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Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:11 pm
by plums_deify

I've still got Harold, yes (Sorry, Ben!), and he's packed and ready for BrickCon. Between Josh and I, we can make that happen.

Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:52 pm
by JoshWedin
I did steal Harold for awhile last year and did some pics like that. They are in my Flickr stream. I figured when his travels were actually done, it could be one chapter.


Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:01 pm
by mencot
Bluesecrets wrote:Gentlemen,

Harold is about to return to Architect to complete his really LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG journey that was only supposed to take a little amount of time. He will then retire and Hugh will begin his journey, but that shall be announced by Josh at some time in the future.
Have Harolds great LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG journey come to an end yet :D

Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 4:34 pm
by the enigma that is badger
Bluesecrets wrote:Harold is retired or close to being. At last notice he was in his last location to visit before returning home. At this point there are no official threads for another fig to move around amongst us again. Please enjoy the locations that Harold traveled to while you wait. Thank you.
If/when another fig is ready to start a new journey, I'll be happy to show him around Paris!

Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:48 am
by JoshWedin
Soon....very soon...


Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:09 pm
by plums_deify
So, this is it for Harold. He started out as v2 for Classic-Castle’s mascot; the idea was 20 people, two weeks each. Great plan! He’ll get around quick!

…yeah, not so much. I’ve received Harold three years behind schedule. ;) He's going home from me even later. Oops.

Harold’s journey has lasted quite some time. It began with him being shipped to Reno, Nevada, and Steve (Athos) in the first week of June 2008. His handoff to me was completed sometime during BrickCon 2011 (exact time is questionable, but I’m thinking Friday sometime. Whenever Brendan (breadman) arrived.

He has traveled approximately 58,100 miles. The longest distance between recipients was Sweden to Australia at approximately 7,800 miles; the shortest distance was Portland, OR to Corvallis, OR at a mere 82 miles. He has visited nine countries total: Australia, Sweden, The Netherlands, Turkey, Greece, Norway, Germany, two Canadian provinces (Alberta and British Columbia), and finally, seven states in the USA (Nevada, Oregon, Ohio, Michigan, California, Missouri, and Washington). He spent the most amount of “time” in Oregon, visiting three members there. Officially he’s attended BrickCon twice that I’m aware of.

So now onto Harold’s trip with me!

Beyond BrickCon 2011 (which was loads of fun, as always), he spent some time around here, with me. Now there’s not a lot of big tourist spots in Springfield. Our claim to fame is the birthplace of Route 66, but those signs are a pain to get pictures of. So you’ll have to take my word for it that he’s been on Route 66. ;)

Anyway, we traveled out to Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield. Here’s where I say frankly that the area was gorgeous but I have very little interested in that particular war. I’m sure that’ll shock some people.

Harold helped out with some little MOCs, some competition MOCs, and my House for Olivia! He got coffee on Numeriji, and traveled a number of times to Kansas City and the LEGOLand Discovery Center up there, for No Kids’ Allowed night.

Harold went home this week. He went in style. I felt that for our travel-weary warrior, only the finest chariot would do.

I know there are pictures coming from this previous two stops, so you can look forward to those in the future!


Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 5:50 am
by Bruce N H

I'm going to let this thread go - Harold's journeys are long over, and no one has posted to this thread in months. If anyone has photos they didn't post from Harold's visits, please do post them here. Sometime in the near future I'll update the travels of Harold page as a permanent archive of his adventures.


Re: Harold, The Traveling Castle Fig

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2013 12:53 pm
by JoshWedin
Also, as a heads up, I have Hugh on my shelf. He is studying travel itineries and getting his shots.
