LEGO Blogging

Discussion of photography, editing and publishing techniques
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Sir Erathor
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Re: LEGO Blogging

Post by Sir Erathor »

mpoh98 wrote: Well, I don't. But I know that you can through blogger. It has something to do with adding ads to your page. I know the Erickson's blog,, make/made money off of it using ads. I don't know exactly how, I just know you can. :)
You can use AdSense, which enables ads on your blog so you can make money. Myself and John Drake (BrickThinker on Flickr) are considering using this for a blog we're working on!
For the Glory of Loreos!
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Re: LEGO Blogging

Post by Sir Erathor »

1) - The Brick Tavern. It's only just launched!

2) The blog is focused on great creations seen online, especially those that do not get blogged yet probably should. A creation can also be blogged if it has a great storyline/description accompanying it. Though similar in style to other well-known blogs, I hope that this one is interesting in its own right.

3) I started this blog to give great creations more recognition (almost rewarding the builder), as well as the fact that I thought it could be a fun project.

4) When I see something I want to blog, I make the post and then comment on the creation, providing a link to the post. The Brick Tavern's policy is to blog up to three items per day, one for each contributor.

5) Keeping the variety and not just blogging the obvious. It's often hard to find the more 'secretive' creations that are very decent and well-deserving of a blog post.

6) Enjoy it and don't worry too much about getting everything right the first time! You will begin to learn new techniques over time (I've learnt some in a couple of days!), so don't get dragged down by it all. I'm rather worried that the blog may go dry for long spells, so I'm going to try and post quite consistently to keep interest, but remember that everyone has a 'real life' ;)

Thanks for reading, and please come and visit us at The Brick Tavern soon! If you were wondering, the CC usernames of the other contributors are Brickninja and John Drake.
For the Glory of Loreos!
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Re: LEGO Blogging

Post by eNiGMa »

Well, I can't help but feel a little awkward. I pop back in to CC after more than three years away (as fun as they are, the AFOL Facebook groups just don't have the same charm as the old forums), and the first thing I do is resurrect a post that last saw action in 2014. :oops:

In my defense, though, it is stickied. Good to be back. :wink:

As part of my game of catch-up, I'll go through this list more attentively and follow blogs that are still active. In the meantime, I'll just go ahead and add my own blog to the mix:

1) What is your blog?

[url=]Sly Pig: the Blog of Nathan Cunningham[/url]

2) What is the general theme of your blog, or do you have a general philosophy that drives your blogging?

I appreciate niche blogs and wish I were better at them, but as a blogger I've never been able to keep going with one myself. So my theme with this one is relatively aimless: if I think it, I write it. I wouldn't say my blog is necessarily a Lego blog, but Lego comes up fairly often as a subject in my posts. When I do write about Lego, I tend to focus less on MOCs and more on things like the specific ways Lego inspires me and why, as an adult, I choose it over other forms of expression. My most popular post, [url= ... ve-in.html]6 Unsettling Reasons Not to Live in Lego City[/url], made the rounds on social media a while ago. I'd say if you like a more literary approach to the hobby, you'd enjoy my blog.

3) Why did you start or join this blog?

I started my blog as a way to build readership and develop my personal brand while I work on larger writing projects, like a novel. Having a weekly or bi-weekly publishing goal also keeps me accountable and helps me stick to a writing routine to achieve my long-term goals.

On top of that, blogging is just a lot of fun. I like having the freedom to break free from my big projects and write something completely different every now and then.

4) How do you go about blogging?

I blog often enough to keep things alive, but not so often I run out of steam. I keep a list of post ideas that I update whenever I get a spark of something. Ideas usually come when I'm not thinking about writing, so it helps to keep myself busy with other stuff. At the start of a new week, I pick a topic from my list and chisel away at it--usually about half an hour per day--until I have something to publish on Thursday or Friday.

5) What is your biggest challenge with regards to blogging?

Time management can be a doozy--making sure I give myself enough time to publish a blog post every week or two and make progress toward my long-term writing goals, on top of other real-life responsibilities. A quick glance at my blog will show you I'm still learning how to overcome that challenge, but I'll get there someday.

6) Do you have any advice for others who are considering starting a LEGO themed blog?

Be yourself. Magnify what makes you different--even (especially) if you're doing something that's been done before. And have fun! You'll be surprised at which posts get the most views and which posts go unnoticed. Learn as much as you can from this, but don't get so caught up in it you lose the fun. Readers can tell when you're not having fun.
Nathan Cunningham
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Re: LEGO Blogging

Post by jtooker »

1) What is your blog?

2) What is the general theme of your blog, or do you have a general philosophy that drives your blogging?
Mostly to share the MOCs I create.

3) Why did you start or join this blog?
To share my creations and host my own content.

I think it is important to have independent sources of content. While social media and image hosting sites are great, they change rules, collect data and fall out of fashion. Running my own site/blog helps diversify the web - though I also post much of my blog content on these sites (like this one) as it is a great way to engage with other LEGO AFOLs.

4) How do you go about blogging?
I just describe the MOC. What is going on in the MOC, why I created, what inspired me and building techniques I used.

5) What is your biggest challenge with regards to blogging?
For me, it is self hosting, and just going through the effort of uploading everything in several places (flickr, reddit and here for my Castle MOCs).

6) Do you have any advice for others who are considering starting a LEGO themed blog?
Flickr is a great place to engage with the LEGO community and then link back to your blog for more details for those who are interested.
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Re: LEGO Blogging

Post by Bishons »

1) What is your blog?

2) What is the general theme of your blog, or do you have a general philosophy that drives your blogging?

My LEGO creations, usually castle.

3) Why did you start or join this blog?

Because I wanted to share my MOCs with other people.

4) How do you go about blogging?

I put photos and a description on the site

5) What is your biggest challenge with regards to blogging?

Probably posting more MOCs. Google Sites is VERY slow so it takes a very long time.

6) Do you have any advice for others who are considering starting a LEGO themed blog

Google sites is a good and easy place to start a LEGO blog.

The key to good MOC building is a large brain and a kinda big wallet

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