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Entries submitted by Rifir

Bird Strike!!!

Here is the story for the MOC:

I am sure that members of the Lands of Classic Castle (LCC) know the lenfel Sir Caelan Munro and his adventures. It is less known that he also has 4 older brothers, who are even more talented and capable than he is. Or at least they think so.

Sir Caelan's less than stellar older brother, Lennox Munro is the second son of 5 and his special skill is... incompetence. Lennox always thought of himself as an alchemist: he conducted numerous, yet so far unsuccessful experiments in his basement like the transmutation of iron into gold (disintegrated into a rusty cloud) or the development of the elixir of life (turned out to be an excellent rat poison). The failures made him even more dedicated and, against all odds, he actually discovered something: a colorless, odorless, lighter than air gas; a noble gas obviously, as he is nobility. One could say that his favorite frog (let's emphasize the lenfel stereotypes), King Ribbit played a great role in the process: he was chasing a fly, jumped on the tank and got accidentally inflated.

"Mwuahhahahaa! We will make a fortune with that, Ribbit! I have a cunning plan!!!"

Several hours later... Lennox constructed a basket and tied king Ribbit to it. "That is a beauty! Let's make a test flight immediately, what could possibly go wrong?"

The frog-propelled-basket-thingy, as he named it, worked like a charm. The view was spectacular, he could see his manor and the surroundings. "I'm the king of the wooooorld!", he yelled but soon enough he learnt the hard way that his invention had a serious vulnerability issue. A rather hungry white stork started to circle around the frog and seconds later the aviation term bird strike became a whole new meaning...

Submitted by: Rifiröfi

Take your child to work day

My entry to the A Child's Life category: Take your child to work day.

Fred, the gong farmer was particularly happy. He has begged Jordan*, his overseer for weeks for the introduction of the Take Your Child to Work Day and, finally, he said yes!

Fred was looking forward to this very day: he and his son went to their assigned pit.

"One day, lad, all this will be yours! All that you can see! This will be your kingdom, lad! W- Wait, come back!"

Fred could not understand why his son ran away screaming. This is a steady job with bright prospects (ok, this is not true) and you ALWAYS find an empty (or rashly abandoned) chair in every pub after work!

*: Jordan was kindly promoted to gong farmer overseer by the C-C admins as a punishment or reward for asking for the CCC X results... Don't make the same mistake kids, it is a hard job to be a gong farmer overseer!

Submitted by: Rifiröfi

The Bad Assassin aka Badass

My entry to the Fantasy Castle Figure category: the Badass.

The Badass is a fierce and most feared SOB (Swordsman Obligated to Backstabbing).

His main weapon is the crosssword (not the word puzzle, even though he is kinda smart too); it has two grips allowing the assassin to quickly adjust his combat style during a fight:
- The sword can be held as an ordinary sword attacking position)
- When held by the crossgrip (defending position), the sword's back lies on the forearm and used for blocking attacks even though it can be slided rapidly to strike.

Normally one of the swords is held in the attacking, the other one in the defending position.


The only customized parts are the two swords. The basis were two old timey shortswords, which have been turned into single-edged, slightly curved bladed swords.

Submitted by: Rifiröfi

The Legendary Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh

This set depicts the scene where King Arthur and the knights of the round table enter the cave of Caerbannog after defeating the ferocious rabbit.

• Includes 4 minifigures: King Arthur, Sir Bedevere, Sir Lancelot and Brother Maynard

• Let brother Maynard read the last words of Joseph of Arimathea which have been carved into the rocks.

• Correct Sir Bedevere's pronunciation ("Oooooh!" "No, no, Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh, at the back of the throat." "No, no, no, oooooooh, in surprise and alarm." "Oh, you mean sort of aaaah!")

• Make the horrendous black beast devour Brother Maynard

• Let King Arthur issue the well-known command ("Run away, run away!")

Submitted by: Rifiröfi

The Spanish Inquisition

My entry to the Realistic Castle Figure category.

In the early years of the 16th century, to combat the rising tide of religious unorthodoxy, the Pope gave Cardinal Ximinez of Spain leave to move without let or hindrance throughout the land, in a reign of violence, terror and torture that makes a smashing film. This was the Spanish Inquisition...

Just when you least expect them...

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise... Surprise and fear... Fear and surprise... Our two weapons are fear and surprise... And ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency... And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope... And nice red uniforms."

Submitted by: Rifiröfi

Worshippers of Bacon

My entry to the Custom Faction category.

The Worshippers of Bacon is an ancient cult, founded almost immediately after the evolution of the cult's holy (and most delicious) animal, the PIG (according to available written records).

A special class of members are the Protectors of Bacon (the Bacon Exquisition), who roam the countries with the holy mission of looking for bacon and retrieving it from those who do not deserve it. It is rumoured that the protectors are very subjective and leave no bacon behind.

Join our ranks! You only need to answer one simple question: do you like bacon?

Spread the word! Bacon makes everything better!


Custom elements:
- torso/leg decals (belt made of air dried bacon)
- heraldry on the shields (including pork cuts)
- painting on the wall and its frames (imitating bacon)
- bacon banners next to the painting (do I need to say bacon again?)

Submitted by: Rifiröfi

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