning to see the world. Who knows what may befall him?
He is also a bit camera shy. ;)
Here, he inspects one of the springs near his village to ensure the water is safe to drink.
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by gid617 »

Hopefully I do this right...
I was born the son of a rich noble, heir to one of the grandest cities of Loreos, the city of Geneva. But one day, as I roamed the plains near Geneva, I was captured - a band of ruthless outlaws, who cared not whose son I was, only that I was now their slave. For many years I was forced to work for them, learning their trade. Gradually I rose in the ranks. I did not wish to become an outlaw, but I would wait, I would bide my time. Finally that opportunity came, and I escaped, over the mountains that surrounded lake Genava, back to the city I call home.

Once there, I discovered my father dead. A struggle for power ensued, but the elders of the city favored me, and the current ruler had disgraced himself by his unhallowed luxury and outrageous taxes. I, Kaflar Deraim, join myself to the faction of Loreos, in the hopes that we will one day reign supreme.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Mattias »

Faction: Garheim
Name: Lord Mattias Stone-arm

Mattias was born in Jahrton to poor parents, Mattias joined the Army as early as I could. He soon rose up after a successful raid against an Outlaw band located on Garheims' souther border. He was given command of his own band of men and some land. Mattias built his hall on the southern border of Garheim, near the Lenfald Northern border. Once, a large outlaw group surrounded his hall. Mattias, with his quick thinking, offered a challenge to the leader. If the Outlaw leader could beat him in an arm-wrestling contest, he could burn the hall and steal all he owned. But if Mattias wins, the Outlaws must leave. The Outlaw laughed, "Ha! Do you know who I am? I'm not called Niklon Hammer-fist for nothing! I take your deal!" "Very well." Mattias replied. They cleared a table and the contest began. The contest remained equal for around half an hour, when Mattias mustered enough strength to finally beat down his arm. Not only did he beat him, but he broke his entire arm in the process. No outlaw ever crossed his hall again. The name Stone-arm came when one of his men said that his arm must be made of stone to beat the outlaw like that! Mattias and his men then joined in a large Garheim battle group to remove any outlaws on the Garheim-Lenfald border. When they reached the outlaw camp, the roughly 100 Garheim encountered at least 250 Outlaws. The battle began and the Garheim were being beaten back. An outlaw charged Mattias, then stopped. It was the Leader of the Outlaws that attacked him at his hall. The Outlaw look stunned, then frightened, as if he'd seen a ghost. The leader then ran, and his men followed. What started with 250 Outlaws, now became 100 due to the dead, wounded, and the run aways. The Garhim then finished the Outlaws off and raided their camp. Mattias, while plundering the camp, found a strange Sword. He took the Sword and left. Mattias and his men left the scene of the battle and returned home Heroes. News of Mattias and his role in the victory spread fast.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by jman44 »

Born and raised in the various seaside ports and markets of Loreos, Sir Joseph of Baeth has gained many of the skills and tools needed to be a successful merchant and trader. A connoisseur of treasure and magical artifacts has led Joseph on quests and adventures all over Roawia, allowing him to have connections all across the continent. He also captains The Rogue Spur,a light freighter made of the strongest oakwood with the bow and integral points plated with black cast iron, making its hull almost impenetrable. A replaceable metal spike on the tip of the bow is used for ramming and locking into other vessels for boarding missions and can be released to get away. It is also crewed by Roger Sayr and Cecilia Makepiece, two close friends of Joseph.


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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by wobnam »

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by andhe »

Introducing Jaykob Tannerson of Garheim.

Youngest of twin sons to a Garhim seamstress and Loreesi tanner, Jaykob's father wandered north trading skins and furs. Jaykob is a dreamer, which at times can be mistaken for laziness. His older twin brother Esor resents Jaykob's casual attitude to work and responsibility. Whilst not an adventurer, Jaykob often dreams of what life is like beyond the colder climates of Garheim but is probably too lazy to find out.

LCC Character intro by andhe :-), on Flickr
Last edited by andhe on Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Disco86 »


Paul von Brickenstein is a knight living in the Province of Lenfald. He is residing in a small castle placed half the way between Bladefall and Falkenborg. His duty is to protect the merchants travelling at the trade road, because there are a lot of creepy creatures out there. Long time ago the small town around his castle was a really important trade point, where great ships consigned their goods to travel far north. But nowadays there is only a little dock left and economy is slowing down. The former nobleman of Brickenstein, Fritz von Brickenstein, was not really successful at managing the small town and defending the trade route against the orcs, so that everything was going worse. That is why half a year ago Paul came back to the place of his childhood, to assume the power. He was dueling with his nephew Fritz von Brickenstein, and after cutting his throat he was the new nobleman of Brickstein. Paul von Brickenstein is working hard to get the small town back to success. He is trying to eradicate the orcs in the near woods and also he is planning to build up a new trade harbour soon. We will see, what he can do.

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by ODSTalex »

(above is a picture of Reahon Greamfor)

Reahon Greamfor had a pretty normal childhood, he happened to live in the same town as Rufus Song. Reahon was a bit odd, even back then. he would love to take apart anything he could. When he was 18 he got a job as a apprentice for a blacksmith and loved it. When he was 20 he moved to a remote cave were he lives now. Reahon sometimes will visit Rufus and sends him letters when he gets the chance, but most of his time is spent making contraptions of various sorts

-please excuse any indescrepencies and/or inadequacies in my builds, i am definitely not the best builder, but i will try my best to make some cool creations-
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by tomohawx »

Captain Olaf Jarlsson of Loreos
Olaf's family was born in Garheim, but they moved to Loreos soon after having Olaf. (and not because Loreos is the old folks home of Roawia) There they have remained. Although he has no royal blood, Olaf managed to secure a spot as a captain. He has been deployed in the magic Island, but he resides in a small homestead outside of Capernum.


(I finally redid my CIC. Finally. Is the flag color okay now?)
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by SSchmidt »

Schmidt, Captain of Erkshire's militia, is the son of Schmidt the Elder, the mayor of Erkshire. Schmidt is the youngest of three sons to Schmidt the Elder. His oldest brother is a conscript in the king's army, whilst his brother closest to him in age is a banker in the city.

Schmidt is not a notable individual. While he is charming and quite strong, he has no connection to magicks of any sorts, nor is he exceptionally skilled in crafts outside of warfare. However, like his heritage, he is a master archer, and no stranger to weilding a spear or light sword with a shield on horseback. His armor is that which allows for fleet movement in the southwest forests of Lenfald.

Erkshire is located in the southwestern forests of Lenfald, on the river and border to Loreos. Schmidt and his 300 odd soldiers have either positive or negative relations to their close allies. Schmidt himself, makes many travels into the grasslands of northern Loreos.

In the below picture, Schmidt is sitting on the bench, in the top left section crafting some arrows for upcoming skirmishes. ... hotostream
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Siercon and Coral »

Name: Krypt
Faction: Outlaws

The banner is stretched around the entire moc border. It is the black flag with the tan skull symbol.

Under the darkest shade of the Magic Island, far out in the east sea, Krypt was born. Under his specific clan, he was trained in the art of necromancy, though later he studied other forms of sorcery much more thoroughly. Over time he grew up and settled in the valley of the Hellthorn trees. A hellish place with braided lava rivers, once a place kept for the dead. Constantly living around graves and the dead, he was often recognized by his bat battleaxe or a scythe. He has no specific anger toward the other factions but when the purge began he realized even if he had not been born an outlaw... he always would have been one. Dark magic or light, these holy crusaders threatened his way of life and who he was. For this, he marches and this is where our story begins.
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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Trademark »

Vanos Blackfyre grew up in a small village near the Lenfald Garheim border. His mother a Loreesi and Father a Garhim, his family was the only strange thing about the village. His father was killed in a logging accident when he was young, but other than that he lived a peaceful life with his mother Laura and his Uncle Thurageson. This existence went on uninterrupted until just a few weeks ago when the local Lord and agents of the High King arrived in the village and began making arrests in the village. The charges were "Associating with Magic and its use." Vanos' mother Laura was one of those arrested. During the arrest he fought the Lord's militia men and killed one of them and was sentenced to hang. His uncle freed him in the night and after weeks on the run they have just recently arrived near the southern swamps, Outlaws in name and deed.

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Re: LCC Character Introduction Challenge

Post by Justin M »

I, Sir Justin, was born and raised in the lands of Roawia. As a young boy my father moved my mother and I to Western Loreos in hope of a better life.
I’ve grown accustomed to the harsh climate and the sandy air always beating on your face. I was raised a Loreesi, and I’ll die one too. For the Glory of Loreos!

LCC Character Introduction Challenge by Justin M, on Flickr
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